Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 May 1973, p. 1

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numuddoduystlsbe anhimluctdiamietr misstatth was 11th mdawara committe imlrfSt warns that utter loomeiummmue dih baytfmavtnduuedbxlntnt Nanny Kind romofrxolnnadmum mmmmm trialrarnanrdurrediulnu uidizedL rarest Muafaliarrsswerescro summequ EXAMINER TELEPHONES Drmlatirn mans Omitted Advertising mus All other Doom roomi tors usesirens mendeds special rnrotary investigation oi Ca lion if approved ballast New and sound so ruins the lots itself not it soot to if wrsarnnr histlrhtai by we penitentiary ryrtern maul arms will however rial dehets than no well past an middght to settle the Issue it stIrtrd It moralsr Ingmaf the trailer bolldtradlrnerai Warren grand arod vultures mulls CW members Cowsnsvilie QM arisrnstlva grilled hint on resent rssli oi lprlsrn escapes Foevista no breakout tissiy Itontrest rri nesr dermdod that special Cdmmans committee vrsfigaio penitentluy and coo redlnnai operations th proposal at in nonsenselast William Davis refurled headlamp lscositm Jrhld hisiam havereeelssd nine dtath threats in the int three weeiu at Davis interviewed ii Inndon mane where he is lending trade mission raid dish ill all itll people at home would ander stand that it would not help the Illuation for me to comment The discloqu was made eao tier fuesday by too Bernirr Ontario minister of natural rs sovsrres who told ierislrture committee Will the public doesnt realise how serious the slluationls llr heraler ssld be sad his family also have been threat card committee Paul puitmtlary and the medium federal institution consent vs slrtedlbatanattasiaihsoidryls the weekend aeossuryandloheep tits prisoners alive in the Gunman railed Paul forarpeclai debate thalaana shins tsiclen lamorurtxx the subtect was important in enasghtopualltyiorauchadb bsta llit ask leadersfatry to work out lti passedthaivw melanoma pgathThredis Ciil Used To Obstruct Iusiire in Watergate iillair Senator WASHINGNN AP Sons tried by linen Vernon vial for smart bymington says nee ten depot dent Nixons lop aides tried to detain tun director of the CM That may and In official by hiding the titrest of the sams incident as Watergate affair under Cea disclosed by former acting rat vfril intelligence Agency unt thrella director Patrick Gray mate possible detailed Immune Testimony hetero ibe Semis lion at one sternent oi the st ratmed smim committee oi laced white lihuse covvrup oi which the litrnouri Democrat it the Watergate Iiidlf Ieilng chairman indicates the trio didnt work because the CIA refused to convicted they who told his story to Senate Watergate investigsors along But and Walters gave differing so valor dunes counts but the run versions discord says he believes the show these dovetopvwnts hnite livslssa tried to use the enter Irrywsy On June as six love after liver men were arrested inside Mutilated released same Democratic headmisrtcrs the mars fuesday of testimony at Watergris ihree Escaped Convicts Wanted in Slaying Oltleorgia Family UllYNUhDSVILIE GI AF Authorities pressed search today for three escaped illnll hrs wanird for outsell ngvln the slayings of six members oi liiiIl family The convicts threatened can list they would trill any will man tries to stop us for any season tolioe theorlre that fire auto timbers at the Aidaiy iamlii were gunned down as they so most one by one from slim later the node body of 15 wife at one of tho victim was iuinri til ilrld six miles away Atiiitnrliltl Iald alto had boon lulil and shut to death mile victims were identified yrsrold lied Antsy his sons lly ti Chester at and my 15 his brother Aubrey mdicnyswllo diary it cwere as and talks c1lolus In they didnt it lbrsiii Dan While This it were churchgoing and hard working The live Alday men were found early Tuesday tying lace dorm in beer canlittered house trailer each shot in back of the head hinry Aidsys was found several hours later she had been shot in the back oi the head and in shout