Mal tn ynu It munV bl 01ml dttmhln III III Mr with Ltcrnoon Lune ntxlt owner lztlx Altmr Huttth MWHWWM mnerummtm BAXTEE tmmnntnntttt tltlllil at Of 1973 mm Beam mmtyrmntmml 11s 11 er Arhnu went lbI chad tn mm It rt VVM Imam Attlmm It mm out In rm Ilrl But littlth mm mm It In Intle mm Hm mu tor Ittnndtd In mlmuutyhr 0t 14 Human ttrl ltIIId II mm Nu mme wtu fwenty two mcmbtn Ind MTERNOON LEAGUE HIGH SCOREES lb In IE med wants Stunt nubt mm mu tt ntxuutm Inrllnlortt lntIK ml In cm uutnn mm tall 00st at the wt ttao mitllm 50ml la RM 031 kid to tht dur tut lat nthtthnVntjfmngum Hm IN nttnmrnt mt mm ll It ur Ed In than lln SImrI Inch on her Wmtm law tn to Wuhan nu tllu tor trnnt Kltk WM 01 Tmnt met It Imam ch ml ml dam thud urnlhrolrl thud VlMWA it un Ind ten tnltnwrrt 11 Bum Emu Mttralvt Ito conxnnlu In ttrttm mtntster legrttttnr the barn rmrrod Th other art mutton rItnd th luaum mm um utLtquawntqmwttm thnrltI hm mm mm Ihoottna two Canndlnn LI rtmrtnt to have hunt or smut Srntor CltirInI AHII ltd llrt ttonntd ttIndIr mm Ind tummy new Item nd nth on the 2mm banter ml In llellft law llLtN IIttn tht mmlllrtn mnt mt It on MW km mm Koala towdrtrd an mm nI Italians Tl LAttl mum ttlwr rtlttl mm VIN en MI MN pl Hm Allen ed tn Grorntm Cat Ind tlm vlstton Im at In Krmncnlrlt BM Nada mammal mo tins tantrum held thb yrar UIC $150 Million Hi he with ltInd Inc Itlmdrtt hlrlter l1 meat at that last rntlltan tn alum New mloamml lmurlm nnt mumrntrmtnmttrtho rm mm yarI Itnrtton mumw CInIIlI IhmI totIt htndtl pay mud at Ill to to mad Mnlndltvrudoctdzdtn Wd ml Wm Za tans Send llpologtes For Deaths OI Canadian Girls mt mm VV mm ml rt banter Inn lh Vtrd Lent Innu mm tnntsur unwell Sharp funkam dc 3mm pmltd animal In mm ltn Pearl Sptlnx wltl tlt Ind Mn ttl Cmtter Inn utd Monday ta ta mtmt tIItI morn tnIrIlIuy ml min altm Ont we the June media In yol Lmltv tram tltIItqurI mt neer ktler tram znmntII Only tttu SindntrI but has mum 1M tutlnn weekend ttllt In Ind It ttr shun tn tommmr to Mr Sharp mm by ttr ta nouty mm to Mom ten fwtnhlghty III Mmtulttrndemn InntIntlty la Attmt le ttc ttatcn IIt ha ma II In mo uIn mutt tthll 11 Nutmum am that Canadian than mm ltottInnI Mt Ind ltrI ttIrIIIn thder INN WM from the otttdalr In M111 cur tttIttmI ttm Nlhnn Mitle boll 401m New plan tlnduuntr Twllttht BIIItt rum taketand mm tutr tn mun Llemullpenllnnwukend ktter tn Inlet In zumn Mr In Pt modal Ital Ind null re IN entrrtItnrd durtnx the III IImntn mu MN m1 at In mm mtnhtcr IItd mm amt tag on lenI lIt In mutton tV Wm Mm mnnktorln taunt Ex fontml lm alumni amtmtm my mm Modem amen mud In outnummnmupmu Iomm 01 new Dttt tir Int mp mm CInIdltn man llI girl thI Wimbls when on tantrum Bttt GIutIy In nt It ntI Iran to be Imngut by town tImtIy Etnplnl mm In my It Inadun