EhplmilttttixttmtltttfExplainsWhYHe roetwoyaunm thune tdBIyetdSlmtBerrte0ntIrte noes Mllehuerwel Manager Earrerliue or Member Managing calm rum our maraoee Kiwanis Music Festival Anlinnual Phenomenom Iaiaaezmzx enrolmentme oleotndteodttne Md on llIK Willa Editor or arro Eei or or it on is Ede id 55 $5 Egg Ear odd gen gig 9E Think MAM therer attll room in our modern Idbool minibus tor music danrootn Me the Iiodwttere the tantaer phya the piano orroumtr note inched army at the back as are those who abbot despite all the pronammo Eeegg Inatn domdeddedto ggis $3 it it 35 kmhek ru on the leader um pipe and the no II one piece youthful ht our more on xtdr so surprised that acute educat loont hasnt decided that engine to waste of time that tta radiolome milieu tor yowsters Ibo Io well Ind thrtit Iheubd be replaced by remitiriiy inking or nose Iuda But the kids will rind it school and for the anrml Kiwanis blustc Ferdvai ln Orlllta which Innurlly draw dozens ol chool drain horn across the district 0h therer more to the Kiwanis music fertlnl than that There are role and duet moattlom more mature droidr tlom for Ino mordton and many other etude instruments Tborcare romeexamplee of mi mus loIl talent the hind that is obvious to even the amt turlenrned llrtener Some of the eople who take part in the lestival are denined for mater things Some of the work oi more rector choir and ornhateee altr rlntly beuulllul in all there are 906 eoriu and thawed of competitore they practice dllgenliy and competi Kiwanis But most ol Ill we on her watching the echools motmrr Filing onto store perhaps for the fleet lime dull lutty in the low of teacher sombre helm the dludloators bur slittinz oer apua cider they are delight on wayward voices we nnpeol Ire doot rind must be preparation the annual thawo rim and bled what quicker pare than that stint bagugbt them onto the rtage they are Weadantred the spirit ol the mate era and the dedication ol teaohdra who the to the will Moo Ipend ao mud time wtth them to what 51 mum muggy mum To begin nth it illegal for ee morning natural instruction To us the Oriilla Klw tival mentored by the Kiwanis Club and the Orilll Branohol the Registered bluslc Toadrerr phenomenon lle dtlfitult to understand how it all runesofl how at certain time and certain brll our one Ihow up and out of what could chaos there is irr demo of order Dlillrull that II on one realize in first Kiwmtrnr can Wen or oi the music festival in Oriilla Arooelatlon is In annual rdvrnce work and others had put into eaohyearhr had problems rometlme tank entries Ind at other times unantldp expenditures But hopefully the people concerned with It persevere end the 0rlllI lithium is Iiusle Fedlval will rennin wonderlul and exetllnp in lnatllutlon tn Ortllla tor generationslo eorne 0rlllla Packet and Times noun MEMORY LINE TI ARI AOO lN TOWN Barrie Enndner May lm For coming provincial elendon George Joimton inerlru MP for are will be opposed by Lib Henry thornlon in Simone Centre Free Iletbodin Otvrrda on Bayllttd dedicated by Bishop bl Omlon DD ol llidtlxao First parlor is My anemia Cannot tram returning Corrine Oonxeghilve tally in Barrie for Geori for Entree heard lion We Ii Imr ROUTE Iounderr Memorial wt armaments ralihtllJlDl PM LliND SALES Jollnston Ontario Tree rum lrud goverment of Premier Georyo ll most progressive in yem John McIntyre third year OAC nudent nemed rrlarliurrl mustard lor rummrr to Stewart Page Tedllwise elected president South Slrncoe Game and Fish Protective Antoni lfalaflon Iieadh ounr Barrio RCAF veteran an he would run as independent candidate in provincial election Rev Reweli minbter Central United Otnarclr elected chairman Barrio unit Oohadirn Canoes Sooiety with exemtivo cl Iira Ii Laurie Footer and It Gable Alpha Phi Chapter of Title 51ng Phi named Elliot Crorslond Woman of the Year at lloblndale lrvn banquet celebrating 17th anniverrary Barrie Flyer tort tour Itmlgrtt games to Port Arthur Bruins It bieplo Leaf Gerd enr Fl era crippled by lnlurlea sustained in bet by Neutral for Eastern Canad lIn lunlor hockey title Danny Lowleltl Dave Creighton Rudy Riley and Benny lepy Paul put live or Charter Wit oer Spr prool tie weekerwl Iltltlttll tlloll were bl Lon and ltualy teen Farrell soprano thrilled cap Ioliy