Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 May 1973, p. 1

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NV tEXAMIIIEl TELEPHONE uid Identities mm In men Drum rum ontrrurwettt Trudeau Staneld Lewis Endorse Death Penalty Ban OTIILWAIQI hhnnliin BIA therIvIllhIIlleIIotll Wt Tandem Wodhoodry ninth he endomd bill which would eI anagylrdhumzn rundllnbnuupltnlulnhthethr iortilutmumrt nnnlhrtr dwhmltmllahlhriimlilthutnbe Out that And he IntInd PIrIiIment 3min IIIIIII the ninth penIlty Ind III delended the Ntethentl UPMRT PIN mm Idiom In the post In commuh Onnserntltl larder Robert In deIlhIettleooeI stInIIeId Ind Nn Dunsent Search For Body OI Canadian IIIrrhed the berth oi Abandoned By Rhodesian Police VICTORIA FALLS Rhodesia CPI Artrted lode re named the ol seine Emit SiodIlr oi with that III at two CIuIdlIn girls killed br mlire on the hmhinltho deIII border neer thoril EIIII lute Simihll III the mad dIIirhter oi the into Rev Doe Ior NM SMA oi Bertie Ind thI dIaxhtor ol tier Doe Iid Stntlnir oi One The mm tor the It the other tlcttm ltIrIIn lbune Dtllher oi hoehood Ooh III IltIodonrd Ihor teImr ot wig emit yIrdI up the uuodligirM Zambezi ILhrr Ntu Driibrr It bloom down the ed eItIiI into the river when III Ihot threw dI intro tIld there were no to ddIaII dlrrlhl the truth or Inn nude thoLr doeteot into lSodIlr II no two to VII Ida ilotoitIt 1hr descent raider IIr Ind around oetioa by WbdulII otter berIn Itter II Imuimltu thelu loranIn Moreen roope man the lembeti would not Irtierolm th Ithodexlrh rerernrnent which rlIIrnI thIt the hit Ind In Amateur Willi unto un der runllre trotn urnqu troooe Nd CInrdIIn dlpiorhItI In Zrmhte had been told there would be no Interiereneo by umbla In the remit Inn re covery operItloa hmbll denied the Ithodesinn roteraroentt thIm that In troop InId tired In the totnltlI II they vitlttd VIeIortI rm omnithoeeenlouonderrotthe will The Interim John Crow ther It at my out wu wounded in the dome and III reported In IItlIiIet the roru the body oi till condition to Plastic Nolpt Ontario This Building lreeze On Medical Teaching centres ronorrro lcrt no on ntth this obrolotei IIetIItiIL WMtwi All to unit ItmIr on Ind bIIIdInI pronIm tIIIIth hilnlnlu itltherd Poltet Irut JIrIt Nollie minister ot eoiiem Ind wiversiliu In notuteed Wednordny or Potter aid the mlntntriu nrnt to In emphuir tint on rootrer It xtnxrtan Ind OttIn hoquII ol the obIoiIIceneo oi their iIaIIItieI Ilto contra Ibo touted In To rooto lmdan Ind Nutrition in figdllllclllll toe teIehirtll his II Ie nceI IIIIoe It bomb or elirtitlil trIininr hulidin proloctr will be Iub leetlo putItlonIlItIttberebo tour relive treatment both per tIrio medal Iehoalr Ihouid be IMO WWIIan Ind thIt itIiI on doan lrIduIled tram oI Iihlhertdtw tn HAND Willlt untItivn bl rooo otltte work pndod huh were prueot Ind th peb tioullulu uero irritatedh be or eI wnIIhme Mid be Ihoiinhod becItuo annton or amount titling II evil the Idem nibble to II III minded are beyond tlotht thIt oIpIIII killingtr not It to II torrent Irtlml murder mm lore It to not hullillble ler by Iodety II room It Ieiil deiesoo only SoelII to Intel lleorr WWI WW lion landed It III the do Warrants item For Pair In tiresh 011 Highway 400 mm on rat Bench worttau were tuned to dry in protinttel our lot the at the Ind ihtrl trlbtoltiltltf IIIth II man on ltkhu IN IIIth IIIMII omit groom Monitors Maybe lockout unmounted Item orI iIld oil In Ilea trlo bole medIT try the