train sect and bend is insure the Ans in irons BOURDUP Detectives Hit With Eggs By Rochdole Residents it tin side is get tree Eaig isrsien Killed BROOKS Ale it lln Alta sisters were Iilled us the sprainmg mplaimd Marta mm Batu night tire miles out at this southern Iberia medially Killed were Petty in NI id and Pstrlde with Beverly and Forest Deity Tbs visors their son teensrd and the ecssspsnts oi the other car Gerry sod Ann Robinson oI unmisrtm Out storm James at Winsoth and MM Anderson at Wood till were taken to hosplisl Prisoners Caught GRAVENJIURST Ont it Three prisoners escaped from nearby bursa hock cor rectional rump dissing minor alsin Saturday nlphl but two later trusted thesauivss into rutberitlss iiichsel Alisa hlsubtlllln fl rsrnslnod It large Ollielsls did not release ills MIMI oi the other two prison GIL Merle II sdnslais trsJre diicer at it minimisesM security crop men were lswivcd In its dis turbines Some uttered bruises put there were or urieua ta urtes rmsruuonsv PM Visits Hawaii it Rum Hawaii sooner 31 Prints Minister lsssnau of Can Ida and his wile arrived here willows inisisre Friday let rowers vacation niudesu ls impeded to spend most olbls log ilnrmls lion ciuiunrsas ANIMAL improper Diet quaint Ont it University oi orient nitri ilpnlsl says dill major lactor iiilaw 50c aoodcstbidrsetohesrtsodslr csdslloa diseases in mm earls year Alannder said to weekend Interview writ dis btsitrt II diabetes nus slon socisiis will ms mitosis or the bones and sar pus gutrelntestlnsl problems can be linked to lsulty nutri lion Press Awards NEW YORK iAt IDA truss Press hub sensitised dny that its Annual mid Ibo has daily newspaper or re service reposilog lropa road will to to Obsrlotte Sat kl at The Girlsllas Science lie tor hiLrn Snitovrs Ionsier dried lbs Monitors Moscow bil rreau and now diplcrnstlc corre sp0ndent Io WIshlogtnis wen tise award Ior hei till Ieries INITI Moscow rallied Letters to President Risen She will be among is Journal is receiving the awards It diarrhera onlgbl li Cutting Trees VARSIW Merl Dills trials at bids central Polands sig isnille city have warned hit some convicted oi cutting town trees more than 50 reels rtld will be lined to Rm neural Euler rssessIgs Sundry EasierMessago VATICAN IVY lAPl Pope Paul lands an appeals in his tor pen to Northern Ireland the East Ind Indesblisn The Pope said he was direct log ids tenants in the ilth Bess Isr message hi his reign as spiritual leader ol the worlds Roman 01qu lo Whose plans when more does net wt eslst and when it is smertsin lid to danger The Gyrarold pooiiii spoke in crowd pl 250000 Romans lentils and pilsrisns slander Peters Strike Pairpr Tress ST GtTllARlNE not it Fifteen exotic pIupsw trees said to hm grown lrom seeds bruulltl try invading Lnitsd statu soldiers during the tier oi rats have bosom the miss hers ot battle between oily bIll lsnd developer and group local residents Tre trees some at them so leet high are all that remain at largo grove In wooded ra ilss in the south cadet 5t Culbertson Nearby residents are editing wlh ths ceroassny and local air lbority to protect the trees in II Ices designated ss greenbelt in the Citys shit olllclai plop Pastels Dmbpmeats icrl it St Catlarines which hogan slesrlng the pres In urinary and moved Ibout soon trees mm MIDI IV is Ior lit sharplas Hostel Pro gram hilly national coordinator oi the ledersl governments sslnm inter hostel program says he still best oi imidenls where people in surmount band to gether to lists storm or the program to their arse Lust year in Region shoe aipoaiun petition was put to rm it reacts pbtecuar it tip cosmos