GOLFERS BRAVE THE ELEMENTS The qusytette share In um lull they set to but the elements open ing day at thinly hey Coll Calorie The old III opening oi the Ladies tec tmo it Long Range Plan To Teach Clubs Purposes Programs Editors Notes hiny at tile clnh rport Iohmittrd lot pahllrniloo in the llnndertni erid rt Women did not appear in the will edition tirports which hm been held mwkh Howler edition rt this womens negro hiemhers ol the Business And Irolessitmi Womens Clubs nre partieipniing in one at the great est adventures in tho hirtory oi ernhership the ospiornllun nd errnlion ut Allinily groups ibcroismiimiltohoetar clubs coo go in getting numb Bringing new member in by my oi mcmhenhi enro polxn it out one step long Inigo goal to give knowledge so lhoi members ore strong end mm in untierrtanding the clubs purpose present octiii ttes proernmi nntl tuture goals We oi ure ot training new memiior walling tust outside our tronl door ray Airs liltinn Jones preIdcet ol the Barrie ii rmd PW CI The oampalgs he gins with the slempioyed no man we meet In the other or on the strict Eho ornitnu Trail Blhiei cl ciuh reorganisation otllnlly grunting or club loundlnn wll need to be ndlvnlurous power list In Its driermlnntlorl preetoe In csrrying out the plan and re liable in reporting tools Lilli IIHOIEUIA Protects supported by Barrio Club Inci iresont buran to the tour ooilepiniee nnd one to Georgian College in Unirlo At thrlitrans tune ma tazlt member brought prime tor elderly pntienis In two words at the Itidiand ilospitni Durian wreath to the Com Mrs the lion in ourred by rain but it didnt dampen the ipliii ol women goUer attending the ogening day lestiiitlei Front tell are itulry Smith Glsdyw JoneI Fran Nlm and dim llpim on Merlinum Dav At the notional level member contribute to educating aeven girls nl iiarnnilnh instill in lawyer mwmm It II mod Orrin liter bank oi Jordan Once year Invitation Ire the presidruiI nt III Dorv ri omene orgunisntlonl to his tend special dinnrr Snuninrtd Alert the Condidnto Night progrun rt Andie ilrlrhts school prior to the Dec ember municipal ciecilunl ihe Iiuriness and Protesstonal Womens Club at iinrrte 1m EI ecutlvo includes Itiu illurlel Perry Immrdlnte asl psrsl dent ilrs Lillian ones presi ts ltneTwosovlcenre Ann Stewnrt cor rotary IiliII iiieh cl icrttutun treasurer Tho toliowlny message tram Notioan President lira Beth Auiin The United Nations ion erni istombly has seen iii to declare the year WI internhilons ni Iiturlons Year program is being prepared to promote es uol equality Will ms he nnothrr year nl Inotttriuni vorboiizntlon oi wlnt rhnuiti he Incl or will we the women hm done some oi the necessary groundwork our selves Will we in mm be able to show progress illIANii Iitlilli tors ttmutd ha your at real Iratlrn rind tuitilment ot merry ot the dreams at equality which we have ntivocnled tor Io mnny de ratios il thil II the use then there is work donel This is time ior on end commit ment Commitment to the pre mits IhIt women can help them rimrsum ynolds Heads Bon Head Womens Institute ibe members at the hood Iiesd iiemon institute met In use community hall pot luck aupper wns onlnycd by nil hire William Sutherland way celled by the president to con duct the installation or pitho wilh the slate remaining with hlrl ii ilorvey Part prcridcnI II iledgloo vicovprosldrnte lira oidart secretary end lira Koreihaw treslurer lira Reynolds Mrs Beleman itrs Ilorvoy llrl lioyd Ind tin ism Sutherland were npp tori as delegates to the dis lrlrl convention at Churchill Airs liliinrn iIrclhet end hire iinrlcy were In ohsrge ut the Dreihel dis in mi TODAYS RECIPE ALICE DRIED DRYhing isle south and yiiniit II the spring and mus shellid entry the arm ittL And tide without damaging the