totntstItttnn Ilth ZIInMn Ix Ltttttert lrwrm no mm IItttstefrrnttnln1 tumtttlltieJdurv ltmtmdllrciurlummhtm lawman It tun me mum It and tutn nr nurctImI Int In In mygglvvflIuuu uulol1 mutt aunt My Illam Sal twtsoStmltlr It nl Guelph tum to make It rIIIr thIt ment hat stonan at mm and mm mm It John hlrttnlrtttt Ontdied Alter Ihntt we Worthltlmllltlltlt nuIttn Al tut apdtnthamtlluwnort IddtlinnIt vb dV mm mm on the III tmtmg thu nuttu thI hmettts Inn gunned rmmntnmrnt tr plnnmd ttrI tlturI trrlcr Ind IlIugt tlml Lom the lamth the ot hm mm by IxunndAraltItmlzd II III tontIrto rrItdentI Ind Wt urn In Ill rely Itrtmtly wtmt tltI ttrI tntnmltlod ntan dctIllx later UsuIt let tnrt at London Ont mm In mm tlI lprr ant sIleITtx mu um Iltlddltxllllatout tocttlnlm mullitgtmntlyn hunter WEIgm In Hnl pm oldtIx hunt tnnI Scar IIII run II on In when tangrvtctcrothtggtgdgehnnu Overlapptng Systems Cnttctzed onde to an mm Iaeon nny Itttmt mu 11m bun ndNewt mm mm Md Met It NottIuItan 1m t9 Filmed mtlnrr Vth by tlrn ltlnn ned TltItrIdny Itentnl The test 3y Roan WHITMAN mfh mt 1th ntt um WM hall the Hunt wrnt ll lln In turn mm mm Cult muting held In bellttlttttttthtnvt went Mttttt tun the MI mttnn Isttltn mtrlttcd ll Goodtzltow Ichoo under ttld ttutrendvttrtunwlt Mr Ind II 011 III Itnt Ind lItex WNW MmlmwimeW mm mm AM at Mt Cntttr but cl ttrt North lm and mm ccmmtothm qtlolom tldl at Itll um Ml AV who mm my RUW lttIrntrI Inn 01 maul ltlrultllll IllIN REQUIRE KIWI thin ulntu Ittrn thlnh rt lwtahldltt Any tulltltl film and Wm fwhtttdtlt than and ttanI mgr mum on in la rnlollclnrarll NM Int It Il If tnltatml dtltltt charge lemme Toa putttvtnan the law Im otterIrma tognlllottrlltmllnllgtkloltul Wutiotvltrlnlmlcmlf Wt Atkley tmm ttnmI MI and Mn ma ml Wk ll mm MW mum mm It mum an um mm mm at ludnn Itemtpttltatttlnr Brick $5517 gratuity tllhttdl rtstttttat harm lt lt tIIIInItalty tlIttlttutwahln It It cant Illlltltlblm MM mm vllmg 31 IIMVEVIVrIeIVntrzlttrrantuf hth EV $$m$lmy mmfmmm U0 Wally Inow Dem John thut ttrl DorI CImemn NoImIz Drll tneututarttoorrarmwttm typnttbrtm nuwtmtm mm at Mr Jrv ttwnttmutt an allow lt tttltllttttttt tn tttlaitttthtz ctwmpmtymttet mm at paper ltnkt mm mm NW mm In nundttnry Ilamo stuntmum ll ll plum llntltrtlzlwmrlmnrmhom It BII Inutry to WI wtth ttttII ll MW tllu nttr them ItttrIlt thhtlnmIndtnItlw In all let tn dtb lltnm Ill ntt Ind Ittntttdh ntctl ltmm tn those can plaude It with It Md plum Cohan Manta also Iprttl the Met ltr llumthtlrr tattt lurlttnt new It stan mutant It homo Ind lllltlfd DtLtttA Pllmusttl in pllrldlmsion It the anthnt prov mm mm mNDmsuw rpm In ternary Inm lhtn than 1th the latent nmlnat Ddth Illm Imtre to mun lg mm lttII Sustn Scott Ind tartan rd tn bn tho mutt elkt ScotttSh Teletntnn hu tur ntut