1lt HMMawwr EXAMINER TELEPHONES lemma mm ammo Humor mm 33 lineman num matednnethme thoriumham itBWIlY T0 ntornuonsr Vrm lupcrlocmmrithe uidiusrerrrtudtaneelotry ltvhmubelum notation tqurdIbmyIthnPuuls ShinaCIrcosrtthoBIrrta IruIIWedncsdnymntth their band barbed nuns ruins run rum mm bane Ind hyrho unlalymrope Examinn Photo by Peter Northehnl Mitten on tlonuhora Mnnadiid SPACE mucous Net Non Than l1 Per Copy Carrier Hem Dellmy as Weekly 16 PIgIs READY TDWORII arts In the mix ring Then Conrad Ill to uni hammas and sham to pry or cut loose In Imrde Itmhun Izrip that holds the nu down would tree rots cell pends to rmrcrt the suns rays to team to charts electricsl batteries In the station norm Pom surru Thty would pruvhh mom lhIn soon lit at purer WWW OP lohn DMD Air NIdI ideal aid tode the tire el too at mun rust the international Assodmon ht Iirttue usinnphndm lollI open one tie told am coolerm the IMII oi tone All Gouda eln mince to operIto durlnz 1+ hour rotation strum by the tan drtolsts on the room bu locItlm Ind owner or the strikes meeorm $0M Iheu Air onIdI bee in hell ll it can onnthsuu operations lhIt hlnot more but WWW to continue str Baldiin Strike May Airline Shutdown Willow nearly dawn the mom no mthII tn the space station Robb has been Short ot ciee trich size tumbler mishap It It ripper my prolee tit tidal strip at the shield Iatnusod the solsr wing 01nd Ind Krmn Ibo rare repIir come on one uqu Nola titan tn Ih eiy Inter We must look at the unity to 1h3tdfatd Ire rrycisrity to preside reasonable unite There could no time when we undid have to say so limited the can outs the moan and adds tors Ila other counterstrqu that total load to ruwensim cl opcrItIons In the tune olmntlne lied rotating mites In ms win said we oi our human AIM ill or whether In mudumiwu Is in nee using Air Grnrdu Deanna ot uncertainty Thin poses other chart Write thruster Ind inspect the run made they errdnd to cool the ration The third utronssrl Paul Wedn in min Ll Shinh Orr acting is Ieve ol input soon dance to pad it all said Kelvin on bahertnr the Sky lIh areu that putter U5 manInapsee nits hm been thoraxth practised lti ms Ls mud Lmdslors Count Kerwin Ind Weill had their lirst robesrrsl rumor totlowinc prone titres redoed ham melon Mm Television picture burned to theeohtrvlcwtreshoualthern withfwntodrloor Iadt rrtrtheemkdulr Murrowmess Mtitl be no television pletuesdtberpxeunn VascrITwmm Idibis mniluniIIizurnId ii In on lathebmchtlihocl clerk mounts decided the II hck not be we ran at their repair eqdrrnwt Ind there maid not be mu In TV mmem Ind doles There use oorne nod has lIte Wrdauds stare cots trollers report tut battery rrzuhlor that had not been ap erotiu prqrcry widest be Ismrtiontx normnly am The It is batteries preclme hsd tailed and there hi collr era that Lurd mpe go out lurthrr restricting poser Ind emiratents in another development he almonds but been pro moted nearly as tit Iltrr dun tn specs us they were be lure the mission berm rnsts ol the three new mean here Inhcnle their npr7 to Mom wort bu barn essen tlIiiy med medial ulti dnis Mid WmsdIy Vespra Wont Reveal Iinswer To Barrie llmaigamation Plan and warned the are more Mruhlu Ittanulm thhlmrotlp dadinudtommantonbcon III landmathn Irrith Barrio Int uiIl has ltuiiod It Waterpotodctlw ms Inn to nuchk committed mtdi77 Ottawa walked oil In wasmyomv AP rming my rmomyomacum hm llun caesium mmM sunny tar me soon tllonryldsslnzcrtothetlomnu Sloan iron comp ntm htmthetwome at the treasurer testied that be which Illegally on Inm retusadtollaorktcpoulctculu adage Ibwt tho mmoythat paid for As committee resumed lie uirctapplnx oocraums televised hearings special WI Also on todays Illness list tornata prosecutor Archibald was ltorbtut Porter also had cox scekln to block nous been director at cartinsists ammo at some tuturI pro Prdtect