Irwwuuroo vypwvWV ll In mumu LITHIUM IL 171 Queens Plate Choice IStill ILa Prevoyanief 14 mm wool to Art mum le threat uncommonwon Dmxorodrwpdnirprkr mmuhbmublw Mmmmm touMianbivithwu MMMIibothctnlem Amino transmit IIIIy unutinl mordl mm Ivonne to win the rm Qml Pinto dull It WWII Sammy Jnne or Onnd or rm mucu oi HazlruL the norm had my dunner lut mg She but her tint two nm tn the United sum this m1 LI Prmyule it still the pirt Don Suntitid Ind Joe lint rner thl orJIrio Jade Clnlzt our male II the mom to II the nil Ind curler Cur IJu clIuic lrrre not Ill In our ache toq Itd ll they new lit with DWI Put Ilizlbu Weu mired on on the Ni but ttrli 151 Mr the tone to but Ln Precorontr the oven vhelnicz so pin the Phil tilnttrbwl hunt in the hir trry the Plain prim tn rr rniox Ihe odd ilrlme and St relt mmd lb drum oi Barbara in M05 RICIIISI EVER Thin yurr Qmnr PIIU Nanh ItmencII aICIi rum ururiy nu stake rm Ind the hirlnirht oi Woodbine summer meeturL nhirh opened 1in to will Iin one will dirtlcmorr Illi Ihe rich WA horse me mr mrnntrd In Crnno The Quernr Plate could be the rllut hone run ever run in Canada The Pine pnrre warmly iota mm held or In the menu In morn In its turn lire nuor will produce Mme oi ills Groer leldr 1m Soirlt winner at the Summer Stalru Ind he Coromtionlutcrttr tori Iran mnIirtr the Not mnnd choice The harrdrornc colt ltIr not Itutcd thin mam Ilthoudt he been worth Iexlremeiy Victorian Prlnu owned by Jim Block Sabin rc rmlno in 5rd phce In the plot tau but hlI wit drwped from HM lo IDL we uerr lrrrnmud nittr hlr first race It Port Erin liten he come nylnn art the pore We threw om in poor pertormnncr It Plrnllm in the Woodan sum unto he mlrinl limit tin 098v MI ntd Wild DID rN opus tc bluert drop In odor in volves early rprtn relation SymrrIlria Tho mum to med by Hugh Grant oi Bud tmt PI dropped hornso to to 53mm lrolrrcd by Cori 111mm it midrirrt ed iItlI Iprlnt itvlnx won our race It Greenwood mt two at Fort Erie includrril lit Queen torr Sinker Mother merIIMtI PII ler 00th Day med by llr May oi Toronto Iiro lnmovcd hin petition on tho pricorposttnrr it in to to tortrumml TOP TEN BASEBALL ily THE CANADIAN PRES NItlonrl AI ll Fri 73 ill 27 ID or ID 29 161 13 355 79 77 34 115 21 Mi 157 25 51m Bet yo OUR MUFFLERS tie GUARANTEED tor as long 15 ercos nrrorrrrn tonm IIIIrta mm Cum noon urummntz to OWL murmur not run run cum CANADIAN Atnsr OUTIH NoyrIdpenIdlo I3 Aanrzirmsntisrll orrgrnoq on Pruning rayrrnrMnI 1151490 $2509 wnrrsr ronrrrc crrvrscrrnrs II it run PrkI 2i59 Buyoylhepoiunduvelliuvy rams out attached to rust prooled slcei tram by hrlrnl tptingtl Apprntci Jif Joriul Irrcrtrdizrnccr Pclunlls Mari aids PInsiesSweetAyuu Indrncrc Strrtrh out Ind rrlrr irrrn loungrr has hhll rcvrrrrt with than vinyl tubing olr trllrdandstrzlrhnroolrndtour ratchet whichnllw int easy adjustrrrcnl Apprvr 24172 Amadthrrquairr riPrT murmurs nrrtrrrurrs YourChcieo ln3lisqurroplaslicpoisi ECDNDFAEKS DR Ftowerlngcnnurltrnd vegetablrsl PRESTIEE PLANTS lmpalilns5lnnIoteIC tirrnrtPrlrf Linn otrrtrrrtrrts ind otttWelIIdvrnced inner IA Man In Wntron llrnr rainy tnt Santa ctr Ctdrnn linu Morgan Cin Torre Ell ii 336 1le I5 115 Maddox 10313 15311 Grulrb SD 147 ll 35 110 IIrrnn Ilunt Anton Illlanio ll Slugrlll Pillrlnrrglr to but IIinitrd In Ftrzthrtt rm 00 lunch Clnctrr lxtllllOl Plichinx dcrlrionr USE PAINT Porkcr Ncw York to two OIL BASE GIDSIWRIR Amrrlun tum All Fri Kelly Chi 75 in 400 Kirkpatrick KC iiii 37110 Horton Dr 7111 25 M1 Illicit Chi lid 22 an MA Ilnil iiin 13 313 Blornbm NY 67 321 list nm in 11 r1415 Johnson Tex 129 313 FIECIlaR Dd 120 iii liI iiunrnn NY 11211 361 lion lirrnI tiny trn write it linrtrerry XInon City to each RIHI mild in Mnrbcrry Id lit luksnn Wind 23 PItchtrr it Dulrlnnrlt singer Coltornio 71 linitrmon Oakland r2 mo CIGEI ELECTRIC AWN MOWER IIIBM PRICES Ourlistprrcc 5983 Kmtrtsrrrlrl TOIIDNN tackIsgntnm minimum Irro tar intact established by the Omrih Eifnand Fowl Prodttc Hoard extrI 5er or lam it medium Wrthrctrr Wow tirrurrdtitrtrto rrrtrh wrrr nrll nnrlr rrrorrrel hrrrdlr mail so Iinndnoi wholesoic prim to ontodry dotiom rim use curled by committee or IasrlraniockternCGilmDIclnrolrrlId wholesale dulerrr 1itlintinItlrzimrmrilrntr am rm to 1am tort rmdltrttt mull Li 39 02m antler Mom Grundlan IDIIY7 tarnmiuicn lendrroirlo errlot inntn more 70 our II tantrum 11r leilittl 11 II Am BRISTLEr surrrer PAINT BRUSHES HOUSE PAINT ltrnlrtPrIcI KmrrtPrlu Pact to tram Shemin Willrrrmt Palntrrt dtwltlrnilturrwtllnrrll currrmodclllngond SIRIIIngoII mwl Sunrerno brand xlrllvt rtInr roman up torn Mono ot rIrrrrrrnrrrr itr Irrht Ind supremo bunt rrtulor itlu nntll new onlrturrtrl tortilth It tiIrlrlwrpan now Iprtnturtilrolr ALUMINUM STEP lADDER Our lltlprlco 1747 REINFORCED GARDEN HOSE 99 ll hrtulri rd tcnrlrrrrdtheretnrtlornhionndtrnlllptlnlilll IIiIIIrIIIIIIIirrrIImIrrnur hit obticrinIIdootbultldtihohnmoliwo lrerh It rtnrdr tron It Imtl rccncmlroi 11M pllu lt Inn orrrllr punt ornrnuIrnm rr mu on