tIyott tony rIIIIy he Iocleut in dlIltIIu Robert Better prlIident oi mmibotti tilt oer on II union would meet its iwytr to dry to dtdde whether to see In lntttnetion Irtlntt Inqu Mt Collin tho TIMI dis ettrnlnoioey be IIld IheI pulled thII erper onoo beiorr when iIId our Itrito In Itdl they ptdlod ell IhouI on per tent oi the wortterI In hrrntIleI OnlIrlo mentor tbeeomotny IIId Idenlrloo to or III the the wellher II retlinr VIIIIII Ir Ind people went rt their host Ind other out CAPSULE NEWS olita workere It It tour IIntI hm auto to the mail lIeI at work In Iirlke by too meeanrI the OInIdiIn Union at demonstration Work on CAPE IENNIDI Ill AP Ibo toenIrII tI betnr written today tor Buck oretsstle were Idronturo In which tth Itttonnutr will fly tIrIir mis Ilon lo the dhlbieddieyiah Polite Search For Stolen grinds Car MONTREAL CPI Poiteo were not tor one uttlott wen ItoIeo Stuthy Itd tttdy unlimited byline prlroIeII who Ionpod the unto or item the Cormotlonnl Do velopment Centre to neorby lIrIL potter epoItrsmIn raid the ller Iron portimot lthimtthlllillmliiahdl Air rthrbe Ill it no men in prison rhottir Itter the noose wiidheovered Milan Explosion Misses Minister MILAN itnly IAPI bond exploded at tho Intuit to tho eertrei police hotdatnttors In Milan today In Interior ilinlrler hlnrinno humor drove on at tho httildtnr Tho txvloslotl tilled two person and Interest dorenr in tumor war not hurt The me who waded with oiiloiIII totmnrrmrotlnn the murder Morn Ign oi turt OMIme the hood oi the tiller pditieot Trade Unions Ban Contact With France 5mm Alumitn Neuter Ihrntlo Intier bum Itmetl It Item ItItlon It will require one oi the II InttIlI Ihleid between the one WASP tileutrrl Both wlan ot the outltwed IrIth Ito pubiloIn Army today poured room on tho Queenr hopes that It would be possible or room borI oi the Itoyul Permit to pry remulnrltn to ttwb North rnIn tor the lItAI winsnil WI do not want Iny verton hero who repreIeItI ltrIIIin It the present time when her Army oi troutttll to thin Ipnon wells to IRII Scoms Queens Visit Hopes ltI the time oi your when Into the wins but helm tom at his bootibolore Itlt they do Ihtln Ile trdlour lobe thrt ml bo doaI Dole Carley points the bot US AstronautsTo Fly Repair Mission To Skylab otntttoutod IpoeeerIlt Ind the bistlnx It the Inn Television pittures trido much at the world wit ringside rent to the dam The ight may Itort SundIy 0r It my be delayed until Prlr day tiny In It It works skleb Iriro nettle maria Ouand Dr to 1Ito IILII Ollieinl win Inld We would Invite her there won Munty lrtnh NerItb lronnd only then The present lrish ropldsiie with at at oi IroiundI hilt tori It miles the other Iix termini Northern IrelIrid Tho Mklllt tennIn Itto mhulretl thnt Queen on In no dnrrrer pemnnily from his ortonltnliotr lirttIinI Idmlnlttretor ior Northern Irolund Willian WW IAPI irl meI ti rem IenIlorI opened hurton todI late the Inter III cl President ldxonI reelection mantle nth whether pnittal Ind htdkini Intense LI the United stItu hItn bun undermined by Iub mIloo Senior Sm IN Jr ttlenx NC the mmitlee thnlmtn evened the tele IisadbeIrinn IeroededSeo Ill more room lie IIId WIter at every eltizen IIld It thIt II the Iotuht to rente more ntthh thIn Wtho Iirht to hm Iieetlul l3 Intttnonlhn rr norm bride Delmmtte gluten In ItretIpotIg mm MRI in NI mine Meooeat the tin routed the hoard oi NIIer led them Itnrrliinnu and lie IIId modal hII em bind eloud oi anoIIoII orrr Uh WI Ind rroaind