AN we 155 EEEJSE CLII NEWS FirSISenior Citizens Club WOMAN muIl be eonII deol to echleve tndlvldnlll In her dreeI Al rm Ilreolree goon with Inn In hlouson lop CENTII 1217 LETS ourmmrrcwrnmmnm let ll rIIne IIeerletned onhrolepltretl wIormeet Iooheloreerdlohurloureuhere healer ClllrenICluh IIerIrd In my order the the heroptlntleII cub III were uIeu ItrI Alme Lee Inert re am In Toronto III rnlrn wlut lire Jere Cemphell tuner rrlldrnl el Grove Ilrlt Ilomel In the IIIIII the III Wllemen me An tlreenetllenl From very IrnhII beelnnlnl Iho memherrhlp than no In about too mrrnberr It per yeer wet nIllI him IrnIII doholltn Irorn there who ulrhee wu phId molly In hrln deIrIy roll at hrrI trim do end rIrdI Ind Iloem Ior nlrk mrmhrrI IIlo rnen end wornrn who ldIII rd round rnurh In rnmmon to tollt about The original lien woe In rt elderly mole out at Ihclr lonrly more nan rrnrw on Inlotttl In Itmrl IUD The IdeI her been In Iurrtw Irll lltol In III the club he more nlerrrontlrll end the new tIrl Iunrthrr Cluh wee Iotm Inre Alrmherthlp tree In the lore Oluhr hole rnrellnee on Tueedey eIternoon tor the till Toeetltrr club WeanIdey titer noon Ior Ihe orlelnel rluh Inown Ir etherlendhl Clb DATA with Ane well etlended eertled hy elnn lone rInde olleurd by rend tny the rnlnuleI ol prevlous werlr one huetnet olIcuIelnn Iller Ihlrh remer eurh II rune eerpel hawllny chorkere Ito ere ell ed III one not Ihen III In Inht rrtrerhmrne ore Ierved Conltlu lnv lhlt do nItrd by Attrlllnrlrl lo IIIUILI Irrtlre rluhr In loom IIIOVIIIF OIIKIIIII The mrrllrol Irctltorlor hove hero nIrllrulnrly ltITIII In thrtr donellrnt nl roolrlrr elo to tho let Toilethrr Clulr Ind Ihelr Illortt hlvr horn murh onnrrr leled TeeI And ItnrnerI nre held Intro yrnrly these Ire up to Iho jenornl rnlhlln III emell III In Iru noll etlendrd Alto Ihmrt Intro year out Iuelr luncheon nvo held end In much opprrrlntrrl hy rrlrrnhru AI Clrrlrlrnnt mrmhore Il nternhore Ielle olrrlIo Iultoh or treehlp oi new club ere the term II he lnry orrordlne to utter The Oollorother Ctuh home root rholr ehtrh orletmtly wee termed Ind rondurted or II It On When the II not eveltehle hIre IIIIe Cemerort trier or will the Arm llme 5mm Ihepenohldoey Iloee nhe rellrrd tn WInnIprI end tolned Iheln elul helore mnvlne ere hII here velurl ment her or nltoy yeere end Irle II AlIIler Mrrmonler It Inert Inge on Tutedeyl And It rolered en for my renton he II no ehIe to be prrrrnl EXECUTIVE Prerlnrnt tor thte year It llel IIIey GrrenIrI etrltlod ehly by AIII Ann CrIwInrd wlrn oleo II lreIIurrr II VI nnuIn In re rettry Arnorre other Iellvlllee mnIrInItrd In oulle num nl memhrre nowIln tnlee teeeltly Ille Orr II Irnre eeyer Ind Ihl that my Ire eon elrtenty high Irorrre Aeverel urrh merrthert drlvl Irnlore Io elulre rolunlerliy II thrrI membrre otherwlre could not Iiillld Anyone do were el en my all Nomier on room It the IrnI lI banquei rolrrrd to by Join the Stolen Clllren min In Army end Nevy Alr Force Club rerleur ehurrh eroupr Everyone the city 3212 23I13f51e Modern Trend From Three Daily Meals TORONTO ICPI II II hlrtlor lo ret well nuIrItIonelly only then It not In the you hunlte there In more low evollIlllr In rat llr II hlur rleon rold Ilioruiey In the oozl out loud Inlhke wot lanter eomoolod ht Illlllll Ilonnl