mmmmmm 1mm wtlllh turn on ylhmfmgn he mutt obey he lett on on tho pound no or ll leqlnted Antiques and other to no to Bible not we roeEltf the tuustunted BIBIE Joseph Sold by His Biol2m AndMModlooephootelthopkndooldhbnlto thebhmlllaol bratty olenCad Ital lwphwmuimotthooetrludsleoohmhlofotheio awdtrnuehtothoeneyothtabmthmudvlmlwoh moothzledamtolmanyooloruyehutheyhldw mthdremyhonodtohatrdmtowhtkmiodvhm Iooephrelatodhiadmmootmodryrelatlumtheat MpblMIHUDILEUIWJhNWW mtnneadlxyrtrtppodhlmolhhmtmthtehtm Iatnautulopltdotcndlutomhtmtathowot mmBmhutlhonIbmdoImerdmhappomdM Irdbyyroodtlzywldthohoytortwoutyyaoooootm mammmom ottlSTOll rotors to room By IL IM Mill The United com Wm hell thou III mm at the mwmmrodartotar uouotom moerthaoloroe our yum teenJuarezneeaenaaueogtovasa Pastor Tells 0t Hardest Choices wmtm jLord Ever lltltetl 0t llim ly DOW IILIUIN Ilth UM lard on pastor Elev to sense on lather we tell one told xdmgm MOItot haalua extort one on nrttntno Iht chenlee Na Pnalmmuwehooueo outeltlnyuaemtheharohtmthathemldnotpttnne maa thennoeuuvtlhattsxeoryot eat thlaythetorohad ever etravlnhiauyotdalnyohat mandodomulaehtohell umhtnotodo when prowt mono It to on he eh mm on to to mtnlmy ohm Utw lolcdh lived It how out hla God noted hlna to do So he not to hlr Er pastor WWII Ind Godspellhu help eat Mtnlttly tho lard on alloy Ito and some Unto later hla WI WW II Ilmllle Ithrr mounted tloo glad he OnthootherhandJmmK term It the htnrtamty lord In that he tuo The Theme ot rotoats Curler puum 1mm nod mother and lather Iho ro Ialrrt up hlr mm and Iollmd aw lltlltd Chmtea annual run Illh our utter Church ImL no the all oI God III so the mlolatryl Yormostee Dotted Toronto Wm In God that he must obey lle ornathed rIlIa or red me to tale one day to NI Home Indtotloo lltm old mother eaytay other lteet memo that roll here to ill at two perlona tIader wboddmanbaauqomm Itxmr withlahtm that he Iolt to ohloh we Invited bl he the had thrdtt ttout Miro 1111017 It Vort lad 1d Sam 11 Unloerolty rolllbeVtUl the reel mus please mull up Toronto Carlereote ol tho Utt Itod Chureh oonIItu oI tit Per tore Charla Itth member outholoeotwloneltltda magnummmuu wwwmynumu PaumlCueEaehChmhhu our tameraount and to thou mm ml should bottom tor home WI Willem ueneuumuontmmm orator You wouldnt leave your God ttntt Amtttonalhe ehureh mid rm board to uIIatIt the lexon auo ggfs ha hta tattle mother went to be ml baklngandattnooum Martloath themln ygmlruvhyliyg Shtlts In Populotton Cause Butlhanltotcodouooumandloltoo Eatept onto ol whoal Itry Ire onto to nteuo lltrn or our twtetenutlon It Conterenoo llo do not antldpate her an eelm our trleodr or tetatlred Irony la membuahlp II Item 111m 11 the man be My mth Bordon Burton Avenue Ito tleo murrh and llev George terna Iald Talto on thy Iotuoe oI lottery have been rereadloo the Promos Oomlo Thrmh Blhle Study playI Ittdetlt alone Inn II II disfll art ddle II II be Oh the en at Ma mouatlort hrlnleth forth murh Inrit John Tullzd to rotateI HEIEDTIU Ia tonttetherthry aeo Juno Im artly or God or nrltnulv at man ltrv Itu Dolor of West dalo Unlted Chorth Ilomlltorr will lead the eranrelldul em ho la rqu or me no do 0E hated lu hthtlral Itmro and It tea thl llaooy to to Royal vte torlI Itoaotlat emperellny tram ht alaIue at Smell the eta another attack phantvheatood DI the lllnlu MrI Amy Wood and Carol rod Suva Nerd otterellan have returned tram hollday tut Sundry m1 dltldreu roentlo thenorth tothe New nneo no shoot lrtdtII attend at ooral alrantl The Hay meelaoz ot the wt Indian ttout amt out to war held rattler than ottotrnlly rum to some Bootletl to tho uhedoted to plan WM lso west end at Toronto no no mktodlortbodlatrtd annual or