Nicki tho riahonle has in Besides baseball or boys glrls WIDWATDT sun Air ikrrld Shula oi All Cold Ialrr hu hm elected prai dellt el North Sm RmI Institutes tor the maria ism media tin Jam Bard oi RR Cnidnlu In noun Buipa hi RR he Sullee III pond III to first vice pram nth 1m Win Dom Hkdnle deb and Ind M11 DtlleDIludI ol Vuey third lteequdrel lirs Kenneth NIrniitrII el linen Ilooe he been returoel II ecc reiIryimurr The eledioe III hen Ii the semi min Ii colours United ehtm II Buried Ind Crodiod Ilmis Nerriy 100 orient Wand In Iddulun lo vitiim kWIla iiurooII IId Colonist Senior Womens institute It Idiot hcslru hunches BOARD DIRZCTOR NIL Phil Rmhrooh oi RR Colonic III returned II bond director Iblie 11m Bemly Writer RR Otidnlcr III min IImnd momentum in New Ofcers Chosen By North Simcoe WI Ia unlor tumult Alb ILf103orelrrI oi eluding 1111qu ekud Im minis lure Ind CInIdiIn indium Mn till ol rm cold IIler churnsth Ind Iorld Il IILrI Ilrl Wilma Wood Mid iIbti alumina Ind mun Io llrllm Tin J0 in Hill Essa Reeve Now feeling Boiler ALLiSlON lSiIliI Run Cram Cumin oi Dru II making uIiIiIdrty progrul lonrd rmmy tron rrmt nuid hurl IltIck Ind LI no Iilmd to be up III horn eIdh dry I1 Slevmoon his world barons ihI netiInm AnIuI burr 1mm III turn to hospilIi be about 10 dIyI Igo Il let Iuilenng Ink IpcII his borne Allrr In an In hoopiiIl he herI to test bel irr Ind his morrry ha been Ind he iI emptied to he II III lrderslinn ol Agriculture IIII WIIIrr Ilse III Iwolnitd in mm oi mohuicns The new public reiIiiohI oilin IILINIIISIilonoiRRI OrvillI IhiII bin culvert Ind iith GIibIIth pl Oold IIler pm Ilmed Iudilorl Ilrn Guru homing III rho Wcsaga Beach Moves Tchrd Town Status MW GUILT WASAGA BEACH it Ill MI well Rum Bench will ht looorpottled town by Jello rm slnrc this Isiurmce III III en by Arthur him QC llii psrllsnuoinry orrrrlery in John White I1 dueling oi lprIy Irs ol ihLI IreI there ha been mid discludIn Ihnul IN the how usiur Ilil mean in WIIIgI Beth Ind IrrI 1th meeting our held recent llul the onvlew Hill Inn which uilisll In oi lilo three lurroundro harm in term the mould or its WIIIII Beech pIrh community protest The Iovrromrnl Irenries hr ncrrsilon In the Bee IrrI sad the hurt drum IreI much oi Ihirh bII not been Iccuir rd and Implementation cl these pin is new proceeding WORK TOGETHER llr hlcen rthnrlrd thi Irom discussions hrld nrrr Iiir pert 13 months Iiih the commiiiee ni eirhi rumoured oi rrprrsrnln LIN Item the IreII involved ii In deckitd lhIt polish pin ned Iili rennin grui deII el cooprrntlon mm Ibo mun lrlpei governmrnll involved Ind the eonrlusion reached lhIt one iota gorrmmrnt must have Boston Ceremony Eor Kale iiiiiren BEETONI tSiIiiI Unless he rhsngcs bu mind intrr GIry CIrirlon wont be relchind Ivr Berton Brrhlves In the Simon Countythde league this III no 2The trIm hII my but wish es but have declde 1c give up plIyIng IIId hrlelon younger brother cl cum item Wuno CIIicion ol the World Hockey Assrdsllon III explained he had other moan Iibrlrlics now Ind WIrrcn iloirnes WII Ivsiiabis to do ihc receiving For one thing Gary ls Iollve In the Brolon minor boleth or gunnhon which Is under the Ipomonhlp ot the Beelon Alh lotic club Jim litter is push dent Ind Gory Carleton vice president Rczlslruiion oi pinerI hII been Iinricd Ind trImI blamed irom lle are oi l0 lo ii In witbsll iearue Ilse II planned soon NnI 1min his third you herd oi the Elm council lime cumin rho hII born Ictivo In the Anna DlIlrlrt harnhrr nl Comrnem rrIlionIi Candi