Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 May 1973, p. 16

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swam runrun II II To lutrdduoe Tax Measures Beiore Commons lldjoumment oddratmldbriu MI odoa tar male gnarl oiootloer noon the lioou II ranArm MIA MIA Imriu tho in role III to tho rneuuru mid oiioo Irai rermrrheododm aro daroay roots The limo prriol iarohcd mid ho to to too II WING rem wound rririr the Ilouid eotmt Llio GARDEN NOTES Tulip Plantings lam IO to 15 Tho ho to more an orbit Should Last For Years With Proper Care CUNNINGHAM Burl Wm kitty Thmmiov dado moro Iullhonobedollaii raiiir him particulny tbry III III In Holy The Iolld mu oi min rod yolloio pink whalmr it may be rnurl only roleth IllaRim ot Proper core Ilttr Domino Itoo important To keep tho In good roadillw tat oii dead brod lull or loan tho petIIo dr but do not mum oar at loom Iti lol Iho term to now or long It ourle and lot lhrrn dro downnaturoily Titty may look bit untidy or while but Ilia rummzr Innurlo ore plant zd titty will oooa beoonu It obviouo Sonia lotion Irrliiiur bone meal of bulb lortllirer warlrrd Into th roli orormo rho bulb when liill towerinl or il ohortlr otter will yrodueo limo or lotion and teed lhI bath Ior out reason heliumwill not trururo the mo oi thlr yuro blooms trot uhon the ow or Mr lodod then the t1th olorlr norinx load In lorrrr noxl Ieoruro timer and healthy to or Irraatlol lor lirio pro our The Inner ni Ill ryrln lion erinx bulb mull be allowed to diI doun naturally ono reuon oily bulbs pianiod In town can be auirarue Planting them under drclduour tree rrhero they will bloom beiora tho lea are out and an attorwordo hidden bytheioliooeloonoway to overoorne tho problem iiuibo trn omit very macaw zrowa eroy or ruch Ir vlnco mlnor Doiiodrl hover ran be tied Iooreiy to miter In Marcher Thlr moire them toolr little tidior and III rt cooler to taunt mm between them IIAPJI LEAFING Detliuour trorr and rhrubr In rapidly lrairrrtt out In the plantinrl reason iur thoaa II Iurt about am unlcu they are In roniolnrro and can ho olInt rd Iltiroiri dirturhinx the mall Aloha run that trors Iro firm Iy lied la otronr mate who timid and that my trer ahrulr or erorxrren monily planted to Kim plenty ol water rerular Iy until It borarner erlahlirhrd The water muri ponetrala rIuhl down to tho cniiro root ryrtrrn gt oo lot the has run very Ilowiy until the ground Ir raluraled Homing tho ourloro oI the grind uounri plant Ir urev Annullo can be planted out noon hut dont be too hart Sorno Ira hordior than Dillon and will even rtanii told that tolldm tho tronline lwrnioo Iro mo oi tho tougher oner and in remaab onto to tIIro uhanoa on gut Inn thorn out up iy but rurrigoldo are my ren rltlvo to cold or are broom and Impatlmo and Ilra roma tou prom Ind mmbm So dont plant ony ai lheoo ouioldo llIlUI lino Io Ihraiuloly no rink oi aid trad Annual must be WWI horri eaod all More plantlnt thio op oliu orriimioriy Ia photo ILor ted IadoorI rardrr lororumoi lighto Taking thorn oirolgbl oul domIanounandIrlnduabo om moo qur thorn In Ihrltmd