Inollt Indey Iooll terhnelnutIlI rnn procure peter telrlo procured IoanI nurh nI nurllled proteInI rerbehynroler end In IhIl mIv he enllroly devold other nutriente itltrro Ir trrnrl nwoy Irom IlItr normal lTlfJII dry rrlll Inward nn lnrrrotrd urn nt rnarr load Sartre at there trendt could rrtlllt In IrrIouI nutritional dellrlrnolre Getting Away uty mlnleler honllh election nrenrh denertntent nItlonII health and wollere Ill woe rneoklnn II onodty eeeelon on elrllrlllon hlorldey treated Ivy lilo lirorrry lrodurr ItInu Ierturrrn oI Conede Ilr Ilnrrlnnn eeld there one not rnrulv our of eprrtnrnlnr lormt rut rrlhlnulrltlon In Cnn nrle hut there It evldrnre ot nhnI Ito rolled rlInIrol Itlbnlrlrl Ilon AIIIII the tan Ito re Irarrhrre lotto All new rel rlrlrrte In three hnlpllolt In Illnnlrrnl nrlll lortlnln Thu rnxt nI hetpllolltellnn Ior nlltrltlonnllyrrleled entreet In one hoepllnl In Quebec II 1275 223 iJ XUJTJT 12mm MET4 Illf ELI plnlr ewroter eylth moIII hll IIILII Ind III II let ele eewlthmolllerlele th IIIlron yrlloe wool peeted reel PerennIaIBedo Need Grooming Onee perennlele ere erlthlldr eeneretly reoolre Illlle herd leuever II leuI relntlln rnel om te neeiedlor the II to rede heellhy end to loom grimmy yeerI serial Ie the tan to thorn yourper enntel heir lnroeet wr oerennelt II pelielly Ibo olInII thet teere no out IIIt tell me ohnte btrlt Into the IOII II they heve heeled due to Iho IroII Berle Ittentloo telll hep prevent lott ee hereuu el enooeed note ecelter tertlllur euol er II over the bed II rele ed III Mode per ION ere Ieet Work the roll Why to lnrorooeIto Iho lrrtlllrer lithe toll In depleled end lhe perennlel bed overrun wllh neede II II bell Io remote III the route Ind replenlrh the eoll Dn deeply end were In menure peetmoee or letfrnnld The or etnlr rneller ull Imorovo the eondlllon of the roll Itery eolle can he Inornved by eddlne eon lly Insert eddlnr clay learn to llrhl IollI ulll glue them bet Ier etrIolure AIler rneny yeIre oI Imth home nerenn II ronII may he loo lerrle to produce Ih brll lunII There rooII ehou be Ivlded not the motto oortlon oI eerh root dIIeIrded The newer mole will produce ther end beller bloom The Ilre oI rennleh II elro en Inocrlert eelor Io corridor when reolInllne Tollrmlnl nIInII eItottIo Ienerelly be null Til TAMI IXAWMI TUESDAY MAY II ID led In the berllrround with color II In Importeol eonIId ereIlan In Any perennlll harden TryloloulenlenIIeolheIIIrhI er color hltnoi with dIrker hm require to twill ehtllow ottlllv Ion trouoroul the melee eeeeon dolwr nrede Dll IIP perm1 Il mode Iueh ee den dellone end oulroy ML emell Ind medium verlrllte In trout Ilmterrr dont tollovr rhtI rtele Ido rlorely or the perenelIIl Md wlt hsoome loo ell In de eIrn For morentlllrel ol IecI more Iorne oI the tIlor verlelloe clothe to the Inlddle oI the bed end nerdlumrerelrloe Dilute All the reel Prrtnnlnl bordrrI IO nus HEARING no source New touted el Nadleel Am Building Ground llootITl WeillnnIen In lulle lOT Servlnp the Herd oi Neerlllp IInee lees We repletenl Ihe meet rIepeeIed nemee In the heIrlng IId lnduIIry Ior lheee thel beer but eenl underelend try the new Wldetr Model More OODey Money Ieelr Ouerenlee Repelre Ind bellerlee Ior III mlltee For Home or OIIIee Appolnlmenle PHONE 12615 