Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 May 1973, p. 7

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no tor lo Ier re to Iho ll the the col II to or the err rnoll metre director ol AIII CANADA Slmrdeerer model tour at pueblo mull In new unllerm eompw oi htoodey one new ouJlIe yrtll eo Into ore on July Wirephole werdmbe enrolled by the Broil out PLACES Cell the Wenme Dth II Iluhhli WIN DNA denotes Ithiehl In the toll Ilnoer ol the drew IWHWM by the Who Auxllltry In duh NI Ind Mn Stanley Prrerr Ind deurhler SlothI oI ortm were weekend teeth It the home ol the Iorrnere per enu oi hIr Iod Alrt Slenley Peryer oI model IIoed Ionovro comm The Ulrlxtlen when In To dIyI Society II the theme oI Toronto Arohdloerun Cath olleWorneoe Item and III noel rooventlon uoloh ronllouet lodey In IM Noyll York ltolel Toronto Amour thou eIIehtIIoe Irom hl Nerye Berrle mu Ire hlre It Itneleo pmldeot oI Cl Nerye OIIIIoIIo Worne new It II Satherv lIrA hire hlelmchllo hln CIIIIord Kennedy The IL lhlltl Alto II Coole nIIn All lit the dinner IhLI Iveoloe II Irh hIIhoo Emv mill cuter oI landed will he maker Ire IIlher Reeve Ind Itrn It Chilton hln 1m tdooo oI Beetle president ot the Toroolo Archr dloemo Cotholle Womene Lee ue will their todaye melon enlllletl Pom on CAL MINING NNIDCATION IJoyd whore oI hIrrIe Illendtd lhe In oonvocellun oi Seem Nrce when on MW WllIlIrn Wellr Mlle oI Iktrluuton trIduIled wllh hooore Ind received the Atomic Modellon oI OnlIrIo edhrti Ill Audlo Vlwll Tedth ones Woman Feels Responsibility In New Civil service Post urnrm the Mincee lumen more Ml II In elv III the eeye etee doet not In lord to become colorlou elltI eemnl Kathleen IIuII ll helped to MINI tho Axel SIIIuI oI Worm Adlon Grotto St mulled keel hole to no lilo Iormee II Mil Intern Irrrol lo millet Ilto rlphte oI eomen minority eroupo Now die It behind rIeelt In the prorindel lebor deoerl mrnl endorc Drillelt 0o urrbIII Ire dwrilnl nellon IetIsleIIon do IeeI that lbII II not elvtl torrent oh Illto my other ehe III II her will reqmelbldly end rrretl epeok out end elend urr Ior peoph Iho no not retlln their IIIr rlrhle It don IMen Illrelnt rnrl youroote more then In Ioh lm you Iuel quietly Idmur Ier Ilre Sociel 0M courtr mcrlI broilth In the lltonen lllplele All In 1960 firemen elIlu oI wornellI Ind IIII rlzhll and trim unto heve crlllcrod the leIItIIllon tor not IDLE IIr enouehthe illdnl eornrnmonl IlIelI or Inunm II exernrt Irorn III nrovlslooo CAN DODGE COMPLAINT The ecI clue people the rirhl Io rodeo tomplelnt II Iltoy lhIrA they hIre been olr orlmluelod Irelnxl In deelr neted ereetcmvlo rnrnI tedon ntemberlitlrl ettlrv InI houtlnr or union nor mally oltered lo the ruthltr Former dlreolor Iohrl shor loeI received on oortnololnlt lllI yeer lie lolllltl come under the eel Inspector were nuv erectile It ceeoe eerormenl Elrbl olhere oilseed Fire were toe to the III humen II In new ntleslon II the Inhor ruler lion board whim Irrtltd or derI Trn use Ire IIII nond IM llohy complelnle Ire Irnlntt minim nho roheee oouel pay tor then end women The not werenleee wool ply Ior gtldoetentlelly the home work done In the note