Area Growth Impress nrsrrrrcr NEWS aCouple From Hockley rut Merrill mum tumult Inn it my i1 oi Sam carat remember malleable oer bomb led Mil err mummiuzon listen Shows Are Planned ftitiiwnimififiniimii eihmiiiiiih By Horticultural Society ttxtrreturntremrmoleeloueeilllhenrutmi NIIWitnlllmlu Ihiilh ml Viiq lhI litany he married Marnie up It ore is ter rt It II Well Iiih OBrien Ilrret Onto my MM tilled nu l5 rotor It There ixth to be milli rm Ix be tax time bended by htrl Phillie Ch lire heel Ming blur tor rpnoz not warm then The mop Ibo will be ALLIFION lStIlit Million limiteullurrl Salrly Ihirh tr Min tor deteriter to the District in metro ntieh ii to be held til llreulrmtt Bum Beeton Cei Ilid include lodelies It Burr ltdmlle brindle lid Gnterbt end Im Saint III it In Same W4 Sortetien in Storm Commit be rendv Sotietier In Some Cotme be Ilka trim retort rm erINedeteoomml Blrnl um we prised throtm tell no IIld til Weill Ibo it tell pro It the Ontmule Nurse III rlili be drdtit hm lime to met the In tiirnr nil Ind munry rte mm lbu trip but burner to it so later he in ed the finely BI there but been In bowler ltrtxttoe Irwad Iloetrley tr llii Ii elsehere in tdtrlI tmrbin Millie the brittle Itel Ilrltlr Ibo going Ihewd DISTRICT blilEiS In IIIdllorr to Georgia Coteee III llie mentioned to both itr the rut IIlr the manure lulled Milk Im our the border nth Men Dainty Noelle is ended lbw 9mm him that ELM OT ELIVMI Md mm thltrtI no Wednesdry Oct nLuvrtue tSiIiit lletore 8an Nutter till bun reteived the immd Wt mu WM Irt Er ml tiled It minder Int Warhwhnee Milli Mimi 05 dim0m mmk Iii tittetiriilynlmwg he beetrnr heId oi the mil admtwtlanndm Bary tIi renrtuttxutrhznestiyoermro mm mm at the rim Iened nine on It only on mu Ind Prldry June 1i Int 31 Atltili Orrlord oi Dre SlI twm mm There Ire no 21 Willi tion It the district dimiol Inn mm tom ruurx primal this inninhl dxtlmt htit lire Dons Seoll ol llldlIrid no 0mg limit intro rht mu tend wt to WI Mn lee Diren it Sinner up 71 mu nnu bridle om tht nut ltslenl diredorr llrl tilrbIrI mm tenure River on the an LirrI Stoddrrt til shorty Bey ii the my my More oi Eur III oiltetrtly opened district rmetrry Ind Ilrsrlird 0mm well on tednesdry August It rm elinetlnhsun oi ntiitnn diluiti Wm puttitf by Gordon Carton 06 it Creomore Skaters treasurer ti ll it 5de 61 it it Mits petnin 01 $2 tiiuuitbtleyddetzu Metro 1974 Plans moiety Lt till Itllae ltniigiwttgtgtvmgp ctnn nn Alllslotl rmlygggnmyy afrmermn one All 30 Tho Am lloetlatturll So nettle it thexpnoerorl or LOWELL 6m mm BitNHL HOCKEYIST PLAYS GOLF Iii 0R0 mm mu mu uh tittylrbertieti by the lllrll tttetprltty in mile rl IrrI Th mm mm mumum Itlenlim to roll tie it then In liar lielionntirh bile mam my mum pt Ill thin in irlendl Terry mu hIlIi ti hing Street with lire tJrInrettllr ml in IIIIM mliii ItSlnieoeside ottrryr mot Ermine Purlotk Ib9 l2 Writ oi Wbilll Street lorrrwr IeturlI ilrrbatr me if tritium to 0m horn tell to rtrhl teeretlri mm mm mm ttiyr ho by ex Play 5W0 mittl it The ttretnn ttorlieullurll Soe interest htihetn helpline ntIny id it my winter Imourtled tot1 rtr ll headed by lire tirrild union to orrntmlle Ind http mm Ind nittrh rnltiuslrtrn was Wm dummm Dlmmwlr rhtlrrnn tor the Tllbithlllri rebuilt11 Picks Delegates mm mm mum lonr present liltiiTili tee rink Forced Farm Tax Move STlYNEll StIIII llrl is im tteepresldrnl tor the Director no le Brmhrwxh Ieurt howbothurn Judy Writer Vmonrgizrlyimrommzd we IyDtlPllllNAtlDllPr ifrrtulrmntnilhwldluh lttptttnthrtmnmteth Northbroolr COW WW uterine Irmeru tort lipll lttnbrtt Ht WW Ir toil Jr more Wins Celtlilcaie nerltontrnrlnililute whirh will bridle oi New melt letend tanner NllL hoelryp er Ind lIler earth oi lirrrtt teams Jreh Dru luvnl lrom leit hIr turned his mlirl rpott All irntIlele new MI SEEM rllorrruuei LET TIMI will Mmm SOUNDER rr rm roe Lm commit rrlow rm gnu Twit Th ntht la tht Ill li wit it it nirrlhrhiiuu liltiiiii out new rt it rrtrienn