Ind iIII brIdcd Anrrs IrcI bowling Ind enhhall Irrgues control at Ill 1de concerned Iilr llrrn eanohIsircd ilul this was not proposal or region Inlernrneni or Simcoe 000W but only tor the wIsIrI Belch park rommuniiy the boundar or which will be drawn Iouod lInd nerd tor mr IioIlIl Intuition lie Italrd lhIl be bad lormd inur olth pro poscd boundmu Inlnrmslivc Ind hirmeiy usrlul Productive lumlInd 11 min withn the ihrne townships Ind oven ii turn Ibouidremlln in the new corporation it will rennin IIrm mm III town will bsve Ievrnhran roundU romnnrrd It lmm Ireve depulyrorve Ind tour munlliion III in be circled Il Ililr luirrnnl Irr clu curevas Iesrec nouns billboards wii rrrnnln Is porn Thrrl Viiibo urlisrtion In September or Orlobrr with cosh to he awed by the pro vlncs cl Ontario Where lhr rhsnrrovrr onulrs incrrurd lIxalnn the am All he ISIL led by IrIanIEIIII gorrrnmcnl unis QUESTION PERIOD hrumen Robertson then Am the meeting open to nucl liohs rpm the liner For thI roost pIII these questions re ferred to lhe persoIIl properly problems ol the sooner and Air lilecn sugzeslrd that these he disctmcd during private InlervicI with him Question Is to lhr Schooner tm Bridre Inch urvlcrr II sewers Imsr roIdi old were answered IIiher Imhig uously Nen Richard ind hi Itudy on tourism needI tn the am will he underlnlren shori ly Ind irom thIl Iiudy will be trurrn or IIIIIII Intros will out It like aw linolil borne Iron dIlIIndiIm07Indemum IDInIIILDmBellnlllRl monies AllA PITWEI Gndiw Iron modded lo the In cords IDI Guy oi Unto Iiooe Ilse Illd iew word Besides InnuIi mun Ihirh shosrd My ed by Coldnicr Ntneil brunch unbl iron the North Sim elilce ol the OolIrie nintery oi Inlcullure nod lood pro report on NI liming IND Mth Ihirb III tIrorIbly received Bunches rrpesehlrd Included CIrley Names Sanier Ind Coldest llurenll outdone Whistle Guard EIdy Eben roer ilrreilcrighton North 111 Vluy tiIrmlmlrr Ind Ins um PIiton Mrs Alan hrne lormrriIird pins to accommo date the tourist Ihocomu lo the Inn or longer bpildry Flower Displays In Aiiision Show ALLISON lSlIllt EIrly plInI IN being nude by Allis lne tlonimhunt Soclcly lor is summer lower show in Aurusl with due Io be confirmed inlrr PIIns Ire Ilso processian tor rue Ibou IlIIn they Ire ready tor Ihowtpl There III good display It in Int other owers II the mud Ihaw IIIUI Iiill uIrds nl SChOllbIll Iudre sum IA ml WI Imrroum uinnlnrirophy III ruptured by her was the winner but year Ind min hlti silndoul displIy Airs J1me Chills is presi dent oi lie HoriicuiiurIl Socirly Ihich hu over 10 members lire Ilerold CoUinI is 110 Ir Iriery DISTRICT BRIEFS ALLISTON UONS CLUR ALLISTDN lSlnili vs One oi Aihstone most active service orIInIIIllnm the Lions club will Inqu in itih Inniverrrry IhII coming Novcioer The riuh met regularly Ii the lions buildtny 0n Boyno Ilrrrl LION CLUB FROLIC ALLISNN iSlnil Annusi lrollc ot the Ailtsinn Liam club will be hrld It the incIi Irrnu AWWWAMAWWIWWRW Saturday on irtdIy Ind SaiuIdIy June 15 and 1s NOW PLAYING 630 pm Ind R00 pm Matinee pm utility Ihere III enlertIiIImenl provid lining up lor Mun lour nnmcnl llihn Rind oi Pri rrborouah Ind JIrI Dyle cl OrtiiiI bolh iirrd tbs orr ninehoie course Ii Simrocside in 011 Tornshp inrmrr president Pimrmi Inil perrm iStItlI dIughterI ol Mrs NIII Aiilrn vaI bccp Ishcd to unlorl plaque in bcr memory It rum rnunuy psrtr hero nn SundIy June hire Alina Thomson Ind ilrI liary lloriop have Imrpicd humour in do the Iiiliellinl II rerrmony II which Rev Basil I7 