rrrtag their worktop hour llut the uteri Indicatrd he late no notion to modin outta hairs Gas Pric ll DON OlllAllN uarrla luk llama at The Bunker it appear that tor tome tiara um will be nmntrg realm reyay and In Inumaul one om gnomes In prim oi Al utter ya AI tau early staga telly Al bllII IN Orlario hatI been In the argument not the federal pummel may glad he drm And beiora titer II any mol allau there eouid be challenger re many M49 ud perhaps mtrlllrxal angle mm the expellch lo dale debald could tell be centur Ihd emlutlag Otto In Iwhich the petite lied it hard to yet oi the tarts For Already thtre have been number oi pelhtt oi numndcn motion at the Issues Points serious enorgh that they rhotld obabiy he otratrttmd out be tn they act more rerloua ALBERTA llElENLt Oaa oi three points II that Alberta Isnt Ill tat much Li I3 bad troll II II hIs appear to be May Close Tail following Survey PONTIAC htith AP The Inland County ahtrltt am he may eioee the tail mmmllrtrry liter may revealed depu lid reentry ttr prohtr any operating the lions during In tloiuiirrr at their counter Shertil Johannes Sperm laid the store operation rhich Ll sanctioned by the Oak leltd Board oi AudrlerI Ihro rrIIeth Is run by right tlrptlv Ito their oitduty horrrI Speech Ield ltndiart at to mey team released Monday concluded that drpullc may be Ietllul morthandsa to prisoner relate the yrltutelyvrrrrt salon until amth slutty Lt mutilated by another team at deptdtel Md 00th mutu no national Tburlru Dorri or the Canadian Opera Corrrpsoy will travel to tome at Ihele writers mind at room Ihor pearl taxab eed cl Alberta um Ltet bit he Intended to Immediately doubts tin prize at us tar nit amide LII home late and that all prteu trout be ruse ed at tea yrIr trierrah Lr stead oi lira yem at rm eel Tblr mammal tarrer received It an outright by Weed Ihl lahlng Idvarn ildin OTTAWA it heed Illh me la prim population the paltrstlaritr term has triumko decided It your pro red with building program John nurture arm mainland nld In In hper tteur Wedmday the motion Ill lIheo alter close Italy dared tint Irrdr thing It trriter to lamby euro and aghast merrily It littou will not be to top with the INA lla IrI no time Irame or wet minutes toe the program ahich be arid the renter elded on heluttant not re tort But he did it will larolra matter pr that mold be converted to other he Mhtbehmle blewhue while there were no trim to lrlmtale the elder tool do Paul our Montreal It oi war IIIIm tomtvube that circumstances errr ahltl tho renter bad no control coil one their temporary reuse III BraithIlIa Iald the led ll rrII prim population pimped startling per cent In year rrrli about the annual rise oi ubora lohl per rent that had held tor almost 25 yearl The Ialest ltzlllte available aborted that the tedrral prison population on April 10 ml prlroarre compared with ma endly your belosa NEW IllEND The deputy eormnlsrloarr Illd II It too early lor whether navr tread bra derr potd or to give preella retroor or the large corrtrrrrrrtltiet lo present to pet Iermaaeca thin union lion Tor conutbuory retract Ihlpbptlllllm petreaa at lttaysloo Ind SLAM hula tl lumhla But he Old have those lunch Debate Confusing tage at rituaiar la IHrb he tad Irene Iimmopdy lbco ns homer math rum to it Una thin Aim In recent yerrn IitrIyI he been depended at and at tor good her in rev enues lathe ID yem belora tam thesameeteeleutmnoer rental total revenues and tour time they were met to per cent hut last yru and the year be lora lhq Iell to per rent Prisons To Start Program ludm Ire treatlg to pub lie mm oler certain trim tor torture drux dime Itlh Iutitr rcottoecs la the old dIyIptirooerr tell lmtltulhtar II the end at their Ioniram Now NON ter oi realm It tened ou Iide prlioo Moder rupmteloa Those who violate the rero latlou at tile early release are teal back to prism to lho bond has clumped drum an parole la the taco ol tidal paella criticism do over earner whmitled by pa roieer and those on temporary Ibreoco lroot prison There Iran All letter paroleme lolIl oi totearmlrd tut yur than the year beiore Joli Null be becoming Lv more oakieatla uniting crim The KEVIN loot to the day when Marriott St Vlhmt de Paul and attoiualiy British penitentllty It New teturdaster can he retired to ltrricum stator titrpstort tree oerct corn ptrie restored alter riot dear aged route in 10 ll It used reatoutl receptor centre trom when recently eon vIeted triminala are dispatched to various maximum medium and minimum stately to Ititralorrs lt rho has pay eItiItrle rehlle llAlrlAN tIIlEVIS tlUlY MILAN AP Italian thtrm had In easy task in ending deserted Iparlmeoir durlna the loan Easter holiday Poilra reported Wednesday too at were mild In Milan during the tail tour rim or loIrI loot oi about 30000 Irr valuable good or rash Dot lbaa III as and oil rescues Ito beta eIlAIsted It In wt mtlar nit and It the tuna time exploration and detriment easily to the maize has been So the prmirxset prettier bl double chiral To rebuild hit revenue Dd to more tome drrlop meat retitlth oi the arm rd toeruse mil to to the pro ml ONTARIO Nor IELLIGEIENT the there has been on lot nd that We latrer hr the person ol Darcy litttrourh parliamentary only tool to harder Davis rupee tibia tor terry ht been bet Ilmrnlly tonInI the Increase 0a the record not an The toy rpeeeh on the liar III made by tittiequ In SIruLI en March And thII molt Ilv term teem