Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Apr 1973, p. 6

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Couple Wed At Brentvuood To Live At SaultSte Marie gamer Iad bio millrllzooiyti modalitll the at me ortlg hf Illr oi or her It new item part min and he Ugmmuidmmnwkl lial Vi M4 chill It It Tia hritiomotia 51 mm Door oi protocol and in Rio lineup oi out so were little on liaotlrrl Lu meta 6W WITI Allie om wl my tea the Itieodaou earl brag matching tutorial ta they mod bohemian eIroa bebya breath but one Ill thar Ion Ottawa Ulholl ITIIrIDHh Patter Toronto hmtha Intel bridegroom neuron or mum to II to reception held In the itlta till to mother oi ml roomlibeorrry Dar An tandem hate mm prelim thall been Null immanenlllttmli mlo to Ann We hebyitling tho beat at my IhIity Hi with all lite rre gr toeecIJeao What ml they iii Nam oowuorotm Giveotnroarri oby blr IolihD tonal In no An mirror Recently pl pa or taller comwlpTrllat lrh madario ooiiar long UNICEPColdo riottoluh min Itlorlel aw louder tilItI Iordo hm od done to Ionlo tar are honour tiara to my will and Id ltllI to know ml to do abet It On New Yeara Eva mryhody note it they line up to in advance mooted and brood othera iro minqu More our motto out in but on the room cIoI There tineooied Spring Footwear Designs Prove Fashions Is Flexible Iota Ilavalioo to little them look rtgti tom are real inIuIIiolI ood rolniortlbia to wear too More In tooling over the OIoIdiIn tom Mention In to on have tightened Iod bridl out to too oi room toner mollntwraltatpoodw noodvitdo tbowiog no Iiple oi creniog with tho Androm Ing generation thl moi cummer 1m TINIIINII ham cbulateme oi wild tiar lot lidMine pieiiume and log limo it you tore ihll mrineu in to refilled and hell Ietlahod loci ood corra option will be literally polite mien th oil the ITEM at term to that II undermrlng Ill Ital Ittloueilos be it Matt photiorm Amelg elog or the more ll elII ter lllil Iealon will tea the atom MdahmMIm midl on more iemloloe laola Mend to go with rIIIlic doom and lultl warm deaorrdnllor to all the inhloo excitement ll tile nod Imunrr Cloadtao thou taboo In mid utel oi the olollorlp All are ricotta will be weat new tool to the eluded ll ii who to ping Wiimn ohorl ileum around Ildru loll irierert to tho 1m gm Plaliorrn IIodIIo high boot oovmrtge rletiotml Iro multimillion mating the There Ipoctotor pumpl and nodal are by Donny Stew art loe new unit boi For th young glamour to be wearing mill or mp neat but to later Ipedlldt toota on more remloloe Ill bettbelltomioot oil hand arid moved Into new drinour II the bottle the The omltn oighta wort TM Iorrll people conceited me out Iaot Saturday at out pro too lIll to late Ill othIr toll Tonight not con rrtiod liter arrived It tho Jooeuo The tlr didnt trot well In tho ml leton him liaep She didnt telephone ury Iler bootuoo one didnt reailra Ihoi lime Il oral Neither oi there women all loud to pay Ina withing II ihii lIirl IthIt woul you dol Jilly Dear Delyr havent needed litre IIIobtll would rer tailliy II girl at not hall at the projected nlghto pay Thin precedent rhotlid have been retainIhod when you no cepied your iillt lilting Job Now ruggatt lhIt you have talk Itillt Iarll at your mirror era and tell them at the new IttIogernlni IJLENCE IAII MORE Dear Aon Landon liy Titll homo hiy retain rent or very Itlroet taverntype WI clack WI it over the mantle lteot In Illler to quilo Iomo lirno tint II good letter Your empathy Ileneh IIDIJ tailed or llor Proot too it that the might too eerthv ttorolpoolite two who hio plvor this ion lIol tall what IhlIi tor that girl aha doelet get lune help The Irlgid womIn who roar rleI an orlot mm to to lot Iomo ho IlIr hulbaod poo men by It log away iran home or too much or he wilhhotda money and II no lo the childrlo Ha rIAlIIo eouoletitng hleaurl III her problem ii mod title woman aho Ital been then let me tell you am there right now But im gelling rounretilng and It II lav Ing nly unity and math Il polltbio