ANNIAAOEIIS tell Ilh our medl IrIr Ind re the the Them MawIDIOT III Needrd ll hhntlnehen Dtee INA WM hm ell with leerHIe The Ilnrnedlrte or to are Ihelerte leu tool phyelrleo mould not he treeer hle lenuly moor Io III nmerrency All declare here redororel Tips Reilelle pm In Very ehen teler IIII Mell the met Item tlid the IN milks Noelle Ire eerorezm the We The He not Iree whoer 1h enoeellolooe returnl Duodenal heel ereI then Imelvmet Ire hlllemerI FleeteIeO neehetlodol not reel denim roy eredll or tel Ilo boobI ellh tie dlent Theol you melee II or beer llllrIIheo unordered merchoodbe more to melt you mey oootlter It elll than do not need lo pay or Cooking Chores WIN IACIIZII nor do out here In Io lo trouble tad more or nature It bod II more lo you COULD UAE TITO Dee ITInl IIm Ire tome do on roeel peeperellorr ehlth here been very telpto the Per erI who to err erouoe hm lhey wold Mil hml lrnllledbgoeythe leetery here were pen rotor do be theyveolloeoJllIlIheepmy euro Ile pee le oI hetore edd noun Illul em do It Im told outer or one the loot hlr eteotende ere Itmnl All it never Idol unto dooln event It Ieheoee re tool It pIeoeIolmeeI loo eelen hm rlhletleetlll moo orumhe hotter on em Into ole nhere yoilr Ihe home etc Illh hell IIII nrnn elated re been tree heed Ind Into the enernhu ellh hole Our meter lore your rIehI end the meet not or leteeeloher Ilntllyllvlne your hIode will etleIllheloel clue Yerleroey the memo re llmheee lmlll Ilolled war one neuron My moth utter Iho Ito II Modeled eeInIev tvenee lo do no eveolen mueeeodIuII leIer Thle momrr toy elle UII hruler to nine Ilene Ior out reel loyeeoul my hot dlehee end ruh eel on other ride mhdfeolfmtmu lye eloolrroterteldrelurne alternate Ind ell will not while no the Ice unrno hold thelr Ihepe It ellwyee to Ilene tor Ilre mlnuleI eIter heloe removed trom the oven oeoeclte hetore lurrllny them out on the unIIy lle WW 33me diam end eroneoe toleh our Sanle Seniceelon DIIAPESSLIPCOVERSIIIAIIIIET5IIOX STORAGE run eroneoe Mm We here lAIIIIIl NIWIIT STDRAOI VAULT IIIIIIIIT ill Ii IO IAYFIILD IT mmt Deer Arne Leedrnr lien only the tether Io ol mm dont Wild In With ehotrl IAINOEDmu our Mct You reed two pen to your trout Oderlor 7er1 end on to reed Too nelvel Not ether you wonder Gold Prices SKYROCKET Double in lessrthan year Experts agree could double again After June 4th any new goodl coming Inro our Iroclr wlll be priced dromotlcolly higher than our IIoek onhorld II to lInrrIeon Ienrrlrlnnt lien lhimllhmllllnn rtnllan per year Maaw IAIIIIIE DENTUIIE tullew DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC LAST CHANCE onerhllls AND IIELINES IIIII NOW IOII OIIT OCCASIONS AHEAD nguezgg yllDlllliiilIlODll moneyheel nerenleeen III III CHAIIM nreerms CHARMS Doeyeu werreltly IIIn IetrtelrnrrlII on ell new dthluret RINGS NULL AND PARTIAL DENTUIIES ONI eheeee Ior eenInItIttnII OAIenrhere ot the DenhIIIII Iorlrty or null ImeIM Mme our menu or Irrvlm lhnlom with the ethtrel Ire eeordule eetehllrtree e1 IIIl DINTUIL IIT SOCIETY WEDDING RINGS PIERCED EARRINGS GOLD JEWELLERY OHICT DDUM Aleneey to hitherto Itlt IIIrodey IO Inn to poet IO DUNLDP ST PHONE 705 zroom toeeostth OUIINs Horst LOCATIONSTO serve rou TIMI Deylleld MALI lltdhy producn Court her my Ame DHLIM IIIIIIIIIIII ll AM IIIIIN