lows nourmur Sclio01 Princip To Under Study By gt ergo EEHE 52 problem tnxeisiny curriculum or Mm it ream they waited lent tor solvers well lb 001 pllncbsl They were the ones prord by teIeberI berries milIt expertise III near Killed By Car MT DOVER III one hes been errerted In eodnsrtloo with the delth irl they hide or stresreld Port Doves rt who wss struck by esr re ssid Sundry Herr Isne Iioedtn us tilled when she Ind two other tech uerI were hit Irv the Ir in this enmity isles Iosriil ol Eirrlcoe Debbie Subterlsnd in serious condition strode night It Will with nulitl irso less itnyne hints Ii III din dusted IIter Irestrrseni ior Itd tsllIIndLItIIoI Drug Seizure POM Midi AP Ars Insultsurn she hi ml limit lotheerrertoi Wu men Ind the ulntro oi tugs with In esttrluted street vIlue oi Clslr County MI deputies sold Seiurday Iho Mien in use out IIr ls or Post melt on bed been HO dues mmlwhnhhllt 11 led them so the nemttcr Second Highest pulls titeuler CInIdI bu the lecendblgheei tlte cl pelvsto mlIanIon er pendiilree sites the United Miter Irma the It member mm It the omnirntion st to koperIllon Ind De wol Ii domino It Llohedln the 0M muslin The new we tile month UK pvstI perv enliI emotion Immune wu rut st NJ iol ed ht enter with new Warehouses iired KINtioViUA Ont OP Tire destroyed two tobscto werehousee end their contents Intruder In this town is tnlles Iosltboset oi Windsor The wereircslres below to the Ontario the breed Tobsnro Growers srld tho tobneco to the Hmesid ml Co Ltd blouses could be seen In tes mlnnon six miles lei Nesrhy ruldente rltrnbed the tools oi their hurries Ind used srdcel hoeel to stop the ilunes Imesdtny None oi the homes wss dsrrlered For short tune nesrby lumber ysrdwss threstmd BREE Programs NOIITII iIAY Ont 0N Tile Ioderel noveenrneet with Ontrtio cooperstlorr must present piss tor the srorrtb oi Ieooodsry Industry In Northem DntIrlo to repllee ersms sponsored by the erII do pirtment bi sellonsl economic sspsnsion routes the entrust oorllerence oi the Vederstleo ot Northern Ontsrlo htlrntctpelltlee wuotlylddilsturdly III the money river by must the whole It Ontsdo Ilse yet leII then nine Mr unt Don whine obetmssn oi the sellout munlelpnllt oi udbury IIId 0M Ily ortbern OntIrIe rot neihlrlr II III Vllrr Terminal TORONTO 0P Air OI sds IlId III tut sth It or terns bunny when it moved into the new Termlnsi It To ronto lnterrlstlenel Airport some difculties were OI netted berm msrrdseturer urvrsbte to supply merry dI attired sign to Iutde passes are to store Iross Ind the nuns Irsnsport rrtueed to provide the style Air chrlsds lied to Ilerl rrwierltie to the ehtnre oi ternstrsels AI Ilrilne oilirlIl slid the nliolttey IIer to losIIIlItlon oi In illunhlIted Air Cornelia slrn in the outside at the ters thinsi on the pounds Ilsst II wss Idvertlctn not milled other IirliIIttl JZAN OWL Honorary Member MONTREAL tau Meyer Jen Drew oi tsntrest us seleetod hneorsty member oi the Censdisn lltyrrwie Aero letters loos II the mount motley hero drrtne the week The motto Ilse eterted tires new adhere to Its cues in willie rotstnlns most oi the Incumbent editors The horiyeleeted executives Burl Goodwin Toronto vteeoresident Widltr tuner Im Sum Toronto eicepresl dent tedrnicsi Ind ltemond inner hiohtresl treasurer Goodwin it the held oi WC sooril Ind 11me is president bl Blue Bonnets tierewa In llotreIL Pension Changes lATIlAM Out All returns ItiIIre stressed the tedersl government Sunday with node its responsibility try IIlliny to implemerlt immet Ito usqu In the berte rste lor xetersrrs under the Pension Ad With to tho Itoon Ceres dirrl In onr District enn vention Antilles the dc psrtenents lenders distrirt db rector said tool Ikhryrm re port strewn up Nov son had received msnimoee support Irorn Ibo psrllsmenssrry rom srlltlee on wetersos II it Ilorheen we try ismth lss Wage Increase Nlilhlio UPI OnisrloI 5000 hrietdIyerI Ind Illled tilt deletes retitled now spree rrleet saturdsy which provides tor were lncreuo oi Ohio In hour speesd over three yeIrI Highway Cut Oil YIIAWII Pi lilsbwsr l1 between Morltreel IM ottsws her cell ri by lIndIiidI Outeres Provlrlcisl Police sum dny ordereds section II the hlrhwsy the main roId be tween the two entree cloud betwesn Amberlsrld Ind Beck ettI Oeeh while depIrtrnIlli oi It It the