tor lrlo lottle my arm in logalher lily only regret II lhni didnt get ploillllotloi help Iltmi yeIrI agoEire lieTuned Ia and lympIIhriio To leui litter Dell Tualdt Thank yon tor romeo through and your advice ounotllra recrellion Il tound Chillrroa Food ior ita Chrltimu Itear eetlog tardl gone inIo Illa year darn retort eIId bulinell lint ICEF rInae ilhea er lot or upon mm UNICEF United Brochurer otierlng posit Diltl tor Ill toning heapb education and weiorr Unlike the tail teieeiloll the Ill normat lorround clrdl troll Toronto Iiioello onI and and eaten Service Extended atloal booo Noel eoiorlui halty nolro allotted greeting card and ml hero rent to lboloenda on hotloohotdo Icroll Caogdl The collection contain two comp leteiy new aiditlonl to the UN nrdt all Yeor cords Theta llItIttLiE dettrnt by the lemon Cope Dorlrt Eskimo and hiIlIIlo college at holes have curled bouquet oi while no UNICEF cords eome Irom around the world and proceeds Irorll their htle Iaiohepdldreointe one my Mcquudwm 1y bridorroom woo bl obtainable only by null order hill color hroehuree can be ohiollled without rharte by to UNICEF Chloe Glolsos some day oleovel and la Alina Itlrt we toe queo go bloced the Itilt me liqu and and poem utmod the high eotlol The brideo oboeloom veil ri oyloo tulle embratlored Illh Iced penrlr all held by on em broidered tree tilI the bride nationo rod bliI blelth can trod by alum orchid Bridal Itleodloto were thrry Pailellon Iorooio Itlter oi the bridrgroorrl matron oi bonnet Linda their Oltviite Rosana IiIIloll De Deboth Bea lIriuorniiIa Arholar Debra hreoivvod ere bridelml bride itll Junior hrldelmald lol other The mltroool boot and ion Including retell George litter or the torbrldesrrtald warp gownt otyi HIM Ililltr Hit me Ian at lmtl int elemental by to orchid mo th bddegmno clean long on or cbliioo otor talielI lith urellorleo and athletic lore For wetting trip in are IIia Ind Now to bride travelled to on white gm with who larlel Ind manta orrhid IllQ lirlndltrlllOla ride at IJI Woodward Elllit bio ltlrie notorio Gueoil ll thl wetting iroot Arrlnul Oiin on Toronto Barrio armor mm out New INIII TAIDEI IET the Canadian Opera rinyo It lundrairiog THE BIG TOP SALE oi Quail Furniture Continual at it Elylilid Above Eiooilr China Shop linolle GALORE SAVE ON CHESTERPIELD SETS papa It all In to mung ll III together tote leg one dimer and longer Photenlyl and mill uIl iorhl Iinttlorloi to be MIR tool ailhtt weildrernd worn mm Rhmhzym It plow only am oi Ilero III iew polidiom mm um PP WWU In lootwell tum been ml1 oeedoraoter IIieIinII oilo ammo hip piatiomla or at mm we ronletroorary mm wodm Iro the ideal paot mm my WP It gmWINm Wm witle tor ohm wool TlilAJtIIJE axltttmenrnuoanllr truth tell landlil or tier or ponll Ini smarumuhw UR ISNING COLLIER AND CLAPPERTON hlgilhlelod rim with the tip Parents lee Foster Here hoot look all am In many opprellionr by Skier and other well known maItIrI PRICED FROM my Photorvlll IOOO WIIthloilhIRIHTTnlgNNININImHihgIlphlt OPTICAL the totaled ehoo clalrlrI COSTS ARE MINIMAL No Fancy EunMent Needed OPEN DAILV PlOO illIainIsananaIInuIIIaIu SHOPPERS TAKING CARE Mn SHOPPERS DRUG MART PRESCRIPTIONS EUNDAY IllOO AM TO 500 PM WELLINGTON ST When WineMelting to Hobby EASKAIOON lcli Ilmnl winemaltla to not In erpao Iive hot Iayl Laura atom lood opeetaitat with tho iloivorltty oi Euitllehe wan uteollon divllion it rode about It or root relic min concentrIle ball and It gallon when oraoo glihur ettd truit Ella Ham who eoordtooted lilo winemating room oiilred by thl univer lily Onpel trail apples polo ioeo parent italitaloou her lite and oterherriel may Iii bl tiled Tile ehoteo oi inltt dependl on tha denim oi iha homl winemaker Eutpmeot needa Irl mini on You can till anything irool tar piaatio garbag ean to an ulntnum vat biort olplrtoneed winematort rec moment lite on oi dro mltar gIaII lube thIl ita title thermometer It leilt the winemaker ti tho tour eootent oi tho wine at varlwo Itang oi brewing II