Ithod to dinette the Itohert Visor onto eonloem eorrr mtllntl ttItIIlllItIon Mm llll WW thats ID tum muslin Till Primers lDero WVIt reporterl the union wIe lentnlreh melded lor Monday Strrrert Ihhirnun Iith lull eorrtrohtoe end the Interlinth Itheotmilttoo looking Into SEC allure would not IIy whether Goote phoned Imumte III lied to the use hIIItVIlI the Not more MIIMIIM by my Irrttimnellelveoeo to pro on or with out into the Inter ihlminer to Photo by Peter Notthtotlt SENATORS PROMI IIII tnrrnsrvr PRO to determine tM Grant III the he Installed berm In The III Iignllnrnen lot Iett oi hruttnr cnlr orhurrinrbnintooutr an Inn Ittnort Itch um wItIrrItI tIturtu seeded on other Irodte on Robert mm utr WIterpII roasptrntor NW WTIHMJIMIIINMM mrmumeuhmm OenlrII Intelligenee Money In teen on on rector him in reportmmybo se mesn II eolrttmlttn1 LL II Mod John It With then mm 51 In In Illuntl hand Bot our IIIII he done not bellm rllrhnun tied to him FIN Wine tart Honour ith report thII under lriieIi presrurt the see to insult Iiieribd Vem and other combed to loot billion from loreixoburd mutual fund made ho Intention oi thelem dootiion to the Ntmn alumina hitnuler at the session were tort leolet but It III celled Imd Imitation door WM asked to explain die rreoanclrt in prettolu roe rtortII tettltoony about it Iult Int COHWIIMION be had concerning the roll with lorrner commute IecreiIry Mouth Stlnl the Nixon eImpItrnI too htndther Insecurity Head Resigns lllit Rdministreiive Casualty Inph Kerwin Ind PItrI Weill could to their new mini trip Ind the why voyIrII gleaned Inter In the you lot thI hslohnndlcrm llInI tor the Ilirht Ire bein drown In by WIIIIIIC to trolley cert rer one lirhnedy Ilourton Ten Ind Ituuttviiie Ate Ind It the con troelor plIntI oi IIIIIMIII hill to Denvrr Ind hItIIoantiI DouriII Corp In iluntlnrlon lieINt Guilt Ive Isled Ill eoneerned to come In with detailed mom rnehdnttonr III detIlied little hole by ThurIdIy Ilternoon with proieee dlrewor IllttInt Schneider told reportere Wednesday NEAT l5 MINNIE III told the only barrier to thotlllsbt II the We reoplut tempertture In Iho luotior oi unmarran Irotn CIpr Kennedy indians Claim In Battle For mmnmrn NV1 chime Wodnesdey wind on wooornle NorthonI Territories IrIinIt moon lInd entered unsettled ttrrtporI torn titles more moored on hisckenzte Vols Toy In only April he Iontlttuzd 0P no lndiIn motherhood oi the Nortlrnrrt Territories III victory open It IIlrrnish oi II II with tht will hm lIMehehina rilerlt hm wwwm detolooment oi tho tilt Iutlth WIIIIIm hiorrow oi the Northwett Iertttorlee ar pretne Dom ruled thIt he will retIIn leaIl eontrol oi the em IXIWIYIII In Ittenwt by the in dlIn brotherhood to till eItor doelIrItion ot interest Iro nttloI oi tmtl the Inn laboratory iouoebed mm First Round Land In chlio token totally with respect to Ian on turn IoItI Ind nre mm with the my thlruI hm turned ntn parked public lottery to the in torIII rIpItII heIrd eon rtiex IerII presrnttlioos horn III ItwyerI durinr the twodu button with the min roent centred on hlr Juli IlorrowI loritdietlort The motor contention in keno inwyor lyIn Whileth no thIt Mr Justice Norm but no iurtrelleltoo to rule on claim The Qvnrt wanted the total with the hind Litiel oitlto while Avoiding the the north ol the imilIhI Nititl on the IwIloIlIon to tile When Is in hotthern ire In Uttt he slid the lroyitlonIlI till tilt iiiiht In tantwelttom MUNICH the out be totem to my when Meymml