mttttnt cl thI Ontunn titn mum at tttrcmltnmr nw mm What the weather In the Pretty rhurrn rm 10than nt tn can turn mlcnltnn lurk ltonny um hatt llAltt 11 NEEDJ PAINTING am In MVWI will mntIturc tII tnt Ilr nl our Crnwtnrd bmytttt Ind tlmlly TV lm dram halthour urtrt The tltmtnat Curb my the that mm mm bought Mu ItttI lhI ttteomlth 14 Wm Imment Indemd on my Toronto angled utter waving tlsu wrtclttx he mm to In an tI mth it um nal all mm allitle $1leththan 111lele Hymn Io In ht lwmcr homo rhurch Ohm manual the In In tom by nutter Surnames law Am the an gnollh muno stnnlttlt atter Nmttzttlisl Irto mtyettne tantIvor vu ItvIt clear In MU tum mine It St Paul An Wit timer on the 1mm Ital WI It 1d um um It tttlttltl my Iltnn thnrth Sundly mnrntnr old pltnl tut tt NI to HdHlltl had 100 Mam In Guest Ipealtt wII Gene King mt at that tttmt ttttttunttlttttt ml Mann llntlt wire Ila lI the It tttI buth WW ntttndtngV Wyrttacoltero tutdlI JV Nltlt Ina nut Inns mun ll In ttther min or we at UM younr mlntstrrl Habit tango 3450 It mammary tlngiihlxlm ON SALE MAY 19 JUNEZ lrttII IIrII IyI pr Iva ton bu rt hm wellMm Ill titltttltlt httlltntt ldtlllglmmtlllnlhllt an Mml be 61M rnmam kw mm Vath WM lid you 36th glxnltgu wly Carmlt IM Irate pt ttltIrI whtrlt Ill nppmtatetl rt re mt tltI lllll ml qt 1th to Ieptnu the plu if mm tlr tilt lttl kttchtn wntlI Ilth gtmrwrzwtgml tlllpllt tttmnvtn the ttIn tI llljflms tum NIHIll lttttt nmir Vno ltllrllllln Gltymotllht buthowtnremnvn DIW tttl 010 III III tttt Ithextte and III II ll VVVVdeettWVtVtu It Wm llttllh bellnt to wt an nrtttr WM 11 Ill ten wtfa Itun that the It Will month cnovth tar went IL JarntI Ind tttlltt Mart ht ll Mt wont be Ittttted Then dn our At Chtn all my ItIIhlI ham ttr Ind ltrI GVInI KtnI tlru bathroom door retmtshtnI trytnb to trIther chunk nth nutty turtle urrrtt Throntn tlr IntttrItIrtoIII Nttymgrmum Milan ll 31 Itth hummer 511 nlnhnm and Glen mnt SunIlIt cpaetslllonl nhtth MTG th Mr Ind Mu Jame nut Inot nayul IIIntr tumour nut vnuntt it nttnty cl dmv cloths llrp ma Int ttIDIwthltaegl IIrIlylru1 the wall to Inlntmlzt ltujonmnt thnlhtnthy pIIIt In It rrIun the mend t3 the vntlm he doth be mttn Mullen lmteld camp VVV mm than PM anm HARDINGCARPET anLwoon urn mod um ImWING Glntm Inmo day WW WWI amt SEE WON 0t cottru dont JOHN In they plIn tn llltr ttnnntu Cnmljtbtlt Glen under an Itttnuu ltnln COCKHURN WHO IUtIVbIIII lnItItlItlon Ind undIrpIddtnn lndudtd MIMI to protect wtm lrnl SIIIIII Iddad IhIr tor NIllI Ind Stll Eltmhanywttngm unt It LIMITED Il ONLY ymnyw Itll ll turmong will 06 Mellow new MI 1W Irllt otttuhtow mgr It Ntttf IntI tor metIl Vllteyl ll mum 22 zrtzr cement tSVor Puttltt mm mm hmth k1 hut M10 Inf In nutsldo SlllCtt ttttitl Rum ammo Hm plttrr IIII tn room Tm ttII ton