correct Date Alton owner at Wett Iell Winemaitlng Euppiiu Midi People make wine be came they enjoy relaxing with beverage it com tell Add the call oonlrollho prod ltail go ginto II CUTI OUI ONE EIAOE Ilr Aoiooo company llII dovetoped choItoeiterry eon oerlirlo but too then who want the wire without till picking inbor Ihe iirm II de toning carbqnollng ma chine Itmliar to the once mod to the toil drlnir tnduliry that would remove the need the Ioeoeld ierlnontatlonwhich motor the lpllklini quality to oomo winea In thoro Irna II II Important to Iteep all equipment Iertlpuiotlliy clean and to Itertiilo tho vat beioro ulo lltr Arton Ioid hrat It not oacerlary ior Iteritiloiloo You ran tree raid Iterl tani well at Indium or polar ran be purrhued in ilbletl and graded Ior till per gallon quantity oi val Ii Iterttiralioo It not done properly and thl wtoo lI not kept coveted during brewing minoerganltm that too vent the atonhol to tinegar run our the troll and opoil that NEW FIOS ly IN WANTw it r4 Ilrl ilerioo Gotta and then oi OIillla wore Ami to note ti Iir ond lilo lime Anne and WA Vie tioel It the amend oi April it enh tire tzm Im Included tie rvi tilt in Genie oi AJllll at bit lzi lilo ioho WiiIA eta bum ll Member ol Illka attended terllryvenblglioo to it per United Mo IInioy and Larry than have completed their you It lbr Univelltty oi Guelph Ii 15 IIIATP Ihrw oI III Ciub Not the hiamoeden mot Alli it It tho homo oi Janet an ion Ilrll mode nature prlnta iutin ierrIl linoleum pttoil and origin on Iablio IIIo pilno tor Achievement lioy It Itineling Saturday lily lz AM TO TIME PM DRUO MART alum mtiIbiIuiphilr arid there my or taller ior Iurtter Ind maoy them are bein tone to telo bold Inierprotlt ol anti on bail Ioett platiorml than twee are deliglteti lot tit Wr who 1a rltt wlyotn to drool who will he wetting riIIIIo Itirll etlllo ItltriwIIot dreuel or rmllliy tailored panteuitr mm boron while II the bit oboe color tor thl coming ooltoo teen Er tom or in colrhinaiioo with outer colon Other toneI in the rum lro their tInI navy tho paIlItI thl neolroia my and bone tied to now ooordoled neutral that color harmonizing with my tool SALE APRIL i7ih EACH iTlM IIIACNE DAWN 0P CANADIAN To Over 300 Children PRINCE RUPERT ac me lit and till Ben ouniitle hallo olt htd their with do In phi em the not lie Irl hallo pal roll at the Prince Wit lie cetviox limit ilciitty or younuall between homer in NI DIIiMPIIIEi Erttiatl Coi umbII oily III and Mia II the ehii dlen eIII than teed ctolha littl care lor the milden lentil thtl relum to their butt parentl In tome caaee Ira loot to In wovor tor adoption WI NCREA$ED OUR SUPPLY FOR FRIDAYS CLOTHING 9100 AM SHARP so IIiIItTIi EWIATERE MIME OIRDLIEE AND EWUEEE NEW DEED AND DIECONIINURD LTNRE BARRIE SECOND HAND STORE 55 DUNLOP WEST lid bed ward tor trio and too The recalling helm loohtdll ioorhod ward tor boyo laur Imrll rode rooml uled tor Ibo extomeiy young or ailing cilib dreo ntrr thinltiio IrI her too hunt to ounmt cooit and ad mit with Iupliol that aid loll Ilrn more oi him in the tart eight onrI than many oltpel Ieooiolelt other Ida iottmo Illosilt thl homework II III til getl tired at boot lng lira Ooitiie itiue over or 440 Mom CANADAS LAROIST AND RESTKNOWN RECORD STORE lltrs EItlUllDAY APRIL Int ONLYYOUR coolerVOL on VOL 11 BE GREATEST the iIllndry loom Mlss IIT THIS ITIME not OSMOND AIItE room it notional IIIIINI DEIIET Ihhlu licM Wh in InltthIlNemtillh thirteen We wintreo iirirrtili luliwhoileno Mottono it Nodand no 349 titlinullllluaol till the we Clteolld Illum tlti349l or tuition lllllliit uruutou out thlaloiltPIP1 illegalinmwm WNWm MMnlmmwl ldollnnd7motl dow Gildiliplp dultondlmou Ariana AIEAMI Niotondlmm Will 99 Ill olllt Oil 99 MN id pt ill RECORDING TAP WOO Iii hll Aroloio IIW roll Myelt itiilll N0 DIAMOND RIIDIIS Unrondtlianaily poorenlud Ioloneyool AI dont 0an Auburn oll opoinion Soml head so ouwror BARRIE non rune weo ea THURSFRI99

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