vallsllsd by GInIdIIil Nmpspsls Comping Limited Din Burro titanium l6 BIyIlIld Strut Bsrrle Ontsrle Wills Editor Emulhii Hensbsw Msniglng Editor MUD MAY II It PAGE Heovier Torr Key Factor In Irritatioan Trend Not to may who have the bilily for the font shopping Ire likon to Impt rovlnc tromurydepnrlmeiit meson tint the to per cent increase In nice in will cost Ontario families only In Iverago of 5527 your Ems for the tact that the III boost iron to tent beanie diedlln It time is there were other prion locum the sodium lnv llotlrmry pplnl to which the higher sal es tax eonuibuioe appears to be pining Within The bl er met at living has been binds in with the trend loomed hal licr tuition at both the federal and provincial levels in Mill puss Tho Imnto misshare member of Parliament Te Grier relied some eye brows in the louse of Commons the other day durfn dimmion ot the mode irlg eeiinnles the federal department of Industry tnde and oommemi lle noted the pay cheques oi lop offldals in the depirtmeni add up to more in it year than those of the 264 members of parliaman 1nlid Grrlae wgndorod lily 2st affront opallinen room more than moon year noting the owl salaries oi ordinary llPs amounted to noun muoninli WAR DAYS 30 YEARS AGO Barrie Ennrlm ifsy 15 1043 Cantu Borden West Sinxoo unit in Fourth Vic tory loan with 2174 per cent objective of 8215000 With voeirio go In rain pntgn Dorrie has reached lb per cent obiectlvo of tfiilllftd Sgt Siam BI ogeor arrived overseas with RCAF contingen Flyin officeritom Cowl In now stationed wt operations unit of sirlornestndstmstbdlePilot0fv iioerngotor ileGerr posted to RCAF ita tton on Ptdllc ooast Del Colo hon ed bonieto report he was being ram ferrod from Port ilrniy to more distant RCA bare Judge Harvle pro sided It rental committee hearing or WIrtimd Priimlioardlsnd hesrrddd pull horn Air us residents out oi iIY pro yd oru Victory Loon cites oi honor presented to em loyees of First Coo ilvo Pickers oTinnln limit ind Clarke ind Clarke Ce Birrio collegiate lrl students will is on Saturday for ir Relief Fund Isl ed by down Chinese is from Toronto Cereal company eld Illwhert contest Some Bantu pile winners included Bilgy Silents Rayner Jonson Dotty ilook Brrlsm Chogesullt Beverley Rowe Lau ra Lennon any long Beryl Packard Wmril 175 INTERPRETING TillI NEWS Iolshman $180in Irmslly plus 8000 expense Il lownnce Cabinet ministors ind party leaders receive more shillimoldiiiid till on fidils received more thn $18000 year The new round of inflation bx niirv red renewed demsniil irons Comesn tiver for wage and price controls with finlnail critic limes Gillies cIillng ior Oddly treeze on prices wages Nnts and dividends followed by controls liln fling future blouses With the no in spending has hecn sanctumz wrylog vices and costs it the public our for tax curtailment Iloo merits primary st tcntlon With more realising the steady rise in government rpendi nnd deficlt finmcin can not go on frld iniiol nithw out rcpemmionr the erriand for sensible Ind practlolil economic pol lcics in keeping with conditions of the 70s is gaining nipport airecdlnmdsby theoi taxes on IAlb burdens slurage or am mmtanliy pitting deeper Into Ids cost of living and more are coking to Ottawa and Toronto for Wild Robb thliinIrOsnml MInspIr It All coins ouroi TiiESliME HYDRANT unwasrmwrlcmr win llnt1lrw71w1vms alumniW lillliiuliiill insists rrt111lst imbairmxrs oliiills PARK rillrtiuuiuiiliiiiuii First Ministers Meet On Finances afternoon bridge and tea It home oi Illrs illnest Turnhllll llrs Ross Und rrhlll was in charge assisted by llrs Lclghlon Olirlre Airs ll ll Plimsr lireC Clilltlcll lilss Lle llco lIrre reelected president Womens Cili IrsIn Club Police Chief Alexander Stewart ried ill 27 slot machines cleared on of Birrld sho illls wssks enilsirncnls for so veronica ln Included DArcy Col Ills Douglas Gil brollh Ray Kootch gh Keelcll llugh liciinstcr Kenneth Pledger and Robert Bruce Peacock oi lllldhurst Soimln Victor lewls RCNVR molt on Canid tan corvette hid few days homo on lissve