Talented Acts Delig nuNV gtv yaw sniit 15613 g7ggg 555 the by Petr Northrntt hted Audiences At Annual Shrine Circus At Arena The linden timbers Shrlncr meodassty luany retains by Jay Mattheliurtemttrd iey theclawnooetremrotiee tssdnybedlllihelrmdim mitiadiollhlsaderu meanyeeoelirht Its capacity when Joy Joy tamed up so sudicnoea trio shore There Baht pants lctt dosn me dam trlprae Irtistr Arneaen threes hdd the Intrnd team tttittt tldttl eodIoncIInIsastthnoottoa us iithTlD rlody has ballooneendsonhsa lrrvoirlnr tour imards ard list blIth panther which lumped Thefrtmtl started all with twine Wit circle ol lire rmolbsttlietmtaorlme Tbeuaeueltlstshobolanc hldl drrwsmmsollatrthttr ed chair on tantrum thachildeo it use lal Isrlrtg hlrh above the ltotntd lowed hyapmdeottartasy Icertdesnianyrhlinrtnuha ind chrome and than tre ddirhtad One little boy was Building Permits increase In May hulldsn porndts issurd hy the II ertlosed pedoslreln mail In city drains iley indicate size the lteytidd tinil able laarasse river the same To date ter year all Ilnrla mouth in rm Irmrdinr in larnity dreiiiaI units have been report tented by the cityI bulb mated In the Last year riinu dipsrtlntnt no hint attirqu maxim rha dollar neltIm MR than to ma January tartan tray years total the In to usroe the Midas mamas issued Kym my mm rctsi at tel nulls tor raricty one brinan the on total 0t West in Int 6mm uposre During theme por tha tint the martian to 33 fad In be rucd Md Wm The trial numbcr oi dwelling mm MMYW radio created during the tint tititmit WW tire morihs cl n7 indicate that SIX Prrmlts pith tote ttt more India were built this your no at W130 acre issutti int dratngtha rams period than tart Imalllre buildinttonthe Drli mm 11 my to lsrm hoot prrmlt lor new 1971 my at or my millml crowds plant on St Darius Ilsy the value at rest trsnt Drive VIlrred at tattoos debug my commm Wm was the loud dollar the WI hlyharlltaninhiey ma but imm the Vlitlo oi lathntrial Ind mis Two permits valued It unset Beacons taxable ptmtiis dc wcre Issth ier en Iodttlen at armed ANDRIUHEEBPIG ru whirl mislead hwwledxe chrncd In scl cindtl with physical ttl ends and tlrtrxtontr mt Irorn Slranly tiny school ttcti aoaiay morninr rat out on In alrhtonlle Nryrle trip tailor iuy mm at the area St Patterson hit Grade rmktn up Ne rrlod radar ha crying and Moldy his hands randy liner popcorn licorice Ind ova hls eyes tallies hlr mothrr salt drinks that turn ts min to tall Data mater they roast dam their locks my or marks onealcmolttinsbodsoaths TALENTED JUGGLEM rimuIndellorm Although Iptaedsltd by the Drain the maid hall Idrltsthslalmtoilhe were trarpanldogslooktumsrldlny sleetoneouteoi thli sruasdtherlnraoedsrtial drea Thcy watrhcdioresco horsaAt the coachislooatthls ortdmdlhastoolthomrxtrmutetlloweedoxmslnmu ltytnrldtshoaurnerrsrscoot caseadstrmy pebbles rode resaloraetandstostodrwonommthehmerbocl dirt Barrio Eromirar WW3 11km JUNE rm II Top Prize To Baysville Man In Barrie Lions Club Draw itrn calms oi Biliihliih ts tlttrtmmrluloctrk Wit timea entrant totes Wallis Peel utnllthe not he Iiiadfnllllcsi it the Ir Krill will nurse holder at the priming ticket to health Thank hildnoadi Al state the tierslo lions urnhlanstar all Ora Station Dd Oats llase Delhi draw tcdcrrsday nitht Strait Gerald Words at or ar llite protons month cash tawny Mm Ill Roberts at Mr Nissans ticlrt was Bordon While at Scarbor rn today ouch hrltaarolbtaton Ara liitr no other lirirtls unretak Mt him Daniel Brandt Coa an rent the drum at the un Itt amt Staten Driven bury llulL OttilimL The draw ratio proirl oi WM tinmrltiiarpdw tramtarthodrh marinara hotter clot merirrd No club member lilae lrhdiry till inter al the his moral prlte ls ilra into oi More linncra iii are Jack rrcr at Pam btrret and lion lcrI at Davis Dritc loinl Wm hue hauls girls sect thrwyh rotates with ropes and than at tunable which bellad td N7 out boy tantamul ted the air landing on each olhacl shudders Illumintullhistypoisilw do you circus lad learn to this like thali romdgl astray nose to rode am the non star liar initial then thne chime hm the laden em isnch ESL UL produced variety oi hliIrians Intlrs The drum rams to an std with Imth urns harm ten cleans it had last ed two horas NAM LwhliENT intco tardy title In Cotlroll Watt Sdtool