SPRING rtowut straw Jbe Barrie llortltulturat Soc lely Ito eanttal lprln hoverohow thurtdayet the litanidaia Coauttuttltr Centre ample oi tulipa paaltrr and Rent Formula Established many other north lloerra Idluats one at the dlrpllyl trend the centre into ital beta the thaw vat open rttlearopo ol rotor lira ltarr Gotld Mvmer tor the thaw to to the while Exunlner Phi rlslmed It not bottled and We tree tater tvrlitad la the in ur lurrrai hott mr the to to to board an drqud tram alightly more than 011000 to lttat under moo tor the lotnte alone the 020 dii to em from the nvtap oi the arrhitede pereealage and lb VIW or labor cent lht tenor Ia tor the roll ht materials elanrr E8 egi it SHOPPERS DRUG MARI tNIEGItlIY SERVICE Ilti ltt tlUllLIIY VALUE tilt till it Iltl Ill thtillt YUtlIt IMIII it ill Al ill IS tttht IIINID IntIV SUMOUh lthlaltl lt Illitl tl II lltlAIlHtl 100 165 Wellington Street West Ltrtllllli 7285943 For Colleges School Use Simror County hoard pi Dda met the seatattvee intuit llactllttranttrcd bytirorbe tkctrriaalwlerahpreu um ammulmcazm tnCoere Ii here time or Metal mid tor the board ded rnonte and equipment which tr mciiztmjor Mm oat tor earl trrtnrtday nlrht hut Waterloo Lutheran thetth liti be lit towed to continue lla exraitna count In Ortlla without addi taatl rhtrte at Iratt until the kw Sonirnrtnx ttiil he Jane Drure llemnrl ll oi devil lTwill llhilTltdltlI Allan II ranton rrmtndr rialttdy lollatn ebntltdtidil Tllrnltl In llnrtre pravlnrtal huillnfl tungsten it rettrlrt or mumlo 1e purpose at trel tfuut will told durln trla Whlrh hepan In ltarth hull Ortltla detuohrnenl dnil intre tlntart veiled about 300 raprut at at LID at the Gavan Street lam the torn um tharlne ilau tori tinl avateaed hy ntlre thergad ltattnrliy ha tell that dry to vlttt ln Trntoh same In Donnell lettine they were drlntlnr wilt trlendii It hotel tha nitht helm and one trtrnd spent the night In their room They said several prullla nattul throullt the room during the evenlnr hey dented hurt as tnawtrdle the Vospra Township Council lnvllos the Pttltilt to the panel chair Ital rata ehlm at to cluwom tor up to tour book no for ruslodtli time pet WW alter it em an burly eat meat miter It toot rttablle cost ottha tranth over Mm more mved and the drop rautd belonaetl to Ilanrorttr roemntalrl David IiblLvtrt datenea noun lat tar Danneiiy Hid there was elrrunutanlltl evidenre llanrtelv lye ttory could tratonably be true and that ttnrooer ten vita at rartiltratrt tutti matte them lnvalld lte laid Donnelly was they tor vrrt at the Lillhi Ive ugtklup dInd to have now an hour oi the Alter the perversion drama was proved the prosecution lnv trodurcu evidence that tar mm at money not learnt in ltancottta rlathlne and mic ttera In the room teen to Waterloo tarthtran Univ ertlty tor the ttte at tho Drillll Dlttribt colte tale and vacation at tattiltrptenuned iron the int lb pravlout Irhool board mm mm mm itllor to Wt had not rharred ml mum mm rentals and that the board rm cumin or education had continued the dance that any or my practice llt addition the corn nmple rould have tell the dntl tn the other that llttttoch hat lrrrhtty platted tttlaa that tertlttratu were improperly in day would be Will We la en doth to to tor mitt on toe the emndt rod ttuo tar Ltet qtilpm it the hourly The decltlort not to rharn mltlea tit lthe unlmlly had ten let art Vlnee retire to entitle plane to ton1t mm The Nimiter to oil lltt with he lietd wllvth Waterloo tulheren ottlelelt early tangle dlleuta nottlble Mm tentena tor the in dililll mt dhut related trio tnttttutra tor yhiddlet onin Education to be htlrl in one at the Orttlie schoolr thil winter it plane tor the were become limit The raruler rental erhed ala vtli apply to thtt some TRY EXMIINDI PHONE midi AD OFFICIAL OPENING MtlltSlNG FIRE tutu VILLAGE OF MINESING AT pm SAT JUNE I913 OPEN HOUSE from pan to ppm lire equipment will be on dirptay at the now Inlhe EARL RICHARDSON Cl ark umumnewimcmy 320 Bayitald St 7288800