hlrclssrcn of Royst Canadian Ordininco Corpo tongue ioinio Quebec spent several dry leave with parents In town colonel Garry loo returned from overseas to to charge of Canadian Armoured til Biro Borden Ho impressed on off on and men need for some kind of so curlly as observed in England Ralph Allin war correspondent iorGlobo Inst ilsil wrote of thrilling experience of bomlicr pilot Dimer Dungey on Ger man isotory raid Dungey sold his tili mlst Thornton lo loin MAP in Juno mmmrmmwnmz French Public Apathetic Toward The Nuclear Test ll ROD LIITIHIE Culdlla Press Stall Tlrllry Although Austrslls Ind New Ireland hits out lrIllce In the dock II the World Court In The true they hive little hope that lrshtI will obey court order Igslnil planned nuclear test In the PDCITIC even ll they win their rise Tilers Ire precedents for oountrlei driving world court orders no more in It cspltils mem3 Oil Barrie Examiner ll BIyIlcld Slrcrt llrrrll outsno Telephone noun Second CIIII llsll Registration ilulber dtM lleurli panIgo guIrInieed DIin hundsys Ind Stilutvry lloIldsyI sxrrpled Subscription rites dilly by cIrdIr its weekly idiot yssr 1y Single copies tic Dy mill Dsrrlc tilde yesrlyt blmcos Canary moo yesrly Billiel oi Crnids moo yrrrlyi All other rounlrics moo yssrly Motor throw oil ism yrsriy Nsllouhl Advertising nliltcsl or Queen St West Toronto itit bid Cslhcsrt Ell lionircIL llcmbrr of lhs Cinsdlsn Pm Ind Audit llurcsu of Circuit done The CIilidlsn Piers II esclur ively entitled to the on for re puh icitlon of III llva dlileth es in this piper credited to It or The Assoc sled Press or Neuter Ind Ihe lbs best news publish ed therein itlshlrrio Eslmtnrr eIiImI Copyright in III originsl Idvcr ttl lig Ind sdllorIII nintrriit ril Itsd by its employers slid rt produced In fhll ncwrpsper Cogritt Regtiuslloo Nuns ber ltd register hears the rise psrtlculur don during Although Auitrlllla Ind Now Instant Ire pessimistic shout the outcome It nllhlnc else the court proceedings which start this upstr will serve to spotlight unrill opinion nnthe tsili They oini the French Ilmospherto lciti stripped slid in the mesh time they wont the mini schodulrd tIir midsummer It least suspended while the court LINKB llllllATIINIID AuitrIIII Itlricled new stirri lion In in tile when lrsdo uni Inns dltidcd to hoysull lrcncli products out till now trim gov ernrnclt of Prime htlnlstcr Goilgir llhillam sold It does not rule out the possibly of Irv ering diplomnlir reialions with Prince II is lost resort New Zrilind unions are con Iiderlng sillillsr ilcllon sgslnst French limits but ills govern ment II unlikely to mail in hrssiting diplomatic Illi Yblerverl IIOIn that their court Iciion ls tImlIdr In that iskcn by DrilIIn and West irrv many lvr In lliluriilliin ordering lrelsrid not to expand its fish try limits to in miles while the court will blaring the dispute II lcclsnd Ignored tho iuiilluud mm Ind the oxptdslloii Imong most observers is that From would do the same Although the Anilrsllilni In In grnulneiy angry over the French Attitude out is proleil group set out lrom Lon ths week on lllsrch lo Pills the French puhllo Ird rrri tsir been In rilfterent ers hsvs her th hoisted stillnucleic cm prrssty Illltd it would not reclt rnilrillons but what French on orniio the courts powcr to doll with French dclerlre Illuoi trillrlrttly its government is supported by the much people through their slngulmly lipo Illellt titliqu toward the whole little drsplle piotcst sctivliier In lnndon Int other European position there Is centres miinly on tile driln oi the riiicllor pro grim on Princes economy NUE TONORED Nuclear disarmament Is esuso has never cIliIht on in mm Is it did In ilrltIln prior to the ion test bin Igiirlsi It mosplierle tests or in Canedr slid the United stiles prior to the underground us leti two year Ito in the Aleutian Island of Ainctillliii lTilttIl trade with hour is small Ind Ilthough the L11 polo Him the possibility ol Franco withdrawing Irorn mulllmllliorldollsr uranium dll rlcnment protect the present