Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1973, p. 29

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IO NIL WANIID In now won mutton our torsso ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIALNOTICES CASH RATES rows or CHURCH Ir ii MINT not It at motto Will l0 IN Im IIICM It Imo Asriess thus no It Ito pairs los title Roy tummy Toiorhv otrotll NILarr iseu muting out lorolup oss eceo own ptutdsst out no son his Ihr mom rite ottoman sword on tho lo Rhinos your lot or his MIA Irmsthsrg us It Reports toeoil the bullshit Iro six wsril IiUI 1N alluding OIOICATIB salt torso ll Iris ism rumor at or lintaoo rm rm mater It the got the visitor moth rots tlro Vuo linorod her sitrm IIiIl who MO erI roll nerth ELIl Itiiolrltg rims shin tlrrtrlhlo 4o inmost loss Nth ottoman loco mm Normand Irrtatttspor word noth II oordsi Notionalorb olsrprr nonlethal NU per row In Howlers tor rorsot vast memosnon on no It with JuI oi on now sa til you II we Ind room sumo DOMINION stones LTD Have vaeancies ivor experienced BAKERS For New InSloroBaitery being built in BARRIE TOP WAGES UNSURPASSED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DAY WORK For Appointmem Conlaci Dave Lewis WEEK AT CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE 136 BAYFIELD ST LARRIE SALESP We on wording or roll iosco snd rrouirs on sdititpsl rs presentotlvp heated in that gross BARRIE IonoNIo osnawa summits IUTCHIIIEII HAMILTON AND LONDON AREAS iitInIs have antesroad experience oeriicing retail noolsoslo sccooots Thor Md to order makers not order him they should he shit to Isis direction Ind work on phoned courage o1 sll memoir Ihry Md also or stale to sell ideas promotions and Programs so well or solicit orders or so exlcnsivs lmo oi mrr rhodiso sum and bonus on stirs sli enprnscs paid Phiclient ear or rsrgcmsnls Its an the largest company 111 our llrld and growing rapidly We notd luresslve Ind mature peoplo to grow with us ond broom our exeoolives oi tho Mos Ior iivtormatios phono tlr ANDREWS HOLIDAY INN TORONTO Ilolwhlol THURS FRI AND SAT am to pm HARTZ MOUNTAIN PET SUPPLIES LTD iut meson ha tor nova syhlon In Movie 53 out itersvitvssvto III iI YIN III Idli sr or irrr 0mm Imus to shit IXIIIIINIID Mir IIvIIoi reovtrot too on remotes willing to into AI CNIMMIINTI SIYIIIIR EIIIIIPEIU TF IAIY If grind MiMrot Vi It WI Ill ire nth WIRIWIINDN IMO old Orton mutt slice MI Mill DVMIIMWILIV lotus In Ottl Ill need In snunnrod hind ttnn portioi who ron otso run Imeroo Ilglll Wat llorll on to oIIIenTI or as pro no rust IL JUNIOR DRAFTSMAN Written gppiiestvons grt invited by the lllolttlllhttltll to your 1m RILWMMWE ovlno Into no pin out one or 11 Ilglncer ni ing Deparlrnort URIhroEm for Appiirsnls should gilo IuIi IAIvI motion as to personal history chIrpIion and experience Salary srhidolr lllII lull om DIWIIOIMIIB In riled t1 IAMBLYN Eng IIPA tlly Administrslor has too hARIllE Onlsno list at IIIIIII mil myoulvo ruI WIIMII ollth It noted spslstod rut soovim toll and rootlimo nilvsis Moll rust In smymt ohm soon or otliurrty sols nuwn only so Oeluno out Irmilon strut mm In lILIlIlI M0614 In lime to cotto sooo own Importlien Good in In moon to Not tooIIIIdI Ilolon sol mornlxt Moor rio tu me hops ooe torn Ilo ed rotors om slim reIIscs NI oIsI lnlsmtst sorting snIJvI nouIIxssolo not to live In rm om IAIN at tramm ll lltltl RIM Mrdl llrtlvoili Ointqu rsotm or III we motr dimlor Avp III Skit Wm rolioiu solution sod loud odwlrt Womans mics PHYNIMI ooormon Writ mt to Apply womioa Moist ont soon Iotrtosoriwottnrr Iviliinno Ivlt no who tasty on slsltotrv Ilmlltlmi role Itsrhou Inn nit No om 51 Imam mo tlfptgpwt MW rslsitosv ssosou