Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jun 1973, p. 4

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mew WV Puhllahod by Canadian Nmpapora Company Limited to Styliid Street Barrie Ontario Robb Puhltttteraerteral Mutapor Wells Eotioc Interim AA ttenaluv Managing Editor imam awn mmlt Llnrtisiilsr Cool Response Not Altogether Unexpected MKNXMOOISM boundartuhorehtnadhtnthaim scniceatrtdtumennubtttmdhy hoitrnrunldpsiltiet Antgreementotthitportmtnttiatad outlltntlodaotletotnetlmoleo mamwlnnttfiltmponsettpltn ntngtieeratinrtorthold mbrglolntnnhled tom elmrnslit up my arithnothongettgmny entomology nthnalsm nkwhenttlndlmtedlt wantedllloflhnisftlnndallolvm WWWWW wmmnmgmdumm rm HEMh rem aldcintt together Nomhaswtheenhonrdtmm Vesptnbutitttmsomblototsmmett WMstodesotaSottet Iiilheetthartrnllnriotnrrlsljaoralot Poor drop wiped out overright treem defrosted vertinn at tho tltt ctr ore taught Nam JMWJWS un mequ or put my rm Watergate Investigation Metres The Most Important Men In America mn Pepel Cola tin monster miodpdolothlng gompstltr liter ail allot the huge Soiiel WM Ind tenoroer pm title it the Senaia thcr Cornit darltlon against reporltrt tllegr that totrte rd in Uomnntnltl lttnrrary tlm gtte Linrstllhtltitl committee trInthKhooILIIoIll the Watergate irate have em hm ttem been my Ind their aura one Ithtolt edlnl opponan ottlto prest ahttoh from his toilica Eotl Germany our my humornrdod lntha put with denilsl Imvmtidrmnl pt into Welrter the tint openly nrt onion tmtrtn In mint Instinct concerotnt arbor its chairman oi the romthlt in tttiplltate it it itatdeottn time current white new mm dramuTttutlr Teapot ire he has promhed there turner While ttouse thiet oigln tcttrtlh crrrent oh Dome Alectitty ilada and will he no trtlclr hunt and stall in the thergtte eoreru tiean mm yup And while tevtrai are Itotia nocireua atmosphere up Ht Art Kern COIAIB tcitlttrbeentilrtn or bi hilt 916 imminent lithln the hallo oi Ensure tho Drmnaatl hold Senator Ilmrd II Ballet Pm my 1mmch mum 1m moot oi Fenian sheep 15 pm Carmennottxia was exactly the my gtRwTmi7 aw um Hotter Commuter mum mm 11mm mum MD Dmmv Wt if ItdIll Rootbitten mSmlfmgtg aghgg helm thp tricdtndlrtre Twin ewe lambs or which 500 ms and the DlttIDltIl hold rrra on the committee lie is one mbm Wm IL motboda oi cadming Mm Tito iterate Triathlon 5f lnrtlafATowtshtpoortndlsmolrt tpometotizrrtcctmslgtpultonpropo pilinotnnexpeded fewwhotitetnthc towndop rrlxh thethoo toiheeotntngapoorcoudntn ettntllthcyarodongttoo hytbetnsolm lryon Hostem time George Burton and httcormalbrrrcalltathecitywillgtvw andptemtcdttistotaliennhtcsto rcprcscmitvosAldJletArthur andckthcnSrmmn Runbetgodtlnthmiehltoii horNtIol honor that mm capitalistic mitten th hate more Stab those attm to la nose one than David Rodrick hi corner to no otiico it MAIL In downtown oral And the Matthieu oi the out no at toy mm titea horn Iii LIB ol corps rttiorst rained trout rttlt II the ballet Siberian to item toilet praise let their operation combat theiprettlrlout in raauutt rib nunara the So viat atttt ttt LodrtslryJi our liod pr The not Kama car plant on the Win virusploy or lcu rt The Battle Bummer tone mi Brown Barriet oldest treadmill nmehndbtcninbrtsinuttior Munrnoymwatiotrndctouaed ny ortncz LIMIT WASHINGTON GP Each oi