Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1973, p. 15

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DEMONSTRATIONS ht Illll aid to memtm at the Bar ria North toiierlnia Army co dot cotpa thorn Icra pan oi the opium oi the lath an mi cadet inspection hell at North Wednesday ailernoon Oil LEI1r Odi Danny Grantham leg in splint ra eeives Ild Iran Cdl Dun lie Difficulties 0i Snowcleoring Are Explained Bay Area city now mm nonunion operaim nlil Ellie In the public Inst depuinvri re llaiioid thahnardtbo shin alaindedcnlvtaetdduaeia Iteardropthapnvithatleast Humbmvinihopmusol Ha raid ihn moot desirrahia radius which the opmiun can bandit uninitialthth leiiau villa Wain Ari lar ol Barrio Squadron oI Grey and Sim Forester loot on Examiner Photo uoIPSleetiromthcrdrIoi lbottnnintrlrrioinibepropcn lliine liIuidihannallerlurnln lrelcsiortboplmlomlbo opaatmlolenvehlnmdm ozuplnrixlceiolrnnwnn medicaid mplai booth re nlsI honidand ihn npernlora dont iiiolnbeailaub but mlnolmurh eiu they ran Ila also pointed the drity nu on common round In sortie subdivisions which never are at the road also lead in uremia between neighbors and erositunily lind their way back Win oi the ietna known to en intern and openim its to mpitte Ibeaa and tul than In owner let Iduplin he laid 1y hy the dev trn the citys respanr lbliily Both the Barria llnrtlmttural Sodtl itan the Parts and its creation Commission will find it Increasinny diiliruh to thin urn nl thrso circles he said recognize the need ior them both lrnm Ianduso point ot Ibo and train planning standpoint but Ibrne things hnie In he trot in mind Ihen you Lhn planners ate them in link plan ripper Critic Barrie Examiner CITY NEWS THURSDAY MAY ll ImIS illiandhle Heights Subdivision rr tiandarthlnrlomo nos tutor Beth minister nl Industry and icon hm yesterday oIieraily open ed rcwvrezlonni ellire In 0rlilia til ltaxbeon bit ileum praised the work deer by the llilmhll Tourist Aa Ioclalion in the publicnlion oI its rm tide book inokiur over the book or TOM Lli isde Smith IPO Simeon tail llr Bennett and Pelee liud at The Burris luxtrt Inimliun thirI thuninrr Photo Tourism Loan Policy Coming Soon Minister lion Cinch Bennett min in his lunrhcon speech lit Iie pointed out in mi IherI Trier cl industry and tourism Bennett said In 1m tourist re Iere as rniiiim tourist lsLa to said Wednesday he Will an venue in Ontario is upceled la the liuroidrlaha Simeon area bounce June new prnvuicinl reach ll billion Statistics show Those tourists loll behind upr government policy on loses to 1971 Brought ill billion irons prohimatciy $50 Million tourist mart marina and Ipeclti Irrn operators the tourist Industry hlr llrnrtrtt mmplimrnlhltlio The mist ii iii my llurnnih Tourist ArsoeIJliuti Inr Smilinon main nl Inur INNS RIl lis booklet outiininr the MINI Iain Ind thorny ollichis in can nitniarie Ind it It tea in Hammett raid the so Orliiin Iicdnrsday nlteruoon minis ii iii Miranmob tourist enuneiis lhroucoui the Mr Bennett arid his department 59 mm 3mm ll Id province have been Isled tn etc has received numerous rom II WITHIN L50 II plain what they have been do pltinls about the lnadcourrlrs Willi ll lmmmB ol iha loans in the past He raid ADVERTISING ever the part III run its on the ministry miles the maven It will then determine whether the councils chwld een Iinuo to rmivo tmsneiol rup pnn lrnm the province heisunnmniriaaammnlh In to chart in Two Plans Will Be Circulated mmi in PM an Ontario roaideniS to travel in Plus tor two subdivisions in II raid ha had revived ver Ontario extensive advertising Allandaic lleithts in the vicirr bai continuation lrnm tho Pmmiitd iii Winn Pio ls being done in the product in ct Sprtnrhnmo Road and board that the yropcri no its the ironm will be In ai lir Bennett raid in addiuon iir Bantu aim aimed tho MIMI Bordovard vii be looser beihx consider ior ICU PM ill In Iiivrnisinx campaign Is ur WW inn oi the