eooooo and on oedletted memo lCP Annr mufed III own 32 BUILDINGS Stuwhet to Toronto almost unanimously revert Intreared new aworenrra oltltln the In rltlnl and II attendants Ie olllan all II or holdln Mlltll mortal Inrl mmltaneht rtlll Ia today ona DoIatt It and tendency on the 9111 we then once and tor all who who tattho to ettm one He Is our Inlth IooId be where hrteb and mortar are me and we then could share ltlnt with others The way yw Ihlnk oI learn Itll have tro mrodottr ellrd on the way you deal wtlh eyanyrllsm Thorn Ir ltert ood ol the med tor ner Dolen toe on There to 8th Ilue to you ll 1a lu rerava IIeronvcw mmmMmm ThornoOIUnItedChtuch Illoel Ito Iaalalmtdbiataloedlllhlnd odotoo He no the debatethudtet been memo tree the one toe were too eure there no thorns ot mm to tho matron lIev Paul Monte Ereetulul Secretary at Toronto Contam re yeya tho deleyIteI Ill Iah hack to thelr rhorrhoe an wanted lyirltueltty and near tense otrornrrtltmeht th Unlon In mean that must ho debated too to too yelre tlrne heelstuu must be rrtarta uyI llnrrtI Contw coco otenr tor oFro rm to they the matter nlon he tore tennrgelleor The ma Cenml Couucll vtll to very rte drlro to tho 3th now to never attuatloo reseran Un ten Another eooeern am It rtr Ia tor the Churrh to pro oath on Inf the evrruhelrn Inter lotto plate In the 370 of tho ewected too dele alea 03 pet trot Illl helsy rrorrototlt local United Outr rhea one ll hoe detonat es wlll return home wmeohet eurrr rt Who ta Jesus Chrtrt tor roe wootnuhotoo thytertra Chrtrrh steel BL are Purl MlnlaIrr Peal Mill OryIaIeIt IllrI Normal fuel not ttottNtruo uoruutr Nursery Kindergarten rtttsr CHRISTIAN FORMED CHURCH trust hiarIootlbhk Minnie new Ohm Illlltlm Wu limb SIM flqu Benton Eoeryaae lrlono Bohr Manta lute Back to God Um all IM Ill Hill It In CBICMITIITMIJ ALLIANCE CHURCH Como feet all Mlo Still Wayao Km Iqu out In rentty out new 1100 III and me yna GI III Peter lteoltt ADVENTURE TIME Ilsa Pd no Ill UNCLE PETER Iyvna AuIrIIla All Behool AIM Ito Welzonael menutat Beltane rutr Mutu lyuoeodlcmutltto ltz LII VIII km on huge lenh her one on Nuna PrIytr Mutt lltlo Ll lrIe rnyu Mretlu ltd me hiya II Elhle Btu AMINO NEXT SUNDAY SPECIAL EDITED CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE the II Vllul III 0n Putor steam Bede mm IONELVI DBNUMGEDT FIIIJHTRAIEDY act on no elm thlI atth It and utth IILlt We mortal ltm Ian and 700 our every hoaoay tor oonhlp all pretee Booby Beheol It MI Ion Elhle study memo Itlo mo tooth fellllshlp Botnaooy ynr Cour no met III II llIlIBN out hleenlauul FAITH MISSIONARY CHURCH Oraloot it hurte no on Sunday Echuel or the Ileye Illnle Ittll our Iterator WIthIp me no Creator Benton WedMay lyot no Chrtettaa Growth Hall Wlm Deans TICml sruouo roosovreutare CHURCH WA DE EN Autumn lentm Mar 20 DrJ Mill Oh MuleJ More Qaelal enemy It In em all oil IT NEW mull Roman Catholic outmoth IIIth my meets SUNDAY MASses Saturday TI Mt nanny Iona me In It In 1m WEDNESDAY EVENING trto yna Mun mrdrl Iy Portal Denllena rum FRIDAYS Mum too In 11 no ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH tororr It Own Ill Honky Ito llIIltter It donut Steam Orlanlltt cue Vulletrtert lltl Ino lueoalu orally NO DOWN PATIENT Ml Dealer tam howl Human nu nee tut rnat teem Intact the ltormu athtllr lluLwemot tor Jetua humm lotamortomloe $1th the rhino rttm Ketropot com to Toronto ooklntl um even tum Blollral ll lot the out tued It Adammm 1m 11mm to thumb mtldtnu warrant or thlttktng at Jesus 98 In Murrow on The strange to the status at ltev loonard Wall chancely orttuarllv Gtxl Altos It Wonder ne the Indian Road chum lrotn lot to the Ittlrbl To In Bthllul lImM Ibo debate heroheeuaneo