Rain ll Reminder 0i Lest Summer FRANK ITONI it EE ES 55552 E=a E3 OOIEINID TEAM limit the Barrio It loom ilub will oil In lion gone trim Nmnllht Ind Dla 14 lam orderrt Illelarr Widtieidey It 110 pm It the mo Barrie IIlmaunda Seierei membera oi the my club are the Illotar term at the ante Inould provide water action rid ltclO concrete local met in time Tilt WY LZAid dciendlnl One Ier lrom the Cit slid ahaoolora oi the south hintroa hna held ieletted to pin in the liarebaii incite are loolln ior Anomirto raiderIr atde wild to another metal Iea iimm Buchanan iraa drown my ever ihmb they loot their trotn tour liarrle plarrr tirit ramelo Nick Oren eodehomtlathetryotdl he tmllllilaiir be mu pl rr efng Pat it Irr iorr IIDOII WI tor their home and Glen Kidlmdn game at lied box Sundiy II the Sea buried the likiland lndlrne ibe lied stir come in elort end at at ball game hiIhIiIIohanoeiornaketp their iou tonight they rel to Bettina til the In 1it presented awards to Rt loo tum dry aieot SPORTS noun TORONTO iLFl Berton thith lentaid little Wilton etya ber ronilderini WM eyaar deli with iiinneroia Nhllni Santa oi the World quyMlkllllm in not because in unit to not out oi Berton where heI playedtit ynarI rid iiim Ia llltldt II any city be raid than not the rearon The realm it want better too trod tie raldiua no inn with thehniinaandirl IMihlle tiooalli teem team iatr Anealee rail hlln neeotee oiIerin me the moat and ill where the beat otter ii in iootini for It ieett dimyear contract that Min neeotae uttered would lite me etc it utoayeam beret lot lite ie erpecta to make trial delcllrlori Tilth dryi III on ditkaterta l1th lIhltIi lay Nth Nlii bat in deduction to eay lhIt Hi to with lllnv coon mains iEilGUi rot TEAM dry idea heathen oi the Ti rf PM LIFE Marlene ll their late Stewart More My iha iteeareld tier Ina kit WWll hie mold kneel ox in three diye mutilated the meellne oi Canadian and American boxing ohIrriploha Bill or the iourth Itralihl Ia the militia tool the am one pa elr Width or turned out at tho Noam Onle to watch the tint Olliripicirpl borin mention in the Now Wemorin BRANlTOliD Ont Icll Oranllord Warrior moved lttio lie tor Iirrt piece in the in title iaeroue Airoclrllon ma thlwdhsy downini To lore windy It wee the intrlh lo gwmhior are llillwidn with IENWTI lint and Nell each atored tour rear to Alix WALTON Amateur Title UNIONDALE CF torrotl itiorlan oi MUIOOiIiI rte mucosa in rlyhirhand ml egrly lad WM the North Id lm Etif ORVYWEI baalnl tlilo iionday riirht All neeola ii dont let halter oi ier hOllltAidrr senior Nmtiltllhtl Norm lluilliilllullderl at ilrIdIord Quacnr ilotel hikevlow Dairy at Nevmiritct Nauru Ind cy rle tot Qttoetiirille Mater itirrlo Mp ol lit Oahrr Auto Electric handy Cove Marine al ilrre ilorden lirIch title pin itecreellanal Ourenr Hotel ll lirarr and Glenn pm die It llanilleld Credit Union midpoint llIrehelI Barrie lied Sort you the Warriora who led vine deletidinn champion John Hm WM dilution in the tint round TODAY toocsm ldnlrl Steele ii Ora Now can It llllicmlt Allaidale It Warnch llOdUlTO Prince Walcr vaa It Womlcr lllllarert Il Steele EL llunlcai It Ore Dodilniton at lturorila Allan dole at Johnion ACROSth Tyke ilIi exhibition lame maxim Clndtlldtdilllb It pin and lltiiI prutlro Mldiet Oonlorrwell at time lead it pm thotthill and Barrhiilwea It liceion t1lit pml titer permitting The Good rrleoda mun durtoa mm It lbeiioli thine ml Annette lililey um Menu Jeerorld veil mu Johnwnthe andner Photo Walton Considers Signing Pact With Fighting Saints and mo anion into the third other Weariora eoorera were lllil Oonhill Illi three Stan li rialeeylr iaui situate Stan Coll and Brian Wilton with two each and Jerry ilrltahna Al Gordahetr Rubble Plllrti Ten Lloth and Terry Tloovlan ride the each Restrict Olympics PARIS tAPtCount Jean de Marmot Itth vireorerldent oi the international plo inmmltiee until her In to reatrirt the Winter Olympic to mnaIellllori liilddft ti iron lion corn rrrereiillem In Olymolc ailing the court rail in an interview hhmlaria ambiyumnl or war II lord Itillanln oi ireland in the elec lime to put hie ideas it soot in Verne Mrarlda hII diaeriarad am in with lerV prerd hedonil ski Federation trial diner at hicbianranela iirltirh Othmhai depart Mileurbane lryele eeeer aha ber union on place toe the comment member at tho M171 bicyc mind turn to ill llll mi term to