sier KlDNAIIlNG FFAIIED car found near lira Al days body was traced to Pransyivrinla youth who oili rials feared wus tiarava by lines convicts who escaped hin from risan wark farm in hlcornico ly on tiary lands eastern shore vstl ntors raid interviews Wililstcighbors indicated that trip may have followed Wilt Aidan home Monday shite Iasdtaa titled itiee prowling their own no lalliC litlAitY luv to an armed blister loinban Mills araooerborshlt thititatherrport iLakes Shoreline CORTS mwmummmmrmwmmmumm mmortsstdssiawet per to rein Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Wednesday Mry id rm Persia and touts lobster heads of its disclose Turbo Whittle Mod SALISBURY iltoiderl rl tourtsfa were and In Americsn man wII aerlasu venerated iltssdsl when so not the across the it yet htlll mambo govern rnon ibe mils we Christine Louise lair so of Guelph Out and ti on ldunta Drd her it of mood Ont Their nurses were released tn OtlAWA it the gov cmmera houuvg bill was pushed throws tire Omissions veltIrI committee ltsrsday amid vigorous bargaining be tween government and Ms lion monsters The bill Itrhtprd in some areas and bolsforodln others returns to the Oommons for third and final mind Urban Atfislrs Minister lion Boston for debate soon sense new housing plWiIiM residential and nairlboiiiood trrasroverncnt for axsrripioartd provide Iddtianal anlstame to lowincome esrnors wanting to buy their ova homes Dtospcrstcd by the bargviar in Itmmhtle la the cone mtlee diaries canals laN rants Daverusortl said If one list WM Ont GPi liars provincial funding or miaiielpsl police services was sought briels presented today to on On tIllo government sudy grow investigating policing lathe lace Who Northvrrsfern Ontario town at Dryden 90 miles east here slid that the aurrcnt per eaplfs grant lornvsfa employ by the province inadequate Ind ibly dher natary Unticorutbo fnrsrnsia oi thid per capita grant lnr unmitiga to Dr est racelvod ill iorce on in iviIa police oiiicer neighboring municipality saw its Insulation dis below sou thervhymTislllllM foron tario Pron at Police nice ties The Dryden brief as this saved tsspesurr there between MW and swoon yean her husband and the at er Ai ulno or utility day men wero planting corn on their libarra farm border between Ilhodrsla and his Housing Bill Expected To llppear in Commons Soon still he expects it will reappear The legislation wolrid sot tat ijtt More Provincial Funds Sought For Municipal Police Services in its salaries for police in won Profit Figures Said Misleading its are less than one cent on not misleading lower monster immortals leaves oration of National Trade Un near Quebec dty duesday an terrgsoirry iosrsr from one loue arid the bee Fed your tail sentence Photot flats of labor respectively exit tram Orsslnvttie Prison OttawI came under automationspans Rhodesian helicopter today lire frurn Zambian army troops ilftivi lite wotmded American on the other side of the river sotin letrlhcrl or Troyt the rovernntcai said Ilse other 0hlotroot the botosvs of gist was hit and toppled late the steep rye and new film with rvnftiloulng river tier body ured villa Carol to has not been recovered but she hospital at nearby Wanltle has been termed dead by the hunters was hit in the government stomach to the shooting which in trusts the Zarriblnn espi oovurrcd at the spectacular Vic fat rsmsn for the cans toria Falls on the Zambost dlan hig remission arid the One at the Canadian itlils was mission had been in contact ldiled instantly when the loiir with Lusshian Iutboriiies ovsr the shooting and had been ss sured of their yooolrte coop eratloa spokesman said the min also had mired the names of the Canadian girls and these are expected to be released in 0ttsvrs Oillil Seeks Meet 0a lDortors Pay T0it0ii0 Cll The first priority of the new DniIrio illcdlsst Association executive will ho to set up total com ndtiee uith government to look at ways ot paying doctors and determining acorn lovels Ilyti the Ohm new president Dr tarryWilson of