ooooorl iv Roi CANADIAN MOUNTEDPOLICE CANADIAN WIRE BRUSH C0 25 Morrow Rood Soldorn In tho IrIotory of any nation hat badon mon caught tho Imagination ond admiration of tho papuloca ouch at tho Royal Canadian Mountod Polico Tho brilliant rtmo uniform tho Iantod muriaal rldor tho proud haarlngoll aro uprotrntatlto ofwhat pooplo tho world oror think ohwlton Canada It montlonod Howoror daohlng and colorful at thlt rala appoaro thooo activitior paio whon comparod to thoir ouporb rraord oi kooplng law and ordor throughout tho nation during Canadao growth to Iuli nationhood Tho Royal Canadian Mountod Poliao Irraton guarded Canadao hordott uphold tho lowt paottd by tho Ilodgling lint parliamonto and in morl part of Canada wora tho oniyvottigo oftodoraiirm to ho tour by tho young nationt inhabitantt WUI man and Itll oquipmont and aIrnott no training thtto man who woro tint cailad tho North Wort Mountod Poliao and In Iator yoorl tho RCMPItolpod to bulldanation that wo at Canadiant aro proud to ho part oi and doolaro our ailogl loan to It woo thit doggod dodicatlon to duty that hao built tho protrnt day roputation at groatnttt that tho RCMP now on lor Butthoirwork did not rtop than Ororthoport twa docadn tho Royal Canadian Mountod Poliao hovo dirtingulthod tham tolvoo or tino modorn law ontarcomtnt aaancy utlng all tho up todatotoahnoloalcal rnothodr of lighting trim and particularly drug tratfit Iromcoort to coaot Tho RCMP an AI on tho lob doing tho tino work At ataomplilhlng tho noar Irnpattihlo that hot oarnod thorn tho rocognltian at thlo oouvonir Iooturo among othorr Say Anismnotour Tho Frmiiy Doporimont Storo BAYFIELD MALL BARRIE iARiiS Eaiw KINGS FURNITURE It Diririoa my ltulidiar Produrio en GoanttoNaotol Juno to Juno 20 Tutrdoy boiurdry noun It Ana pot liUAlii FURNISHINGS 71 Royiirid st moon limo IL not on our mom narlia Piao Cohiaair Toiia ooo Pool Omlpllll Factory showroom iirry It North rnlicr iroro barrio IOAIILIIIENTR 35mm BROS mummy nrnrz BARRIE COMMUNITY MATERIALS NTM CREDIT UNION DI 1266474 out no IIIRRLC out COLLIER st mom 79 mm ST trtnr BLAKE 5T motor Compiimontr oI nit BAtsHont moron Horn Entortainmant Contra of Sirrrcoo County BARRIE ONTARIO Haw4 alrlrt firr rl rv rr raaarnhmmnmhg IC nunuwMnnWNWwa MAA