ThreeitilchenerhienOnTriai For The Rape 0i i7uYearOid Itth GtMWMKMMW LtdmermdaatdlimJww Immlyxeochmsfirw Gardner years max ansunmanned noted inhabited vsthnatromwueriootnn muaumamueram uiwmm SE 33 ii Err is our mm MN are John Kmart mm at out egg ghtii of ColONiAL That says lot for Haliiday quality and value aortaschm Home buyers builders developera sllililtitl iltit atoul theyre buildino the Hallidnv War hultdlnrthsllaltlttrytlayl Our aemputerirsd construction makes the ditlsrance Itapemdto quaiityspaed near crude War Diorasainc the cane sytlahm atter rootsDee arr irons tell sir Supervisor lia ttnon Serrtcu Barrie tim Photo newer mammalart also played the short is the am rrtendinx about ltd miles Wit rum letntsiea series salt the eastward irarn ts ioothttis played the inspector in its doctor in Gentle Ben the Rocky Mountains Toronto Management Groups Approval To iimaigamate VI it than To anana carrot you an as that had moved their to anaakemate hater at Brad and Equity corp AttenuatesIMME Rodinins at Canada Md In unalgasnate into tile in tnrs Mutational Ltd with quarters hen MAN MEDIA CLUB WAWA OP Corinne nan director oi Mitt rota St Marys Univerlity true has been elected past at the Media GD oi Can tin WW oreat traitors or Muslim annotated ttettmsttey Kit Wmt Erratiord Dot broadcaster waletrrtzde directoreither opens plintth memorandum TOWN 0F Govern ment inspectors Ii patrol ana 3o highways in tab catch die set truth cousin smoke potlu tion Delia hiacFartsne direo tor oi the provincial alr man agement branch said Welder day The inspectors will ride with oiivxre la provindsl police rrulsers and will use umhe charts to shed intensity or an heart from dicer laud engines HEADQUARTERS OPEN BOSTON art The march oi Gartrt Scientist oiilciaiiy opened nosrdllten expansion or its world headquarters Wednesday The new centre shirts will peptide additional urchin and attire space is to cried next to the Monro Christian Science Mother Chard on the triage oi tire rttyl Birth Bay PMth nmni rename To mart the start oi its 20th yt ot ptir llcatton carrier Canadsse hoedaa only ltnitantsrsxunxe daily newspaper today an narrated murmurs oi $3 mmhndiortirstyesrmm tern Wallstath bursaries will be awarded to arsduato uncut Itsadsnta who are interested in obtaining dome in rnaatiam at Ryer and NM at mum to Toronto the txrrsartes ant ap ptlcatloos will be administered by tonnlttea oi the ital canadiea National Academy at Toronto mrttDittil MI MONTREAL it Nation alism anion labor unions anti be mater preoccttpstton ot tvodrr wilt centersm oi the Canadian branch oi the United steerotters or America ahtcla today new and deb lites not the Inhommcsrber unipnCIttldll Insertviii act out in haraaiatna anti erran tastlnut dratosauier the cone in year and problems if UNCIMAIN Dmorr in Topless dancers have until June to continue gratin with imptm lty Altar that theyll than with uncertainty the comma Nancil eppmted new nrdi nam matter otllawing in MM darmnl But the email doridcditie tothseourtsto decide what at means alter the ordinance tales died June EM LL HEX titeuter Fitty nine rhiidm have died and thousands oi people are sullen lop trorn dehydration through out the country In ttertros worst heat wave in so years the health mintin and Wednesday The area most se lately eiictted is in northern Mexico ohm temperatures hers soared to 11 degrees lnr the last two weeks the ministry said EXPERIMENTAL RECLAMATION FLANT As the nut stage to deyetopment et solid waste to some centre the Deterio Ministry ot the thavtronmcot rc oulres the services or qualied snzincrnnt coneultert tor the design dereleprrnnt or an rperiroental redarrastlrn plant tor the recovery at ruptures lrom nvrniclrsel waste interested consuttanta may obtain lntonnatlonvrepardtnx qualication term or relemrcs and protect desrription hy adttresslnr inqttlria to wishes