ministry clrctdaiod to the Valletta eity Iehooi Ind hawillbo allowedlo tamed Nth open arms but iii ried out in the United States iic wind out on Ontario Do itiaanlnr departments lot In detth it not riva dctalls ol tha moo lie polnicd out there are no torment Corporation in Drip Orruudr an Davin property almost mum Amtrind tourists with in is empowered to rrvviu Barrio Millers Cord Sprint ldlacent to the sector proper iir Ilentietlniao raid lbopro in days drive oI Ontario bras el up in mm and ihn Wile navies the ty ironic onto an unopened por rlnro is looking or livayear ii at the end oi the you 000 board at directors uh 039 3m Board lion oi Bulletltd plan to open up new areas ior cm the ministry cannot prove male bin 01 up lm this week all billiard plant lor III in prepared in mice into In Inuer and recreation and new the elieetlrenesa oi the Idver MN WWI encourage Norths Army Cadet Corps Holds Annual Inspection Captain Ari hitter rotunnn tin party were httIO small crowd at ialvrs ding oliicerotliiaBIrtla Squad Armstroox area nich hebd watched blips milder Ion Owl and Simeon Forcsi gunner hlciCIy Acting cm Capt Ted Walker put err was on hand at Barrio irectnroi vacation Inrhnom Norths corps uI cs cadets mm mum wmm cm Bl mum their respective subdivisions Enema with hlr brin and activities budget oi ltd mill tislntr tha Ipendintt no Idvertlsr Combining industry uni turr Amy mm Am Dam Hum WA Vlml detached homes Ia to haioclted Blnuisnrdin order to let tho rial minislry does not to In hnswcr in the question ul will also drenniraliuo operations rho nvlow included lint aid Bosrd oI limitation iwlba luled shoot the ladmuin at th the murdopai and Iodch on ol it people dry Inr year fv cal attritiloi truinln iii to encottr cd hcl in develop an industry Iiiil 000 my develop line Induairtti In The Busmess Game Finals it Ililmooit tor the tth annual Bodies principal oi nrrrta WIN hiler toot Ilio mm MM Imam my rm to am ism ha in nil help rtmm vis other member at tha trance the dot topl tlin Iorktl thew drain the Mmm utbdlrlslms linden EAR on the whole load lie the value nI tin ioorlstindu Ilinl WWW no rm WWM PW We in yemlor possible achoai madndmvrmnnecthna with merits to help in and could be maintained in an area htr Bennett said he hopes Akmhin Part and ahnolina mcnla tinman Icom lrnm Easi IMMIM WNtilh we Wm miMilli trio rod lotteries the parade mum my mm or open Armstrm this prnuarn but tho Enovln th mlnlalzr said has and coordinale ellorta it lui year reserved by the strum Covme llr Davin said in baa talkA raid Iwwwwmarw hni demotion ol the eerpa silo the city angideertn department the priuII sector will also be it Inuid ho tho milihltnl ol lwn lnrcea working loctlhcr deconvolution with calm oi Ontario and international view secondary school Tucson Compulert oi Canada hid Ilnllltcd inttttb in tho llnal ol lilo 1mm Ontario httsincss cattte hcit lu Oshan The team which had iiniahsd Iilth duribx the regular season meted up notch In its sour petition against Iour other schools fiho binning lrnm was irom William Lyon Mackenzie school Douusviou Tim crawioid rInll Idvisor said although the team did not do well the ituleala learned mat deal Ind were chin to meet with extremely competent arms is sponsored by the ins tiiuie oi Chartered Accouhinnla The students used tho corn putrr ut city lull in Oshawa lor the finals and moved into the executive oliieus lor the day The lire teams who qualied or the limit were chosen an cording to their average pro Ill nude during The your An proximalciy 1000 teams had en tered the competition last hit Iieuioera oi the Barrie learn were Dou mm Ilois liluir Russell hlylrhrtesl Bnrco Leni Ionr Dnvr Desiaidins Ind llric Davir All are Orado ll mnomies aludcnia illlisioniiirCadetSquadron Schedules inspection Tuesday Iiir Cadet souheron No in mirrored by thalioyal Canad iun legion Brunch No ill in Allister Ia hoidinz its annual Insptelloi night in