THEROYAI count VISITS CANADA JUNE 24 to run AFORCE toot PROUD or Wo an my pIootrd to ootono warm wol como to Hot Mainty Quota Eliralroth ii and Princo Philip on thoir vitit to Canada noot month During thoir otay In Canada thoy will In ofciating at rrurnorouo cmmorrlot across tho country to rocdg nito tho oroat contribution to Canada mado by our Royal Canadian Mountad Polico Wo noto with pridothat our Mountiu otill rank among tho many traditiono and Canadian in otitutionl that otIII carry tho1Rayal that linko our rtatlon to locaton totlro Quota at our Monarch and that our triad and proton parliamentary oyttom Tho Royal Canadian Mountod Polico havo All vod Canada wall In tho Quoono nanto and with tho unoaty ocooomio oituation and unoottlod political climate in moot of tho world wo In Conoda can In dood fool tacuro In tho knowlodgothot our parlia montary Iyttorn and tho groar law and ardtr agoncA loo ouch at tho ROMP giro uo tho arluranco of oafo happy Iuturo gvrctonIA AND out must to tea in Barrio irrnsinirno MADONAIDS RESTAURANT BAYFIELDIST LaKEVIEW trio moor torn mm ERESWMNT anownattuson 111W st 11M IWLIDMEW Complirnortio oI Tho Royal Couplo during thoir ttay In Canada will riow with thoir tubiocto tho many hiotoric mIIo Itortoo that tho Royal Canadian Moirntcd Polioo partlcipotod In atrou Canada Colorful mornonto in hittory ouch at Tho Roll Roboiiion Tho Groat Marth West oncottntor with Sitting Bull and tho Sioux will holp Canadiono ro coil tho many occaoiono whan tho RCMP ro pmontod Canadao Intorart rawoil Thorir and othor momorioo tho Quoon will talro back to England Wo hapo that rho will traoouro thoro IOO yoaro at rorvico by our vaiuod RCMI in hot narno on our boholl Wo alto hopo that in hor rocognition at thio omch to Canada that tho will roaiioo tho honor oho hao bootawod on tho RCMP and Conadiano at wholo by thanking tho Royal Canadian Mount ad Polico tar alob woil dono and oalutinp thoir many momonto in history on our Inhall at grato fui nation Compllmnlo oI HECTOR DEWAR GENERAL INSURANCE iol Burton Avo LSTEIIV AIM two do Til8966 WNT tum rotor What mu mitt STEIN llAI ISTAI mm 7263422 WM darli tor tailor viii We think woro CYCLE SPORT IiorlryDotldooa No mu ELIIIICE PAIITS ACCESSORIES ilt Yuan St tiiiro Itorrlo 72631 aintrn than to Roy mummy OnIIrIoLArrdSurvoyorI to jDUNLOP ST Titlit Downtown lorrloi Cor Collior AClopportan Sir To Mott All Your Trovol Noodo PETROLEUMS Sorting Slrncoo County Compllmonto of tho SIMCOE NORTH PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION II DALTON RENTA Co IUICLIRIIEAIMUL STORE tort MEN ant Wit DORIAN PARKIR Navor Stop tIDuaiop 1mm tTi trouttot 1mm Happmyng MAuYgu Uiaveiworid Complimonto of complimonto oI ANAUYIEI CLOSURES DIVISION INSILCO CORP CANADA LTD wtNMWW