to announce the opening at his practice in DENTISTRY 32 Duniop St 7287892 Each year in swarm arousands etrec iansoonvarpsneep lnrothe Ontario oounttyslde totake pen in what has become one or the meter eventsoteorttgg Tentsttch theprassandtree covered tlistranstorm Into an Instant ctryByrnomtnpthecmwd hes deuhlomhesunend natursrisero theocoestanasthesweetemellot bacon and en saluting over open nraataltethe Ittantheeoormyatr Suddeneenspliltl acresrnsoi tDOOHPenplnaaand ashesotartt ttentcotnrhrlngcarnpereecernperlnp tntrsctoldelnteoondaattthatra malnslstheacrldscentotracln tuel andadlstenthottowblarmueh np hasbegunWeIocrnaloauloralnp Totiosportttemeotthelltlhconsecu tvuLabettsBiuecenAm Theselirsttwodeyaaradnvoledto establrshlnpdrlvers posttloroiorihe start at the race Orwhetharthev paellastallFordrlverendcermust meeteatrlngenttrmelirntttorthertpht toparttclpatc FreoCamptng cuppenereprovldedwtthtraecernp alteswoodandwsterfeodnrtnkend weshroomtacttittesaretecetenat various points around the neck The Drivers The canhm series attracts many big name tnremattonst driven such as Mark Donahue George Foilmer and Jackie Oliver as they rte tor top hotours tn tats the llrot oi series at nine recee Thecare Youll also see hlp name oars litre Porsche McLeren Lola Fermi and Shadow most or which are European tn origin The hodyhetaCanItm careenststs ol aweter tn iayeretttereptm trams andnttnroom errresre tormedirom lplttwa phtslumlruun and other alloys Thatransmlsslenlaattvemedw manual withlhe potential Zip rnllasperhourlntopnear Spectators crowd Into the pit area where mechanics oonslantly prepare pertsct and ish three lntr cete machines on can run shoulders Wliit the superstardrlvers Rich with mechanics get country tan and look itthe girls Race day arrives JUNE totil as last rntnuto preparations are made to assure each team or their best chance at the Labatta Blue Trophy and the 575000 prize Theenplneahatnsthe ulvatenlcl Atten am Mo preliminary races At 230 the countdownh ins consisting attorrnula Fords and sedans precedalhe tahatts cars circle the traeic the tlap Blue Drivers Far and main BVML and economy Hallidays 35 driierent models and dnxansot optional iloorpiens mu mean your homecen be asindividual as you are Donttake our word iorit though cm Ask your Hettiday Dealer to show you some at the iteltideytiornes in your area el also he pyau ind int arrange mortgage and the necessary IthItitts to megtcgam cemplste your new horns Cell riserer The Halliday Way 5am iiaiitdayHomcsle 40M LlNDENJtAE HOMES LTD Hwy No it North Orliila Ont Phone serrate this years canAm Come tor the day start out early nrtalte advantage at the thraaday supartlaltat or special interest to campers this Is car racing In its most Attararotltngstartlnwhlc the drops in lront oi the pit area and the race is on The result will he iirst hand history impressive term and anenulne antar West Lahatta heartily ialnlng experience you ronoilr eiytn rnviteyou to attend iometdlte hope to soayou there Geetanltarelocatedenettherstde olthe cockotttn eatery tvel calls with acomhlnadcapeciryotio gallons Tires are termed oi esttc rubber corn und andlntantiona lyttead less oprovidesuperlnrprtp tn the ratnhowever atread pattern is necessaryto drapersethewator BRiNG CAMERA 1000 horsepower enabl no these machines to acceierale lrcm Dto 100 theres an abundance oi sublect mph andhrske to adean staple lass matter tor protestinnel and amateur ONTARIO tilVIM own Althoughthemle bookalipuletes room thantenaeconds Ilka wears rrANAcatratvr BRANCH torean Hendpiessenlglegonlrone PLANNING mmo perso 0D CHI anthem JUNE8910 mnNTrilm at noon END toarenautrln roast he rrrristn hr FRIDAY JUNE 13 ml TicKETLODATiDNSI Tickets are available at Borrie Sports 56 Muicastar St 7233500 44 seseunms munRIWvhrr Mwttutu ah mmn wwwamssrerhtennhrtriidihtnrt tmththVW IQklhuraytepuhA wwkuhn MMkku