THE MOUSTNCIE CUP New for Senior Hockey By HANK STONI Il run lint at law In lrmrut It rnmirable the madman oi the hull mm urtrllddrlnnn art new era In Senior em low I1 Ital downtiltl Iyaaamulrith Dom Ilotkry Auntiatlon nlmon eun potrly Imtnl the Smlne In oe to provide Inuit The Inloivrmen oi the DNA wrtthnJuAMhyIlldlwd In instant since then In more Inme with Ill hallo nodal Iy lrnrn lbI Miami lindey Ill pr IIIII the Inter dull nattheohanenlainwnr law Snithtli team will open pulsation mu be loosened their seam lids In at or unit raran money It manna urne between the first and see rllNr In what hard II in why they aleulr the IIIIA by min the built of the matey ninnd Irnm Junior batting power oi Ernie Itiller hotter to expend junior Inguen lho led Ihe league Iut new to mate even Iraan money the Bob Irltnd lion luyenll C31 by Martin Chunk ItrNIrol er Idwudrr Bob Nathan and out In ereth rrrtain amr stunt rI anlmnnty toward itael try Imprint mine It totem Isle and oenlor boehey In the part In yarn the led lnr Inqu hat Ilrnott been nnlninr rtuli without the help the OIII They let relerm lrrwn lha rovrrnlnt hotly th he not very ltttie altmlion Illta bu malor telk ahead him not only in Unit new image In the mindl oi the pub lie hart silo to do tome Inl areburldinr within the DNA It nil We wish him luet and hope tha out run up to Iota notire THE HOLIDAY weekend will Ieailne toupla ni major mm In event oi littered to notes lane and Iaotball tent The Harrie Opilmlet Mlnnr hem Aawdnlion will be bold In Its nnnunl Guy Itryhnldl ltenrortrl Totnnlmenl Iraturlnr turn In six IIIIIIImI Im Iearnl will he eonlpetint In the squirt dirlrton Irom Nllt rltlrket OrInteytllr Tottrnhnlrl Ilarnilnu and the bolt teIm Irnm Kerrie In the ninth dirtIon two bar rie turnI will be playint Ilamll inn humid and thanmtlle llla lnoequltoel will provide In moot uttnn with seven ienrna IMO IIIT t1 rm Era Possible laroiyndlndradrualeuntrnu Dominantethane timely minded location The three miter diriainnl wIIiIiIri Wimlm nan while the mean In hint Ind lutllor BL will play Sunder auntie It It ll intone wil be playlny In freemuwwln Mun Yoearlunia teame boll New mallet Barrie Purdue and beanttidye wlli eorlrpetI In the rideI use map Mill and It riled nledtnr Monday nlm II It moons Perk The barrio Ind Diddrt Serr nM team than Int yeal Btll ItayrrIII and John lir rnnney right hack into Junior It Can will be In rbam oi the hrwtry It the expert oi the tint team wbleh Inelodel one rther lmll Din In the oi the toe prteberl around the nm Ion Belmont The lid loam will have til tnrrlrr IIIIIer lbm pisyerr Ime been nAl ed to the lineup Ineludrnr Don Irladden the tier pllrber lrorn Mm areas Furnllurl and Jim llurke Church Iinhlle Ilornee big shortstop the lerond learn whirl he and melted hy Groeyl Boarrun In marred by IlIrtJn ridden lIlII llohen the pitrher Irnm hush ltohlle HIM ROD Strikerlnnd Fred Anderton JeII lint till llmer DalI my unit In Won llle lltll er Ind Ilariln six playerr hate heen Added In the wont turn Ineludlnr the two pitchers lrom tut yenrl Ontario Amateur Soltblll Illne latlnn Junior ehemplonl hill Freehetla and Date lltItnn IiIhdy Ierry Irnm Steron tilted between Nat It led Drlan Gurnhlll Irnm Alison and Joe Tarenna irony Slernor and Terlard Inxnrnrlre have elan been added Ilortt with Iourtb lIIyrrIIl Gerry The Ienlor