budget luckily tor the mo em there is root protein hrvlhotiamdyiodoiutlrw nu it up In hit DobgherahmJarttll eoobrdaumwia little higher In re the on nth Iou tor IAT out at day tor soupa nuts IIiatiI nuin dither deem good sandwich sensible and the deal ler lunch or new Tm EPICIAL EDD MD hudmked rut chopped it moonlit quzom sliced moo ooioni tableapoen prepmd moo um lIblapoon met pickle relish ii teaspoon pepper luspoon sail ti slice duh no brtsd slim baked hem dstiotr his dorm hIrdcooket eggs sliced lettuce Clmhioe rm maroontn onions multIrd relish eit pepper chill At serving time arrange two slices cl rye breed on etch strong plate Piste slice ct him Ind llitd oi threte ol one like at brui On other Iiica Imago little teivu Ind top with moved at the chilled cg salad anrnish with herdeoe ed egg titres Serve with pickles ll desired hiliua Iix generous metisised Itndwicbcs llere tine filling brunch spacial NINTH BRUNEI TREAT sum CInIdtIn style bacon broied dundwloh buns lelsled and buttered eggs cup milk or cream to teaspoon rail lr tesspoon pepper lIblespoon butter or my guide Iii cits milk IIlt Ind or per with tort iiul butter atlilet about eight inches over medium beat Just hat enoulh to tntie drop oi tester Pour In egg mixture mixture begins in set It bottom Ind sides gen tiy Iilt cooled portion with spatula so that list thin un telvet to luodton lull II cooked srt ilmtothe bottom eons devoid oi inhibiilm lliii Avoid Uhnlildi stirring Calls their rightiui piece in society um thcteuy iioiy Ilrrmslcn ilIry Part ridge Ind Poi hiasiop brought the told in six who played nine hole In snie nI iho downpour ltlxanuaer Phoiol introduced ports by the out tonvener with scrawled gn Some tow cam Ion hthDIlaiu ah hInI toold era doth ideal btupoou drsised pldti relish an dccd cvim it no nursed Will cop mayonnsiu lewooe it it teaspoon grand power it dry nutyd irimu in cw or or nururine melted Iiut settle iron Meanwhi blind Ingrodi except baud Ind butter liala sIndwtebe ot brood without hitter swing Ii cw oi tho ml titling tor eoeii landslob hnutr lhI two outside rur late It udriohe with the melted hulln Place as amino Iren tower eelwr Cook Ie cording to willie iron dine lions until IIndwlcher Ir gildedbio Ind erlspcrusted will be compressed to about hIIl origloII Ihlrbtdtl Servo not titties nine Med settles only An ludzm em him without his fr tin ween it it tonoar Diced Rich oi hereto recently married hum lamoror City Cohen School ol liming who honors Mu Bail woo th blood in todeot word It the trite oi Donom Boll IDd they hava our children ranging In are born nine year Main All hoot hide your to midft live his idli look Til MARIE EXAMINER IiiUilJDAI MAY em on MAY 16 tunrt thit tieuorodrtohaetcsdiplsli her one NIIEWMMWEIM AlmaHunters awbdltwutoomhm Mimwerelurystm Milled my oirl sIvtIga mt v1 lubed In lit tum which iloweatdow the logo Ir her on My that thus our lm uzd eomu trhwi moi him out told him the amen belongs to me did not work ltd past II he ll entitled to uura moi hill as by tiling taint return Do owe aim the mqt nil 0hr iltloe Dear ILO hit to thIl hu comuoly tea with hmbInd may entitch to hell it the tomutntly pr true an MN mm mom might be osg to changing your iiiesiyie to met hm his Johln him wont hob hint g3 llI started to go to Ilter worh agIIn Ind to take ope more shot mud to not him our be sold Ill work Ind he convulsion ion tested iwn teeth MM didnt belt lhlhlilhhdhhomeIlImiiy to rein Ind my pride lImliy counselling Joined Ah Aden and this in what learned Iiop drink It will only are TRY EXAIIINHI WANTADI Mrs Emerys Residence Setting For Anxiliarys Tea Despite said end omensi cnn dltlons Intmbora oi thI iioyIl iotori ilorpitIi Anni ed out in lam numbers or the then rocld evening at cords Ily meeting