rind Flore far law an rad rbrn morally emu thorn lo ounlixhtr Iloay Innrrv oh can be oolrr directly Lr the anion Ihcn tho ootl wormr an and IIII pow rapidly and do my orriL Some ill rroi rland bola iromploattd Io nui be mun ihio way Phlox drum ioruruoi Cerloureo oiii In good 1min tram oddoor reed Lu llul dont row xiaaiar until the roll warm Iole Iioy or tori June It you want to hare re IIrrlng dlraloy oi colour III ourrrmrr room tho trouod Ior Innuairt orrhiy marl oi thew plant Iro compIrItlroly Ihollow rooted Ind they Iro no rroILv planted rioto iazcther ra that Ihrr have ImIll am Irorn oblrh to or both water ml nourirhrnerl The roll Ilrould contain plenty oi IIrrroro TIDIITICULTUIIAL NET Italy It aorta Flower Show It tho Sunnldoia Community Coo lro Entrior rhouiti be In betwoen oporr ul pm Itrr Grant Iirh rain rroresontativo tor 0r tho rrtxiuotr will glue on Illua iratori talk on oyriiil giantirrl at tho evonln 9Vino un Ilitl It could no rconvener ot lhlo Inaw SIMCOE PLAZA CLEANERS PLAIN DRESSES srso 503 Blako St Tol 7262060 lsoiliuglinllnt ii iin pnpuinrpricc wanncoro as l9r Wm elm MAY II MAY 30 Mr Tirraer 91 mmmzhwnii Mm mu ma out sold 14 raeuum IrrII madam AM deoit with Moro the run until calendqu and coraiIomI and run And tho rhow will Cnnnrlits Parliament III II Glance all CANADIAN ram DAME MAT II In PPM51mm Moo Conumdro leader Mm or tiu duea penalty rot FIIIIoo Itiatoler on hole aid bo LII nonzero bio eorgnu In re to Do IA Ill by Parliament helm rho rum me room no out wood on cilia an be boiolod Tm world ado bloc wkro It no work an NEW SPACEMAIIER I2 PRWACY FENCEPAIIEIS Mrltoiolr AliWroibor IIIIAI mom Oailri Nrrr on El Fractal hodialiy huhteoouorimt ammo 4FI High $I 29 on 5n High $r49 ea 6H High $I69 en minor Rodi LI Wllr NOTEConny Ieotoru Aod Stock The Memory Cod or And some lumber lirqnirrrl For Your Porto Ital IIIIII Driveway sealer SIECIALVALUEI MI TINA Alyhil mam corn sornsaor shmgles ELECTRIC WIRE lWIT IOUII Aluminum NM IRUCIIIOI SAVINGS iFor Your houro eottagr and Earn loin lrimlo Thlr Sorrion Aro lull um Mini moo Orloro OI 0000 lull Irol Dr Moro Or am IIquor OI lrrm Conllnrl trim 4000 IIIIIAIIONFIGHIINGB PRICES IEA ArI Salim To Chonoo UT OA DOWN At on rr on Morin Wirinirooioii rricr Inonrr or Coorlrarlirn IlOIIIIIIIIIHII Arin SPRUCE DIMENSION no $198 ms omit03 or $223 llmll orlm Mini iil$23602 wgiiigiino $24903 Vrlxtxl is on no 00 SUMLATH 112x105 $257 4975 Nrsiygirui lilh$249oo IIrnIlt Orloil run ismru on union oro nrwooos INSULATION BATTS ronu our IVA so It Currant too thin Carrrri trig lo 669 $529 rot oc $329 iImllOrltrInghrrl V1 $IO94$ 962$ 847 NAGGED $1243 slings 99a THEWOFLIIER Vt $459 $I288 $II6I 5I6Solutpruoo 369 saint Sorueo $1093 Tiiiiiiiiniriiii on LIA NOIlT rhioo Hm Ionn An Thou In In Whon TN xWII Irlnlol Aol MoyWIII IIIrICIIIrIIII UF OR DOWN In or NO DIALIII ILIAIII Anl Quotation 2115933 nunnun no ECONO Y5 79 ir Au olir tiorrniwtrkmis on rangr0 in strunorrs 105 on IIIIIRSDAVS alinioniliitii or NVICTORIA DAY MONDAY Nor 2IrII MR OIRANTCLIFFE VOUR CASHWAY MANAOER riaolno lIolmrn ul limo Ilen