Kingston raid nvesday night the taint committee masorcvsrlri3iirnded bio mem bcrndchlincll would be molar achievement At about the same time Rich and Dollar provincial health minister was telling reporters that he was prepared to act as mo quietly as possible to establish committee with tho OtlA lloth proposals have come after two days of discussion bath at the mid lelllKl at Queens Park on doctors in comes tluol at the discussion had been pronptcdimby maugce merits ear crl anon oc listldlitdqulhelilllliloxgugfglnx taro the Ontario College of loyal Ins and Moons use lVit tssla centres increased per cent betwton ltdi iOltONlO CF Super markets which claim their prof dal oi retail sales Ira using of the Commons food price committee said Tuesday ntgta Terry Grier Nov Dcinucralic number at Parliament for bakeshnro raid biseirtesscr nor malty rate their prot as rlt centers of investors caplet For Canada Sticuay investora it Ls 11a per cent at osvpitslt lien also said that action mus be taken to control It or Dominion Stores lid per cent and or Sicinborgs normal herald shelrrvtag Mummmmr mrrsiras of an whommumps E5 Wardan Ir 5333zEEIE hgiedi WINNER FORECAST Blowers ionlmt hlIlnl cloudy and cooler Malay Unrnight how 11 irts lemonvl Per farther dctaliI sea Pan Not Mon than the Par Copy Carrier Henna DIllvsry 65 WIIltly or Pages TORONTO ILREAU of no lxlvniaey harrla appears to be on the right track with its proposal last week for asrvallamation with the two adjacent townships of lnnivfil arid Vrspra Aaovdng he provincial ire vsrer John White the province is rethinking local governrneat relorm in terms of strength ed county units rather than to ginnai government Several weeks ago tir White received proposal for county wldo reform from Oxford Coun ty which be sold Itth time could lormilbe basis of future county rrorgsniiation tir ttldte was hisbly in favor oi the reform ptan when it was wasted The Oxford dandy proposal it irriportaist forethtr areas lrv which fhard iseeastdorstion ter local government relorirv because of ilk tilrtfes attrlott launcdir siI support for it All AllAIOAhlAIiON Taerepnrt was prepared It the initiative at the covarin and has unanimous support despite the fact there are Imaigams tions which reduce the number of municipalities from five to to with greater alrrnglhraiag oi the mayor municipalities of CAPE WEN Fix ihe Skylab astronauts may rocket to their troubled space laboratory and salvage the rain sioa by installing cover or balloon to shield the anti from the sun that is one option being conlt sidede by United mics space agency officials today Is they ponder what is do about the vasecng ieriusersiures in sky luba cabin that mate the orblle log laboratory unirvhahilsble They say the hirh readings which have risen steadily since the trail was launched liondayi Ire the main barrier to sending astronauts musics Conrad ilr Joseph ltcrwln and Paul Writs Wont Collect Tait Under Dollar TOMWD icPi Ontario wont attract to collect flora those who refused to pay the two percent sales in lmrrass it the fan to be collected is less Ind than ti Revenue lillnisterAiian GMsmin said in an interview Tuesday But if its care of lax psyey refusing to pay the seven per cent on an item title an air tomohlle ln lalrness to those people who paid seven per cent we are obliged to collect it The increase in the Isles flit finally received assent lionday it days alter the government begsri to collect it Opposition leaders had charged the collection of the tax increase was illegal without so crime legislation lir Grossrnan had been non eommttlsi in the legislature Ibottt what action the govern ment would lntvo against those who retitled to pay the in crease tie did say in the house that stores hsd no fear of rose rutioa for not rollccllng in crease Is ion as they took the some and oi the put chaser The revenue minister re peated lvosday that the even mllorlty ol the provinces isxpnycrs did pay the seven per cent May Salvage Skylab Mission By Using Balloon To ShieldSun SON