Auslyrlllnn government IcemI rrnildcnt on this point This insert may hsvs deterred ths previous Australian leersl gniirrnmrrt Irom being too out spoken against the French but siomte remission II in more ester tor lheAustrlllan uri nluln thin the Austrsllsrli Ire The Whlliflln government hrs In irct sulltlltd tilt Ausliills will not nerd nuclear power tltll century while the lrenoii need soon an Independent source ot supply rrnnres nctd or Avrtrsliss tlidlllllll thus might turn out to bl the ice in Whillams hind ellntiiiliy not still their Is no Ilgn that underground testing which Austrillli ind New ks Isrld riemllnd ilIl gone beyond eirly planning this in lllOIlE PILLS DllDAliFl llungsry AP The broader ill or corn pile pills Ihuulll help haunt the nurrlier nl abortions in llutv gory severi lending gynccolo girls sold The hcslih ministry his indirstri birth control pills may become Ivsllibls through all unit hralih icrvirs prcicnp billl Dy DON DIIEAIIN Queens PIrk Nest week the conterencepi out atness between ills lidiiil government Ind ths prollnccl him prrttneotly the carrier eiirs Is to dIlNIlilIld pliers pride II the recent cirirrencl ot lienurerr heslttl Ind cruci lion ministers rollers Iiikh sell lihrr lurnrnurly turncd down by the rinses It inst lrvrrr the Ihlt time out of the cod ereocc The slim Iris lit two elds As Icnlsibullon Ioerdi vsseordsry ctiucsllon Olv st plopolrd list It mIkI Illldflll rovlnsot to let the will to on their involi per Ileid for III the tidal between in slid it will guilsnlrrd minimum Thin en hrsllh It prooolId list It willitrsw from restrict lumber oi points or liecnlI iii Iii she eventually turn over to the provlnru lull rights at IIII tlrn on Error Ind Micro DAVE IITTLE REASON Ths prime point In there pro porIls ii thil they would glvs the provinces conuleley uncon ditionsl money money which they could ipesd It My liw ill Illd recording in ms needs of their particulsr jurisdictions What Is battling to most at ill lost In lliecilig lie elicit the provinces gIve llile mm It the centerelcl lid to the pe rlod line then Illlr done little thinking 0n the clucstlvn proposil on LIGHT TOUCH Common Phrases they did girl sis sxplsnstlln They Isld lllIl hither tdurillod now ins gelling to he lilo lime proposition Ind thrrelors tho Igs ilit IIlldIrd wsint Iuiflcltnl Aside from this however they seemed to be more or In in Igreemloi with till principte But on the built proposal they hivs given no cilrltlrsiloo Ii Iii Yet ills prtiiclple or this otter would seem to be even more Silents lAAd tbs elucstlon er It gives lulng room And money they no rslls on their own Ind spend onlhelr own Tho only conclusion one cut tsks II till they will to hir gsin bit In its hops list Of liws will up tbs on blobs From Don Quixote by it DOYLE NEW YORK lAPl Things columnist might novcr know II he didnt open his mull llol your Income doubled In the lost to years WcllI US federal tires have Ths us Tnx Foundation Iiys ltvllrni turn for lhs itll fiscal your which starts duly vll Ivurnito 11179 tor cvrry Amcrlrpn more thin doubts the sari at decide oil It will hold to tell witst time it was to than Aliiieush duyllghl invlntt limo hnd not ihrn hrcn heralded there were to dillcrcnt stindlird LETTERS TO Immur lAZAAlt Desi Sir wss woodenug will the people or ilsrris would think of listing oils or two weekends for eoeil wild or divide the city into Iectlunsi so that everyone who his Iny orticlsi In his many insurers feet the French homes in would like to sell cIn locs them on the brutevsrd Ior that weekend with price III on films llENitY DUPONT lisnry Street OFFI leOURS tilnei In use In the United Stills Do you me my idea where the following common every diy phrIIos time from thinks for nothing ln glvu the dsvllhls duo ck oi trouble Every dog is his dsy linger lri evcry pie Let the worst come In the worst wild goose Ihsss Well every tins of them who trim single book Don cldxotezurliten more thin aid years no by Miguel do Ctrvsnlci DIDNT ClPll Rliil Christopher Lsthnrn Silolcy uho In its Invented