Irarue Ital rolne up with good way to aim the new nelson Ind aollbell Ianl should be In it imi film had been melted Irorn It NIII way It tome out luttlnr deanonrtrrtlnd or pltdtlttr dueL 14 OIIIIIIGEVILIE transom Thnmla liny IT Itll Ilnt lIm are lnna It One this III time Ilolnar Mill 7an liar II Stewrd Brown Tim llewnoll hrnokry Iipenazr Forte III Clper Clement Ilr Parker ll honey Hindu Fliie Troy Zinz Sons Lawson Itl ilmrtlnl Time II TulnnllI Irrnnl lIarr IrIt Perla tint nno title Chantellnr Atom Nopklnl Karen Demon Delrney hIIIrIIY Kosher It Werner llrtty Irprm Butler Indy lternltp It Ilorrow Npeodlrr Spenser II holvaird Tourh Stull Oh llrebail Nenover II All Johnny II Iltkar rule has rm fem tut One Mile First Joe Vim thI CIJI1 Die owulumnucm III Iluru room llllrret IIlor Mk1 lie billet Dee VIII Dorothea not 1791 littdItIIy Indlint All henltor lindton II On Ilile Mn Inst lAwnon Maple Time Beltnyr lnddy Orooh llnrretl TIITIIII Boy PIqurltI Crystal Cltipl lroy Illdden Speed mod Ihorrterest ll shrpplrd Calroll Davy IIqu IIIi Joly llrna II Vlrroe Ilith ltaea IIel Yum IIII lint Ilrln Twilight Special Stead ltobortr Dominion Troy Stirlrny mm Scott Meadow Spurr mm Late NI Irnlorue Ill Kraluk Chalawhlla Guy Smith rvllt Tolhurlt eI Im lurre itoe Ilne title Wynehr Gonna lilll Wntor ll Warner Charleys Plpnore II Vorrn Piln liter Macintosh Mark Ierotlnld lrny Illt tlnry Ann Todd Iiutler him On IItIe feather lIir lnwaon Immee Illa In Tolhttrat Bee Illlll WIIn lilo ll Sam For Fault Downey lTunm Ardtdelrln Kimberly Iliul ll Dulty Ont hill IIIIII tilrI II Ilnberttnn Up All Dry Gondola Item ick II Irwin Likely Tim ilIlhrattlt IIIrlhe Attorney ii Crown Ill Cam Ilehrlhur DonnaI Joy Dr It lurrul Union Slur lI Crlrlll on till II Ah but It llprelt Ilaulel lad Ii Ilnnt NulIe tllrl Troy Amber Id it Gnlbnlllt Popular Brad Pris Chris Bloom Inweolt Chain Ilorm Art Drawn Ninth lure Im Ittrre IIJI All ttarhty llIynard turns Ninth llnee lerr Puree mot proupvmw lamily Ierrrue held Itn bonllnx were resented In hlnnnet It the Fanbnayy llaII lJllT Dnrhlra lee llixlt IIn arniner ilntol spurts nounour The team relurrled early Iedneodey lrorn the western ruler ttr deelu met learn mem bers at luncheon given by All Napkin lbIirnlrel Nont Nrppllalltt lietll with repre rents Pembroke In Pullzment The Iilnrn let record Ill roll reuttiyr wtneIIIdarrlnr the axe lIoIeter 1111 Iml pali reason ell Gimme Cam I1 The team Inn on In deleel hit not known rhlrh league 5y Paul Minnesota Voleurl Itlen mu Ieature threrbrbllton mm mm Im IIIIIIWIII III illhl rome AIOMIIIIIIWINIIIIFAII Imer Itll take plItI In NHL may mum or rtllrr In the United SUI 1mm chamimm CIrrypbeII laid Irlpilretitrna Cup Dolended IAHNIII Greece IIIenlerl MONTREAL IITI An Iyreerrlenl lul leethrd Wednesdly between the NI llnll llottey Ilelrue and members at the Ira Ilockey Federation oi the Soviet llnlnn IIriIiIlr or In elahtuma tour oi NIII eitirn by two lturrian terror The elrhtxerlle lerlra will be dry nlrltl rliea Ior the ninth ramu Neither Montreal anndienr one IoeoetloIlelI My Ippar ently wetland Ilium In play In hoet to the vIsItnra In the rn oi the Kill Will rel aon and Vanenuvlr CanueItI hare been htkmrm In the pro WIIIIM with IIIII rilrerlor ol the CdlIIlI IIld he had been any hen ihe learns were polled Illout atreptlnr nine uhllr lomxn WIIterl Ire presldenl II