lylltlt hnben we tho reoub tuier into tntliovhlrb on launch mishhp ltli lutulIIloo Ihleid Ind orpdiritlln lhrrmli tulnt trom thI tide oi the workshop Illowin the MI hint to pennirItn the ve blelo VhlInIIw told IIrilIntent Wednesday ol the Queenr Ilut hoclhuhnm Prim IId there Ire no piInt It went ior Iny member It the tyIl PImtty to stall Northern Ireland broader Issue oi Iborl II rtrhtInhiohiornntho bIIIot the lndirnt nose lit Whitehall Itrurd ml the hrotder tunes In the ditpute should be burnt riot teuorIleouIt until It lent the end at Juh it eertIitiiy is rhetorical iittory tor the lotion Ritchie IIId Brotherhood Ireo ent tamer itth Itterlho am we Idiourned until July 1hil is the tint lotion were mint Ill AllotrIitItI MIMI with Frlrteo went Into ioreo Io tlt turn plan trout Primo Minister noun nntutm that tho Ittiort would harm Itustrrilrr also It the World Court mint Intuit nucleIr MUM in the iIeIiie in protest Irrirot tho lulu on to return in the next tow weeks trlde unions lure to III tut eonutnntteotiom between Austroiir Ind France rod timed III work on row Iirmlt Ird Ihlre Kissinger Meets iIho On that Ceaseitre Ennis AP IIenry KlIIInper III LA but Tho rntt todIy VT iIrIt tin in three ntorihr to dltottor how to entoreo the Int attire they no mo ltIt winter hhsinrer not host the melon In In Amer damned Villa on roll room It or Worried tenure northwest It rIru Neither II nor the Inuit Iny ttntontert but they shoot hIniI ImIllnriy It the door ill WIVLil eiteeriulty to the reporter in Iront oi the home NY nrssnncnsn CtIiIMS Weight Problem For Adults Begins In Womb 10mm CPI Weight monitor oi tho Ontrrio lteelieai Ior oiwrirlon It TIMitiitt lepton ItthnitrttdI claim It prohlona tor IIduttr otter berth AmetItton hedoesdrr Univertlty Ind IloottIt else out llid Ictrnutic ientonr It drvhhdlihdd Oriiirlti1 GStlidieihidlydgnirh my uerrglymWullioIeligwllm rmumthem rm itzngulg Saki min whostthm lhII nooII onto meotinr the putan II rain on hoildu ruin the Irod now Iortn log ll the womb II noted New IeIreherI believe that GM tho tontlnuo to think III thenueivor WU mi TITIII tddohhodulerbhofllnih his Milli Ilid York number into abority trtt cells are built they Eloy II III oven Iiotr they love lost Dl WWI GW tht llIIhIrdtoItIy my horn peetInoy Ind Improved niodieel problems ilnperton later on these weir modltino It Dorian Iior tIl the other into out when oeIlI tittten nod Ihrlnit but the Thhy tho merited dtr id Weill drtlrwtntrphnd will ah ME ml Ibie riodr when the rmul totII number rem Itho utterf tortloa In their tuition them OIMI INS it MN VI brlctlooig teIrhtor about more need continuing in urine In III Witt mu to the common ItIrltet treetrIIr Iron IppIo Mllildiltti mntonwen Ontario Trade Mission Loaves Britain WNDON tCtl ittn Onto to undo miulon led by Premier William DIVII loll iIr Torntltnrtodny It the end oi lourday lttttl oi diIeItIIIotI with roprotentativen oI britIIh government Wilts the utreotion oi tenement In urtteln It meItn were trie torebertty IIOOOI he eItdItnd like Itretehe utter he IIII Tittt ntttortha in 1th DNIIIY In the tlrrt two yorrrot lilo betioon they tend to be retitled boeonror more ntIrIthi the thin At best Ith nu Kim though the on Thrash WWW 3i rhhoii unmodwetheomtoipr entity soother become nuh tohi will botty Dr John Itireeh told Dr rttrteh protester Ind ren malty me one It the mrln II hrllhlnlgld ehttnE IMobile ciitltlensl1mm WINKmin

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