held In the Austi lsty Rooms Ii the hospiioi on Tuch chided glowtnr Ietount at mod ruccetetui opportunity Sula land anI pinns tor the Finrcaca Nightiuyula Ten to he held on HIV id huiinesa reports in iiiry Stan Cohen presided and membera lie wero presented Ind the melt Ing we turned over to the con limilliiiivm immblli throughout but lill maiat three vrner ol the opportunity lhi0 Ill and watch while other air to into the mainstream oi lilo in em Tu vim In ewdiidilldriyilid MM em on own in Mrs Lloyd uurenee who out lined the aucreis ntlalned In this yeoert IiIrI Law rence thonked those who had we edmil instill iron chulienttlng and otlaiyinL to seek out pioeo ei honor the Senate the House oi Commune or the Provincial Legislative As semblies Advances hove been made In this room recently with the Appointment ol Senator Ftr guson snooker oi the Sennte nnd In the election at greater number ol women to governmen in positions but we have along why to no belore we hali an equal voice in government LOCAL NEEDS Minority delcaiism nnd dis new are otrgrenlettmem rut Idly in these our orch enemies it we on to amuse us on or partioiroted in any wet with th Ilo ORIENTATION MEETING note oi orientation meet Ings tor both regular and new member oi the Inxtiiory will hire place It Ilwl hospital on the evenings at iiay it and it and In the ttemoens oi Ila ti and it It la hoped that ail member vlii mil themselves oi this opportunity to become better ncqusinled with the tariI ILos eliercd hy the hospiinl special event both locialiy and II iundrairinl project will he the Flore Nightingnie Tea to be held It the home oi mcmher lira Don Emery tit Shanty Bay Road on May in tom until pin Short Skirts Still In Style By ETASIA EIASUII litrmer warmer has trend mam men and women dellel their com and strolling alone In spits lsshons One ng lI sure Girl waldo era Ir plug to have tut ihiI union as young girls seem to he ng lur short dimes Ind ml airtrta Designers have been predict ing that women Ire rendy to ex snltitatlonfwe must heclmg in race their legs Igsin alter liIv editor comm litem covered by pint which gives more then llMor long Am in WM MP vice to our Iritaly We must he Pin be dry at WW rein in the community and work iInLt are still on in mm or the solution at locol needs iltth iimt The sin like them till Till ortlvily will provide out lover or contrary mm on ii lmti which Wtiilt it oneneectel shirts And In women possess or thin there it lllDil bruit Wm to rhiirtren or mung locket wild tool or my mothers can be orgortlted by end is still or my Business ond Prolcssionhl Wo 10 twins men Home for the elder1y Ergo the men are geilhigvln Wide mmninghtl end an on tile tuition to this an rrete evidence that we euro Cen rld Mills neuter lhn ever in has for the poriormlng orla tweed sluts plhld rum my term Cudedn lVo rnn my wim cam my my therein the pisnnlng mid tor sucu ventures AthieUe ith obvious by Lie meteriu Khalil can ie preventive UK wearing that puny inensurcr in solving youth pro ltllhahrd rending up on II There are those trilliono thou lglithhldter heelo yin on re ea every recon tile houider hog is still the InorlginIi price oi Blue Willow tavorlie with the lugs tote Chin and gore In Interesting toning close second rendlnp on the history hi this The most popular coat still it weiiImawn Ind everyopuiar the trench pattern Ilrs itorvey conducted two contests lira William Suth ertnnd gave humorous reading AFFECT 0351 entitled The Cummillee There are vurying amount oi lira Reynolds expressed her bone Ind list In diiierenleutr oi Ipprrtiatton tor tito wonderrui rneet which alleet the nurrhor mutation the illd received oilervlotsapomd Indirect urng Mrs John Pugh assisted by Mrs Arnold iielchlor will convene the tea Tickets my