the club arid Vnn router would like rlmn it It In ainIeblr but that he did not know how annioua the learn on to set one became the line term to win the European WWIMIII Cup Ior lilo record llme when they rambled In to vletory over Lenin United oi mind In brulalnt leII In whlelr two pIIyerI were not oil In the It not minute The mltrh ended In my to mull with Gene relelee tuition lllclllnglr lllrllad lnIernnIIonIl Norman Iionler and Ac Ilrlrna ltleclrdn Set llanh their marnhtnr nrdera Ior llphltnr luttr other nine were booked and the rrovrd allotted Shunt ahsrm II the rrlerrr who hld eIrIIer relultd lhm IIrdn penalty IppeIII Illel hitch Joner Intro brnunhl donn Illlrdo tho penllty IrrI Ind Mllln driender hld hens died lite hIII In lhI end It was urhrurll lhlrdrnlnutl roll thlt decided lhr Issue and took llle trophy Iway Irnm IlrltIIn Ior the tint time In lour yrIrI III rested on tree Irlnk tort outlide the Leedl penaIIy Iret hinuta Ind Ksino Relums I06 ANGIE APlu Alter alonnipr the Inlernallonll lurk Alloclltion b1 milalnr too ellta rneetr Kl Krino rev turned to the ll ted Stale lrorrt Illa bolnelnhd oi IienyI Wedneldly nylon he phoned to retain the pro tour ltelrlo lull In Nairobi that he went to Kenya Ior rent and pen IODII btntnell Ind Ielrlted oi Iarr wedtendl inrnnlo Ind llrilldelpltia mteII too late to more Ielll liner Pm Pam It IIII III Jlrnrlly John Clement lrirtd Vankrr ll nnvlel enter Honors Kings Warriors Win IlIIEIIBOIIDUIIII Ont lcll Bllntlord WIrrIan delulrrl teurth liner her hm It CindyI Flash Ill Srhaelre Illprlng Crook Alex Williams Lincoln Lend llrn Ilehrthur Ieyrnlh Ilut TnI Illu Iln to liolworth II Irwin Iiinee IIarl Iolhtrrrt Bey Ilnyle II Younr Expo Johnston Simpson Silrer Duke II llohnrtlon North III IV Ole IF Onlootrr It Dutlrr PM IInle It too prn PATRIOT DIIOI Tllillrli IOXDOIIU liter IAPI end New lntlanel Phlllotl oi the NItIonIl Ioolhall league plecrd three players on waiters Wodnerdny They were veteran wide yeeelvrr lltble Iryrnt and Mike Illlhley Cherry Ilnr hotter Ind Joe Carter light OTTAWA lrirltr MIA Itier Trudeau took time all lmrn hll reruler duIIet Wednel ill to pay tribute to tho IrNIevrmentn oi Iernhrolte lumber Klntl tile Central Junior llorkey Imue llr Trudeau dropped In brIeIIy It luntheon and told number It the ltinyl IIIII oh hehlll oi Canedllnl llltl the government want to try how proud wewre hi you The Killer winners ol the rims CJIIl tDImpIMIIII III vnnted to the limit at Ih en tenniat cup hut Inlt the beltol uten seller It trainI PorIare In PrIIrIr Terrier hi the hilllie lobe Junior Hockey leerue Friedmer Lnlterr ml In Ontario strum Anodntlon llenlor Irtlun Wednewa nirhl Scnrlnn inr IlrIntlord uerI Dylan Wuton and Don llechell early on Iunr Jerry hlrliomta wlth three nothle IItlen Ind Zerly uplnrkl with two Iplece ltlti John Mrheunl IlrlIn wr IllllI laul Warden an ltr nltrlylt lolrn Dale Inn on Kevin Sullur artl IIltl surrntt with one etch Jchn Ilnrll wrnred llr tor NIEIDIXOIJIII wllh Kerr Ilene tierurn Ind Cy Coolllbel mil KoIIIII three lord Floyd Phil North and Tom lIlllell added the Mllert llan yourueallnn today by unit In Inlly eoulpprd Iterl lllrtdrl Yaw Iirrulpprd with Inlomlllr trau Idle douhla hedl rillIll water and In boa hrrnmrnndalea Idnltr unlly First time client In IIIrria hy Ilrrtr the he IIIIIII rrtrttr LEIIGIIII mourns