ride our nrrrll Out The auteur term inureb ed it at the butt Murder adntadtrtdeattoraiwl trinity ll liar the Idmlm oi mad iloor trinity room II illooktrmroirdeeireetorhonieroptotw unicormrymd rphtlettiJMdtq it tor Hi Id tIoItorthiirIrord plume tutti tint indoor turner ham and vendor imam plum run Iron lAlao Ivrttetie it In loom hoot niiritirlI homo denim Enclosed please rat or nu Plea ohoth amineburial Ind male rv him pantie to The BarriI Elam NAM Lm ADDRESS LnIlu FIRST BID TO By ROOIR WHITMAN DOB BOUNCE di WI were rrroritonu when we bandit title rmdel Will It II 11 tun aw iiie tint tioor shaker Io mutt ton you walk tram itiim roomdimttI to bed room the briealone rattler on the Ittetvee In three are to on now we no la min with haromrit erotihi litre trust It It the math Im beeni teem too ihtwrtpht emitter Ihrwddo mu be help But ttrrt emibridrint liar ml eerie lendhr at to dour between him the do total etiort it to triliy tho titan Otter title it all little needed RESURFACING IUtt at There tr riotittiiz wront Iith my htthtidt its lust hit dodge onltlte inrlludI tbayiit tiitld to retraimdtpiiilrre rattld tniorrnattonl Ii Art the rnenrrtr at largo hotel or rriottt tor the rum or that doing title type work and rat to uilltlltl it wont be cheap usually there mtorm do ot ot tint at Ittriierudtuuhnaholelil you helix renovrtad lot cheaper oi dwlrt Ind iiILiiiG HOME Iinf that new tubr it you want to expend liltto time Ind elliovr mare yourteit ret eoma unite auto mini mud at In Into miter attire and avid writ You run not leto ort oat gleam yoitt too no rain dittme aamnr ITAIN it It Our buttrmnled elm had they Martino to burnt the battery Ind lilo Juice ran down tho ttr on it would neither wotlt tor direct all So we patiiird om thI data it time tech to their any vyay to loop thir itIiri hid It At lint paint over the Itnin with Iiiarilniim paint lliii no gait mi rurh tillan eiircliro OFFANDON MR The out in my iurnoro lore and all three or tour timer boioro the heat cetrher on the far dourit play on land eoouxh or tlia heat to start militate only he Iliouid no riot At You have potentially ritlry Iltuatimi ii tome on and isnt trailed qulrltly Sumo thin tr out or adjustment or aeoda cleaning Ind the router no we plan tho barrow not at play lithotn lamenting her vim hi the titrhra ibir Ilia loam IhI oratio Ition liitardrxar rm trII tor rm tornnl aetliltirr nm In minim tor recreation hobby and uttiuler mar in MI blremeat minimum In located It the mr oi the horn Till the iamtly bath runnnild to all There an Inn rlairtr on thI maintioortomommodrtouoh nailrmu Without the tonal carport the house IILI tit earth on Diooi kt Moot lvt would he rullltle ii the bottle Ill mitt ilh elrwrt or double prim Plans tor min more tort no toe in tint III Ito raeh additional we and In Ivmttrd to ruin trial new boon iim Duim tor Candied Ire Iiaiiable Ii thli Impaoer elite tor some or by mail tau roupoa below Book presents drairni tar norm up tolunpitioeilloreyand Ipiit ieir redo In it the one mi one he and two storey Boot include tIrrrr borne Igld iorItlma homkoulmte rant part ten and multiple home design It to eenu loatIiio resident rddl ICMWNTIXW all our total did not hrrtrlo any tnioimetieu Ibo Ire lurnreo mrII rtetoa aIrIirewtrIrirndI lion ta thats ponin to mate AN AiTAt mm No driootbyaixlmlt pinup rupoort the thIII nor am hi the upItrlrI men pordt Item have toaarii Iar rom line her notirrd rar prhtrr Int around one pillar mi otter pile oi IIwiItrt railed to In exterminator tin moved me rotation into the or train hate halfway up Itoppzd itan MW in eat or it ermine hut lhry rrtilnrd Do you think trill with thhuriibyr Iad nrrr airy ma pvrdt tallint donut At ennui tor anontho Ipot invention to auriiilod Mi tuoern by DING PI or the tanner ovner painted the yprau riding at my house Now it it badly peeling was told that eyprru does not need Flintind Willi thwld Ito paint Let the rut loll