eolnblthrrtonl lmlwrnohi Lt Irirlty ho cnuro the next rlIltIe ol the ICI toye dIIIrrenrr In poy helurrn men erlei woolen hnsrtl on my Ierlot other thnn mt doe nd constitute More to roxwly EXPECT LOWE MY llnny women erqrocl lo be null lest then men IIId Ale IItlII She Iayl Iho thlnke Ihe Illle III Irllllelel urea It out It Iyrnoelhy tor Iho Ideo It Hot In lot meet Il error on In that repocle Ilon tl rover occurred to not that AIIOUIII expat the note rhenm In lilo the WM ehtnree Ior IohI or the rude troy II men shuzhleralul Iho have tho moi were no lllni Illa could hold It current which peye No02 poor Ihore II very hypocriti col Illhudo luwerd utomen In our willy told lIle lorrner VIIIth colrtepolldetll Ior the CDC Irentit network Iert ol II II Io WI women on rndetlel end to lhInIr lhey htvo rpeclol ortvlleeer Imlul treatment he wey oI ttoIlIM were dIt What ToWear Will Keep Girls Up In The Air METAL ICI Ale Meetnudeueerillhe MIMdeeloItime loLhemonmnlllhry dedeloumellbqpor eihilrtes In rnliorrn rm mulled by III which The Indore em up dealtm In muller eI NomeI elm IIeIIedesIeI more then too pliable Im to me lhe vnrdrobe which rludu brine end broI II III II the red Ihlle Ind httee AIr Boned rolon III unveiled In the puiolc II II Mm Slowdown Iill heel unto the reel Ierdeobe July II he Ilnye reoroed to no IIoIIlr Ior laurel thou IIod ltrll In on limited to uh We type at It need III IIIva mom WA re Igt the eompeoy IrLrodtIred rIrly mo II coollne the torn Iny DOOM Air mlde eldd bu slalom to II It eupplirre will InInuIeduro the not ouIItlI Montreal mInleIIclurern hele been Irteo eonlreet leued It moon And Nionlpex uteeturerl coolralte IOIIlLIM NM The ballllrd per to rm heeod In Toronto end In number oI emeller otret III liliii Echelon Unit Estoblishedln68 The hlrom Cutlery Noon hemlmu AIeodItIoo held on Her medial II the heumel SW at Numu Benin Irlh It memhm perm Spedrr Ilr llrodrrsoo Eli their will the pmhlll rie teem Il Royel etude Ilen tIL Ilerrir In Word by Crimean lIe uld the pmth brIoeIe nl mom III Iounded In Benin In July end the Ilnl alike In In DWI Ihk the triutmh pIr tin lot or the Ito heeled Dr Girl tho hm hornble tnIt note here Iroro Andra llr ter romnletlon at Mr neldenry The trole In entebllthed In the en hoeplel Idol In August ml Ihere IreItrnul III who to on Io otdpellrou hIIII Il fuel II peeot needed hoopIII be In edmlllrd to the Ponder or Newnurkre hmnl In telI SERVE REGION The Depenoleot ol Nullh net up Pryrhlelno Dell to haul VlrtorlI llmpltel In true the loo Iurrouedene Barrie llle lent rogue Irom II III north II Perry Sound Ind other rh II lllston Lolhng 0d Mimi and Orillie Irene lolrr pryrhinlrlst must he to ohIrre ol thlt urul eI dlrrrlor wrlh turn oI prin mm to would thin lure Fm Thu II II Odom deput day rm commuon roulette m2 Izpzlldu tIooI end mulloul there depemmot There on he merem on etelt on Ibom bmeellet ellttm patients here Iormerly heeo potleolswd lIr Henderson etmml the tmportuxo at Iron bem due ed It the MI time mte er dllileull to me edyusted eeoorormlly Illa PSYCIIIATNST DECIDE lIlrerII can one he Idmllh Idrnlr doe run though the pollect does not um Ind II no lone er Allied