Nixon From Impulse Said lieu Counsels Feelings WASHINGTON IAP The new mus In the White llosro In said to believe that Richard Nixm at times has to be pro lrctcd from his one impulses Ind talkdmnolyeven though he re ur Think the view at Melvin lnirdrtow in the delicate pod tion at granular what be has on ret wire out at rottrcmon Wednesday to Icccpt appoint monII counselor to tho presi dmtytor domestic ulIolrr vnth ca rank In such he be the domestic lteury ltis eInKtr arid replaces lohullh righmm casualty ot hater lle now has drum to do what he has sold lvateiy that liltrllritmnn and sit as lulled to downy no to the hresldcnt lruirds new Job came III the Ialtst Walla llotuo reshullie In uhch it was announced that ion Alexander ltntr will resign turn the army Aug to be cumumslstnnt to the president such hovutll mntlnuo to ludctton Is the presidents chiel otrtntt tor Inilo llorsn oper sums Vietnam Says day New Paris miernment ready mint tutorostall wgwcorxaessions by lids amouunod today it youd rot stars an new tune utm hent woth out In Paris The unnounoarrnnt NEW ltst Ktrslneer and ltunolr in lhlolho may be writing on ad tdonsl amendments to the rvirtual Vietnam more titted In Paris Ian 27 htsrlnrcr and the no he herttd to to north on rays to hyslement the orizlnu sure can out rather than renegotiate it Too Snlron roturumcnt rowtt lily has meet in principle on Part 11 points were consideration but has altered some counter oposnls on howto pm thorn to eiiect lhh irted by urry or dolo utnounoontsnt was remind IELVINLAIR Ronald Ziegler press scorn Iary also gets the tth at Ir slstaot to the presldnnt ills added duties will involve him in policy meetings both with the president and other ocular stall mum It Wont Sign ruce Ilgreement oi ltintster lran Van Lem All the mood monitor the two root to motor uith Presl deut Nguyen VII TillAL Thieu met with his NILIonII Wit earlier in the dillde the daily attornoon ed news brieng tor rrporters the man But lluo dill rem totlootnr state Warm the past on rie there has been some spec tlon among the local press as sell as tho WW Em SFI my be to ol Iret nm going to sign sornctlmo my mg now yxrcemcnt ihould like this up tlosayta csdnce well Ipondattonr Without any wouii trio tr mu In that it was to iolrtlenr committed Illgilelt llielnsm that resulted in nppm oi the Onxhaniedrl Manila mmmmsmnsmn mime lo behind closed doors It tosttnmy Item persons thee in Indictment It It East It prevmt rIdIo Ind television norm at such testimony Persons rvpairdiyi ditirncpt Incde lhnrrn Tutu llouso aides John Donn loin Elllicth and ii Tl lIIIde man lm runnercentral lnhn hutcbcil tonntr com merce mien hlnruIce Suns Ind Iomur TIle campalrn my Veh litunder contends the Senate bean jeopardise his ovrn intesti ms and make It possible that putty partied will so true hwm or must Ithrremoolh postponement ol the hearings some assets In lrsndsoo Alamo retired reanudrntral was set has to da alter being held or dry by letllsl Peoples Revolutionary Army PM The VIII oliicer entered hit home by service door uni re turned to talk to reporters run dry enter the PM lreod min in the military border policoheld tor to days columnists ot thalietlltl rt sold the odious we hm alter It yrss asceticth that rattler prisoners thereto by new Pewnlst NW1 menthol President llector ru here IIIN tsth the lets olsotssuod letter in which Airman admitted re sponsibility tor certain min deeds Evenrssome victims hiriutomihhwm III were released the dorm ol buineasmtn um train Ar mm hits or David Gamble said Wedhe Iy be Isnt happy pith tho altitudes he enoountered It meeting ot Canadian mm In motione rn turn this weekth Iddod that wasnt tho reason he let early Mayor unable uetlng chap mm at hinter Toronto council uhlle dialman Albert Chow Is In hospital said he had mmrnuls commlmrents by am no on utlvlttes