the largo eym at llnnliru Memorial liiyh School at pm Tuesday The inspecting ptliccr will he Llrui Col Law oi Base Border On it lhs IJ It the Ecolnyyl nci Following the ceremonies In which our trophies trod several perleel aitehdanca pin will be presenled the cadet will pr rent gymnastics disptoy and relreshmcnts will be senid lraiilt Itciiy ol the Miisllon icrion is chairman ol the Nile rosin commiileo litd Airs Gerry lloibert it oecrclury treasurer psrnchula used at screen lur lilrtu and tiidcs on ecol inniiiti Central act oi ualopyliia panelists enabl New KegA no A5 amp agarrppemhu but AAA iv rities and bow Ind arm Annwirdlorlhohcatrholln the coupe was presented to Odl It Rubric Carson by Capt NI er the corps outdoor training during the year misled oI bush survival course environ mental studies the bttildiny nl Ibrce unoea and Ictrniny the lrehrthura oi lood dehydration All itchniililm were used In the mrpa livoday rodeo lrlp In which three Instructors and it cadets participated Intim tors lor the bush survival couru so were hlnrtin it liitCaW it hiarunu iir low and Mr weilnhoh or Police Chiel In Hospital Barrie puiico chlci Ed Triti irhart is reported to be resting comlortably and in sntlaiacio condition In hospital today lil Iowinz what has been describ cd or slight coronary attack liieadny night Tests are being done and it Is not known when lilt chlei will leave hospital or be nhle to re turn to his duties ND ed students in all underneath and set momentum lwu tittdenls Gary inhibit tubule iErurniher illlandolci Dance School Pupils To Present Recital On Friday dance recital by pupils lrnm Ilia Allsndale Dancing School will be held hiday at 130 My In the Central coileristo Auditorium The eveuins Promum is spon aored by the Slut Arts hlolhm More than its siudehts par ticipated in tha ilrsl dance reci tal isst week at Central instructor It the school is lira lsabrilo llnbsou During the year the uni assisted by two Kiiplla who have studied wilh or ior in years Anita Cnl lip and Teresa Johnstnne in the lirel rceiiai into sol os wero danced by Is Collins and Terrie Johnstone iruneia Oakley perlnrrned ballet roll and Robin Sncddon danced ll tap into Brenda and Wanda ilurbidpa danced pninle duct while Anne and loan Booth pertomred modern Jars duct and Jarrod limb and Robert ieddm danced lap duct It potato trio ivna parlormed hy CariLvn Sweet lira Belle and Sherry Chappel Josephine Van Amclavoort Lynn Lanz lbrd and rii Law and Sun dra llorne cndy Horne and Sheila School danced lap tries Shorthand Mark Reached By Girl Own Meiosis Grade stu dent It FAMVIWI secondary school has joined two lormer Eatviaw students In teaching to words per minute in Pit mao abortiiand Oren who is In horror stud cut one ranks with Bonnie Onurh and Berni Deaisrins who reached this level in two At that time Pitrmn reprer tentative said only Approxim ater to smidary students cross Canada had reached that level Gwen lhe daughter Bl Air and hits Joe Motrin expects to return to lnstview secondary school ncxl tail ior GrIdo 13 Miss Florence Conic morn bet at the business and cone uterua department at the school is Gwens twelarirl practice leadaer Gwen will probably ho Iha ten to achieve this level in and Robbie Thornlcy prepara to his down lb mt para clinical Pitman Beriuninl Mortal sludctils at Rio school have bcen looming revised version oi Pitman called Ibor erItand The students will use Third Largest Industry Tourism is the third luresst lnduhtry in Oniurio lniiowlnr the auto rod machinery ludusirirs Claude Bruntii minister iii in dustry and tourism said tiled ncsdny Iu press coclrreneo prior to the opvnintt oi new regional Industry curd luuritm ullice Ill Oriilin the minister raid it is one oi the only industries which can make use oi the natural re sources ol the urea without re muving them In imithe tnur ist industry returned more than l2 billion to ihn province In 1971 515 million