ioronoutr nuns room star It In moonro THE BAYMART IM MUSKOIgIWCARPETS megiliggORTS AItotrwwd MAINTENANCE Imam Oomtnsetlon and atom cord mom lMAOIIXE more 11111ther talus or run min mow norm Pmiou esperlroeo to plant msiriruoee pretend lea not ti seetisL muslin and osrrtinu premium palL Ilellm 1m snowIr paid it toss roe sols 54mm Mm IOATS AND MOTORS NICKS DEAD srocK to so cava mrtusi soul to mbmunm1m DEADITOCK it oou Ilium pm of mu mu mwmnmd tufnm nonmer oox metronomeU id DIMH misnomaamhw aimsay1amd IllaIlls osur aisan no root mm to sold It II nip storm woes norm GARDENING SUPPLIES DOGS AND PETS rsrsiirou lhOlII LARGE MIGR WORKMANSIIIP GUARANTEE DA II ROANS RY TIII MASTERS CON WI ALL ION In WWII0N on on rotor or sons Ilo rotII CENT mus cons and one load ouvlo er In as Irvinno son in mom Mm tNO GIARGL no Tomcat Ontano Nico Itootmo PM Lieem No LIVESTOCK FOR SALE momma nun Limousin sumo mm umlm mum CUM PM butt 59 THE BAYMART is just north on Bayfleld on THE MUFFLER SHOP lvo Barrio locations to rim in LIhLSTIL St mass ILID N0 MUN AT THE LI wormed pious Iriio it ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL OF CANADA ILR N0 PARRY SOUND Ontario soon 0015 it IINPVIAV Lannauoluo not Im lad AMP ILL or 5C0 mull YER thoulhlohout giving this some thought alI 7132414 00D ls GREAT aroma wuss Wk 3s rm voo tits is on no not or or on not too scone who can nu tholnMstmh more who on is be YPSY LANE INN 11 on Martin Votlry MIIII loll It lolo to um o4 Mists WEDDINGS AND osnousns srwnsrv Onontlmlmtltsioll leI use omnlslm mull oar EIIILIIBER In met our nit It Idrortml TZHIII Lolita on Ivrlito Loonhscn Ileal that Ilroisr mo Marvin tempos wenrm II Diornois Nancy serum rooms one on lor PARTIES FAM ILY REUNIONS re ceptions etc Its another at our spe dailies cannons spot LU WOW Volt NEWNWN mm NAM msau run ALLEN or muss Ml NTERFSIEI In ml you mm In nos rdwnrm roll Hill ON the American Motors exclusive IUVEII lotutleo run It to GREAILIN tor or PM 32415 IIARSII MOTORS Ltd IMIIIcAIo atoll out mtilt Ilsntlr It ERY GOOD SPOT tel worm so maul The Ivcn CLINIC crowns Quality IIANOS uses rooson vosanlsod us Shelton NIII NIGIITS COMPLETE SPRING SERVICE so am INIGNU MI do II mtt COMPLETE AIIIO IND THICK RING SERVICV PM 11W II COMOth Wt DIILLIA III II mio soot mills ERO 741 Toivrrs Pharmacy Penulan Ilwlil IIOFUIIDIIAI rpm tots so WE DING PICTURES lsorislllw nowm or Irtlll PMM man 1o RICK SMALL ASONRY Want lids lneosiilsl cmmortil MIWMIII 7mm ARTS FOR SALE I4 ARTS FOR SALE Doors AND novel ssssloolsl moo at In In pong somth hum ma Ivyt mo lloor sis imam mm SPECIAIS OF THE WEEK lot MI ARTICLES WANTED loss to Dov on rlttlwr mm In no convertible top not mm oso sanitation um or oa lohlos hrs ulls to rtsulouse comm too OIO OIN will soiiittioo tlc mom If Iour sous ost um TIIIMI TM PO IIITAIII Bol MIVN IIMWY TIHI rr lllt unto till Rum CARDINAL hiAlIINIi TIIH RAYIIAIIT Raylteld St harm or rem Islets Iu old it nim WWI WIIIID Iran ms mm mm Isms soot old item ole in norm or as T337115 IND morons OBRIENS PROSEASON SPECIAL IT GULL ROCK nonrs morons mm LTD iiilNiIShlAhTiZTI CANUIZS 0R1 STATION ITml CHRYSLER OPILNI BOAT ILTIMPII IA III JOHNSON FROM $1595 Iargortnelc ol mucous IcovIvzn IiIlUNOEIlCllAIl Innis Irnvtlsorl ouvnosnm Lnsncunv AND voLvo fINDoInnomuonnn Oorogo Soles Service Northern Des Nialioo 4812122 nails REMAINplan Milli IQII OM IMYIM II or coltlrvl ow Min II In nolow tool Inooud ooroo Itolt 150 RF