runrs or In oil on to woylsrs gym my 312pm in Ivmot toohown tllotwov Joe mm loci sortooo rosrtor ovvod tor sormqmtt WIN to rsowimaopq JR INiIovittiu wsnvso IIIII IIIusI3Lilneav and llmomoioli no mimrunvhi TIA IAltK IA Ill oothoeso tlsnwPt men then so too pool Imuspo or relish isnpusoo smiled sal mmtmwoil wise onwtom 1o mm mom tv In ivottsi Ios IIRNIII Ottl PIIIOII to an use not irort no mnu poi Iris Mint om motion urn the rows some to to to Dawns rihnto gal on so use or Islam mom run Mm out so rm ms tr Vilnius mission me11 IwItLesoIr mow 1er The Slims County Board for the rioting oi Sch Is FIATNER IIIIRRIE Ontario Ilhllll Chairman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7252414 III lotto stgrl rrtisot It resolves not am siler Is ovollrslloii IRI oddlllonol duos on on oer word lino sic no line It DID MINIMUM nose to out littlean uwtts ooisIm Nolhad counties imr men It woo rwnt was All IMM motion only or Idwlttrl Agwlioi sovsnsm Department In MIT ALI IMI lhvoTVlUl milliht lhl vlvlt nviooTltnt It Itll IA Wilts ssotne corn or DIANE II ArrlI EIIiIlIM not Not sol It APRIL style IION Im the It ilmolh moot Inuit II end om vol oxen Tsllt s4 rtl or ii mm mm or pssIIort ssresot ror rats soilsot locum Nlorlllttm Jot Ig notes EMPLOYMENT WANTED MERCHANDISERSV on wit vtLiisI MIR lBNDIZOIAINTIIIG Dilatation sLIl rrerive terriers liloth EANOUSORLLIA AND OOLLUIG WOOII lress llnlII FRIDAY NOON JUNE End llU Tend rr iorrrss may be oolrlilsd irovn IIIiino tomptrollrr oi Pusdlasing Ferris Lane ltlyil tloultlso sovsrllumools tnd Mint III Montana lubillllloil wilh tho Isrullth 0t Qiosrilild Olsolly vorlillftllll with two it IA It Mdilionll lords III rIIpEE no use or Insultsrt words Inn III MIMOIIAM II slrlll tsso Wilt IQFRIIEID wIlIN eoitlur mm III In toltrrvm luattlllo snvssrlovn Discount lslos sooty ii Ola um OM it IRMPIIQM AW HI IMOIIM IN tonmvllvl 11 an smcvlls his our mod on lnIhrliorIIoIhIan Moltlplo InsoIIlons my ordM soblarl to ssiKsllsIloii mo Hats Hum on ml It WI lorh lnlllsl thnYI at Nvmbli lit root In uauTII IIIIIII Ml Kill IO st son Outlaw clsssltIIR rsovirto to outdo er thoii ssvsiilsmsi Immsisislv stiv IInI lnaorttorl in order thot any sum or omission may no soooiloe actors mm In ordor lhol Isms may or third Ier ir isIIawIng dsv noon The Illrio Exlolihlr lo oomlslo has only one Inroiiscil ulhlsd Initttiorl oi Int olvlrlillirtln stont st oovtiion mo stirs Is not limit to vsloo rt moni 1an oiliw It pea to sit sliv mm or trim soy wsni osrvlo Inlmimr sssdrm II no ory oiln ol tlionu In tr rnsslo mo vino on nsidly or laiylt In my le motiwo oo isv Iii MR whom oormtot hell Ill mm an oval loll In mlliod or who Mirth Ilmllll Isl lmotit cold or tIsnIs roty arrow urn IIRTNS on A1 Oh one In on no no nvoOw RIUI Pth UV wan it 1ri IN is lot to tauIgloo it Mom surf rIr Iiilo Amountsl wt or III or vuv solid fa INTIII not Man Ismsu III P61 VIII PM luvs Milo Miss err rooster In It MHth so pt AMA with tons mun MTV or Mini omot DWI 51 an Jlrv 1sz Jr the suit pen MUM IM UN Irv My Int 1le AM us PM NDEPPWri on on re im in MOWW TIERom MIIM PM Jdmtt Pt It Now ROMP NIL M5103 IAPI Vetersn ILIL lumen Dos Amy Boston Bruins signed usiliesr con trth with the Nations Ilodtoy LraIuo clots Wednesduy moss pglig director Sinden wreyp leaves Mtlsa Woltnrs the only regular Bruins still uvrslylod PIAILICO TM 310 REASON snowman iAPl Plin Ilrss Rseo Course hondied moot during its recently con eludcd Godly meeting record or 11s lmyrvsr history the thorwclhrcd lrartr snnouncrti Wednesday leiieo reported attendance oi rooms lor the in meeting daily sverags oi 10989 and 21 per rent in qesso ahove the WI oltrndu nice The Preslmsos Stakes