the nine tour around tht curved greentowed tahlo It lawyer Scout at them otnotdzte will be torn doom Wilton oppotnied manager Aur vtrtnootttmn nhoodand AM WIT mm William WWWAT to its on rt Alexhrownnogrgtxyd Wtltr dtlt treasurer Seton nurses On that the hillstort omtnlt PM ma helm wmhnm hm Dmomtlcdynd rim neon Agililxllliwihhl motor tumour Geor Wu Attribute notion We one we comic on air It tatlvo tor North Strum declared whore deliberation hm mm mm mud mumm will end Iencles to pretext tnritotrirottltnt it ntdebttei oc tkoprertdro on we home Mn thnt sstd innitlmotumdi PWPWMWX trainer htaretnsedto millionthtot litterrid yhmuz Wm gum on mfewha do Since then they have hotrd Senator 6am thin lDem tetra ttIt line or none IIIWJIHW tu apt Imam mm we sing Show roirylrlrd burrltr dekribt NCllnt to one of the oldest tnltico nibcr litter ha SEW thmrhlet to ban rerertrd old mm We mm WE men the Senate White rum mem pt All when they mom uplugm not lth rat throut thme and on nonrirtalrt Sen moywmwmigt mimgyggyygyyg gingrim agarwd innit Alhnbtl toemitlitillllrhoili Tittltlottlhhlltl ter cue out Ito Ln it lite tnnrctnca note Dorothy lath ictn tiarai authority contervo lulu no hitrtQ arm Ination worm tuition natal from thoon Victoria IIospltaL Gwen in Reborn tnd llorold Pearson rcdu ted Gentle ctucnt mm Arum rd my my my mm In or ant no month mo tlill ton rteclImtrdrIkuItdltld Barbara Kidd with to per cent won ttuttabtotjtino com nyopnni mu Mummm mm MMW wwmemw preemption popwppomirmgom wwwm headliner Motrin ii my the ttym oi littrat conditionrgood moonlit was enrolled stricturet Home on on the point WWII how to try telivhrtia and tell hewould notexclttda the Nev with hind with birth eloquent about rtnliiror titmgarlancltt lion dlenca Senator Lowell Welcter And tit without leaving the live he htt lilbtolcrrd Miroform it toutttt mm lot as ct in mm 1mm aninrtdvll tlghlt hlllt and aubo owned and driven laynori Conservative can dnlo caper with bruised liltilltPRETtltG Trrt SocialistCommunist B10 tor Sim hIrlAtltosde BIL NEWS William Finn shoot railway to Toronto Barrio Women Conservative oledod tire mechre prwldcort rortr BUSINESS CMA Speaker Hopes Pompidou Resigns butt THOMAS ctrrunner Stall mun 0mm thorn the health of be yummy mm Mm tiniest he tt ioroed to resign Lntwtltul the chance thrt tor medical rettonr Pom bk mm mm pidoua aolenJeat term it not mem do In prplra lnltl rm are till my up government partlet wnrtid lite or atrrittnslll til it allotthtittme to recottrirom Nrttonal Allemttlt WIN traocr tor lest mm wanted to remain tree to scroll Sodlttrtdlorrrmrmhl alliance in an emergency election tor the rnoocttlon wouldnt ptllyiatnd nob blrlerred woett In tceltnd with United Sitter Pretlicrrt Nixon popuutp vmz counts marrd the Frrrwh pretr to The totalled end tta titerrce ntor rumorr rite loll on the nJht rmttclvnhly raltt maturity it vacttcd while and canpttlgn chlnct on till worm con rioting at slightly more Comoro ttltts than Socialists tht Union My mm mm the pretldcrxy and tortured thrt million votes In tho Ntlortal Ar elutlont lwr million yuldent It seriously Ill The newepnpcr to ttttro rite loyal trtpportcr ot lilo monitor tttd the Errtee Palace mutt cl mt W1 illttr Terri Elimina Icrttbly yretldmry their popult ty Union oi tho lund could therwillnll