mind Ind molar In ALI oath MIN ood KoMllInn In 1pr WTH mos nilner roevs AND to return Md Mil OLA All Motrin mllsn Tritonon III lost root to Iroioiv use or MINI IIIO Ii ltII rs eolutoerm rooms IM till urllor tar my MI It In wow so Cevus on not STARIITE POOLS land run some III mm apart on on snow vrn snrlsim om 7mm suit IAllil sPECIILIsss at mm MINI us Admin at NLIIIITED number of products can he advertised in IRIS II Idssin you All Ilnos or unit not vtiru NHL norm Iv Motors and ninth nng um INN en IDoormat IIIII Am In WM SIMPSONSSEARS Canada Manpower Centre I36 Hayfield St 7282468 Ext INSPECTOR immrtliato openlov In our ins UI Ipplirnnt will he grade II Ino years experience on gels word rod Elsa nm or In It mum Ills no mo Ilsa mi or lllliil1 om ta sun Id In om Phone 7282114 prng Ntw lrnt sailors Iemt IItll Instrumentation and powi 1m PIIEIIIIOROUGII hIAIIA OUIS ll 11 Inboardosdboard Convertible tall side curtains Iull Imtnirnenlatlon and pour IIII SPORTS AND hIARlMI LTII sun anytime at Itthrth Now rei ms IRIdimIIIOn rsu tourstrod Work motor Doll has wiMNIHi Ieo Ins III rurtolna 0n srollu Ussd rm vessels cannons uses miles as rs onsw oiirrvim witnmod am no In WMItho sooso rimdill Trimm mam bdol mitII Andy tomrtoo om littvo sisId to itIIIW ll er onoIvo dhlrotitd Ilol TolrW JUI 2117 FARM summons to mm In mot us Ilium wt DOGSANO PErs Irma WW Outtam ms ttu Intro ow 1mm an miss rsooom v1 euro as status no how on an on mu tr no rt mm on rm mu reso mos no son 1mm nuns nrmu MN MOI MM EDGEIIILL AQUARIA AllrIIIuLsImIIIHoIN gsiiooeJrcsI latcrsndrnIIIM sis lIIIIAIISIZ MOUNTAIN IIt PM to EDGEIIILI DRIVE Ilwno 7m ms rs InIIII Demos rim lo out OKMNM was sod ovum moiw Mem ml solo otlnlrto ms to monor mm ta MI IlltN All ma on ltdrtvre Now uses otter No narrows no PJ WW PERSONALS Your Day Care Problem Solved At Last viimmtno reliability Irvin cars and al tontlon Open lm so port Monday to Friday weeks to Iii years It oolloovs mom Iioda MOLI would from oil Buford norm MUD WORM 31 51 on we Dsnmr DAY cm comm iirt no hayiirid moat WIIIIIO AMI llAlOIHY 1M SM IO INTI Rm em out otd mom ml mm ML hAllRiE KIDUISKDDI AII OIIMAI SNIPMIID WI Donald ttr um ours with im Mlle 11115 Happy Birthday MARSIE on ALL MY LOVE GORD Moll Md VKAI hiyil IIIIUII wn st ntscvi orooim our In IIIan Mir Ill Isl Cuts norm Ihtllltll IF MEET IAT loss PU IllD oroole yew swircs moot Ind Molt reason Ib Iceman noun or Hum lo noon NONI sn yrl std ud Doro Mlle new raw no rm rooosss on lmls euro nirol mo wot swim TlIrcMM oarms isunromu mind In Olood Duth errql IMI 93 CAMPING EQUIPMENT THINK SPRING st ma opposite sss mourn our our Im note Introdvtlion omits om lsrsl Its still no In Iuils my miiv Iv trpooln It to yr mons I1 Ins Iotimlldnl rrr omits oild Medial Wvrr vision Is IIITIIIUIIIO OI Uttllll toitr mi Dumas Itl Mlior mm outl pnen MomuI swimmer norm moods 00 not trot lowMus ironnul III moon or PAPIIL on Members some word In tu soelss studios tools to son to halt Examiner Jud FITN noutss Ina autos no LIMI Iii Sill Ill MN WI MIIHIIII TOIIWO not to rmt common NILLFIMLL Chen Fordvliolgr and YIY MUSIC INSTRUCTION In norrvounsstt 9LOSTOFOUND nvzlv note Dxelrlxr Ins LIONEI IIsIIDroI 3353 iiIISiInIIIinINnIII TRAll li no INermsilrn mulesa Icons WM oioorom new snyim va Priced from $75900 RI 0m duly am to pvm o1 Milt MIMI to RM LII soon rnwmv II mam was KNOTTY PINE SPORTSARAMA LTD HELP WANTED 72114111 Highway Illdhursl 0mm WAITRESSES