audience It Colhr 5t United Church auditorium in nal reason or formance rponoored by Community no certs iianarer Wee llarrle arena pointed oiubr had brought mania bitst town ltd post season Bullrto Biron Dallas Texans Weanineton liona ineld indiane uredtlooel ice for Director Allen llrher received my cornmendatlom for fine performance and do Irtrneot ot Barrte Collegiate Band in elroll Plenty of mingling in town coming up It BI Arena dog allow public retreats fer iivalol music conducted by lord rollerairatlnz at Club ol Vii Day and Vlmy veterans reboot for dinner dances with Bob Pow elle ifelody lien lira Georre CId ogan directed final rearon performance by Barrie Drama Club at library halt Grrriron Badminton Club floats Ired Anderton was double winner teaming with Iiollls Robinson to take liene dour bled ilrr Erlal llctlrbb and tire Wen da Buohanen sisters nee ltoturworth gddedmcluhll ay Imponsh Stan and refer reod Ill matches teddyqu cod Barrio won 00F nomination for mode Centre Robson Bowman ol Srull Ste Marie aminled prtnolpal Barrio runner Colle oat nttryytnoo per two rumrrxmnwnxm Lia men lor winnera ttay Gar eyer Briton Pareto Stan thin aimed for Barrie Alleopp of not that pro hockey beer to lloyd ltli lll reunlon dtor doubler lo Georgian Islanders And Government Share Common Concern le IOD MATTITWI CIIARIMTFTOWN iCPt There Ir ew thian more motor to Prince Edward il in the Gull ol 5t law reeeetbenllalend Tie rich red Ioll produced error that hrourht in m1 million in revenue in no end royal comrnlaalorr on the nonrrtldent ownerspr and me land NOE HIGHER TAKE in In interim report the eommleaton melted lltlmll other thlnIIt It the area ol nonvrealdent lend holder be named or mm mm mum meaaurs to diaroume hold Ipcnd million more And beequ there are only All square ntilea of the prov ince bladder and their rov ernrnent Ira marina more and more emcerned about the nation ol the best part II it mumWaldo who wait Itrelrb at beach cot lite and boat where they can pIeI summer day in the run And warm aee hreerer that the rate It which nonlin lendere have been buylnr up choice countrytlde Ind Iea ride has led the Iovernment ot Premier Alex Campbell to look sharply at the Iltuatlon We heva reuon tor eon euo Iald Premier Crmp bell its said he hope the prob lmn hIelv1tihnot by re ehaae but throulh other yrmhode yurh lnrnllnsr rI nrntn and other mean relet to the tree land the III ownerahtpie Thy entire tltuallnn lraterrd IIverrl atudle Ind eventuIIIy in too murh property The In would be alrnlll rant tor nonreeldenla do lined by the cornmlraion II lend holder who realde nul Ilde tna ialand tor alx months or more in any year The province rerlrlcilon on nonreafdrnt hnldlnn have relatively abort hlatery golnx hark to It when In amendment in the Real Prop orty Art restriried the hold lnrr oi IilenanonCenadl Insto In em and about not lrrl oi Ihore loolau year are the yovernmrnt rhnnprd the word Illnne lo nonretidenta lherehy ln rludrnz Canadians other than rreldont Illdildfll Tho rornrrrlaalon com mended that action and Iuy ruled that corporate holdkrya be limited to one acre or ieaI the aludy robbed the tear ol ilil rralrlentn urnl yrrwtpn especially their con vrrn nrer the tlirappearente ol recreational land number ot rtudle have produced Ilmoat Ilmller re IultIthat prime island Iorem lI tattle into the hand of perron who live ehewhere situation the ow ernmeot om iomaelpyty unacceptable report In early ml by lexlalallva cornmliee ruled the aovrrnment to heed the tortch oi realdrnta and lake adequate Ilrp to provide my Irceu to recreational land by lIlIttderl it concluded that lorelpr own mhig lI road or bad dependlnl and nu mode of acquired lend Ind arid It felt the 71th ot rlvaie owner to let to the Edit bidder should not be do The lrIlIiItlve committee lvwrnd thIt Innrrealdenl land month then amounted to 71000 ureamore than live for rent of the entire prov rare About half their ownera were Uh eltlren end about to per rent or them owned 50 or more arm of illdlltt reel rotate tly the end ol mt total nonreaidrnt IrrrIre hnd tn ueeaed to 02000 or almost never per cent oi the pruvinre analprolrtled in the your Will the trend Imllvnlrll ttil early in the next ten tury that Will he one quarter owned by nonbland ere