DII ol Berton Presby lrrtan church unll IIy lilo ded Icutinn Iormrr Dninrlo ileulrnIntrnov emor Ezri lloII oi Nwtvn hobinrnn writ be the guest spel Pian Extension 0i Highway 400 WAUBAUSIIILIE Minis try at truruporlniion Ind roms munlrnicns olclnlr will be Itelinrle In dilcurs plIns Ior the extension oi ilirhuny soc hctwren Cnidunler Ind Purl Scrum It pchilr Ininrmn lion rrnlre lo he won on Sets urday Juno It the Wau hnushono Canadisn Legion 11le Willow sireci Thc centre will he own he lwnrn sun Ind pm In lorrsicd cliiuns are lovlird to attend It convenient time This Wing 15 being held in response to mourns lrom local riirzrnx for more inior matron cumming he minis lryI plans tor Highway lot in $NAY BAY RESTI SCREENPLAY BEST ELIENBURSWM BEST RUPPORTINO ACTOR BEN JOHNSON Mum II TUNE UP AT SIMCOESIDE nrsrrrrcr nurws nu DAMEEXAMINER THURSDAY MAY 31 Iml Beeton Catcher Aids Minor Bull Tm iiKhltrlis oi the Breton In Ilw nonpopr coiurrnist Ind radio broachsler be chairman Ind other IpcIlrrI will Includu Wsrdrrr IImrr Weir ol Sumoe County Rev Donner 10 lot Dtdlrrlnsim me Arthur 1mm 11 lot culre Simcoe and hlrr Gordon llsiiinn ol lhucnhrrn meldodl ol Simcoe IreI Womens insti lute losrnders or the Breton Wumlnl lci uhn will Imwon Ion NILI Ailkerr Day In coon It In measured by ileva 11c BON OFFICE OPENS p121 FEATURE AT Ind LAN IDIIII last Days NEW YEAR FILM CRITICS TRIPLE AWARD WINNERI mmmsmr Luna rum mnqu ill AI exiiu am In turd yum Is MountA 51mm rsum bend lhe II toxuiioo rung III Iixlrd Rum hndmrhnurhiaus In Nncr Presbylrrun tom IunroIn IxcoIroIInox Wmuymilwbull BRADFORD lull Bud imperial to sip wrll convince ofrts majesty riub II Peterhorough liloin all he would be to in mm Simroide room ro rcrd Is In hrid jointly by riub rhImpinn Roy Austin and Jack Rnylmld Immin rr Photo Impcri ll Cnnnlisn Diting11iiirai III in prrlvli Lididllxl uI ilstnur uni Iih1nv mummy In CANADIAN WIS wmw nv II AILIITI in Irsrnixulnc In uttiut rictiltluriuo Rims 11 hlciiciley will Mrs Ailkrn was one oi the lrulliuto Ind IIII Earl Slowerl Iiiinprrrhnt this branchlln mltrr will represent 50th 5mm Wornedt leotiluia June hrs been Ilrned liiMM WALKER SONS LIMITED DISTILLERS of NE WHISIUBTOR OVER 100 YEARS SAVE AT YOUR RADIAL TIRE CENTRE RI gnnnrmr innnrnnn unnamrnrr Illllhlstllil ADULT ENTERTAN NT 38 DUNLOI ST BARRIE 7266585 SHOW MS MW mm mrun PORTABLE DIrry Cool Am counmoum ONLYI IsiryhttomInomlntonmhIhui1n um rompecllnunyimtnilsnonmom In runere ImInner our our mcuri mt only or Anusour rumour lnmnnsr SUPPORTING ACTRESS 1310an NOFBOST REFRIGERATOR will my pewter tIruu Mn Imm ImrII uhlrh holds up lot lbI Smlpcmg out herein To help miss tInInIII lor these and other recreational prolectr mrmhrrs oi the Beelon Alhlrlle riub III Idling llcleis tor deuce II he held September 20 II which two cars will be erded II prizes in model com petitions iIIymond List in pinyin roarh oi the Bruno county lesrue teem wrlh Slew Nagioulilicn manner lorry Gould PIul Ind hm Robinson Ire expecied Ia domosl vi the pitrhing StortISolurdoy et5 Em min ONLY All 31s NLOUHI FREEER Slum III icml cansmttsw bean mm mustnumutny mw hams innrim hpmondbrhlidlcy nuisuutmm NOW PLAYING TILL FRIDAY pIIIIurI 1o um 0an Inns osnrozor unmoruvlhu out heinth Turrdsyto Fridry and run Suurdry 080 pm 030 pm Wed Mle pm Sun MIL it My Irclcll I850 3750 Id 50 00 Elton IRANB RoxOIIlrI dlllhirlll Droun DrdIrI Item0501 dilllill uouvrnrnnvonyp RAILS FOB Younhvulmlnim Ir JIAIIIIIIIIIIII hvtlyhtyhuismthnuo ivlnslo permit carrm mm rIwrsml Ir cwdsy