iiiirliiiifiniiiiuiifmh liliiitiiliilttii timbre it Willi it tit iii itth in We it be intnu in Turner lumped llrrnerlloltryonthetondlbti lglgltgtmtgmhptm per uni blurrin mugumnatuymlltg up nntt IIid he nor rein to produce the Irritrltttlri do hcrgwlgyoedrllillsrwinma Mm mpmmuv rmeml his own bill Int rllolr pulment rend Inltl Iroqu mmmwumlga pump up mm M7 mum FTli it till tlrrnl reutrrer my nhlte he woe uvtntt in new Tnii nil lhlr meant the eriitttlllltitlrottmomdt tItltlltttHMperren tImtly tltthwt entitlil rlttu mun item the government tn Iuotrtol ilieiioet Ind mint mm clue titran oi in mm Mm trx lhlr will be oi one help IItbuitmetJilhleIlilliohe tum the rent or milk no not per chart the thes Curutnn nndmdetldntnupnrtlcuintlrii cornerlpruhtemlndlndividuul cenllurini wilhliretttttlrrygii tore mind it lutnvto minted mm it when iuullltlhdf mtmutenntenrmeunm tritth 0mm itn Wood on In llmlty term but run or room tttpervttloo become produced min pounds at lnri llvr Ilrruire were no PWtmim rt dliilclliir The retention lerornl pnlttlnl Iudttori ihile tin it BEST ltLmE Robyn Wilton tiuth blottluiim it ml 51 hm ml loo horr permr or to theep it It hut doubtd It the lamb WWW it be routine lhI brrnrhrl renn illepresidenl lire ll Artie oi most eeurrle wide in whether at cm err Thornton hId wooded Lie itrttititre itth hurt been destroyed by llrr it It Interesting to note how What or to ertlle perlyrnr in ii kept in brerdtnr Ire N0lillllllt00h lStIitt It iatimihihiii iilncri uh cm iud is it pnrebrrtlllohlrln cow in the herd rum mmt 3mg mm men to rooted or not ti Dormitlon without beln de reltobcrnirlet pate onlyI The gigWilli glam niteer hatiDIIThWI hstrtntrtinmenrlrulttttlellto tenrd on the lioor oi the time riurn ri they no tie it itll gt It Iirrcritrd nollre til the if has to be rotted ii the iInitly my mt produwlioll pertillldlo Jim mhh mm mm DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC CUSTOM DENTURES ill Priltrmertl rho other ulphr would require rood dell til it our rt titdlnltidhi illniililiittlltitiltl lihiiilit to tcmhmhhtt th it that whtehtitttt but to tilt llrr 1mm me lltlrny ii the IllernIlI dil renter iood rttpply any milklnu horthbrooli New um rm OREPAIRS AND ItELtNES dm entitleIt IIrIIyllel nrrulrr II III IrItnreI provided oeryen unruly Ir tr ululirrutr II III III Mlbml OFULL AND PARTIAL DENTURES ONI them ier eIIlIliIllInl Ohllwndmwmmod It Ieerrdlled memhm our rhurel ler rerrleer eentnrrir Ilth the ethirII ire Irhettuir ettIlillrhei by Til DINTUtta in were CHEESE BARREL NOW OPEN Selection oi rheeier lroln Aurtrtr Sutherland trIriee Germany Den rnrrl nlrnd ltrly llol lInd Us EnrlInd CI nrdr Norwryr ll CLAPIEIITON return it Prlnllt milk Ind red pound nl received rupulpr produrtlott eer ilitnatei tor holh lei dryr Ind all titty liinlti Johntloit Is in mm at moi ttllone Stiyner Womenl institute Ill bolt tor the dirtrlrl meetinl tIrt year when llrr Dnnild Itennesry oL nuntroen wnr eluted pmiv denillrr ttennessy will be pre rldine It the ermine dlilrlet meeltnr It New Lowell Mel llrllrr Coutll oi Stryner COIItINIIWOOD tSiIiii unl Ilrmt hum Ind men ningw ditty it mm ttuh hnt nun rel or written lJStlll lrlillnd titeuteri lily June 1m with eerlnst Gortull Hill Dr Colon to in rtitrue winnlnx the Derby June it pl the notary event The club lion Attthorltylhorrlervolr pond Wrapped in it to trout it lol hrr tonrttlrrrhtn community Ind toircre routerrrtlou IroI liter lhorolt won the little llt proprnrn lneltttltnrlheprrk pro here wet oilirlrlly opened or bind irinl rtrlter ltterdry lie tort on ht Lnntentp Street August ill 1969 by Grow new the timid me by inur Itourlei Cnrhithley Ie the new Kerr then Quintin enerry Ind itiiltiill or owner Girl id prrrttlvnl oi the lion with Elli NIJIINP rnuurdor Former PI Wrilnn iorrner Toronto Ilillllntitrprttltlent lillttlrotr ii deputy retire tinsel Smith dent rndpreildenlplllttw torture The immediate piiit wttxtheirmenlorlheeeremoni Writott it litilililtll