he missed at the must coherence loltlc not or Aetinl IIrIIhIIIIIdorl Chill hhrtomo may rodeoth For MollIll In Paris between ltisdnper and to Du lho Mayors Ind Mimitimid re ol thh 0mm Fodorrllodhot sIMWtIIIo MWMM bmmeodlto slid mt setters ear thts your between President Nixon and Dean Deputy press secret Gernlrl Warm said the at lltll dates and rbnntlons at those mentions and telephone conversations Wham was asked whcttur the Semiotommlttoo and pros ocular Cox tynuld be ziyon records indicating rubieets dis cussed at the NtxonDcIn moon tea doubt It he replied BoprcnenIIIIVe Paul blcCibskey litep out in Iluted the ttrut tormrl din ousted ol tmpeerhmcoe tn the liaise oi ntrtlws only to be cut utter Ill numttel when Repnbootutivo Earl Lambs tltep ind dawned mulled members had Iirgentine Guerrillas Release RearIidmiralileld IoriiiDays renttnulorthe run time since Csnporu book nines mules Amwmtuood do direaor pl tbmhoberts nuance Go or Motion was seized by tour mmrn near no homo tn autumn lama AlreI Wodnoslds manner mm In Locrwoodu rite Mabel re celvtd dorli tor $2 million ransom there vru no ollidsi police statement No ol sacrum duurhtom did IiiuW WA drrutluur Indlorced lock woodtlnlpa tnrckund sped away lodruood to director ol morrd nominates lnclultnr thn Amati Illriiutevot Ibo Drilhh Acrow steel lirm Alter Woods abstention Wilt0 more that kidnappers trade In unsuooeubst attempt to term Guillermo PedroI Ar reruns owner ott munchies Flatt Modern Illot It Iiromhie LeitiIViayorsI Illete Because 0i Other Commitments rnuhrlysodul The Tmtnvrosyor rpchl 31W and May It the oonterenco bctoro returning herotuosdny lhe coolersIce ends today Ito said his only commitments at the tun were on Monday and tumour adding that to had nailed the Ior slrouper mktpniscbvincul rertloos but didnt want to MI no iedoratlon he said dunner cl becoudnr ettedlvn MinW Watt horn VII d0nQusr was by Alt mud Is the tbs tomb In its rules ol rot strikes Air will do ILs bust to continue ration htr led win ruid has to consider daily Its rapidly to psvtide latislnetbry senice the rm tsumle situation it trace and the ttnAWA CP The Dom vrhhbhi lov ment public sexton sm program or that opened split In the Corn motive party resohdion by Prime hinds ter Trudm setting me as the turret date tor ll hmotiormlly billoyunl public ucrvlee passed no to in All opposition came trons the Conservatives All tho Social Lhedit members present abstained The 15 Conservrdlves all but two Irons wcdcrn Canada brqu ranks in spite at party prcssurs to lollow Opposition leadrr Robert Standinld and support the resolution it has the second blow ot the uttermrm lor hlr stmdleld who has supported the Olliolal Luna mnarshrtnndtboroolplu bilingual ublia service Three earlier ills die tempt to have the gnvcrnrnenl minim become part at the otticlal lmxuarcs Act nos do tented ill to or uith tun Con smohivre nbstalnlnz and others absent ilo said later he does not re lord those who 09M htttl Is rebels cu eonslder their stand threat to his loadershlp Rather they were demonstrating do olthose haw carried tewrr peoph Negotiations between the IIY line Ind the immerrber 1AM broke all Wcshicsday nlzhtt Air Canada said wares were the min Itmnhtlny um the tar ton had no comment str Baldwin id hero hid been no contact betweerhthe tun Iidu sinus talks racial Commons Votes Overwhelmineg Ior Govt Bilingualism Program irtation uilb the act Ind ballot that the resohrton with out legal teeth Is mesrdorless The mp was led by John Dialonhalror who odd liter the sure he did not noel the wpport otan who took part In the co ynt lte hundred Istde suggestions that the party had been harmed but he said those vot ing for the resoluuon will have lot at explaining to do in their constituencies lle deserth the resolution tho greatest traud ever com mitted on the Canadian people and sold