Beltran pieolclesed pend WNIWIMIUMI ernrnea as Aid Jinn madmelmtouml Inl Ilueio Fee mgwume 1LI olLbIm $55 235 or too one aomv British OolIIrblaoa do brrtlate to ledmll that ltbdr province has everythlorl the years there have renatnly been Ibrna odditiea to Iirlllxh Golanhie bld Ila navy ol the Marries lot ter daya in lint ltteteu bad rrmelrl Durlnr the rim ol tia nub were rented mule limitme couluoeuyy ole on Youre home now Dickthat nasty old Watergate business cant let you here Irvran1mtammr lbddWi Bentham mmamwminm mw Libya May Soon Be Driesl Country But Not Because Of Sahara Desert rrunou Libya illcuterlv llbya my teen rank as the driest country to the world lbl oomtry utmost one fllth the atria ol Canadacon telos thunk ol the Slhlrl Deaort where ruin may not fall for year the It dlllorem the ol ban on alcoholic drinks whittt not Illecte LI byInI and lorelroere Illlre the IIth emrnuli hII iutt Intro ban on the IthIy ot liotler to lorelan em baaaioe kiln privilexe they had been earring aim the lore rental on rourllt yottnl Ool Ifuommar Gaddafi to power with hie Iratth II that huge1 bprlndolrlaw pro hood to We The eiterorler oltorelooera were exetroied thoulh rI tionedt Dlptorbata Ind oiknen Dirt Dorrie interim II BI held Erect Ontario Telephone neon Itcood OlIII ldItl Redatratlon llunber out Return pottare titratlteed Dally hard and Statutory lio idly excepted lubtrrlptlon rIlee daily by earlier die weekly III yeIlt ly Ilnat roplet lie HE mall Barrlr Mityearlyx lmeoe County 11m reIer Fataan or Can error your All other eounlrrea that yearly Motor throw off onto rear National Adrertlatnr nlllrrrr as Queen It Real Toronto MI lllOl did CIlhtIrt 5i Ilootreal Ilernber oi the Cenadlan Prert and Audit Bureau oi CirculIv tions The Canadian lme lr excluw tvel entitled to the uae lot to pub cation oi all new dlrlerb InlhlI rrrrdlletlto it or The AIIocII ed Prea or Renter and aim the local nova publth ed therein Tile RIrrle Examiner clalma Coryrlxht in all orIatnel Idvro II II and ItIliltIllt materiel era Ilrtl by its emnltnrra und re produced In my nrwapaprr Copyrith llrytalutnn Nun brr zdltlt rrrlxter ll mm write in lhotiuert where there little rbtnce of Itoo bol reactllnz libyeru Alecrol could ellll be fund however on the black market It exorbitant price not in the one hare producloo It lb cannarera rltit But the embuslu were the main eource oi eupply BANNED DY Idiltil Now It is likely that Itohot will virtually volh The new move la part of policy adoptedtry Gaddall to nolerrent ble beltel that lelam which prohibit aloo laol capable of emerlnd all branae questions Ild rely tnyall human obernretell placer and lo three Consequently IpecIIl eonordltee med II ol 5u more Coun tattoo war on irttaled by Calidle lo rrlllew all law and then make them oonorm with lstInue leIIIlI lion Twenty articlea ot the civil cvle were either nuIillrd or amended became they eontrn dloled lslern New law were lntroclueed on alltro on download and aims lal opening tor the that tel modern tolurde IIITIO THE noon TOUCH Maybe You Could Help Break The Deadlock Br nae north NEW YORK iAPI minke widower Iota tired oi hearlnr YouI love to meet her Joeho lual your type Youve pot to quit lblnklnr ol the part Alter all youre IIIIIIWI velar manuntowa Vl ID It IRWIN why dont you come at with II more Joel III and the mlarur arent epeakln and maybe you could he brook the deadbolt listen oi pet will you do buddy lavorr tlow about me borroalny your apartment tonight You could yo to Iho movie or Iomelhlny IlotvI your love life Ildl pay out hie own mm to anrndlll bet you have to but there away with buy ball bat Youll thank me later or lnlroduslny you to her Joe She try her own clothes and like opera ml to the record time youve but up have tht rnonh nlr Dont you know youre not summed to try to ob hat pm RM lli Ionrr dry the tolel amply tenure yJUA link it lull of dirhret Did you ever think you mind he too perirtlar door You know yourebti Ielllny any mom and boxer cant be ebooserl llou knew Itilth hea rot eerel ylrllrend but doeant want to meet her Ewan hes patterned ol er td like in to the poker game with you tonlrhl too all cant lly wile end are oelebrIltlll our 30th weddiny Innlverrary Youre not the only one who rnluer her Mr Joe We on lonely now when come