the tint THE cotton luvlri iETTiiIlS id THE EDITOR TTII llslmllicr lsvliei col tllbulldiil to Its letlm to the editor eoiuien to the edv lidrlIl me when possible letters Ihnuld be restricted to too is too words Ind they should lie lined Ind include tbs writers Iddresi Ind tell prons somber Writers III III pets ilsnle ll they desire vb rmiymul ii Ibis PM Slroboutthiselitetvntyousrslgnedl helplllewith lhswarkthiihispliolupoimydcik Iuccersfui typewriter Il IO composed the sentence ihsl hII been connected wItll It ever rim Now Is the time for all good men to come to lbs sld oi the psrly Shoies who sold his vrllus his prtrnt for only 011000 cemented liter All my tits have been trying to Imps belnr mil llohslre Ind It list Illiiitlk hsvs succeeded Oilolsble nelrblell Tile msoilild for think sorrel lino vi the belt of them rod know how bod IMFShin uel Johnson NIlure netssl Alsny pcopiI think strikes Ale slimy so iuslly their Illins Ire elein and dry WIspi Ilsvs better sense of smell than you do Ind use It to hunt food Al though the wild turkey usually refers to cscspe Its estmlu ninning through cover It eIn quits will It your child In Ippetlts hits mils he could est his weight In iood once dry nwnpns llAlF MORE llllsuts power Your bill If woven together would prohsi bly hold wright of to ion without breaking lncldeu IIIiy rcdthds have the few ost number of hood hairss hout wool If youre lino neitl you prothly hive 120M Ind Ii biondr shout ltOMAl BIBLE THOUGHT TIIFIIIOH Ill lhlilri whil Ioevtr yo would thIt men should do to you do ye even II to liliiitl its this Is the tail Ind the prophets IliIl their Till Roms mm to hove sveryv thslg but niiinncvl Ind lettings snll IIIIIDWI them till else meoni nothing lnll III of their Islets become llobluliir Ito ye ilnli slid lendrl hurled for givlng one mother even rs trod tor Christ ville brill lor slveg you till Bill the Mt trend Idtlsllsb butt ilil ftiiliuvroninTonii Foothillth seminarians cubedllzowBIiormotI mournersour mmmwmu mammarymm Thell1mmmutrsitl totem the us ur bins llIIdIrol or at Tinlms to meet us in lllIbI ALlldlldl Tbl NIirJI Dalelsl 1m DIME td ism ruining uslienleiisiv pores slim Iboiit bikini It mismatched dais Iiith null eilh mmummymmmy ptIyIr Ihrxlld get or In new item his longtime ilsnol prison will receive tor selling his shit Irs honored It ceremony Apr enterprising reporisr the thlooa Animal with pen or better still is re league New lbsti colder an Invite hirudi bill dosed Ablsbsh wills ultillily It sit there Iorsl psrsles or Mean oooreni plated It ravines lorelgl lions sod coins to will run until unplug beIrlIy vrr on Net toad colts Ind each one Ouiood torts looses miotbeslreet opinion men for the timers food plri But foreth polityi will burs Int child stores lists iii uherils Iii llbolnirss it 11 told not ig mung Questions which scirrel luc liens II the growing lostoillv rest If rellltI to WI All for In Cwsdl Ind lbe USA recent visit to Wishlnstrm lit Iillil lo erllln Grnnsny that his booms Itg lVIttn lrsnreAndlhe Irsrtrtri gills ers Ind with stroll to Building III this Amen some at its pmrribrtbs or in In odnstsniiy MIJK thst were is lhlt town re sisd with than hers sod turn to the street or hotel room ls ScsndlnIldI tor from tbs llrleilol session Wis Innis lspsnrseicsr iirvorls you but lit the irold ot peopo merrily mounting lor Ihorn probluns htird in Ilirl is per It at Amsrim dam Ind from list driven centre tic err purebuu III iniior or piesiurs with those things iidor In the worst us lrlids ihsl rush in the mioullio pl detlctl in American history dilly lie wtmmbllll Io nbeolslIiln Will prion out nlllledly on In insiir trset sultan loosoustlmillm mm or our peninsular inds tub in Ind Wm you brieng on IrIIireIdylnthssoiks CldldIUB economic prob Aslorltlls its 0o Ind Lleld 1m purposely mm the Cdr DIvli his tormer eiptol Wssblhglcn Ind regii news mir primer lotom pipers psges reporting on local pt us Just pull hurt uulng micro crsmotlhebiggoslilsJoleipt JUSl FOLK policy move at III the ind And sliill did rIIdI Well It