no row wmm meanwwwmwzw 13 ll In WEI mm ILNI Am TltE Roosrrcrrr cor spoons Toner JUN 11m IdealAmmo moment mnmzmrm ldthndPllerd unenttnmxhet mnwnmm Humour UEW Midgets Hockey Players Needed By Flyers FRANK sroue rm die on run old me moor Undue mm lbs 11 platen it Mulder Eommuwmhwnl they need new rum they opeute exit lime ray LII Gouger nrrnlun run Anv rah Motel in Dlrrle Ltd Distrid Senior Softball utlon floaday My night In llrltJcrd Sly to mock There It really no mom to Irate lie rerme in the Kerdr lot niaym Iould Lunar lo the llym they larethe Tomato ciayuI tor the OnlirI Turin Ilia mm to have or icon mung up tum lnrrn Ontlio SOCCER COACHES clinic idil lg held SeturdAy II the Nmum Inn Alitston The rltnle in ban northward lay sport mum and the my oi 52m Are Sparta CommW in math fill the inn more normal It Cord Barry Illl have Iterated in indoor machine wile ll Irey leveL He II ierrul ix with the Lion min and iii durum thruwrn radon iiortm he IM to tile or murlr time pouthie in medical nation on uu eld For macho to get the roost Al Al the trainlnx Salem an mammal been mode to hare one trutrurtor iot Every 15 nantrioom WAN the ravld Emmott aI um in lhlr am thls cilnl in not idea and lt ll hoped odd iIe ayern imn hot year lint tum Rubi the an nubmire hril Irma no mae Littler Amati Ml ritzym rnalre Lam Ipla the exam rap ta Irolricr lulu Mam Wine I1ll they rome lmni Hurt bowl to let them Imrn Amie or the mnwndrnr am Al pram he in arbor tor player to tend rerurnu niaer wide umr brthdairl Id drear ielrgtm Mean It Iletlel MI and grellht IA tails one or ey orgierutlmzuvuiuhmxlm ilta miththre adultm Al putalltrei the oopmtunuy in umoda their Mhtmruumthm Zoom in lmiar the ind odourminnow Em WM tram It natured hit all Tlredlml pilrhaI Albeit and Ehtlrltrr rm opened tor Guitar with Ill in the tint nude on Me on dado llr Idnnc dm and both marn rent We Ilaeu McAllirtu Ialked cm and Karriedy untied to my the mic home Delete an In over use neend innrat Hm ne it Pare Pom not lliu Marietta hirhm ma timer Klul Belle MEN Mac Art Tropea A5 more Share ii Quinlan Swami lute til Trot lum VIII One little Keyetone Gem IL lineeil SureIire Powell Karen Demon Carroll sum Dornlnlcn mm smile Spencer nolelnl Hrmmy Von hlulr The have short ll uth lot little JSoccer Sidndings ilurorilr Ancrrr Anamlotim Alnrrrirnar Si hlnnlrae ot June are MUTNT Hanan91 Johnson Stacie lllllCTPtL Manic tirore llurotiln IIrnIee liliiacil Ore Johann Stevie liOBQUlTO GT Tll unuuZ liuronla Tlonlral Johnson No Prince olilinlri ATOM Stet Ill lrlnre nl Vinita Manic Grove Womirn Cudrrnrtm Wonrice Mania dime Allandllo lllllrrael SI hlantur II SPORT BRIEFS IDmld STAR BANNED lliliiltild mm trout 11 Ill my rennin Liar Nikki Fillc we mm bums Wednesday from thta my Wlmbltdon leerll stale churrplonshlpn because ol All Johnson Inaparulon by the international mm lawn Tannin iedorniluli Allondole tlill Wimbledon nitm iio letiron alike Ilrhson nmmud the iron lllillrcrt Ill uliiia In dcliooee ot the lLlF mini 5me Built arm Brew mu Mn 7on drummer ArAvery Third lure tti Pace Im not Ode Mile Ill Jimmy John Citroen Alan Wlnwood WHY liooatizht Petty Lawton Him Star Bntrilen Seaway Ben it Wirnrr Oniooiter Butler Bay Mule ll Youny litre We Jan Lu Fourth tune Peta Prune IIII One ltllie Iiinridlord Nip hieDonald Direct DvmlIUtIl Lmon lohnnyI SAMRM Kayne lieybro Ethel Ii Crow Royal Uolilnlt Coke Noddy Drum locum Thermos Sheppard Mia Girl ll VIrcoe Al Shore Shore ll Quinlan liiin line Im Purre liii One hill Stoney Direct Sbpparil Windy White Sox Nichollr Bitteroot anlon Bronnle Scott Wray lit Trader Nlrtie Ii mh Domlnlon roihorrt Dorothea wick Troy Chirmldnie it till lrtn Rue tIi lIre Tttll lilo Joe Slade Wray llrown Tlme Alamo Sir Gold Al meter lllnnie lIlIry Werixnrlh teamed mm mm cmgge Iqund Ill never in llia EEE Georges Furniture lrounces Bradlord Queens Hotel 92 Gumi added In more rim an that lute rtlh Kentn Guards Ind Hurray Im will the plate lirodtud out on the were onto ln the tomb Inux In Me and times mu true omhle lo edd any more in the name may dmemiu