to run your Irrrlmtut livery minute rill keep enterllnx to hear her cell lrom another room She war real lady Aw come on Joe llI tay and have couple more You wont get build out it you rel horn late Maybe you ouyhi to yet married araln Daddy ill be throun collere pretty soon and you know probabt wont be around home muc Illrr that All youve pot in your to lllttriior our pound of bar racr end Ihre paci er stilarhtlrt1lnt at you our lix youraell lsr Why ebllyea enter to give LI per cert at their not annual wealth to the poor The penal node was Irrerrdod to provide lor the rodent lelamic pobIlty ol amputation ol the right hand for roovieted thieves and oi bob the rirbt arm and the toll foot for ronvlrted hlrhway rotten the operation to be bl carried out by puatllied run OM MIND EXCLUDED But the law stopped Ihort ot the elevator Il an un falthlvl wile and do for her partner II en la Imic ruler domInd svrlet nIleI ol lelamle be thlor were Ilao reected in everyday lllI sldrtr to school iris were replaced by trotuetl men were iorblddcn to work iadiee beirdret am all Imbllny eeea Illtl casinoa led an new It civil and rornmerelll treoaec tton between todvlduala lor hidden in Tripoli all so brinlan thunder were closed with the exception of twoone Pun circle awl one Greek Ortho doeutter the expulsion oi the entire llallIn community from Libya to me but Gulrtlan see are Itill alien on by the government It chrlrtrnes us more THOUGHT ltd day when lJeIuI war bolder POPULATION MORLEII Strlre observation of the pigeoth ol lslam file the II In lIllonvlrtuIl 100 per unmarkm 1y oi dc lie the undoubted diversity the Libyan leader many otoervcr are not an vlnrrd him the dominent intro to llbva Althoth litrmlc law have become mandatory they are not IlwaI implemented In prertloe including obliyaiory alone to the poor Solar there her In been Ilnyle care ol ttief loainy any lambs Obrerverr believe Gadletl ore to pylorlple ol trim to iurthrr hlr political elm ot Aron unllyand the Iteration ol Palestine tie all odor will the ulv tthtEchllittile rcl ol Not lrjn Brothers banned in Hue Int drnoutreu re Elild noetatlrn opeuioy tha wry to uhrertloo travel above all miles day ramming lild Carl was on to remix nun laminar let the bright Itea ol lupnrttnl taroela which arrived at tide rlaonblayldbol llao oi the remote Ircaped Ibdanmllboyranbomato tell bl talbrr that be but two wild Inlth with horror their brain tom IlooI road The taller all not believe the boy th lured to do with him did like the Iutloe bervym laorle newspaper ported later soon tiered upon the room his own courage uled My Wilrmtanr renew any raised ahetur oi on home The earrwla we rounded Men to the mainland htdan ctltylbl Invy load Iuppltee unmeltler waa rlphl camel could carry eet more hot that In et they cool laat looror without water Unfortunately be our looked one handset Cameta emailed leull won they met mute truer Iloo the router the mulea we panic and run away lecrlsa Mowlein fl IIld have been horned to write trale that dashed down tbe ore Wto death Laurnehler beretM involved to so many lawsuits that be to rive upth ranrels some them lived on lame to the tele rtor Ir urry Intramural Ilaopotures ol uurnelater camels to prove that lory is true runroute Dtooot to Canada to lnvortlrala done my ol New hence truledlrrr Trier Font failed to attempt to mare mlwn at Detroit ranlower Canada was dlv lded lnlo electoral dhlrlcla with to uterine lIlIJorerh Howe becam lieutemt Golornor oi Novp Beetle Hoe6t hauoleitavler Uttlw veralty It Antlxoolab its rclved charter lITldiitinl Bull and 000 Sioux Iourttt refute to Serial rbowan liloNorthern lIellre and Ilentloba llIlhvay reached lirandon ILVancouvei Stock 51 chanlo we incorporated railIsrme Wthd unconditionally lthlrIIe Illnleter lItkent boron olllriai vlrlt lie that ball no rule over his own rplrtl It like ally that broken do and with out while Proverb Iillt To dive In to every whim the llerh la an invitation to evil lor take over of everythlnl that it good and Godly lNVth LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Examiner lIrlltr row trthvtlooa to it atten ie the teller eolomo era the It Itorlal pare llIeI porrlblr letter ahonld be mlrlrted ie II no word III the mould Ila Ilyeed Writer may on lama it they de aln