protlooathon Utrlbllall edutn to tunou rooto sold in do not on was he lulrllml lee nu mommy AM Im on who uenoy displayed so eotlbllahrrtrut In only part ot pmolem Ia ondtny dollar on It rohtlcat tuo my Ind umoler ot htoek the atory of what 11 hamenlnr build or boy churches III Jul Ilktd lhl Dildo The leader at 11111 pm to mm mm Canada Between not and tort are null It d3loltttlaellllf ottll lrtlnvrlrtee llldlwo NW do you think EIHO IST llle p11 Do you Itle Home No mettle Ill be dunan 1an min In duotollte largo lnIlua oIeIh metal the Iree mom on ltttlo ltlc peooleo he oaltl Wero no room strut CHURCH llltll amt name Blyllzld Ind Dalton an Do you hellove In elaee olettnttlont mm mm Due your ttatlonallty gIve you prlorltyj Rev Wm notlon tort to out It to nttt tnthe market tor more unuoor oretlrlmoolln my hand at an mot mo ull out the our ll tonteottal Buday Eehool It Call Bull BI 11 My Pettor CIIOOIIH ma Eatuadey 511 mm Slnvln Friendly Atmosphora Bleulno lilo Rater Canto oonmnlea dlllerent armor other Ialtha mm ll llAY orrt ALL our WELCOME MUN llro Canrt told there were mm an outaon oeth Ht InnSunday Srttoot AdultClmee guyllon ot Ootarlo and to Cosrertltlgttmlaentlt III II Om NEW IlOS mono ol house at Ill 00 lm llornltu Wonhlp 00 amFemlly Worthln Servleo Chlld are to yum Quebec to IWI and only ITI ion have been told dualnI the last year last llI years homo arent to and lot It Emle It lunha Vleltatloo Pulvr IIIWAY cottat MMme oth mtntlon Ltdtol tot admnt Both Ill llaonemaklnr Ooh yellotsm ntolemeinl out mentaly lhnltwlrelntn nurr PENIEcnsTAL ANNE st too HWY AAAAAAAMAA Wrootlhe New FIoIWJ trotted tnto weekend retreele Ittalro llalttly however they 7mmmmm 2mm Athlevroteot Bay at Inth or erttsta you were closed betm oI tho In Honor Central ultool on set dim on ethote Malloh to 111m leadera any the TRINITY CHURCH altln Nltlolnml Wm order my 11 km other tentru Nasturtth 111 Iodolozlot tattoo by no lttxotl tn dmh attendance that In to years at the present mm Man thelutluaothewtloollltoo boyhood one to lmlgull mentalor story Katee em 11 945 Mt Famlty Bthle Sehoel By MM GEORGE IIOLI Schenemecetvrdoroytoelathm tal On my Mn 00 mt tor haviny auocetstnlly nomplrt ltuyod ht ptclum deplttloxtho my Lymm cum It Sportel Gout Spoaltora Ray Ron Wleho mm and mm who WU 44m NEW Wll tho Town and Country Swlnml my my Tm mm to the centre to that all the 1111 or the Tuesday Ind SpoeItonRav Hurry Ford out with lonner nelyhboro llr mm mm by IIrI nouns and Marta to end Ills Ilsllr Nu Dynon Br mm the ltmnle llurlc Fullvol Ioln or let your heart he llltod up and anoourlnod Ithllti lttmtllt tho chrltlenlrty nt Cothertne WM tew days have renamed to our myth by ham ed Church data out let tor the Clarke at 011111 goo held lta IatlteMon banquet with Mr and llrr lhon Boyle Partnrt Woo Bolt Pl URI II no CHURCH ECIIOOI Nursery lhroon Adult 11 JIntIr coma moot Emotion71H Illn Donn ooaheulr Neadly Weleom Atralta ToI ALL VLlITOlIS WELCOME Ill IAITI CHURCH SUBJECT not Errol Itnlre BoeeIIl hlnrleat Program THE EIEVHITII HOUTI tenth etarlao mu Iron XrowletyOntarII Deolcattoo lentoe 01 In Chore lnoe Itd 1m one on Stormers are III tlaya Baotou no Grurttta sr ottrs CHURCH to WI street lha Vol Bull To arena 1v HO lieMl tamaunloa Cl rFunlly loom utea LaloMIMI tenrent Irenreaa treatyr me Int 11on Commute Mt In and that Int Beetort The Rev Kayo tereo Ian Ion Comme Church ttehool and Nnrler IVIIVDIII II WILCOMI la rellllol nteulauere to you rm It led II El hllalaleo Oowan were the leaders New loot Itlmtter hat tndlealrd Flor and am llarolo smut out reection at populaltort thinrural rlrtelleta mottoy role no will he oradlealty pd an Tawny my be Interim Palm ll Henry Ford llos lI