Gurrltr nhn has time lit tour in the Line banned and lri ilu Rim tie Mylmgdy metered the my in the drill lmlnl In ltill Smla nlIy resumu tartan uhan and Pederd mur aer travel to All All Gmel hunlture ORANGEVILLE PROGRAM Famous Nutritive Mr Noble Wlln Mi Edna Mr Toiburll Way Sultan Entitid AD Mile Bette Butler seventh line It Trot him Ohm One hill 44 Bee Latin Rain rFIuII Dom Prime Demon lackharl Brown Faun ll iiorrlenon Klrrberiy Blue mm chute llnrm Ace Brawn Tasman mm ll Itercnd ernlr INIth Rue II he ram OW UM ller mm Holt it Lint Fri id mm eru Blin Stead ram rm It MllT Nam111m lt Prlieil Norworth it min irt J0mm Datlu time line Wrd Ninth MI iii Free hm OLM One Mile amine Eclelr Gierei Jr llllvn brown Jo Dale Utter Troy 40sz Vail Dayna Cremtree Nicholle Mr Mondayth Null lllnrlon Ttrlriey Arteridl llurry Ilo Salty Lockhrrt ltnlh Tllir lot Im lana IIIO One TIer ltmhnanr Au Brown Alex Son Glllrralih llobro Dillcr Troy lrlaky Tile Alrllollll Air Cam Wham Moon on Gudrnarl agalurro Barrier cy errcaa Steed Ali Jeannie Lapel wtlran PrltlllJI TRADER ST LOUIS tTt Tletl handed wlidier Jim Bibby wae lrIlIlId Monday by St Louie thrown to Terra more In return or 11er Alike Na my onler Johnny Workto luu Nagy and Wortcnluu Ira currently with Sociene in the lMlliC kraat lurue EYES oN SECRETARIAT Tudor Laurie Ind Alta llel en Tweedy trainee Ind owner respther at rate Lorre Sce rztarlnt uatrlr their hone at uorlloul title mL at lIE mile Drimmt rare track In Elmort NV prior to illll SAL mdryI Belmont States See reIulni will be tying tor the Triple 0m IllEI his ore vino line at Kentucky Derby and the Punkneu AP Photo DEFENCE V151 The Camdlnn deieuce budxet Ru ILW million to ma my rm armada rum HoytOIL Ilerinu l1 Ami oummmr It rumcuraan Rube Sow II on Alt It Eni Wind at let out ran you un et hm tade amt Miamw WAY RADIOS AND Illle miter NB Mm John GLENCOMM ELECTRONICS am the knic Glennie Oliarle Armor BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY no cemmhrloerd exert It no III II tune or runer Broiled 0mm limited rtyltd hrrIIraeaL For Neruda write to 01 LTD Ducal Mlle RA Du MALI Orrlule all Mr TIrrLII Or thr ttHlll IIL Sit WiltI unrm will IHM FOR ANn roN PICKUPS AND VANS AS LOW AS OI 65016 ELY RATING Modern derlon rlb iraadaLTouch allnylon cationi Ouallry built by one at Canadae ludle make to provide high or large at low ml per mile OTHER SIZES 87015 Splyratlnn 2000 70046 ply raiirro 2388 85048 ply retina 2088 75016 Bnly ratinn 3103 suspension tout the court ior maid in tho llallnn open lenntr monotonous in Rome in was mien try lrErret Iotriu atworm or RUNCF OUT LION MENU PARK Calll tMi Don Burro Liar at BtInJordr iota Tlme Itoti victory orrr hlidtln lies tillerde Drltlrh Mantel Um ol lire Canodlln Noriball league he is leaylnr Iooiboll to enter modlcal unool lime recordian quarter back or Ilia our laui yerr uh Wednesday he told mend manager duh Peder this week he wouldnt return in the club REHBKLN MAKE DEAL WASlIlNGmN AP Wasll lnrion Nedrkinl the Notional Football Leanne have mum wide receiver Poul Staroba lrotu Oerelarid Broom lot on willle drall rholce it we waned Wednesday Gloom lame day GALLON GAS CAN MUD Br SNOW TREAD200 EXTRA All plastlc can with spout CUSTOM TRAILER HITCHES GSA approved Custom designed lor moat Canadian Br American cars 2000 pound capacity SPECIAL On Item mum NAYOVAC LANTERN EAEEry CIlAiN FRIDAY JUNE Bllt 830 PM lOVE BROTHERS vvs lVAN CARPENTIER and DON ROCHA The Mongol vs Vic Rossoltuni McGuire Twirts vs Bohemian Bull and Wild Bill Coleman All lllltih Plus one other Allslnr lroui at extra cost Ligggggrtggnfnyfudggyuito 33 18 SPECIAL rRArLER BALL17a TRAILER MIRROR Ponder mounting Iite most 748 FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES PopularcandDslroIlor ashlights radlos aic SPECIAL SHOCK SPRINGS Help keen your tail lrem drnnlnn Unlvorsol litlor most prU OT OBIS SPECIAL populul color UNlVERSALMlRROR Desi nod Ior Compors Plckpupannd Vans 24 PAIR Piroiomyr Wooten BARBIE OPTICAL Galilee III CIArpertaa 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