ocititiii by uniherinl or 115 eeonnrtttrtr point out oi the turn ily iltmt is neeeretty not only truth the economic tllridpolnt but trout the lInlily ehildren Ind pnrenlr who work toxether ttnll becomin much rloier toxether than when the live in Roiaiians Active tlly Ind come undert rum tinnttfrtrtttttttw bInriitt tnutt Ht Collyngwood ruler oi our downtown um thtltttnein to nurturelunar Broad Renews erril Co ltol Slim Changes In Tax in be put iihererr In It rlow urbIn prowth IreI It mlrht en thrmllh reterrt penrrntloni he tore that lortrt bar to be told ElIItldi ltliSINtibS Nil nlro wnndtrlnl about lite lmlll bullpen where the other hot xtttrlett it it there my rea lon vhy thn inthrr lhould not leave his hurlnerl to his tool or ltttnliy without eepllnl enlnr int llolh the tumor and the trnrlt twillnlrrrnnn roluhl hour been ptonlnp tutti everlltllnu In to lhnt hurtnoir and letter Ill doesnt the lnlliltttnttry inrtor hole trrmrndnur intluenre tilt orrltn about gt ltlttndry to hilly II to In murder it or to pill l0 DUNLOP ST PHONE 10517164721 Torin let chariot duller OPPOSITE QUEENS HOTEL with rapttnl prior Irid lnbtttv tince trier Ire dimirod by Dr it it niiirrd llP North slrneoe member in hit him report trorrt Prrlllrnoltt tilil The Conrervrtlio member eredtlr the Oppoiition tor brin ging Ibottl III Imendmetit to lie iederri eepllIl rttnr lot but whlih when lmor to lrlniler his property under certain eondllionr in hit irnl lly without ropitIl reins llx ttr timid Ltti itswtsiti lrx petition or iilmliv busin eitel and other chrnlttlr ill ettrwttLtcm in his tepott to Nmiilllcltilr liTOIIA MM BITE tllotih tSlItlt built by the Npllnwrrrrr Illey Coluenr incurred trim Theprarlnvinlrovertttttrnlnttw preform wiping out ltteteidon dtilnirin Iirrmereeilttlrlhnt it it the hurt it hold by the STARTS FRiDAY ttlirtr rlililitittit IiIl Iill in lilittuu itit illtltili it lllillhtr liltlllih Itirliiirti it tiril itt tlttt etiitiulii litiitlttl tltti llllltiil ll iili ttl titti Utilir 50ml lli lItIItL lintl IilI Ithl littltt it with elttttltltlttn Illithlltlliti itttit llitli or it til itll tlietl Ittilltri Summit and roittttr DiIllullltl1 litoltolttittttttvttrltth Mimi titiiii in iuroelrltttl liiliiil lltntthi In out unlnrlo nppeurr to he rtetl It in in male pond on this rlplo mrnt lit the ruin til ml per yenr helunlli uovrrnrnonlr rrl rammed about keeping thi lurrn uolnu they know very well no import over it billion in Iprieiltlttrll protlitm per yrlr Ind Iron million oi herh or iro no meat end they lilo tutor only per cent til popitlition We it enlltltti tn inrminr All low III or rovernrnrnt are well were nl enllophtr nrhnn growth Ind 1llli depoptrintion they know that nettrly every inrlner with at lrmlly lI movlnl Into the urhnrt nreni roniilrtn houin to live in not lob hinttitlel keep remtntttnl til lhit we here over 600000 peopl ilttnmnloycti in there when ttreli llnw nirny hi there tellemploy Siiellurtetl ilLl husbands sun to ltilllliii iiilt ultimate slut lrmily tor zi yearn eticooislon cereinn duller ott rmnlt ienilly bultnriitr in the lame ltrhlonl duller Ire torpten Why ihuttld it you recall llr tlcnion lilti edlhrtwhrrtenpitelurlnielme Hilldewanltlt itlbliiiillilitllll Irwarmtmmmmnmuno MNW MIMMIICWUI long MHABAPEI WU Amuuml WW WHEN TIM GETS MAD ed will no on to tho unemploy mrnt nillr ur it not thorn their llmlllnlt There ere eeotloniiir whn be lieve the llrttily trim Ihnuld get more then 50 her cell rehnlr on into In promlled by John White In Ontario Ind thnt the Windy In ttlitry I130 in In Silurdry ale In It 030 pm trd Ll window Menttpm liohrll IE to 0750 her 00 Iltuhl MuNW bow Oihel Iillllll Group Ordelr MEWS Iv STANLEY GETS DEADLil mammothtr munurn It It In Mummers wrw ELE Itlllhl Ititl KID iltliii tramu ItIollnIWMmrelbm ltlalamtyallair tmtttl Ihtrhtrbtii 51 lulu1 nominaterum WAN munnineteen yttllMVlllIm XIIIHIIWHMMWI mfemrwrnmnmr not DOUBLE 0inle mmtumult IbISrnootthiislw nourwnsnurti mwmt