will he spcttl ltli advertising IIW provin ea both within the province iiiiii south ul tho border hir lieu netl arid iio said he hopes the summit spent on advertising will have it direct relationship on the amount of money brourhi into the province lir Bennett pointed out not nl people lhinlr tourism Ir good thing and hr has received numerous complaints lrnm those who Irel too much em phasis is being given In It lrarliu larger numbers uI peo plelo various areas In answer to rt question about Vnraga Bench ilr Bennett suit the detrlnpmculs in the are are irilouurtc along the lino ior prniinrlul pious Ior new te etention arm but it is not part oi trend lie else said it is possible some other means at transpor Iatiuu uiii have to be lend to bring people In areas aueh as llnraxu lirarh since existing roads are becoming more and Barrie Staiiers To Oriilia Two members oi stall lrnm lho Ontario information Centre Iiirhuny It Barrie are included in Illc new atoll ior the regional nlIico oi the ministry oi industry and tutter opened chmdny in Oriiiia Peltr Head and Liz Couwny lrnm the tourist centre loin nine others at live ullire Jim Jones Dave Thomas and the revised version pl shorthand lor any Iulure achievements room GENERAL mu STOLEN Dan Lycbatld 80 Mary SI reported the their at their book end To lrnm his home Wednesday alternooo orchisr miuunn Waller Diiiion 156 Pool SIA received injuries lroducada overdo alicr he collided wit car while ridinx his bicycle nu Grove Street Baal Driver oi the car was Bban Calhoim it iiiiicrnst Rd CAR STOLEN car owned by Ron hlclaod 195 Wellington St was stolen lrom his homo sometime be tween am and Thurs day Licence number oI tha 196s blue Ford lhlcon Is BIIUJII 3270 DAMAGE Total durum has been esllue Iled at moo in twocir eul iv tisinn Wednesday allcrnoon on lllzhwuy It hail mils north oi the Motion pl Orr lath Ilohd Candice Brown Till Eimvaic driver at one oi the ears sulletcd out and bridsea tier oar received other damage The second driver involved was Shirley lial button iiilladalo iIec ear roe vrdllm timbre Brian McConnell nil from Pel erbornuch Don Goodwin and Rob hlelluo lrnm llunisviiic and Vera Tellord and Tim ilnwkos oi Orilli will niso be on rlnll Secretorch will be Eloiuo llcrprt and hinrlcnn Thompson The titles la Iocatcdln Ibo Sterling Tml building 71 hilar lsaissnuru St Orliiia more rruwded Ihrlhvr use at underutilized public transporta tion such as Gil tenths on the weekend am the answer ha said he will not know until tho Iuiure ihiie the hardnoulorio Pud eou Trent Severn committees recent report on Lilia Simcoa and Lake Cvuehlcbtep erlts ior no increase In the amount at public land Ior recreation pur poses lrotu five per cent to is per cent such plan would lin sncitlly put the province In stale cl bankruptcy hir liens well said Ila said the prov trier will have to zero in no what it wants and then perm ado people that more lav dull ars should be spent on reeves lion He said the province will probably min to get the 15 per cenh but may not make it The province is wiiiilliiILd to heivin the lVasara Bead area but by paying lur new park inp arrangements Ind with bepinu ol tin Iurading oi other projects such as new bridge or question concerning package tours to utiract foreign visitors lo Ontario hir Bennett told scheme has bcen set up with the cooperation oi Quebec and New York stale and has been oliered In England France and Germany plan ior Ont Irln only Ix ollrrctl In Colliers win he sold vuvwctiiruonsuouorro Approximately 115 persons were recognized It the Iruiu It lenders banquet at the Bhrlt ria illYWCA Wednesday right the highest award was presenied to Heather liner tihn graduates this year as iourr oi the leader toms LI physlgildiroaelngt the Iiirs Fraser and Gnrd Crew pmidenl ol lbs or Ilonai retard oi Canada Ill CA1 who eat rural Ipctl imminer Pbotoi

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