or illle the nt dlatttng caused tome churn man because they are polli icai latter which can no litre meet circlet erl to ruspoot that high govern have worried nhout the president itetltb tor matt Deirntt announced int he would not other mpotlrlbillty ll called won it wu wter rrporlett that htbecJelmat wrt dit iitlued tart year at prime mln tt hocnuaa Pomptdmr ml to unity concerned about Illl attboidloatel growing ptpn orrcnn tzrrrrrr his rule no secret at his atplrailont tor teaderttrtp the indrpcndetrt itepuhtlan ptriy to at to trim thy more broadly with the Praises Soviets3 gt It VINOENT EGAN Wine and Colltliiill Alltlra Analytt Thornton Ntlt Service What man not to thetr llCWI And when tpettrer at Cr pose in Milton llanulattureu Alle tlnrr meeting hrtt tomrthlnt nod to arty ahontthewty things are done in the Soviet Uplm that too It newt Com munism and all lit with hart niwoyt had prominent place in tire denromtory at hurtness At the mint CitA annual mccitnt in Toronto ltnrt Wtyt tilted tsslrtnnt manapiht tdllor oi Fortune magazine htd titnttc tor the Soviot enttton ltlrs mtltlvo response to It pub tla outcry artnltrst potential Eel trtilon oi the ore helm at th rrtta tetra ttkel by pro pond new paper mill Swirl scientists tntd ttrtctlcc tnett targeted ihnii protest on tpcrttic court said itr Wtyt urine lodttstrtttltrn at tuelt ll with end Mimi rt PLANNING TOR GROWTH Apart irom ltlIItoh value the story honor utetul pur mttlrrt couple oi points Otto II tltti thritlistt at well rt Itoeemrprloh oonntrlrs can be guilty oI imputed to dnttrtti timing The other it that todutlrtal expantloo and the preth at human ytl rt are by to mount locomoetl The proponerrtt ol trro up tromla myth world not agree As they too ti the pith to trap pines tttds along ploteau Pohera It door the those tor ttnltto people who hove arrived it snilIitctory degree at mt terial cemiort llrtl does tnynno httt the right to tell the test torluntte reptile that they must remain unemployed or in deadend Jobs beaattaa oi nrra Inahlontblo molnrity lender Sareior Edward Gurney theyFlat to tho ttm no pub can rcruior ttom tiurtdt this cenhny tie htt attended Nixon pollth in the riliitro th vertilt hearings oi the Iudlv cltt comrrrlitto ot which liotr oi the air writer trnd lend tndustrtailrattm tony brought turh contamination but it htt aloe brought tophltilctted member Grnney comes up next year tor raelcrtlm to recent term Smstor iotcph ht Montoya DormNit bl In puhllcoi lira continuously trom tho one at it and althwglt member oi the Sonata tor the last eltht yrars one ot the IllsNhmwll trillion in Washington ital has liberal domestic votilil Minion control technique mm some nnthorltltt try that New Yetir nnd lntrrlotr hnte cleaner air todny then they had too yeart ago Lets be realistic MI avoid the etlretnei oi the Immortal hla hrdrtslrtnl crpnnrinn that pays no heed to environmental eonrcrvntlon and lo the equally irresponsible noyrowth cult that lltnnrcs tho rmtn tort oi rtagttntton Growth eanbr ttrrtrtsged ten Samuel Duh thorlmltttl low rnlctsor at Grorgttotm linltottlty ls chlri lent ad viser to the cantntltee tie is oohelrlertd londlnl authority on AIroIapplnl Dash Ion mrr Phlladolpltlldlbllltl ni lorriey drew early criticism by talking to rerorlect option the committeet