it makes recondclass citizens ol all WIIOSe origin is neither Racist or Bench hlr Sturdleld said he was en oouraztxt by the almost unsnt support tram Cm scryotivcs tor his amendment Norse opposed tho propossl Ind present only ltr Die tonbnker and lithium storeylro Edmonton East abstained horn young hlr DIelenbatcr called the Imenthncnt reasonable pro pmai but said he coud not voto tor It because It horrid have meant indirctt support tor hlr Trudonus resolution Ilmhehrlhrsvill militants KinnOuUcneJuiylbirIAunIp pdcntlonbytheGONorith mtnpeumothrrrmpetoea Libllsbuonmmutur bIlnIerv Igbotumhmrlemdtm The commuter has been trying for the hearing since Int Np rcmbcr uhilo seemweek trial mice was nnderwuyr The service Ihich run trons Nomi to midDoecmbrc was Wtbesecondmedinzinh loser said there we no on SYDNEY Merl0mm ehener on mm starred tltli Wed Ten lire Iirresled in Kingston Raid line Irroutedvlb WM Wrdncsduy lttthIul mm mood north at drugs and more IN Em mummyLocations in id man he the illusion mu nth uerr eon In no rusur proviru mood city police Ind tho nail drurrndltnc doz bltlri We believe Kinrston has be some an Important distribution centre tor spctd tor New York hate and possibly other mu soth at the border asp dict ltshUn ol the RCMP tlttm detachment ssid reading Item WIICBJIEICIIKIII prepared in Ottawa The used were ebsrsed with drux trutticldor ottences tut oludih Intolvinr speedmum lymph amino dismantled bocIuse Camdtsn National Railways raid the per vice was losmz proposition Commuer grasps on the oth er hand laid the trial run wee bear snarling behind the scenes to have the are emctuct com omhcnslro slutty utility released by the CNR Indicated the Barrie Tomato lure rrotdred In Irma unb ddy at to per customs union was delved ltlss or reason We in more than to prtpara ranttblnr Canadian Boxer Loses Title Maloh murmume comrmmsih Junior nddileweirht boxing title he MW It hogsth Canadian Donate Padruno in the lids round tilt Warship IcelandioVessel Collide withdrawn rm tomorrow noon min and In mlwndtcglsni gmfiiih been hadronllnx each other In dispute over llshioz rlrhts the tests one 12 to Sc ghmmm nvhsl beIr III responsibility tor the collision pith the techno will We Attit IudgeDaciares Mistrial In Rape Case CPIdin Justice boson llslnts ol the arm gmwmmmr dthIrrd mistrial today In the Me ol the rut ot lcclunds coast where we must Guard Itleycd us had uioialrd Interna me rape ol ltyearoid zIrL Murmur it and Edward Robert Gusher 1t were minded to the toll osslres ot the court in Kitchener Willy Brandt limves In Jerusalem JEEDSALEIIttheriWetz Gerursnthansvln Irrin here today to In airport wnltorno mm lsrsclt Prernter Golda Meir Ind menhen ol hrr cabinet ills lint otttclal Ict uili KLTGSMI out It be to pay homage to the six million Joushillcd by the Nazis ErrBaseball Player Is Free On hail we Arrow ArtFormer mayor INN baseball player Jerry Priddy was lrce on bhil today Iltcr declaring Ihroueh his lawyer that be Is not resprrniblo tor attempts to extort sum Ils luxury linen Priddy 53 now ed by lrorn ship comm by ulteredyrplsclna boobe aboard one at head ot In uncerthtn corrdnrty utter In Ilytlr bis lupin career cos arraigned today on otnrre oI interfering with commerce by threats or violence It convicted he could be sentenced moon Dedsionthingln to to years In prison Ind lined Science Iiilairs YIMWA ICPDccisiorrrmtiox In ucltnce Illalrl is to tho international level and Canada burnt iihd new ways of interrath domestic scirhcu re oltleSclenceOounciloI Ilcicl with Cl slid ed Candi Science Ind International Ads needs centralised interaction service hbt ranutry stuns to be develyblbt Ir t5 it earin Start InlIiirlJuly mmuer raui Comm CAPSULE NEWS Kissinger Delays Paris Viet Talks PAltlsthIdlcnry Kkssnserhss otterdsoduitdnmu Inzmetdnxmthliemislemmrnttbisaltemoonmm titms lellir run