lio viiote the mt tbut Wit It Until in all peeled or re paintrd Kora Iidlnl will look blotrhy ovI ima national To remove tire peatotyw rt mover uitlrh uiii ho exponrltI beraure oi the amount youll nerd Or have random meri rnted with hionterrh remaVIl do thu lob unIrIr you ran do it yaurrrii lrnavl the durabil ity Ind rrrirlrnro oi rypten ttut rip wood tr harmed toy ettrr protection You ran keep the oy prora color with ritu title or yau ran uro ptrmetted rtain or pet the nice man pm the healthier thing pill to You any top quality noun Mitt Your cholera Iii rood GOVT DIRECTOR PREDICIS Ir ADM Ottawa Rural 0t no lull TI Cuadln loom blunt ran loot tertiard to It rmteit rum mm tier Iryr Dan Waliare drrxor oi the Can dtu Gnmurrxat Tutti tin un iii Wallace the tired litI wortdI truest prrrament trr rel promotion operation Iatt L1 Io Herein ran the mrei rp bro been roots at rate It about lope at uth our the Ml decode lie IIid hI redid be aurprirrt III daap pointed In routb dd rot and pm For every proitpro and Ivory Wt oi idLI Ihouid be our but nor ever he arid Iii boot automate will It be orereins In em Mar hm tradition that Arnrrirm Io or most oi our toukt trade molar Itudl tendi dodh Wt that Wm Ipthd to on not ol the tourist diiiIr in thI minim Amerim do Iowmi tor moot the remaind er Iithoudt British Drama VIIAWA if Prime tild irter micro and iurmer Iarrry mlnLrtrr Green we Irtiar in road iailb tn the pedomqu oi their II My in rm when they bxhd the rate or Dalton timer to the U5euntroiled iiudiaar lily Oil and cu in bid the Sir promo Olurt oi GinadI ruled ttoaday in In uotatinoui iudrrnerl tho mutt looted In rmrl I1 ltoinan Corp and Sienna no mitt WWI oi Denlroii eho wupht In mrd oi Ilot million at porn the olernmll on ltorrian 02m Iiirrrd toa Inirlry intimidation and when lattiiererire Iilll their tro notriic lairresin Iririn train Iteternerte by iii Tni tu and tie Greene tint tho propoetd uh thtI not be Iiionrd under the govtrirrrieolr iorripir iron whip policy IINEI rourta threw out the lotion on itde the policy rtttorrientr reterrlnr to the pre pared Denlroa relo were either made in lite Common or coo tallied lIt preta return and that could not be turd II bore rourt anionii The Ontario appeal court nld it In the Ulla or partie niIiiiary laternntrnt lhtt the Iioctrd repmentativri Iionld be able to rrrlry out their duller la the but interests oi CIatda ireo irom any harry oi brine railed to mount anynhere Ir cerit in Parliament it uld that treat reirlie llr Greene on to rubiort on In extender oi the parlia mentary printiero lir Juitioe nonril llrrtland writing the unanimous him tourt deciaion nil he did not dissent lroni thoio virus not he alto pointed out Ihrt the claim tor mt million war not bated upon tear or prolltr but tor the total purvhaio prion oi Drairon Ihrres TaI attendants rttli coin thore IhIreI he noted lie IIid Itorrien Corp and lluoronr tin tilt and lint did not proceed to complete an out moment on tho pro IIlI Muse they knew orltlrtlon roulette owed to Parliament Canadian Tourist ted imam Jim omit an ode pounded piore our la rm LiI tart year ler IIIrh mm IlaJiIH Ire airtime total taunt extant in Clair WdhtlJNEAk ord etiller lorries to run urarudumearuuu mm DIN TAXILTI tir lrllara IIid tuba ii the wife iatteot Irvla irr dairy Ind maid room to gumboI IQNMII3F will it end at Mr pron Tbero in II attuth itnrl Irritati iv on tho lodiutrrr rut erwiotmral in mm in IIid Ipotemn frequently use gure at moot that is out rrtlrriltr Statistics Cu Ida it no computer mum It Itudy Inirh ritl renilderrtty abore the thrrwurtrrt oi VINE Hart The importaaro el Intent to the Iho Its in the it eat dlitrhutioa at the In Mr Walla IIpI AL tbourh tome plane Ire treat ttoottiy inorI poputrr as tour In WI mu WW tillll hi RIEIeI tau Amino IrrirIen barniy net rtmnurmnlhehixcluud DAN AIME melty tatorte rrpimr oi Que bee In the Atlantic proner and the Rockies in the