Mention and world traveller to take part in com petition ll be illOd in Trtacalar Alli1 or even hit mire soot lld hed likely be horn Ipcrte near but in Wide people ldeet un derrtrnd cycle at the 01mm Ia rh Iult theyre lm 30 on other mil the humid who trope rIclal banner third Im all lrnvrvvtu Recreational not center lntmlliialy not noqu In thir marry with 33th ibedganeybdid rm er Iold and hundrede ot bullTear tort no iiorrll read racerone Ibo rider the lone note mill All or in run no the lid lotad here liorrll leer cycle the bditla at will lla line blot be tween you and the other guy him he meme riatt And you hate to tail guide that palm to all matinee mu Mummmwt urination Inualrcn ancioo tAt mm little Sta placed colloid intern mm Malia to work lelTNiSOnTOUO it or ram la girlie dilierert tbnltha two tome wire it the retreat anal ride typical weetr training oirarn In the rumor me or ride Ibout 300 rrillcl th tinrrlr routine Monday looirnlon up ride at mllea in ion rear Tuesday train with Air cirb team eprlnfa bird rldln to mllrti tutti limo lti IY IN O5 nehl 5M mllel Friday ii day it tell beioie weekend oooprtllltru Saturday competition oi both nitler oi eiay ridini Sunday tree itilildiK itlnul till iiillti hi on er lI oi IllIiAllllliil Ikilnprverih eroireottriiry or dmltlll and Tltlliltll ileadoraon on the in Monday in iItilllintan Bela Do in Iowa oi the American Attend Ilton headereon etrIlned itilment in Am inraur came netxdiy stirrenter oitt 25 sriitroitattr We II it rlIht the line limo RUSHS But you OUR MUFFiERS tIoii tor the tor prerldency iIri tilt oi the lilitil Itrttthiotn IilO GUARANTEED lot 15 tony is yotr own the at tiriuil illitl titlii tllitltlLI ilid MuitlurSIioii At or SPORT CINTRE lgrrmnhuailanlaea II ll Timid Cumin liieatIIId Outboarde OlaieIJIrtarleerire ICIr Tone Troll llll IiIwa Teel in OArceIrorleI Whenitcomesto m011W wewrote the oaks uent iiierearemrnyve good rerwnimiivomon orahttute orIcIrSurewc drerrtlndyou oithcse yoodrerronito em But wethinkitmetteamoroienreto Ihowyou howtominage our moneyinthoilretplace elite precisel whrtourbookerreall about eyrecaliodiocuioo ynuinancethndtlicrearetluee OnctricrionilFtnrnclrl Planning it allows you itcphy step bud eiloylnaticharcnr ar ioodclo nuaniportitlonmnd else thatt valuable Sound advice on chooimihihe rlaht Commerce Account to tip you mrnrnewlut you rave Commerce Sivtnii Itecounii ChoquingSevinyi Accounts Perionel Cheouini Accountiund for higher interest ldVlIgl IrkeboulTenn De tilt and rowth Sittings Ceni rcalet Do It today recreation Follow these steps and you can budyctyour money for thoienoodtlunyr on have alwaya wantedmnybea outeorecer Andiltitiwhereourothertwo Focuion our Ftnonceibooki camein ecautatliciebookecin help by rhowmn you how to avoid corneal thcoomrnon itialla you might face when buying house orator Ask toroirriluablebooki it wrlocelOommercclrrench eyrc trot Along With something llliiAN wetsuit Places Second dM yourMndskeepyou touchwiththeworld Temyyeirold Orion Walwil llilrogoodrnreoiyourhanrlaAVlionyou oi the iiarrle Kublfcawl Judo Club plIced record or the third eonietulva year In the North cm Ontario Judo Cliernpinnrhlpi milder divglfnhundtr itu pointir ea or Iy Nnnh my Add our com ltorr took pin in Junior renter divlr yourJohneederoIoctivn glovoewoar them And aingszgease Iionr raider itil lite tinder lit potindl under lid ottridi uno def not poundr In over 105 pound cttegorlrr Among the other narildpinla irorn the iinrrla club were are eyrbllnnrtinerry Steve Shrunh rteuy lam iletr Ireg TitirrieiI Graham Dorriel Ziry lloer iirl Ill Stephan Pater iimwn LAVle PULL OUT PARIS tIiIl lied Lever Auiirellan limit it liar pulled out at title yoorr Wltrv triedon tournament David little ucreiary oi the AllEnilond Club announced In Partr Allh day that inter hat interment him he could not play hreauio oi butt trottiie The dinerold AuttraIIen hie won the Winnie don mene elniiea iltie tour timer take time to team the right way with tools little thouyhlm lilllo carecan bring you Inicly through the workini dayovary day The aure way to solo ls Sotillotenco CANADIAN erriritAi BANK OF COMMERCE SlMCOl AUTO RAM it Home lid tinnii irirm evrrtvn noon eoovvnnrtntn IOil acaitotirrn con ornament Iiitlllt rotr enrra erunrurunn YourWorkmene Co Wit mpenseitlon Board and The SufetyAssoctutlonaOntorlo You and the Commeroe together wero both stronger