AMALGAMATION pedal to the province for arnslr gamatioa blr White said the tulure ef ioesi goienrrncnt relorsrv will remiss It the county lsrei and added there an no plans on the viewing board gait that initiative will have to come from the local areas Within the next in days hir White will announca plans for what he calls the that tour in ginnsl governments in Ontario They are Oshawa Peel llal tan and liamillonttervlworth hfr While meets with intent County delegates Friday marW for to announce his decision their proposals Although his enthusiasm seems to ill in tounty reform it does not prcrivwle tha creation oi Imaiyamsled moments with usttutrv Arrwoaca its is precisely tiarries pro point to lnnvall Ind vceprs townships except that city coun ril has indicated willingness to hate this amalgamated rrtult nicipoitiy operate separately from tho comfy swim tir lhile indimrd lrgislw ties to establish strenrihrnrd to rat and eovniy gotcmmcni in Oxford ran some this fall lie raid Oxford is pnorily bcesiue these people have some torethvr and reached an agree ment to revive local govero merit lie said he sees the reform as In evsmpie for other areas throughout the province Rope ilround Neck 0i Students Body liAlllLlON will Security guards at trlsrirr University today discovered the body at tvonvsn near earrpus walking path while investigating re port that scresmlrvg wants had been dragrct info ravine The woman was identiiird It Adele Komaroslri is of Cook rtlie Ont tradusia student InIZerrnsn at the uaivnrsiiy She has hostilities in campus residence voodslnck ingcnol and Ttlsm burg Mr White cmhlmisrd the ln4 irrrst in preparing legislation for the Dxiorvl proposal as basis for other counties in this capo Barrie and sun rounding areas could soonhavo some basis oi legislation to loie low in preparing their own pro into sea Sunds ninth esinn mi The problem was caused when profutivo tiermat paint was stripped from the space orbit during launch mtsilsp Another possibility is in patch the astronauts on In imitated insmtlon mission thst would involve vaaroundl cf the Skylab to photograph and evaluate problem areas fol lowed possbiy by darling and brlri vanboard inspection decision on what to do and ultra sad it to launch may not some until Saturday CAPSULE NEWS Steam Goes Out Of GoldBuying ilush rams fAfi the strum went out of the goldbvwin and in Europe today at least lcrmortlly The Unied Rates Isioiar ham to recover in tendon and Zurich the inn mayor geid tits lho racist was violin between ti and it on mine frv the atterruson trading tell also dropped lit lorie Ind iliilllb impasse In Vietnam Cong Talks stiGoN Iiirutrri Sovdh Vietnam Isld lodsv tint military talks with the Viet Cans lo lrrvptemont the Parts mscilre agreement have reached an Impasse the Smith Vittlumcee Alta advancement was made in Ssigonluday on the eye at rcnvrrvf thiitv bctwcru the ncrotintors oi the Paris agreement llcmy Kissinger and Lo Due ilvo illil Straporiers Continue Hunger Strike llElhASt irtevrtcrl time than too ssspportrrs oi the wt lsued irish Riyabicrtn liner in prison here now are on the tidal tiny at lancer strike inhibition sources said folksy lho prisoners are bcd in llriiavt tall the scene at washer of re cent disturbances Wireiaaning 0i tildes Was ilpproverl vvssvitvnvvts tart the units liaise rctmiuired to day that President Niven personnin apprale wiretapping oi more tlma tltllttl sailmi secvlrily result and Prrvtayen aides starting in loss it was national serenity matter spokrrvatt said the pmccvhire was approved by the president and arrh orirrd in individual roses by the attorneygerle tn wordlm Iiinn with the director of tho IM Bum of mastication Nixon Seeks Change in Campaign Rules tiASlilNG1ON iAIl mined by Watergate disclosure President tiixon said he would sell congress fodiy to create bipartisan commission to random wholesale changes in rites tor presidential election comatose tttsmgh intharrforni county structure surrsrnsua

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