dousroa Ippravrng the csiahlisinocrc pt hostel he paid hit on Gllhuly sbtuas Ind IIyI were not interested in push hoskis Were certainly is tiny to talk eraser to people but theres no point in being to ally unwelcome west in cssrrsrnmlty We have no intended oi es tablishing Iortress hostels be use the Idea Mind the pre amp is not to mini trIvri but to give Canadians Opportunity to meet All other Arab Guesrillri TEL AtlV Merl Pai cslirsihn Arab rumila from labsrson who murdered to an install petrol said May Ms mission one to issssda sulde Ittscs on bus station sod sea taursnt and kill everyone there The prionills Aimed Msntsla We told rim sealer rm here the stitch was to hm been carried out Saturday aid in the aorttiern Israeli town oi Spied But the RIMmil ogretsp which he led rendered Ilter being treated denss neu ths tsosiicss border Saturday Missing Plano omen AP The hlioh igun Civil Air Iller OAR said estrous it was tried to wsiob tor sophblao single engine tlrorslt believed lost over Ootsrlo or we Erie Cost tuba Widtter oi the CA laid the was en route tiers Die to sienna Midi The pilot was Heoittlsd as Richard Joy pl Bryon Midst Authorities slid the plane was last started over Lats Eris to Canadian territory and said the patrols pluses were used to mash both Ontario and hitters lgsis sldtng Canadian searchers and the United Slates Coast Producer Dies OOROMADO Grill AP Merlin Cooper orsted the mid King Kong and set Fred Astaire sail Ginger Rogers dancing together tor tbs rust time In the movies died Saturday It ape to Coopers death cause our day tees it Pate toweliry TORONTO it drums iLms ubdt rim llseli tactics to LII world had In sprawled experience priority Ill Ps 2ka iabsdcsn Maw sod osIsch so this Is baby Pollen said the into mused Ind session stod lna mesh MW 13 moon worth it admits installed Insulin World War Vols orrAwA ci HIM First World War veterans Escort wraith at the Nationsl Ir ilmmisl in honor pl Madison who ed at the mool saith ot Yum April it sits Win the battle Canadian tr held their Murillo is or gas stints in other titled troops wltbthr irons the trust Relicted his the Cscadisll toms had cred hm slur Iltlss Business Anllsual MW WI Whil Tomlin IIILAI is ulls weather It marmalth it In business unusual tor the citys crlrd na Rodin masts waited into the downtown store aI Wellington lmLI itll lisp pitta calls lLsell htunierielt Jewellers to the World and escaped with mutt worth oi statustry Irritation tensity Thieves OMI into port Ible classroom oi mar College Ind helped theist sunes valued It All Osb driver Doasld wished so was rm to hand over Rider aids to tour pas seners Idler being held It InlIepolnt Tbs pssseisgers lied on loot Bombs Explode CANBERIRA Router btxsiss ewlcdod here sundry One rlsrnseed Pulls nsenlllm sad the other term blacked out part ol the Australian ledml capital he one was New Law Tougher it ti sonsgzers or map is years in prim lander new mild law indrlsteis sent to the ildcnt 51th luv Iosb rt oi antiquities escppt Ior lions The per measure also provides Ior lines in in Im ll swims MOI in which esiiei ler tnssinsm penalties ol sis tenths in tall and Lt llrls Last Wish Denied MERIT CITY iResderl Acapulco hotel ouster Erie Rid tsdnsoo had been denied this tall wishIo be lulled In the local buy The music council ol the hierdcan ho resort told the mans widow lslt such brutal reassested In her line bands vrilL rsddit pollute the waters suns TANKS PUMPED $2500 DON CONACHER OARRIE 7262814 24Hour Sonics The users Missed Ind wear ronisvru tau sitn till he selves is Mr bsrslnssa nas pianted in an electricity transv be sharia maybe in