OIIOIIIII thtial period Fred Thompson to it lormcr USt Attorney tram rose retolntion there it rctutlty rest rotate boom deteloolnr rwrse theOotrtrrurrttt ht mhy tho IIIII run things be hlrsd them can rat once helvy lrttustry oriented wonder began at result llrtitlnti Ptdfor Ithlermsnr New Eliotcomics oi the title it 50 They dont however hector Wmttt Hottermine New Economics Ito All the Old atonmnlcs oi mpiitlitt soci rtlre thrt It to permit each plant and indoory to work or prollt nod loot bsstt toiletd Elector total control my item mcntrttltrd title panning agency Now Isnt this tr tar cry deodltorn the expulsion oi htt US oil compatriot trout Orbit in 1960 and the curttnt charm ol liarstrt President Salvador Allende oi trite Ilitpo substantiated that 11 and the worlds blunt multiples ttonnlirlrdto unsralhlmr Where Chase llarrirtlhn which helps trance Amerlctn torporurterrs In Lttin America bit it intuitively ittr Wnyl Nashville Term end he gets an entire tn iloicow trimmed it up neatly Icrtbrd more used to hand not and the big its copper dont lhttrir ihcrot otty etlt ting momenta and robbery rompentet grt the hetvchn townrd the past The on wt old at our pruhietni ts thoymoth mm than sophisticated gov on erntrtosittl heartngt lie was let The reason may be my or intelligent more compassionate cam pnign manager lot Sont and Chile tre try more coordinated to cation oi vtor litter and it rpeeltlottLv lcttlhln dry illegolnttghltrliwprrll tile dynamism that whorls we are Ilde ot the commune ronglrl til total adtlaer to the minority lieolrliy tzkoa precedence our economic reality Sorrro also agreed thrt hrt tcr method oi making such dict tlotts should be worked out Wittt they old not do wit to use this inc dent at propaganda The Gun Battle lit High Noon Fought With Water Pistols rtyrwrt OIIEAIIN Itpttl Mlnltter Gordon ctrron rm tit mng rmly mm my whole Gaullitt coalition the tmnoeuyttng oi Illa hvn trtpgmdflm Gtulitst rottendcrr hat been in trip had on in matttlty oi IlhlI Wimlttli Fall In in prutdenllll ron rmgg rt GAMMA MW have to rttp down helote Another advantage tor the lett euepted It llt amount tradition to trap BIBLE THOUGHT tcirooint tcnnmolclhmtghtt line It there any pronl that lull to commute growth would via tho nontoth people can tendeliminate all contamina xnamm th Blytleld Street Barrie Ontario Taleptmo mam Second hart tttti CANADAS STORY British Officers Registration Illitbcr om Morn portage mutantecd Daily human and Statutory Ilolldlill rt earritr eta nutty that run loader trtmlr hiltleinttd Cortnty trtoo yearlrwlialanca or likely candlrialct and they no Wm rtrootltth Mr or tmllltldhlilllteal trrt tltlCll by ttmnst be with water which new he mm PM 00 Motor throw all in retry ittltrtrnd in presidential and um ammo Mum mm ammo mu uml Ih mm an man Wmmgm mm au 1110 old athcart til moonperm llid Finance rim Each tndivtdrttl mt or Will mi Wm at tialement which trtrllrntcd it mindnrotitcerrnrrot my MM tin miltit although torirtnu tnd Audit ttnrcru ot circutt in loot in litcs Ontarios Matti ball point is bitter alto happened to in tow titer hitrlilhlii Cur tlrny pith cation oi tlt nm dttpatcto ltthI teortt to dome to rid tetra The yrett generally teem to cornmuttlcatlana which Sydney mm mm Wth Wt in trouble with till rildott Could and