pomyheta uthe haerrl cln plate dialects It still to More business In lstrstor said Notican tor lab will be mired attire board urea lobl twin larltsie nu tor Villain awhile doors and movie leune htr Cor hlers said board had dilll only list Ittllimtf hiring rlult dents broom at tho laree aura her at road msirrxilun tuba reliable ShantyBay Pupils Try Orienteering Thirty tour Grade Ind rtu dtuts at out lrorn Sisarty Day school Vltiluday morning bicycle criminality proprnrn which tools them on an eight mile route thought the em hciora rcttnrdny tn the school The program it the third the students have particioItrd In since last Lil bill till lint by bicycle inst tell they It route through the woodsusnd halal the alarm tailoqu route on snowshoes and cross country this In the Iirst two trips the studcnts uscd thlh Ikiils la loi letilt mill and rcIdin rnapr This time the students had to be able to road map pins know the ares in order to not lmrn checkpoint in check Ill pol Orienteering baran In Sweden some time are with all are tailing pertSince than as mood to other mimics includ ing Canada and is hrsomlax more and ram Popular Brian Taylor toddler Shanty Bey school tithe stu dontI latter part In the recs om marked on carnhlrartino oi Ilcrns including time bicycle witty and chaciina cash itlcks You iiorire are taken all ior ailure to loilow entity rules Ind Iatirrra to male checkpoints Each ol the IT chrokpninls was marked with Large letter and the students uore ruled to mark tin lcttrr an miloi cards they use given It they miss ed one control letter 50 prints wtre drdurtrd hard it they rnlsst rd two they were disquadtlat ilarldru each control point Ic muntrd tor to points such Tim studrnts yarn rialiurol It various points throughout the route to chccit the rents Tun additional Itudrnts Mkkl or bicycle minty ltlr Taykrr said the orirnlrrr inn pramIan mtdd be transition on an locational licid Irln dcal in with science rims map road lny arslmmpass readies Ire that ol the reissue mac In addition it is contrasted ulrh physical educnunn Winners ol the mtrrdnns ride were Iorn llctlrey It to ruin uics Tim Wolsqu and Jim Bishop at tt ndarrrs Donald Gray It tz minutes Scott lac kerd at ti minutes rand Dob Brir law at an nrinrdrs1ltrl with it minulrs arse ltursci Bowman and Scott Putineon lay llnril or lininin at it minutrs and ltnn Kcnwod and Charlie Macintosh titui el hi mimics Carrier is with lines at SS mint utcs were llotiaie llcrrsors nan Ninaitt and Elsie Gmhm study Clarlt llnlshed Itlh bl cs SCHOOL BOARD BRIEFS INSUBANCE FOR STUDENTS litte tile insurance has hurt tlW Is the ttrrn through which the sum Coretty iteruan CI tholic Separate Schlo hoard still have Iile insurance lrl its etudcnla The selling point tor the company was titnlal Irt ruranco boutlit BASEBALL TBUBNAIIENT Thirty teams train is streets totalling approximately to stu rlsrtts uill correct ill hewbnil loumamml Saturday in Deals The teams item itoman Ce tholio rtoarnta schools ruroorht out the row will play It Courts Park the Morrison lrak Shoe lnrk and Allllls dale lart Championship arms slit be played at par with dent uni TNth Guru Grade student ionlr star the rules tor the courts bolero learnt the Irhooi grounds Examiner hotel the boss playing at Deacons PIrk and the atria at Shear Park The tournament begins at OBTAIN DEGREE lour rnrrnbore oi the innah lurr stall rd tha Simone Cattery Itonron Catholic Separate School Board muiyrd Bachelor at Arts dcrrros irons Vatcrioo Luther an linlmdly title sprintg in ad dition stretcher have ad ici rl rhsn cs due to cornres they hate an in the past your hUiLlEIi MEETING The Stmcoe barely Itomau Cathode Ilh School Board trill hold two meetings dur In July and August Schcduitd yet bocn trotted out in pronto at the school lleyo Eupprts rtstrs tor the meatlnp are loads tor the school Ihirh is and selections sun MHIMABNALK Maat ma Separate Bo ard allay Orillia French Class The Sinrcoe Gently Roman ceaoa School Board will otter rducetiar In hunch to chlhhrn in kinderprion IDurrlyh Grade in Orlilla this To stirs the calm there Irlnt be at least 25 etudcm lu nully mound In each at the primary and Indian rivlsims by time It The primary dittsim lamina kindaryIrrrn thrash ide and the traitor division Includes Grades to Ammlhu la the Srhonil Ad