Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1973, p. 21

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capabilitth igggnia 1225 EE aisle Mind the Northwest Rebel 81 Edinid Bede eiJfa area at Cairns mm um and Drills wit Ml relaunch to in II III the II ti Ml Tears in Donia tiny In tctiimtty Guild CL in ILV till M110 ml in tube aasrr ilari tinsbed liLIyei cc lath tunmd at runner Que theybad too dogma and on trot liarwad Dim liabrtl Serif author of Policing the Amie rim and sevent noictr basal tea the exploits of the hilt See WA TLG Slr Saar whirbhchadedbotbthn In Simcoe MP RCMP Oiiic On agJae ituris tors er in In Win IL MMXAY inll unrest it UWII lion be mm the entai ry of the Alberta Nd Three lie was protracted sweriatendent In in end mended the us peditton teat into Korma in last to settle tadian cs During the lttoodth bid ntsh he was in charge itNiihtP will tbs little Ind Ottlloot QUALITY POP AT FACTORY mm are and me this week Ind every mt wyq Ttodt is THE itth Sdioomr ibl negate the hazardous Nels was brill in rm became the that ship to to But out Postage trons West and on completion More On Early itry teeming with hesitate to sits on Old Mans ltiver near itiie foothills oi the ltocltes 0n the way the now deserted Fort lvboopUp was toasted by mid norlhwrstward through roun tcd Police and III while stitictl it Though persistently rcpcotedtho ucs was spanned with the re otndcr that the litacLloot were on friendly tenets with the red coatt and the Great White lilo somber the improvised build in lngs oi Poet Noticed the first ovtpost of constituted authority in the farthest westhad been thtttly begun fortnigii irisa Troop which had brth trotthvatd item point sthiar less than midway on the main line of march found two iiitiiiitif or Iy North Sat mum iiiuii Comratv post on its itstehowaa ittvor The is man It ilacicod were communalted and hope at rctrrimanuoia to can at tho norm strength lInil disposition ol Iintottnding lindisna and the lawless Ictlv border ftccbootere in at The Inc the titles at voitcd possibilities oi dealer LAIT ANTI ORDEII While preparations ions was no filer extraordinarp topporturtity was for hint ed larwardnn difficulty no not to disperse er Tbs Sioux threatened to Its tacit the binctfoot in retailer tion for their rurt relcttton but Crowfoot was tntotmcd that in such an evont the tfounted in would fight to protect his realm iterating of the digniitetl old Wltiivt loyalty Queen Vie torts forwarded tier grotttui theatr is him with the Minnesota lndinn War In ttti hostilities had been tntcsrut between the stout Ind the United States Ar my over wide extent at the mutated piston in Juan and bitter Vlltim culminated titeLittleblgliotn lttvtr too lira tooth oi the Cypress little probably the larg est lndiIn camp ever assembled on the North American contin tr Int resulted it was made up at Sioux undtrtheteaderehipoltlro Ihcrdy renowned mulletno man and necromIncer Sitting trail and the able war chicia Crow Ior brtncto account the harden Cm ml my lm ed vendors at Iltnwnlrr and to vthe entire ltiarltfoot Confederacy as well as Crres Assteibolncs land Sauiteaut were not slow sense the awaiting of ltt tunic In duo course litin Iticns Le Droii tho motto at rnc Force was to become tccounited axiom of the plains lo Maintain the lttght In 01qu passport to tecurtty Native elicit visited the Force jtrrst in curiosity afterwards in toil confidence oi Canadas in ientlont iiarbarrty and etvailtts lion met on common mind At last the toil little Ilgure vi tCroivloot the great Ulimaw of the iiiaclrioot and the hold at the cMicdcrscy rode up with im ptcaaiio dignity lie advanced nnti cordially shook hands On that day Canada saler innate cd hrr Ihlp oi state upon the hrond prairie ocean oi the West it Is noteworthy that in trust csl totilrrst lo the usual out like in tubdulng the West Ithere had been no tendency to wards shutdown methodt only in steady persistent endeavour to mate lawabiding citltrsrs oi Iboih white men In notices by tilt the Force had become litrme established The border vrncn responsible for the Asslni fboino nurselie in the Cypreu Hills in tho sprln of in we tntilidcd up for tr It and close to the scans oi their murderous rovcnilo rso miles east at line leod iort Walsh was built and was soon busily octtiplod as the pagttlt in the mrth Port iSartetc wan war meted ll rmiles irom Tort Edmonton and iott Calgary was established It riho tuition ol the liow and El how litters