be muohnrrd irom any member ol the Auxiliary or In the tilt Shop ol the mould FilildJ ruined on this occasion will he used to purchnso luriher rdulpment tor use in lioyIi Victori Iiospitli Denis The executive committee senicd recommendation titut the closing dinner at the audit my be held on June It Con sumert Gus liuitdtng St Vine cent Street The cost per person II it end Ich member will Ice Cubes Help First Aid Jobs More inlet to remote dcply embedded splinter llrst fronds requisite thin Ind tut ery Followlop dimer there will be abort hur nos meeting and will be enjoyed IIECIIE DOOK Members ncra goin request ed to submit lalorito rctlpes lor inclusion In the recipe book now in prcpanLiou Forwnrd rid the to hits Mrimer ill Deb re Dillr or hire Grace Tum itauI ioodorcai itond Dorrie Iirs Iilorlon Ind hirI Stun Cthrn attended motive tlonsi ronlertnce in Toronto on rcpresculniivcs of ihe iioyol Vic tori IINplIII Auxiliary lilrh iiorlon Guillan highlight ol the eonlsrvnce Although the entire meeting wu rhnircd by iirr hiornlnt star it wet chI to the lecturer illuseii itrlsr to bring home to his nudirnro the power oi motivating gro oi inllresi rd workers to roar out nod prod nrt only themselves but cowork ers to attain goals beyond their loudest dreams Mr Porter outlined the his tory olerns In hdmlnhltonn and pointed out that Canadinn or now loin socioeconomic srerr Tnero are tremendous anger now tnidnit place in so clrty end the knowledge expio Ilon much grentor than the muchtalked about ponuintlon er pinlon lie stressed that the llent lilo most importnnt per son to consider lirs Iliorton will be Ivallhhle to discuss the conterence oi length with any lntcroelrd mem ber oi the whim Toilomng this ltmuloting rc oori on the rnattvttionei cooler core the meeting adjourned tor lorloi gathering out the sensitivity ol the Iron by chilling with an it cube The splinter one be IGmditd with very little tooling oi ptin Secondly belore taking what the doctor ordmd medicine Innuhetiso the taste hide by holding on ice who on the tongue lor ten minute and the unplelronl dose will he wallowed without notlrolbie cringe him to keep It in Pilohl norm ltI not your wit that be tirinh Ilad til you to think it is but rion IIiI tor II III didnt tha house betIlse you he Lght ll picked hall hsva In esetuo to it it be tdh you he isnt toler uzed in It browse youre lousy In bed dont believe It better can perinrm to per tent ot the time Ill euier to blame it on you than to admit tho truth Dont hide the it or Dont uritdofvnther and beg he to out drinking illnd lion hlI hot own the door not let Iilnring Aid Tails Repairs lintlerios itmo eminent Mllill TitoDill Wedding Invitation Ii ue lannlnp voiding your tint step should he TitiTEh lur that Important elee lieu of Invitation and Announcementa it The Friendly Plat To Shop Drop in to at us today is the Melt Ind dont target to pick up your Ire gilt register lter DAYFIILDMALL ii azaoisi Cettogeterwithan old buddyiuVancliuveu Doituowaud save30 If there are feces back home that youd like to see again nows the lime PRESCRPTIUNS OPEN DAILY 900 AM TO l000 PM SUNDAY 00 AM TO 500 PM us WELLINGTON or swoeerns onus MART tnirc no livid day trip with our Explore Canada Fares Youll no 30 your return economy air Islet See your intch out or Air Curt do and for turtth dermis Ihcn come see whalyouvo heels missing AIR CANADA nxrwnn comm nouns lillilillllii illiililillillllit lillillillllillli sayvette ouslullluuitlilvlulvnullitullsilnllnutritionist roving cone or CANADIAN Mill DAIIY i9 AM to HO HA lliiilililiiilllillliliilll lillliilitll ililillilllllllililil Illiiillilll ll liltllllii llillillilliiiillllliillllii makeltroslertogerarounrlCanadd lolidOcIIIlmlrrltludng inimcnioiiirlmndSws Mdrrnohiolidoymlodr