ministration Art there nae be It leIsrhu Bastian strai crtts in dittslm bolero cbwuntotuadttinirmh The board holster drcldrd to waive the Tremhepaatlns too it in order to show English speaking rhildrm lrmr lrrnrh heclzlwrlds to he tourist in each More than he ptr rent at the children in the Iuryry do not rpm maria It It least zs children an Although the board mire Ismaeluntrue scuttle lee tor to preside ulna funds lnr Tman the latter till provite treat any equiv alent to that at another rcguier Itudrnt Addlilrnsl transpormieu rill also hare to la Irranrrd let the students The board IIS told but writ run tmrn Guardian Anrclr xcbosal to St Barnardl salient The boarde dodlidn olme rulicdinrachrhttsimlhnboard hm that ooh In My mu sq rooms available he the French it medias with In antral in carh ditislon Ill be slow rostrum rtit to to Amie do Chmrpm mm mm WENT mm nudcnts Iho have already in Wrdacsday nlrhl altar Icv el lrenrbsptakiru ear sill he otlrrrd however ll bc draw they mm Statoys mdumd by the lidn drnis the three new schools in Drillis end by Ice Itmlr do Champlain indicated total oi II chldrm whore par rats wantrrl thorn lltsiruttrd in the Farrah Win or the it to am In the primary division and at um in the honor divLsinn Only It were in the intrrrncds late division tor Grades sad Will Process Pay Cheques By Computer my shower tor render stall at tho Simone County ltornett Callan Spnrnle School Board want lrstnutlan la tween In and sesame ImJmtsn the board was laid in mm INDIGO The rLrsscs sill be rendertat in two riawaoms at St liara ards school In Drillia Students In the primary siltlsion will be my taught Ioprthrr in our dimmer as sill students in the Junior division The motion to oltrr the asst to panel to to three rtuu ersirut the more stars hildlanrl trainers Lloyd Latinos and llaryJe Quliry Ind lohn tissue In Darrin lrttdro hlr lirrnnsn and his main cmrnm was the rte luster inrolrrd At leat tuo lroruhncnkrup trsrhrrs urll hate to lot the classes at will be preterm by matador hastening this September The more to the mwlrr WI cm is upcctrd to use the beard batman $1500 and $5000 sods your It Micro bmincss lilo mlnistrntor with the beard ssh Wit nithi he was against the cr eystrcn tarn years are but since then many at the but true btcnlromd out led he lads the system would be Irral bench to the board hmntly luv pestle ere in rolrrd in motion on the payroll every two melt one on tail that basis and the altar on halltlruo hails Once the corn Witt to at up person writ be needed only on hailtltne Nils The other man wiB be said let other drills in the ol liar not up with the Canadian in portal Bank oi Orxmncrro which already has hit Natty boards on its payroll system Mr Dsrhirre inlrd out there ll be It rrrrtre In the way stall their pay deduct undrr lhe syn irm St cents per rhcquo urn pay day Time In swordmarrty 300 datum artsy two works Tt slips ulil also he proparrd by the computcr ho said lIIiJ that turd to take oilice suit or long It ihrre its to mandate winter unite to prntidrd ill the bank to ensure thtquu Ire dniirrrctt rIr limo to the rar lous schaak llama And More The mutantsr system sill be lie said the roslem will cool Trustees trirmuly rcpresrnlt In Ward and Ward on the slum Corme ltornan ththolir Scpstnte School Board util reps moat the townships at him and mm short the townships lulu Siam Count in January The any school still be added to the upstate board will be In tear It area ST JOSEPHS STUDENT SHOW as Ier new and Nptsiratlea prnmhrn shlrh will tale pigs ad ururate schools llnrto Ls Mrnrcmcnls uill also be made and summons stiles nude in the area rburrhrs Strider liaurire ilrlarlond bead rlrnimran trorn thrills told there are some psrrrrls who urtdd litre their hiltllt tslutaitd in his lrrrwh Lsnrusna but are not saturate Irhcol Institutess in this rm their rhtidrm would in pannttIul in nilhttd the class rs an is basis Tirebrurrlui atlrwthcclras rs alter ya to dtlcrrmne uhcthcr they should continue Students at Jourito hirh liens oi the show Dolore rainy loinroom when to Drooliirt tt school prenatal their annual on store Jotla Durham loll rancid mammals here not aorlrrt truism tcdncaday night and tension Lnniraui pm the roll the main IttrIa II usaoumue1e tlscd movuncnts with their prom Examiner Photo tuva