nativity between Edmonton and llaclcod With the mming at string the Comrade hither and lleacinuarterl stall thud moved to Swan itiver hav rlng established Ieveral whom triple iwstt towards the east In wnmuaicalion with 1me which him telegray tina was being built commit or run stousr in tilt the Sioux the most pnhttittl tribe in all the north western States appealed to tho litacttiotn ta crow the border tend them in warfare against tlts alteri attics cavalry regi rntitl There was proqu oi booty and prediction that the tomhlnrd force would later turn Introduce elvliltcd pro ccduvo and authority amber in rlians Ind trccboolcrr Iiite Even alter the hi tow months liIIrk lwt moods Pcfgant Sorters the scar Trerties had been disregarded by feverish white invaders from the East oopceiaii in the Black liiila el Dakota iv ere cold had been discovered The Sioux thrown on the defensive decid ed upon stand At the liottte oi the little Big Hold it Coi ooei George Order and force at the 7th United states to and lit retire on Can east or ed the Sioux buffalo The tttttion northward to wipe out the Mouth the winds turn th Cavalry was wiped out to the but man nations ttott was stirred to the depth indigna Sioux now scattered to cut northward for the tint bond at fugi lives crossing the international bornulary to pitch their lodKrs IdiIn toil tut antics soule lort VILsiI em test now confront Fortc officers and men were continually called upon an the one hand to pretty the in diet at Canada and prevent the from spreading to tho it Blackfoot honing groundshals ready being serioust depleted of ciimIn of difcult Iii came with the Irrlyai Ia Canola oi Sitting Bull himself and his more immediate follow ing scouting in total inllut oi lndteoI from the United tries at about too men vonnn rhlldrcn tilt lotto the loyalty oi Crowfoot coupled with tires teas and tactful handling oi the tituItion by the Perot raved the day powrrfui and brtiuorttat demerits now hell the stage in and about the radon ot the Cans Idlsn plains tho Hudsons Bay alonribe melt the Sioux raider Sitting butt notrt the international borninry the the More lacuna the first totatl throuvhtbe passage both directions the rum lrhtrnty began when the on ion pr captained by SIff Servant It Larson Ind RCMP History tilatidoot Wateredy towards the west and tie North Wat lioimtrd Police everywhere Sovcrtt rmatln before the coining of the Sioux because of the gcumi west along the bot der Ind hrsnediatsb wait at the lines the motion was taken at Increasing the Indie strength at rottI hfacteod and Wall or the inhaler Dil hundred men from the northern poets Port hlaclcod now became the head TECH it it ml of wilri trcepbeloue borwdary now doorman the Ms sit Mittens and lronr Port Walsh and rub post It Wood htortntalnaear the ol thorium wanderers mat vigilance wIs ilamtage we given sit Ttuii and All that the 1leh ppmthbo my daring to urn rt nieanwhtk gorcmrneals were irateasciy coupled in In Ittcttrru to moth out the diiiicuities Unttrd Staten ornvoissionere rib lied It Walsh to mutate with Sitting iiuli for his pretrial re turn in his own roll but to the diacrin and disappointment at the norm omboth sides he stoch no intention oi rem tag the ineroitionai hornidary BLACKPOOT TREATY ibo tl SItoltiy alter the establishment of Manitoba in ion treaties had been enterrd into with the in diam Idlacent to the Red ltiv rr who had sumrrdrrcd tar portions ol territory to crown The lilocidoot mimicr my still held the cotIttry bots drrtng the Ioothillx than IcIv big about 50000 squaro miles our test by tho btactrfoot ii Patient and Serum to be dcat wth The aim of the North West Morrnted Police was to road It and lttSiiitg un derstanding with rtatom and to unbrudcn the country oi Sioux aliens The overnmetu early in 1971 decided that there should be no turtttcr delay in bringing the emiro country within the legal went at the admtaluration The Lieutenant Comnor ol the Without Territories and the Worm at the North West llouatcd Police were nominated to enter halo negotiations with Minot and his broiler dtit great modingtoolt place It the blotiioot wooing on the lid flow litttt wiethLiIIY At this last great assemblage of lndinn splmdor details of the most important lndinn treaty in Wists annals were upon After tignairnes had been edited by the acprcesvitatiiaa ol the internment and the iodine ditdtartes Duct ktritual tea tilted In the lollowtng words to the trust his people piano in the