II Wollrrsl Pun sol parttime min days lost evenings erclirrt oiortlnz oslsry plot shill prenunm rm timitihttiliiiih evict up Inllk turn lnrlP rs IO indies 31 Indies lrom CAMPING EQUIPMENT SALES EFRVICF mI SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS 1th till 01th lot IIorrIo snd surrounding tress APPLY TO STOCK BROTHERS nus LINES LTD ii Prom 51 Barrie 728594l AhlmOIIllOIII Itr vocation lontiml Sleeps oduiti lolly equippzd IVNLIIKI neck hy lhe month DOUG IiiMN SALES LTD llighway south oi Barrie moon nilor hmirs Til7010 mile south oi ilarrie om tit in it it llhreglons Isnoro lsom tit 11 It to II it biumlnum our top boats tlw up 05h hp omboard motors tits Tersit ol all descriptions llml trnl lfllIItll Terms orrongetl Moonstone Bargain Barn Telephone 8352110 Iiyslauissso Easy to soil panty hose dish corks Ior enliro IaIIUIy Brlels or bikini panties ole Free in structions and mior catalogue Writs today Nesloo liosiery Ltd 1036 ilehert street Mon to total North to 25 JIIIl libsII UMIRI ovum ism NVIR saw no oinem Doom doluro mt Uosd Mire NWT alter oosn Richie or Li or FINN Itt MMIIW TWAIN Irish Nihsmoto Ogrsiiii umn mrw Promenaivmnmoir no crown miles WWI pt sum M1 mum to Mm mni sum to nun ond oootmnl swim iron hm hand soon won it Intorslow nirnuas II issssso thuko llensm IIIIIITWIIOM TIIIIIWI tum miI loos Lid monov mm on Ioi tool the weal In rstMIno esrsdntort ms Moors mtotlto iuilri sleet added whoa torts or too ollkt to no litrm om tradition too or No room mm yas so or AMI llorps tow to or slovs til one MAI OUIII Milt Drown lttPhooo inn out the II ludinu lIroI Islsolo all etiolated no homo Tttsrhoi ol oi utoowtns tslos lwlom In IRWIN ntrovmugemmmg It Dun In My VIII LII WWI lt WII lsoodllilrod on Iioro no no or motor dotlorshlo In in tons smroo vssollon rsvniv moo suit to son in Ilrla errmines soviits puma All scones artnoovl and hold in sortiosnee oer who rotrlwoi Wilt IIsTIie Season It Our Iuo central location ollrr no In line oi rumor Mt has moral Illilvllme positions Io mu remoniiele Insulin Moths personsch in moan vnorlr sunmno We have on The unreal millismsns oi predation work company oilrrr bendils Apply to personnel doparlmenl BANANA IVLIR IIIIIIIMIIDN ma lt the many services and protect continue to expand or solution IAiil to hailch We Oiler II II TIM WW siin olIIrchIorI Itsi not Ill It gitioit non Homo IXPIIIMEIO hllmlluL OK up II WWI sou em nzsum TRY DishonorIi NINI ADS Ihono mztlt To Advertise srrlo lxsmliwr CANADA MANPOWER CEN Membership reorrsenlstim are or Th lisnetime CAA depending on your circumstances Psi ore murmurs Earn up to 010000 Phone or write 153 Duniop St moth Iocntion topposilo Bsiiieltl odens Oiilro Facilities Corrtplolo Training Progrsm hill cooperation and Assistance Excellent Commission Arrmoment MECHANIC requlmi ior NIOSIZE mNSTRUCiION IN HARRIE AREA Must be exerlcnced In all IIW ol tomlrurtlon Npmen SALARY WILL BE EXPERIENCE Reply to DISHERFARRAND oox es hiltltls HYDRAULIC RACKIIOE Moutomlur position unison VIM OItI MDan Inv IAlumna mmitoi Irdrrvlort is or pro restroom TAILOR SimpsonsSears DOW BARRIE STORE antishit tor toiior slrralions and NW toPeIsos lo SIMPSONSSRS LTD l36 Boylieid Sr Barrie 7282468 Ext TSALES TRAINEE Aggressive individual to promote music cdu Barrie area Car essential NaiionaI Conservatory oi Music 1200249 or TLHOOI TLOOR MAINTENANCE SimpsonsSears now EARRIE STORE beselils sndard messuring It usisnsost