Iay lil drew moi 61651 psrsons lihl hod handle ei more tor the ram IIILWN OUT THREE WEEK GLENN AP Iioisaton Astros have lost pIRIIer Doss Wilson Ior threo week because of rectors lust shove the Druids ol his pilehuvs hand Wilson will go on lhs dissiied list lav thre Imh told the PW Ilys will rsll up tomes Rodney Richard Hoot 2poIDder ItdIthansior Irons Donver oi the Amcrlroo Association LEAF BROOM TORONTO IO Toronto Maple Lasts announced Wedlicoan Ihey hale required deieoeemao Willie Eroeaast from Philadelphia Ilyero or so moorland spout or cash amissrt at notuo of Allan Sash turned prologsioosl tour years are and Ioa spent met at his carver in American Room term OI 3IGIPEALCII ANN en Roscribod to tho lsrscot transaction oi iu Idnd the Armstrong Brothers stshlo len hi It or lobed Form or lonelier him Jointly Purchased ll rs and Islam Irons Bert mics At lelkolsliions source sold 34w eat tea ole oi III kind LphamIIs rec hslory Issuing the horses sohi wm Voodoo Huro ross Jsrrbe BoUe leading two yosroid Imnoyrwlnoeg oi 1m Jambot Belleo darn Maryach llanover and surng lull grater Ie Albatross ROMAN BETTE SUIT too mom IIPI $5000 damigo stilt illod by he most Oporlsi loo Angelo llama Turterbadl sgsiost the hslluta was dismon Wednesdsy by oiolnlsl agrecmtnl the clots to ho Ramg did not hold valid roo trm on his services but live club uttered that tho Ilia mltssl toy stIt indicated lhat tho votersn players on still member ol the Rsmsorenn ltslltn loosh so ltgureo vim dit oer darn ot the put Amt 9an league clue oowet Gabriel marred the Foo lmnnt or Humor Isms Irsel Itph or Irvin In moo ll rot MIMI sII nine to III IN WI In Mr Pi2 wuss to 1m not orvsomis rm wit ow mom whmi Dsqlbm Rem dew oo No no mount is If ronLIIIoIIsnno no WI an 11 in mt new It our Wt snow or Imto Ntlot sod Irvw JIVM moonlit Ail AMI In Ion nu m5 Mommies ETDI Wt DIM ms Moo It mnsm mu on WMWTWTM IN tau slawIRv IMW 01 Mill himLesvtrrsmv Mil tortth svoisis BINGO ivory Thursday Pro BARN ARENA EOIoiRiIhtplr him It II whiplash st tlliwsi Pro until Also Islam or IL In end at nifm RAM Ii loltlw at In II nus ooiutvotit wiII mama tune Mrs to hurtliit Uni huh oorskl II Im IMsrmsoI etc In stormy new WI Itth torrent Itnl It In on as riiotmri It II TIIIMIA In ltrhollndottlllio Mo on on Iran Iron ore Mn rinoIi Down nuts soyln Iiitnu It Wollrr IWI IMritl moi Ind Lby Ill FLORISTS HARRIS FLOWERS tt Dollop st to motel hIURIELS FLOWERS Tl Bsyiiohl bt 1151501 IENDLEYS FLOWERS It sin st masts STADIUM IN WORK EtSl IlliiltEREOtlD NJ In thnstrutlon til sporti lsciliiy sI Roieosert Iver NInIIWIInds will Prom on MIlttIUil despite BOUND ssII log mIUlDIt In onris it ups coed chr hr Droid Sponsorsd by Isms lllNOR 110Csz Iin COOKSTOWN AND DISTRICT LIONS CLUB so hoI tndIIIOI SIIOIUIIEY Intruder June It pm Concession 10 Tnlltllltt To Poilw Aim in mishap hittinlui BARIUE Alll RENTAL holurday June lo pm HARRIET IIIIILIC LIBRARY Lost rental UNIII September 5W MW Whiting available Jill ROLLING IIILLS RIDING CLUE TRAIL RIDE June and 10 not Competition Ride va Ann tDuug Item Everett sItD LINE msonormo MIMI III stslss sports orvI or pension authority Conetruriioll less hottest last out then on danmlero ssnlaiird visits to ed to Iioihtvo lily rroso old rm Illrs tliilsm Cow Itahl iromhlcyi or hotel loot In no dodletltd st tho unto hand IIth orists silo loos tour risotto cross srot Io srrh at the their on ot the United Chords inst drains Is In memory at Iii not It Nmrd Alien yusols oi Aeo and Who Illrs Ism mentors at am abort stutpi tire ll lll plant by nor hits 111 Tier ll Croft olllrisled slots tsmtluntcslorillm low sturt thruster WI oi NI sod Ills lions tons Upton Jason