North West Mounted Police the tdvice given me and my people has promo to be very good It to Nice had not some to this country where world we all be now find men end whisky were billing or to last that very few oi as would have been left today The Po ilco have protects us as the leathersolthe blnl protect It from the float of win lot with the ligating oi Itll treaty convolu Iotercignty oi the Canadian West passed to the Dominion Government etnttto Wu Lnavu In int titer UM ettbrta at thepollonurdmttbaicrsthy the cruelty of prominent nmhurndisn trader In the Wood Mountain country the Sioux were prevailed soon to III milt tender to the United states Irr thoriliea The border posts at bladeod and Walsh gradually boom less Importer Ind ll deiolrcd won the Force is mote the venom lndinn tribes to Ii listed reserves well away from the botaxtary THE CANADIAN PACTFIC WIirtr tirltlsh Columbia enter cd Confederation in 1371 the Do minion Government guaranteed to construct railway tinting cast and west The work was begun in flit bill the line through to the Pacilic Coast was not completed until toes The build trig of this railway actors the alas created many problem he coming of sham torn lat stress may of them tvuth drab Ittcrs trcated much lillreing among the lndians there were strikes among railway iaburcra to be settled but to the credit of the Force general order are VIiied The ltdcoated police were etctt called upon to act Is railway maiiclorlrs Newcoms srs uric met by along cl fpicnt and heiplttl edrritnlatra tori Late in tool new handouor tors post was constructed adjac ent to the railway line at Pile oi lioncr iiieginal The struttth ol the larva was increased irom 300 to 500 men had training depot fur recniiil wnr establish ed at Winnipeg llatcr transfer rod to begins The pessremei at Fort Welsh were movch to new zpost at Monte Creel also traasooetincntal track wherever towns and ritlagts sprang up along the railroad police detachments worn esth iiahcd to maintIln law Ititt order REIELLION Alter the oncedominant lilack foot Confederacy had ecrcpted greed the white mans mole ol lite things moved smoothly tor time The ammcc of their mans of livelihood and the transition from tho untramtnci led life of the builan pastures to the distIsietoi restrictions of the ultimate and reservations however were hard on lndians had lictlt Famine at times lCrItIIutd on page sot Cluster some day Photonlr PivatoaunI pitta SHOPPERS DRUG MART TAKING CARE OF CANADIANS wipersn AJtAIlHtl evaporate OPTICAL Collier Itd Clappertos iiitut with crew at eipht left It nuimall 50 on June 150 Ind rescind Sydney itsI on October IN The return rouge started on July as ibtt tron Dorm NS not was convicted on Octib er IO ii The as hosts is preten pm to In his lutisciioa res deeded to the whole oi these services the ifutoaand 30 lie was pro moted breast ltrutxolooci tor Aime time be was MP for Storm Titling which extended from Georgian Bay to Amara Druids the South AiricIa War Incumandnllntdsurtbrooas iiovse remaining to tomaund the Transvaal division of the South Airlraa WWW isot Oi 0n returning to Canal he loined tie Pcroraaeot Force and corntttaaded first the Cal tbsn the Winnipeg military trim Wed minimal and made tumor general tor at layllrld 5L limes trons lIytkid Mail DIAL 7284654 Vinita Canada lbti lie raised mulled and train Pd It the Verxotncr lilIrittmI ilusesun ta Venturver Instiqu tare no Ed the hi Canadian Division whirhtntootio Bulandinrsrs There he mod the Show THINK RICH Looking tor profitable businmi Youll Find Great Selection At Toronto BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EXPOSITION 13 JUNE l4 FOUR SEASONS SHERATON See Lntcreottnl esdstbitl talk in winUatI whorl variety at fair Int yartetnre brnloeu opportunth for men or wotnta EXHIBIT NINA Tllgtld Ilium tSNIon FUR STORAGE LIOJBAYPIILD 51s Spring cleaning liliiitlti locations lIr Your shopping myrrh tumorpant lesidIibinCrttl was tom PM ll II run it to it InsertionsIII WM and STORAGI with our Scutle Semceslor DRAPESStiPCOVERSBtAlIItETSBOX STORAGE AII for details WI have BARRIES NEWEST STORAGE VAULT tiltiii tit our corral carith MDG Congratulates the RCMP on its iOOth Anniversary of and welcomes tior Malorty and Prince Philip neon Elizabeth ti Duke of Edinburgh on their forthcoming visit to Canada TIRE DIVISION it itrr destinations MANSIIELDDENMIIN GENERAL till BARRIE ONT vt tt rt am rt Nvrtfsiarrx gtvl

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