nouns nomunr OPPORTUNITY the sppeol oi career opportunity or RARRIE OIIICI THOMPSON REAL ESTATE BROKER Itsrries newest REAL ESTATE IIRIII requires aggressive sales people to complement our stall IIIIII CIII PAUL THOMPSON Hm MN FILING 901le 00 con ons me ASED 0N otor It motor LTD MT emf no two Ii II IIII Mill TOR tnIII mu lslordsd norm tsolus Ioottd Ul All it new OtMl maimed lo mens This position ollrrs tndndin prot sharinb TRE cotton in the rspcrlcrrcl IIr moirtrnanco ion department pmtrotinllslle isllh ledidspcttion and or good working ooniilions and excellent lringe RLIRK Ionswsnl MANAGEMENT TRAINEES odor by the Ontario Ilolor Iaague Barrie Office increasing nonder oi drivers are enrotling loos both new and long time belonging to this up rslihre Ls good hinge benefits DIIVIIIN llllllnrlt It IdIW in III III Inst iloidii II civil ii Ohm Inn noun Nsmmtshnvohlnw IT ITrssIIurIo mm om tool or mtonmt shltl Most to stun and ot Iiahid lltltll Apply MI run mthorli lam III PM mum viso Dow crisps torus WI IM to am lolxoosidcdlolel nuvsamionl MAIN oion In RDIIIIQNC In tornlturs most marl ml reply 0150 IMIJIILS son Illallliilltiill partoimr 1261503 In new hhil Md MIMI ssvmo Mo mth vsitnp Movsio um sh om slot and rod rm cnlIoieio Moms tsi 1m tor mm no new no to tut tori IF Imlllniso hllrdsomr rcovrod Immosoiv and mm Whr noon rivorm IIoIIIt or lllghwsy No16 II armormm rr IO HELP WANTED PAPER ROUTES AVAILABLE iMMEDIATELY Do you live In the area or on ads oi the streets listed below IVY tho wounded ems please till In LlymIIvolsuruwod rotunliloiEUAEIUEEXAIILIEB Ihosopiicoltaoheievsod Nsms Age Address Telephone EXPERIENCED SALES PERSONNEL ssqumm mo Olllluhs nosr Phoenusws Itw mnroomcs we ollrr unlimilrd advertising Toronto and Dorris telephone lines tree and euclienl commission chi in toothless to GuiT TRAVES Ilsssgrr LCi EJEDEMONDT REAL ESTATE LTD is Front Street onto mm or llooostont Dom connvssvoN SALES PEOPLE SimpsonsSears new BARRIE STORE hires aggressive experientetl salespeople ottlrs to earn shove Horatio incomes PLUIIHING AND HEATING BUILDING SUPPLIES 41ch mourns more Ilncsnrtrs It you feel that on want to join one oi Canadas Ieadinl relation eonla us at SIMPSONSSEARS CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE I36 Ba field Stu Barrie 7281468 Ext 54 east hiinJuLI WWII IX riding rotsll ilrm wvth stores Ilamumoniwyb has Ilo openings tor recent graduairi lor shore management More opportunities In home WI OFFER LA yesr lroInInjapronglTL Good smiling II tld holidays Iroa llie lmorsnee Prnson plso sod other QUALIFICATIONS Ieodorohip soliin htust be prepared lioirnurn grade it lrciernnce given Io college KMART RIyIloid SIM on Iorrlo ollice sod admhtiltralive positions henolils to relocate graduates MORTGAGE SECRETARY REQUIRED on svsilsblo tor person experienced MWDIrIIanIuIrIINgm II nlslioIL An ability deal Iho puts lsillsl Ikngir ort dmdm lot to IIIII rIrTslieuzihEnpgsitlon lIRRII sseelieot potential tor personal growth tins nrhN Demo THE MUNICIPAL SAVINGS AND LOAN CORPORATION vstoossn Motor uovlno Thor Eonolrtnllott lowIona lot siuuno Il stoo TDIIM HI more mum lootttlnl mo or lissmd mime mil IoIoo vsvromomo min on most ohiyvnn sttst some lot so Ml or new soiling unorloml lor appointment roll PORIJIIAN on llllllilll outqu Moo tsso wromnl monlmmrol WIIV In comm ooroonoi booth to Iron river eotll oow noun wolfan III swoon mton It Worth strv Imml Lenq1r rvinnnlilIAn