tliottra local newt puttileh Ind lira provtnret on the corn rpwte to tiatn art tntryoi rooooo men Canada held tirtt general the editor column on the ed om to It rmly mm CODE REVISED my my mm new mm In mm ttmt utebirthmert therein beornre rlihI Canadttli too to to words and on thtitlptlon ralca daily In single rendldnle Social It Single cnptrt tie tly mall in the rovemtrrcrrt ttrie two titrrll mitt nulrr Elmm prominent otrttnr ittnd on mtltlhotrthaltcoirkuwllh Greenrttrir iinrctn yttte manwhootrrlethttttrrthlr ill it your cont chill Ilnrl titemrelret My ahalt or In on rum Until row noun Wm WM intuition was route Mm mil 11 0m 64 My pm pm mm The Throttle Star In relcrrlng pmothlhmgmmm cert tiwryr comma The tcdrral government ctn Irew Ont in tent inadertdd Nallorrtt Advertltrrt ntllcet campaign ti Queen St Welt Toronto The political Incleth ot too sublet ldm Itaimmlt linttd to onlo And my lm endcrlltrttprm mlmlalmellhgoniuoeu TIta Duranteya cletmcd ti tr trier prime mlulrter tcouu Iterats tho prelim tor ralth l1 qoenliy there wtt on Olttwt lord Dondonttd wet the mm 0mm hm me WWI am on at itember ot the Canadian Prcti tttottter Valery Gtrctrd li lnutthilta own Iatth in word NRWIAHW mm and Ontario trer IIiItI o1 ommeotlcd the cantiller In First World War liltFrtitcolticiloiiio it andadirm at wonraha ran and to themata Wholth lillh ttr rt ay Pickett mlyotproI mm 1ka DWI gt tin Clltldlhtt Prett Il rxrlno it the day at lnltAIIOll rouse there it battle it certainty that it wrote control over lnlra Consecutive mlllli mm WWII lvet Intliled to tho nae Int te ll wit and In your rwni wotdlrltl iottttl one yrovinrttl communlctllorrs that The promotion was rclnsctl by cm nrimvr mmdypdmm om You ydtlloyetirettew mn have gtet wrong tmprestlou comicte inside the rovtnrc culture who hl tire Aim 11 MIN pm mm mth torrent or the dimple heliiiron otirwt trt retIyon Ior ldwghllti tilt ntsrlttrroiwmllttlt ti 11 mm elm mwmbylm Ohm nndottt wu ittrtotu and In irittnllont to ill Ietirrt to trrutrlcatlotta urstlon it not It Tech ad cm we MW meta Exmm mm mm mu Hamil many um nest and rtghly thrt trio ain trmyolttcert Mom mum pom 3451 mg gt rt port now too vdllheeven more to in that Air irsllctaltlehndlod letlcrt the restricted to AM AiPWtIIr on the trestio tram both 01 It 33mm 3mm rdml mg employ yd mentmvlml hm in future to economth torlal him to widterln instead or mytrmpvba may thonia he signed Iltltltldl In tele prndrrced to tilt nowtpaper comm tierlrtrrtlen Nora hit mitt register it Wm horn in Canada was at Esquli may require plcdrr not to been brood and vtgne trllhilttle Ind mm mm mm Wm almwlymllmm Allin prone numhcr thlera my mail tlC and but thhdthttn mm mm Wm mu mm mm mitten are to Inlitll their to on periorttl grointit gentle 1m llotmnt Ind mot It mute attettmentt VImm WWII are pen name it they dellrr Jilin he in titlt to Canada ntthiohiy1 lo planihe htlrtre men dont to the least mind Women picture they marry or ltwtt while however two berets were listened province tho mutt Ilra tacit it etiquette eilettt me orrrnrt JUNE EVENTS Ammo 9th lrarrnootlattnn end commrmlrn to Saskatchth tor ttrri limit hm control over this tItteie littlethatebcentn Dtiawrlor titsJoin Dtttt berm tint merrl his ycari voyage to Arctic

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