red note turrrrlrrr assistant oated the raiidrt oi the Increase and to tart told tho Ii he were In the Alberta prtmiera position he probably would hm done the ram thine both hlrltroulh and Premier Dori kt mm with tetrahech hm however utod tor oone concession Their prime tear Is that the lecture will put Ontario manu IIetuterI It revere rornpelh tire dlnadtanlur with their Uh MGM One reason toe thirtth thlr is that arty Ia crease in the Alberta price would hit Ontario marten Immediat ly Is Alberta are to practlral the entire Ontario ply hhile In the US It It rmali portion oi the total Np ply and In Alberta larrerse would probably not boost the genenl rain much It tit all To oliret this Ontario has been Ishtar Alberta to do one at two tbiars Either to make let threeprior ayrlrm under ahirh gas tor U5 txoort would cost more than III or Ontario or to hold hark on the Increase In Ontario until there Is assurance that us maaulaeturerr will It to have to meet it ARCTIC GA PROBLEM Then IInIily there In one loop term butororrlding leer This II that eltullll AlberII lIs under the eonditona pro rated by toueheed will the castle meet the price at tile Kenllo delta gaa ThlI Arctic are will be very upemlvo an possibly to not or to rent and MCI Ia Italian propoerd 1t cent tor Alberta as under the present ruyrerted crease rm oi lhelto were reported othtr ltIIIarr cities trillion lor export to the U5 and Parents Receive Instruction on he pur In will tor Mt oi tiller Children Leave Hospital emu tori Parentl ws children Ito rotated into the Sick Childreor llor pitul hero antr treatment lor eetlotlatllnesre are betrrg Is Iutd with written lntlnrcttous ouhow toeare Iorthmr Dr Donald Stewart the her ItrlI medcul director at Im uiriory rervlm raid that an Irocnlerttis and troop atu may the tittenet tor whlh medical Mail are brute Itruatloar It was Ilmwirtlliy that killed IIvanrouihoti boy In February llo diedtrout dehy dratlorr alter doctor at the horplirl told the parent hmy to lreet the child and to rettno two day later roroaarl titty tubsequeally and that lack ol etear cont rmirtlealion between the doctor and patent contributed to the We death SKYLAB TEST IIEOLNS CAPE KENNEDY Fla AP uuneh erewa Wedaelday nIahtlbogan lengthy NW dorm rehearui In ItrtrI ma yor Irrl bolero the launchiay el llalbbllh rtqu nation loo pnrMay ll atop Saturn rocket The next day It pint lha Iahlulrooeuts mallet court Jr Paul Weill and Dr Jascph Kerwin are to ride Into moo uboard Saturn rocket link up with the Heller and remain aboard for 28 days Oliira worker III on cedar Ieulplure created up artist with Hunt downtown Vancouverr Grin villa Centre it oitm past ow ml pm In em lemplala the city tcehe than will he truerat territory and row entree item it will to to Ottawa AI hielleotlxh hlrruell IayI It as Alberta not to have it yes land In Edmonton OTTAWA IN PICTURE In the end it terms that to outletth Iorrto resolution at the problem will land In the lap oi the federal government There hnI been some tulle tlon that It should act out new ttonnl rnerry policy which would ordain there would he unllomr price Irma the country Alberta certainly doeant want this And thoutu lo the Illlal cntnch Unlulo might are II it really doesnt want it ether that the some prieelphy rrdpht be elevated to It plotter or nietcl Iron copper uranium or some ytl unditeovtrtd resource It yet there is little Indication ol robot the Hunt resolution might be One rugeerlltn by Mo licoth is that Ottawa mlpht subsidize ltlherln gas on the hurt ol plOIlthbI revenues trorn the Arrtle tee Whether something along IIII line It douo lt remain tor the Mart and undoubtedly great tier oI diameter and negollrs the to tell For now there II one rertrlrr point the prospect oi more ex pensive gas is very lmllottaut to Ontario Induotry To take Just two examples The petrochemical larlustry In the Sarnia areu consumer to per rent olall ludttstrtrl get used In the province The Industry rnyr it II ouch lerlur In Is cost that the proptntd Increase thraateru Its viability Then the pulp andpoper tn drutry which employI 100w to use per cent at the nduotrltl In consumed to Can edn This prime Ontario Indul try has been under moon and lurrcruiurt competition and her been bedcttllcd by tho upward trend In the Canadian dollar lllgher eott gas could be hard let it to absorb Onu aspect oi the overall quer Ilou that may not he really up demoed ts that Ontario In Ita loecnt hudyot put per cent III on at Quite pertinent how ever Is that lhtI will not Ipply to Industrial are It ttpnl alleet Ontarioa cum tttttr ptaltlon And It mixht I23 to lose mtllwtihll hylrcsr Merlin users CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY would be hardly reasonable to oduI priced with Arctic got whether it is finding an enjoyable Iulfrlling iobo comfortable home among peers ore sports car that lets you celebrate life In addition are no longer used around the house 2414 for Iriendly Ad Writer Shell help you word your ad tor the quickest results Want Ads earn additional money lot you by selling good items which So dont miss out on the extra cash Dial 728 Z4word ad for days only costs $792 on our special plan By IiIIing the needs of so many ditter lotoliaccs out people Want Ads put lot at smiles on lrkc the couple above and thats not bad business Shouldnt come as surprise to you that The Barrie ExominerWunt Ads hole people Otto Nettie Examiner otnssrrro nos