Allele the lmlm Ieaaon It recently Awarde lnr hlxh le ni til Joan Derry hlrh howling lira Kunpvlew Bowl Irnm throughout the you tnple oi 7r nod Carol lap Ill old we hrnll Ilerore oi ItIl IE1 Agreement Is Reached For Soviet Hockey cTour Scots Iolled GLASGOW Illeuterl North ern Irelnrtd loIIoI Ilmihndl rhamplonrhlp hopes wrth runlrlle It vie lnry set the Smut belore Moo Inna aI Ilhmrrien IIrit Yrdnel then This menu that England need only draw mlnrt Scott land In the roundlohtn Salut dIy In rltnelt tho tIlIo Ilier beIIInr Wales Ilrrvdsy night not the Irish 21 Ills dole Ito lrclarvl never trolled bleir alter Inklns to lead Illtr II minttlet wlrrer lreror Anton loo hired lnrlllrlln uhelil AC ltllln Wutnerdny Itith to open the world In the third lindemn noon the second roll iollowllli pm lrorn Dare delineate In In IUM to create and hell new Irnm oi renter minim Setter lolll eity III II Dirrdoe Wellington no In wnetet tor the out till years In memdtylulhe Barr rim leek no on stunt aired nl Idol In mm The lob wit lna ILII lye been tune rent The lint tbiot he on II Ia lo mote one ueh while relations man We hm lo ea together all new unite oi reoloe Irorkey he laid IIII mil but In old mutt leeeue some people thlltk nod weve got to eharue lhIt Were ant to be and hope we will be more rompetilire with Junior as tar prunwn toes Mrddrlnxtoel Mid mind the Hrere Nile er Ierle the oppoinlrrenl will be sleet Ile laid Ihe IIII ltu meal harin Getting Hate Mail rto tAPi them one In short point on the art Ior home run Ilium link Aaron nt IllanlI Fm he doeenl hale to open hlrmaiL llrph rho lo riorihr In In Babe liltiltI rateer home NH record oi III In 4an aIentiy yttrern Into ml per rentoi II on the river aide It you nhlte all Inverter whod he proud oi me Aaron told But am blank There are Inlne old people In this world OI else wouldnt fel ll do there are all uho mm on trying to other people liIetlble Ill lety olienrtre they tell the liner end my other Nd lord you no eolne lll oilh hate Mill ohms II In roll which II Instetllnl It sets our to the reenrd And lInhIr rude II III lhyrdrend weer lettera the ports Thrteta ood quutloll he reIrI out know why Ex rep Iweya irate hunt the very ItIrI oi my You or rim oi mlll ynu have to reed It went to look hnrteytheonartellntryII llirrr lrrnnnrrom titty Idmil II Inc Ebdnlld BIIIIRIE loinmtlmewlthloalnrhoek nettbeupunoolmonand FlreIS widdiltllm Newtubtclt mini with mine hockey norbeuld Seventeenth Irretlwayimntbw null WV Were not lie rlde change with up wtdrh timid Illah rum Interesting be utd Were not In rd Iorne party II said be we never pl er at any ltrolllem rot bispode with the llrerr treatise lost Int Inicruted end he really teen the Ians taec it Ior as Ihey publlrlty man on an nt are rotmmd the button hm tenant andlhe nmt team in the In lIe wll remain wlth the err not II pnblieliy ntthe ii SPEEDWAY orrumoflhl strontium l9 nncmo svrny snrunonv NIGHT RAIN onsulrtre pln LOCATED nose or Hlolrwnvlr on eouc or one TOWNSHIP ZONE AND BRING THE ENTDIE FAMILY at my own my AndtheExyouhaveaiterthbaoknlne willtastejustasgreat tnmpany RUSIIS sronrcthr mllra North It IIIrrle on Well IMI II II llly TZMIII Cthmlrr Ila Inrt nuthurrtr QIIlea Irtrtl Ilerrlu Otar Top Item ttlI OCInoea Irnm Ohrremrlll zkoz at uaAgapan ivltuc MAKE YOUR RESERVATION NOW 7266474 2522 tlynonpnqaamrrI wapqlwueIt