Irom Aomr Alton room mm loderoi puliodluy too nnI 62494g SHEAIHING II no 4x8 Panels $154 IIrrIrootol loorllno Whiroi llyrrolh IAIIN LIT INAMIILID $37rl rer Longthl rm Ml not Arriioliri lrl 12 Copper Pipe $257 ozorr mm tmr ir 34anvmgtvumWMIVMdAWaaWuimuw meat gnaw autumn In Sum MWuhcoILo IMMWTOOMO Oawuooyaur mollv ailiiiil ournr Anraoooni Establisheth lrIitle monain Hour mummiin mm upon moat iully mood by Item on Toronto 6mm Collect AppoinimontrlryMroMoreh CEILING TIIES EMMMIM mum 12x 2orl6xi6 OUR REGULAR $769 Colony homo On lamr oroor Pitnir Taiiios$l IACII MII Moi Mil holy To FOUNDATION FIBERGLASS COATING 26x96Panois Olt ROOF COATING SGALLON PAILSI rouri cnorcrr $3935 or rowan Chute Your Ouullry MIhIrIr Srrlnol FIRST QUALITY IIoil AvololIoI Itornlrrilrtl CARPET Indoor Suhstandards Outdoor Sum VIrIr OI Mm 99 IOUAAI YAIDI 114 mos sorrow no1 run our our Full II Th OroIII Thlo OIIor Whilr Imlo Lori Io Ilarryl rooorr rrrov oy EMIMI LOW FRICII IIrII Ourlity VIrOrorroINrrnrul Vloolrrrin hull ABlTllii Pioneer Hickory$ 39 Aoy Oolllllri $699 CITAIANCII OIAOI IRANO Aromail odor IIOJIVII lAIlaIl IIrror rrrrr Ir IrI rrosrr unrn unionism $1398 anon mm vnursn coroner IiIIinttt$199 Ptoorrnnoon noon rrI You On MIMI hm to Avrlio iiullu llVllSl TOIL TOILET AT COVIA EXTRAIII IIIII WALL rrrrr orrnruor tPC WIIITI IAIIIROOM Ar Ahro lot In Vlhltri II in It to II AllAm IirrIrOMotir Tollrt III Slip Save SERVINO BARRI runmm ar rimworm Mmm nuor srrcrn rurcnrsr Intros You rNr are DEALS Stainless Steel Sink DouIrIa Slzo SIN riiiitirs3777 Steel Contra Sat $795 061 lollrhoioiood InitialRog Introl Potpourri TOILET srntoritownou DEIITIIIIECIINIC srrrrto at man ornnsrs limo raonr orroanrmr Wormi17267777 mm ONT rrwmmmmmw sAVEr ALUMINUM tiIISIEPIAIIDEIIS INN rrrou arvrstoot 9n mu wlioollol turn now Aluminum Doors arcoft cxIoo rromo no illIL OUR REGULAR $1689 SAKRETE READYTOUSE MIXES IOLI ConerIio Mir lOLI Food Mill your cnorcr noon IiloIorNorIAl on Ilrrto Iomtnlrr NIv Uiiorrik OUR REG $1395 IIO II Or OIIIIIII Our Own lrIIl VIVA Home Paints maroon $359 oorurm rrrrnor Ill Will Ior Ilnr Unlrrlry Itol Viotorvlrrlrtoot Glool rrrroro irwg PAIIIIIOUOAIII CASHWAY IiAS WHAT YOU NEED FOR FENCINI WESTERN 2x Ir trauma Siriiiiii7ii Iomr Irrt Lot Ur Onto All Your Color Iroulrrrnrrtrll orn soroor norm Oolmlrol llOoon Moth Mail In EIIIIII CHAIN 36 $949 42 $1099 FENCING no $12549 Comyirlo UM OI Arurrorloo ArrllrIlrI Admit Violrnrll Crlrri Oar Our VI Hourly Body STAINS REZ $6999 Ilium Vlalrrn Mermy Or Mull Furrrrmi outldml anroerrronrr it us run KololodonoirhtoJ dALiIANIZID 312 4r Rooting COMMON IOSIVIHIOIMIII 47 room Neuron rrnrnr on our ItIrII Irr nrln rim run lIIlIIrltvlryMiami Hi ORILLIA AND YOUR AREA Srloiroom olorrrl moor rim rm enrol SIOI ll opgrol SIT uoro Ioalogoo Irorn olout III IIth III or In WI notAnnhrrn Sundry Ind Ivonlngr by oppolntmlnt to It Any ilrnoI ONE RERCZY 5T DARRIE ONT Trim Our location Junction Hury II North rrsnwrrrrnrnrsi 8m lotto Shopping Houro Fridoy uniII 9pm Phono moron irv roooW=xqueemwu

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