medially III The IImlLv dorlor would IIDIIIr Iiun but only the peerhIIlrur our decide on Inlnlunlery ed ed under Iovohulnn mbslon Children Ire renerelly lith Irlh lhroltrh the pmnlr were Ire lo the day retro eenlru tixlrmlte ttork tr Ions in When Ieth the rrnI Ald Society Ind Proba lton rrnlrrsr nvlruion Ind mm min Irrllourd Itler ehlrh hlr IIrn rholugltls eoclel IoelrrI Ind llrrsorr III lhInhrd lor thlr tn utt Vernier lnslilule Regional Meeting The AltoIlle rerhonl Imel In or the 1mm er the Inl me once lrme hear to It It hlmr Il lcilrrney oI Pnoer Sheen Itlmd In our hitrloen The redeem more II lIrelr Ime groom Ind Strmu Ior the Indltidoll the body the moment or ol The theme te hosed on the About ooolhlnl or III peueorr mo Ire modded method ere on Io Moment hem Isa noetIer relerreel out to the roll phyeildao not deyeere room thrt Ie lute roele Itreruthe that In think Ie helr llwrkiu our IInttI tlroe hi them three NM to whine bedllr Mending The mortar etII om leuh mloe edlrrsr by Dr There Ie AluXell Tulrmn Depart melt or Adult Emotion st henrio Xarlrr Uelrrnily Iollt lourd hy Iorbshoo Ind Allied Iioo rmupo bowl the ol title and UN I5 ulll be lerhlid ol the ntrelln Ihirh In rare to rterpooe day are reolro IIII he ended linidnm Ind olkr pro rIm drzellt may be oblelorte by II min Brenton Alonllr llreloo II Alerting The Inler INI Iulr II ltrenol SI Glorlollo In kb Irrrtlin lnIonnolloII by TIHl drntr Doreen llttson hole helium mrellnr IrI laurel Paradise WNWl 1an 771039 Spas emmmuemmuuue LAST DAYS T0 ENROLL 0N PARADISE HEALTH SPAS Thats right its the last days for YOU and friend or relative to take advantage of this fabulous otter people can enroll for the price of and enjoy all the Spas exciting facilities But there are Only Days Left to Enroll do it New and do something The man IIII union vrrltinr hliu UIIIIzr Whe lull BURNER TUB HAY II In IrIIodweverIrlttniLIIne GETS DEGREES Melanie Wool GIN her Dutch oI Mel DIWA Iroe deg end We AxumMenuhin Priming It eoomoutm Inertia helduet rumor Illowrolly IIImelIou on The day noun II the out nI hie mi IIre IL IN Serrrnioer II lhe Lnlrrrtrll ol Toronto IIeully ol three Iloer them by II Drier Ioerl TILES WNWVT Gill rhme is rude Irene peeleurlred ehint enllb nice for your body and your pocketbook BARRIES ONII FULLY roulrrro rlrurss CENTRE IMIINA lloou eIrllcn Itln euro rteln norm enttu noon rnrvern eltouirlrtn IlllVAlll IIIANIIE 001 Ali LOCKED IINDIVIIIIML TITMITNAII TIIOIIIIAIIL IIIIEIIVIHIIII TIT Exllll IN IITNIAG ortN roulotlr UNIII IO lM Member at UGA700 AIIIIIeIeI Acton North Amovlee elv NNnhle ll FLAVDII mu IIUAIIITT IDI AT IAITIIIIY llIICIII Come no not turn thle werlt end every week NINA lMIlIorlI For Your hhopplnr Contrnlrltre lleytlrld ht Arron tntm IIIyllrId hIeII HOURS IIIDFICAI IWIIIIIIND IDDL 1th Anthony lIYlI AND NNTDUIIINO MWN ITIIN M0 MODEM NNDITIONINH DUIUIINII ANII REDUCING EQUIPMENT lITDlIOIIIIIIIIAIT IIIILIIIDOII EIICALTTTU INIIAMTOD NOON Bonnie or Colller 5t motto 1h Itunlop ht IV lIrIIde Ihe IN Grill wet tee Iniilibvt elte uh re re Ilene Iendlyl DIAL TIE4654 whirluarmwrernoel lofwiiilrhfW vv

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