exhlhlt wee enlttled rotor with rm Ohleela my Mum commentator no at my Mum OctI 15$ moon ron moons for hrvtoe moo no Fondly Sundly was observed Bullet llc Guy on ad Mum county hooonwentte at trtntty Unth Church by lhl to the urn hoaoltal In tho tor THE ANDINOS MUSICAL TEAM Netlvo Bollvtan Chrlrtlana Irom South Amerlu mustang 1111 member human and church tanuty mo mm on my to mm mm ltov Pool Parltn related how 11 dummy party uhlrh eprmna yo Art or Evengelleal Mlerlon ad ootvllte presence nt Otmt 50 held In the tram Hall on we dmnmumdmf Chrysto ptetute on tho ternu MI whan Menage Imtgtn Into the Native Mlatlonary Work mm on Sunday Mr other partureawere Intwtll yllll Frldly Niyhtm and on Otelst Know we Ire donut 19d 11 bull Georyo Traln Ihn II In Arelmltln wordIromthI Wood at God tollomd by the Or Inanto ot Bellevera BaptltrnoIBaptlaml amm mm new resident her some to Wm 5y 51 Georllllttl thyllu locawho ll ltmllr and Mr and Mn John had been ytrttlny wlth Scott Jm mm in mm torts Ilnsrttat on April 17 hyterlort ClltllCll m1 llotlltellh WM mm mm um um Mr ennuol strawberry supper It will Atldoran ol ulllowoall mm to on Wednesday Jun 24 la were ricont lattnu It the home 10L Mr and Illa Art Thleuen and II Corn MUM and lllra Jonet Wattleee were into the etty elunytn nell nose at trmutmtlon and Tin Mo on the com 330 am lmpm CKBB out 950 Int IAnne lawn and Nettle Ln Ito ll Vlrtorta Ito SPECIAL MISSIONARY SERVICE Lynda Atkinson and lttta Elmore Sunday retool olth wee Wr mary unit Another nollenl In Renderlno Mutt In Mr own slylo Couwntulatlons rlsl The Norman trola and llr end of me mm WM mm 700 p111 IhaBorlon Street Nurrluyltome km by may II Black orcotunohled eno hIrI Dan llrQuirtln and ll mompmldw Mam Orlllla on Ilay to to attend by Immman do Garter end taxnlly attended lh mm or Sharp end Clarence lllloto tor Day Allemror both tnmitiu II II 711le Unit MroElmtr Altlnron and Lola Wald Gumtmu at mm 111 1111 Thornton lllnor Hockey Iro buyl Ills AMI llnlhlrl DBY Near Ctty Nelly ll UCLOCK You are halted lala olth III II are matter the Am anan It rellgtoa reel HIRE on throolh Imhty MORNING WORSHIP CONDUCTED BY THE CIDEONI attended the tire nighmm One hundred and IleYClKlll Home hurl hla eon Cert Ilene uedotng on Saturday ltay 11 were In attendants to hear Cor demo Calrary lattod Monday to tloultestntte Unlted Church by Atlanta ot the Barrie Fly It Thor Boyles land the rrrrpllon oIterWard It Will III WI TWIN Mr and llln llltry Allen 11 Wonhln the rommurtlly rentre were presented In the haulm had thrlr tomlly tromBarrlM llhsoudhllrr Archte wanlm thamplolrtistglo lhclxlyplr Tuelrtitoxlmhd lay191111 Conrnaatloo re utt yyuettl at line eamw won no re ill otera or tell tern ltrI lluyh Wyllg my may aident ot the learue armlarr also hlr Chortle llotoney mo Amos Ottttuzwood treasurer to Ron Spencer On my ll George and Flor ertce llolt were dlnner out of WINE AWARD HAIR MN Joel and lulu Proua at UN The Yoderatton at month ctrtloltttly1tattt AP rle learn not tr In Toronto Naturallrts has Iwardod to ope The yahoo chlel In tltls oorlhem at the WorkmenaCompenstatlon clal Correryatlnn Aword lama Holt tours ltor banned long holr Board ltospltat lhtr week Ida Trurt roomy ol the CBC tor molt III are no reason Ior mom Kayla Ieelttty much TV mount To WC WI lmptotod In health alter our country Ntovmt oemmonune Mr and Mrs Emir Wendy In the Orange Hill on they to also llr Albert Hendernnn Mulltatlont RESTORING OURSELVES Nurury Iaelltlloe Annrte Tho Chortle Seltoolt meet at 910 em Ian ll oeloek allot Int out uotou NMM United Choreh Chmh Eehtootl lzlt and on Nurrrry IIoUlllee IrIIIIhlI coma Icth me no not an Wlm Welooooe Welcome To 1va ChllltvConIrod Fellowthtpl