lllrhrrl on Darin son oi llr Int Ilvr Gordon Dori Mom Dmlsiu laiso son at Its and hits Deep In lake lot Kilns ilusgeen dovshlor oi lie Irs list or iluroeon llIA 10th Churchill Womens instilull rrlthtrttd II Nsthos hy hoists hixts to tho tislrt so hurl meeting of tooth slum lily ll Itors than too tttr poles Int Val Inrmhrn stlsrt III IIth one so WI marlin art in tho dlotnrll tilt morn btr hits Normoo King lens tlsno lroosutrr rho now lit to Borrio Ind Ilrs Gossng Cons labia Noumsrtrt past prrri drnt out till somverssry roIIs servol later to guests IRRISIII rmmcillrr Bistro Cons Isblo Iielcorned delegates and In humorous troy trorrd thr his tory ol Cilurrhsll broorh it had to himsrll chusrhill Wu organised in m1 and hgs hcco serving tho roosmon 11 coolinuourly sincl Ilisl time In tho esrly dsIs this hvaitvlt was Instrumental in having sore In rhatgo ei Ihs In on licks Cennr rt vino saioi sastst What gjritnd its title Ll Jesus and that lion lliut 1m Rim 0th too tho 11 liter ot lltlirrot Wu Illii sort eollvtrl WI It Cruises In two vi om orrtpt II Committees to tho fl onillsry Ihirh oos prim the 0A soul It ili may los Us biasrs rriln pattdlm int timton tor or uhiis special poles sure hy Lisssor third or log silo honnlo no touting Tho rhirla nuns tore plirnrils tori air out psr uniiiirins GRANITE ILCIIIIP Dime honor it hcit no vii viii ITt ornt homo Ivlis pour on sinners vrrt IIlllsv em =in NH Ennis Ill lairoy loltt II recon were ilrs Ilslt sis Ch rltiil snil Iii illivsl Eu llolly LtrIiPi ulriiing at um ilsry Morgan Bronn IN Ilino llu Grass Donnely host the hand oriss sod liom Rrours sword densl sinners nest nily Du litrry Hosts lurluo In Lorne Ethan and Rodney its TLIUIIIIII Unanrry mrt reunion lsy the walks IIiittI Ill Churrhili rr it rlrcicil alllI rriniItaIrPil tie IIroI lrrri htlli in IIII Iiilngi IIIIIIII hail the tin unrllon at being the only rlirrt light In InnisIII lor some years In the Dalis dozen children had their tonsils rmoloii It tonsil riiriie hriri Irv lhs hsII ICounrilIor Cossstshir In PM oi theml Churthill hrsnsh tr rsogrl Iur ths drclor resistor rd hull and rotilpmsnl Isrvl My them 5R nlll items out Country uvll Iolss on It Pro ioeIr little larger and not In thick Silo thonilsd Ihs pihi relation oliircrs Ior our logs ul WI soil soil or pinneil black and ti halos urs Ihc only ones tIIIIshIo or remind year em tIrr lh boil Nrrion Smiths lino hIIlI his niln timer unis the guest or arrival guests IPI Islt llsidrnliy lllli ilrs itr from tho Toroiills III III Ilrs Conrys Lucas IIII II rolt Itrlll tlv III United Norris Dole eoms liorn llisdlopi Ion Bord Remix Rate this Illill IIOIIlilY Ivyl West Alllilos Oilirsrs lIoul IIi tlIIPI An lIileelIII mnt nrtpi Iliuh mi Itino with In puhiirsliun Nrsslis colored OTTAWA CPI lot hello by 11 pins hide help mm irondiy Ottawa hsscsi Inla hoolr can spell in start trsnshlo or criminal In Canada it has harnessed and Pro monany it will routines to hoppen lho more does sell tho bode III the two oi Eat Iisisrlrhrt oi shun roo lnr lspa sissiysoil to mat tho electrook Sore last lIII the RCMP his heart operol the soo dtu Pollen litiorthtlion ConerIimIY list ind lSonrvy Werb shrirmtn MW in um quiNtIIII ode Ill on domain orst loan the Cars umtioo Arrsvo lst mm hull oi 1on em as criminals or long WOMAN dinlsyo PlllIIUllm odird lo Ilia he Fi giertip Tho Ides or pollen across the country to VrrttoiIIyIII lhrlr linsert Iniormstion sealed to them at their work present there no to air lvsen here and It coover Ihrro po work The system II lesdad into the tiny ml by um there some too oi LIsss tenpiss scross tho eoimtry

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