the tall Esther mirrbesa ssid ths In ternational csnsntespsrt oi Lia lloly shroud Guilt with hesd punters in Tssrin plans to Hr sermln an international corn mission oi scientins and his rlIns to study the reds shrdr hss lith been accepted as su lheatrc by duds ofcials or historians The Mostlong lian shroud shots Islst rcssioos that so pesr to be at Ll but at man with many warmth It Ilrsl same to pssilic attention in Rm in sisuy strolls behaved the intestines were painted on the lines is art exports ban atou condislnd this In not the TILE storm sroav Musinatihesnhoellbnnu tireplnr was qulisasueresr studios Included soars Irons in one oi tha scenes Jesus WWWWind plmdDyGIriliRsAamll with be Inm indicts dragged to by two nds in Canadian Trade Mission To China Aims At Selling Oil Technology amountAmos Oltiolaity described by Mr Rubin in northeast am out or mm my Oansdlan Instrument Indprl Maoloaaid as clashes in on new born previously to bsva mm mm vsls inrlintry otiirlais involved disuse views on oil develop been seen by westerners 31 mm in Iii aspects ol the aim mtaad processing Lin Its my Wm industry arrived irth ltors have hopes at setting er mg my Wm p55 Im Plim lnr tour the visitors expert to calling iroos oileld equip 15 my cup WM mm yield mItor lsadndividetais mt Inclialingnotishore rigs to up um mm was cheni ism suns mm shoreline operands oliahore lrr bonsai hincdonahl the dele The proton which includes Wlhlr run Cautious siss gatino includes it government Robert llowlsod aslioasi The perolems mics arrived rcprssmtstivcs and is whose rarity board ehairnssn Is on so hours alter rementser Ca bssinesses range train oil or coursged by the trip at on suitors atedeal gross that will ybratlon and prodiastiou equip arse mission to Csnsds lssi start undying doctoriog moth ml to rahalng and petrocbn islt lbsl coup but been eds today alter two days oi micsis spend tilts wee mainly sightseeing 1h tsMrek visit coincides Cam aim Wei Tbsdostors are sissrtnvtaw with growing signs that miss will limit it that mineso snrthods Ln limb trans Inltsst to peed up develop lim plnais scripminim and mass spent oi existing Ind new all hrnlth care holds with special eye on oil Witl V15 mm The Csnsdisu doctors min rt pntlal to energybun timbers ol the group will ed with tens ol thousands at 3mm visit the Tachung oiiiields near itcse and hlesirans here or am scsllcerlrorn Poethss Pilate lstttlng his throne play rd by Boris Stimson Euro ines Photo srwcos PLAZA CLEANERS PLAIN DRESSES $l50 303 Blake St Tsl 7262060 Psopia never send email tidal or do theyt two FOR THE ROAD GOGO DANCING LIVE EVERY NIGHT Also This Week during HAPPY HOURS pm MON FRI WELLINGTON FULLY LICENSED UNDER LCBQ DUNLOP ST 1282445 POINTS LOUNGE SIMCOE HOTEL 7mm rooms assassinations 900 PM so lioa AM YORK BROTHERS TRY OUR ltU FEET posts FULLY ULENSED UNDER Ith THIS WEEK WE PRESENT TO YOU SANDY NOVAK TRIO AT BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL DUNLOP sr PHONE rat5m The LAMPUGLTTER ROOM QUEENS um hulnessssssesbuaol Served itiw lilo TERRACE noon This Weehs iiiINN Eatertalrsinrrit PUB Dancing ngbtb till lit Mon thru Sol wruoson HOUSE erterln Si IV Allislol Hui Nottewasage Inn hilly licensed 15 min drive irons tisrrls on llwy BO EACH WEEK wnrcn nit ENTERTAINMENT Top Enisrislnmsnt This Wssk Jeremiah Peabody Ind Ills Fem LllLlI FourPiece hand No Cover Cling Monday through Friday Lustereore room available at no charge lionIsl pusher pln Cali lor reservations 70ml or itsesiooee Cootsiowa Mn atoms CORE liars Much Is Dinner with us Is our distill Man II Tulle Will Ttii Visit 0urr RIDE AWAY IOUNGE It Dunirn at ltdTilt