the In in Vielnlm slid Illil leleyI helmets IllllNlI brln glbe boys home fnrmI Vlrgiolr ihsl secret term It prlmtlve dth Ind sliiooolisn Iillh rile Ipirimml builders so No iuslly toot plies when cram N12 Hm Foreign Fishing Fleets Wdrir Way To Get More Fishing Time lly Millie it W9 shout live varI ago when Corresprsieiu JEITI gill IIclory or J0llNdNdd rcci Pure itching roll In muiWiTlIoYoliifwo log Ir WORN UM min were hm borne out may rill old retro rhsrlerrd plIne IllIlAl so ihsl the vessels ell Willie ploconwnts lian Down brie almogdlggi mm stncelbertheldes Illlgllstlllilllil lPIOUWlU JP Id Niel which hit rim opgrsted offl $1 gout Illllldrtdl oi lorelgrl ruins mil use this port escli lesson forsbelter unite sod plies TrIde withviocsl hint liesses li eillmsted Is blah million Iihuslly but this gilded ll lickirg benefit my Interested in the fishery who ellilm Ioreigtl their In mill rsvss It poor tori riicbes ln iocIl wIlerI controversy store lisl 5mm whei ihdmw Ioisn rsw Wmmmllg Johns lo Iwill perrnlslort to imn expressed fur lllIt Ibul II PM It Im III service will develop Myth film yard my cm In Canidliil lIw does not Illols med mtg pm In cntlie crew to iesvo lhs foreIYn siting strips more elgu mp tied up to Circilia avertins lime in Allshtte um rt ilrii Fisheries tcrI Ind depictstbgitivn stools liler Jiclr stls refused even IIIon the Spinlirds to home dominion at mun stocks to docilsingopolitlvn is to Weill twice II It Ind to tile the crews rslberi In like ships home in from the The IrsnIler oi soiersl hundred Poliih fishermen re cellin his Iddod mil to the the ot Ill old controversythe do or Contdiin polls to for ean lining crIlt llslsler relertrd Ind fishing crew took plies hers spell Chrlsimso It home CANADAS STORY Found Pilohblende Alter 15 Years lly BOD ROlVbIAN This Is the slinlvlrsIry or ons of the inert Important discover tel st modern times It our on tiny it till lillt CIDIILIDJ pro special Gilbert Liuino ound rllthblrnde It Trent IleIr Lists II the Northwest Territories lls hid been lerrchlng for It stars cause he wss led to study logiril reports mads by iiorkintosli Bill and Charles Crrrlscil who surveyed trot bur lsko In two Thcir reports were in the psrtmolit or titles Ii Uttsz Dr Csmscii liter become lililly illnircrdorhlllnesi Elihu no yen in isl pllrhhlcnds or CltuYOBCBx when studied them No bad very little money the vectors but managed to fiqu there with canoe bid to paddle ollt liter he his vIlurhle discovery OTllloli lllAY ll EVENT tillJens BINDER discoverer oi Churchill Rlvcr lllldsoll silled from Denmark titsA woterinlll was neir Quebec illsNew anlnidcrs Iclllcdi It ilIlircrvllle ND tillFirst lriln opcrsiedoit Ontorlo Hymn And slmcos llsliwsy lllSIleclprorily wont rilcrt hctwrvn ilrltllll Amcrlcnn lolonlrs and Us new ilsivlonalsl Ind Antoinehims Dorton tormcdl government titlimprrlsl ordordncolliii ell authorized urltlslr Columbiii to Ioln Censds illsList Ipiko was driven Lake Superior section oi 0qu libsGrand Trunk llsilwuii required Cnnurllnn Alluntlot Rslfluln ti ertrsctsd trom pllchhlendr Ind ll one of the most vslusblo merits in lhl world used for lristmlnt oi dist esso slid for producing Itomir energy leilnos discovery god to the building it lbs well largest radium stitncry II Port Nope Ontario Belore It wont Into pro duction indium COIL 0000 grim and It was possible to so dure the price to 520000 Oi couris lelino did not know anything shout Itornlc en ergy whcn llo hrgsn produrlnr pltrhblrndl but Niil Igrnti ol rred him fshulous prlro tor supplies belore this war Prohc bly he began to Import lhot radium could be used for more purposes thin medicine in not rise hlt did not sell to them It uni Lilllnss ptchblends first was used to msks the Nut illl hell il ill no lien in cult is the Cobalt lien or Dildrlo when he not it ycnri old llo Ilro stoked Denny llolllngrr who runs tho iulnoui gold deposit Reililay di Ilnlnllns tiltPresident and till lle lllially lound pllchhirnds only visited otlsws unlit tiller it ycIrI of Ieslchlur be it In And yet lions lollnot