Irrat Lhrre ueIrreLv out than in Guide that whirl otter the tIt ItiroetioavOalarlor tale to prevent Canadian uranium trioarm irtrn Duilti trio nonmetal honor it valid lrririrllra tor that purpose were routed and it prevented prriarriraaro at rootm tor irIneter oi rueh rontrol there lr no doubt that III pittire to the arrrtmaat wold trio no rIuiI oi utloa rriilar from the ointment oi not tr tdrlinp rrtd Judie MlllLlh la the neutron rile thI tuo price it You pay no tnbur retailer Ittat he seeks PM Acted In Good Faith When Blocking Mine Sale paner hid elected not it pro reed to reiterm the proposed roetrirt rt tee beeruii or rev Irnmrrt policy raeirierti tilt the litre Such titlrmenli made In rood lttth roilii not riiI rite to claim oi inducing hirirh oi mind he rrid To wport it me ltniiiirt Dim mint that the initiation torrent hyllr luu and Mr Green till liar not turn paired by IIrlameal iota pnhrtzn tho volt mrbtr at then iiio lith it peop hate to Illl ohm ltlI New York Cheap and Detroit they hip to be tbie to errm to trim in Canada be raid tailor problem in that not match try at Anthem not do It tilt in Out believe II hate emu uosr To nab persuade them Cm ate it maxim n1 aioa lo promote trtrei thin rear moat oi it Lbo U5 htr Wallm raid that ii more mmry than lany other governortee rm to Hume louriim Bu it tr you ltd It the lIrt that are out dwr to woo tart Sason Best liver I961 we that Elia neatly trawl LEI Ill other Mint men In amongant the run too at rwriti tilt in Ir met mm lies will be new all tiara amen Xathhnrert mi lint lid trml vitlt their owls anu mu And trim the mantra rd Us nut iii brim rr pm mm In with to in the turd Is their diet new to and bio and and Cam my rill matron ta mnituta tir RIM raid Candao NE pet I11 taste noduddlm earner indian Girls Body Shipped to Grocery Box Legislature Told EDMONTON ILII Tile Indy at little lpdtaa rirl Ia shipped in rerohozd rm box train Edmonton llaptial to her mothu in northern Al ixrtn the Round similar rare in the rotten in tin marlbs thi irmrlatura III told linu do in addition at Iut war pritarmrd on the Ir body uilhout the prrmlriiori at her LrenJ id liraltit lintrtrr iil Craviord The irilnlrtrr lrpiyiri to r9 position outitimr ldrntilird the girl at Belinda tinimam oi Stove intros Art DironISCCnlarry tillli rant raid this lot the tame triad rt dirrrarrtui Iiluatlnn that attuned lair tail in Noievriber the body ot In lndan rhild that died oi rain rrnital disuia nhilo only luv inmthr old In tent homo to in the parent in cardboard box tram horprtai in Fort Verna Lon Alta NT IN PIASTIC BAG The body had Iirii been pirrrd in pLiztic bar Oirinil It Fort Vermiliiw laid Liter eo rottuia were Im mediately realitie They Ian nation to get the My Ill Iranipottaltori tint was about to lure tor the rim northern romaiuriiy iir unwind Itid the late rare it dilirrrnt at that It to Mimi miter metropolitan hoioilai tidmnlm her late oi under takers and it rouid not bo IN Kurd that no roilinr were avail able he raid The minister raid wtstdu lb lerulature he believer the not pint implied to the Royal All IiulrI llospilol more than theoliiiZ PREMIUM HOUSE PA Superior Kern paint manutacturod by SnImInwiinunr Kerri141ml Lururioul Irluitoruhilo paint latex or Iliryd bated covIninortetoat KnmtlioEMmot An Interior Iomioloeowuh Iuslrou inleh thalqu and weair Arid Super KimTape llI lltIInterioi Ialer paintort the lMIltOI Arid both Kemulp and Stu Kantlone an available in all but lath no Rphtrotoa plurwhite llyoutntmn writing tor the right tune to paintyou rant Itloid to wait any longer Bria IndI Saturday at nominating paint herontia ointment rum and Home improvement Centre Martin Senorrard SMMIOWlinulI iiii runners gigglilaliilmmm ii WIDTH SHERWINWILLIAMS CO JUTE 0R RUBBER BACKING orcenroauuuro Innmm em tarIn rum Mum mull rm innit iiiA wi 21 iiittfltili SIREET Ii SHERWIN WILLIAMS PiiNiS i3 Ciapperton Stioot Barrie Ontario 128239l