department oi Province hill sees k1 sad correct the problem ha been rolled one Sterile detour the prrthnmesborlmilee emotion Best Play ilwerd NORTH BAY Out Ilossh Ollierlsis Ind Vocationsl School sl Ssull bu ItIriI won the best oils Iesrd MurdIr In the Northern Deisrlo coheslsle Drum Testivsl Voluntary Code NW colon ends let on the lint nI bed uses at rsnliItten tor the toad laan rsu so lured anl ps1 torus It eerreoonies bore heturdsy cooler oi the rude were pre Iented to tedersl reviseisl rod mutton pour ssh ol iklete It boobeon by Isrnee nedteo Itertsurllnt Atrocistton 0W Hemophiliac Heed HAW Ont Pi bin IIP Ordih oi Toronto wss elected president oi the no isrio d1 ol the 0anle Hemophilse hoelety Intruder It the University bl Wsterloo Ottawa Otters WHOM 17 The led erIi government wIs stund Sdey by rnerrstoer oi the hr iIrle ryirlnllre oi nllerlny up resilstlc rornpeesslton to ess oi property being proprlsted for new sirport steer Pickering misuse oi Witllsrn Nowrrlsn Home Iin coneewsths menbrr Ior ontwrio Sordh Iold OliszI ol lets to some tenderness her versed Irorn since to woo erl sere Ontsrlo he slid bu ottered gain minkde ladllrldltn or em wirldr will be developed our the Iirport dentures presided with the ethics III hints in scorers l0 DUNLOP 51 oiloltrte president oi the CI is NDP lliraidi OTTAWA Gt Sun Knowles New Densoastte Pull Rolls More in the Com most In dulled In Illeysiion lherhiesutsustrstnatsho posubto ontnorrle cl mother ted erII election tie us noisier In esosttst on tho OIV prernm Question Period isoed Misy or bind rut Sundly it III In ested bet the sun Wit or tho nrinoriiy Uterei III be urwo tho NW stilt Ll uid It In election new or st Inr Who In the reueolriy our to Lesbian ilise llLLIIIIION Out The womens liberation moro nsan rvllld esrrre sn lecture to the number oi ledstsnr Dr Melville Vincent swims Ind Imieedrrsi ol the limited Girlie in Guelph Ont gs hpeei It the weekend ills Line Interostlonsi convention Dr Vincent ssid tbst worrlene iibersilon doirItiI Irom Ihe witty Ind the Imorn el Iii retrier spend with their deuebirrs ilo slid this my result In Ire end not held Ibis to Iden lily with pen wesrsen Lung lancer hiss W0 Reports oi Inereeses In lan esneer Ind ll bestosis resulting irons liosllu nebulo psrtidrs srs ersuer BARRIE DENTURE CLINIC olsncr so the rustle cusreul unwruwss OREPAIRS AND RELINES on our eserndiileul nsonerblcls seersnirs II III nee Oneyen wsmsiy Is to Idlnstnrrrris or III III dentesrr OFULL AND PARTIAL DENTURES Nl ehsm lor eonsuiisttotls OMrmhers ol the Drstneiri heelelr Ii Onisrls AI Iemdlied memhrrl our theme or srnlm rowlnrm estIhlLIlItd by TNT iIldITUll OTTICI IIOUilli hisndsy to TridIy It to Illi lIlnrdsy 10 min to elm PHONE 705 7164121 OPPOSITE QUEENS HOTEL Tax Holiday End morn sts better their tenths NOTICE MARINA ntsnI 303 Dunlep Street West opplleeiloMoitbr this date Applications Ier loosing oi boot sllps oi the City oi Bessie Municipal Marina may be mode It the Public Works Doport Leoslng oi boot slips II reserved for residents oi the City oi iierrle until Tuesday May lSIh 1973 Nonresidents may make Further Information may be obtained or the Public Works Department 7182447 NEIL FOX CET Public Works Superintendent Mill bulb IN iibduhln slurs minisqu Mimi obest mouthnntdneroeord wusoiubecteelrm Ls reinunieuibeyhsse In Industry modeled with Isbestoltorsptotoesed period onosnlsrlllcr sons our its WOW NIdII edlrstim minute bIturAly Wind the indent manual sh end the Imus ten new Ansdal nd is ii men rueva seem MAY lsr GlilHillE HALL snostwsv llAr cotter ma PM ADMI$SION $00 $2M JACKPOTI rLus ls cssw mm The kth be instill TIM estion tor It in run no he slid when Osnsds he lescber shelters but thIt Iliib Itlm no loerer run If youre thinking of trading your cor we should tails Weve been involved in nancing cars for long tlme We know that interest rates vary from lender to lender So it is in your best interest to givestigato before you borrow Come in and talk us We can putltogethel lonn that suit you with outgettlng you in over your head We can even talk nboutone type oflonnthnt gives you the lull price of your car Even if youre not customer We sny this because we know helping you is the best way to mnke you one Come on in Andieis talk osrs lThe FIrstCanadIan Bank BankofMontreal smeara