DINNER AND DANCE riots Admirme IIIbtllsssSacnrdayrsming tarmacadobe Buslo mptersnssrdgnesulbe mlutbemsrsllydsnco party was the lOOt Neil Ferris use Executive rnrns hers shown above Irons in UM liuotsr vtcepml PEOPLE inn PLACES rmeosovon llrs Astedlay Iiorsley Street Barrie laminated b1 Mrs itrwsoo Mrs David An sierson Illsl Helen Wm Mrs Grant Anodeil and Mrs Hold 5mm motored to Prierbor nuns utters tiny attended Lst Jsinusl Synodicsi oi the Wm Missionary society PLAN BAZAAR United anusb Wosncn esecsv tivs met in enlrsl Ostrich Pit lor April tilgtlscnssinn noseeris laI ths Fail Bosses and con rcssers tor tse various depart svirvietc meats us one oi tbs rnais lienra pl business twirl maili his grows is tom the woods with it fits 15 to contact Mr lien Brod til Box Ed Allision spring rummage sale is pimped or May it at Central druids SOCIAL EVENING ital svenlog oi cards on it It It lilo pm It lea Heights Mite Metal The door prize has value up to iron Everyone is Invited in play erlir bags sodas bridge or to set its their own table itelreshmcots will be served WWII DRAW Abbi Pbl maples at the ticts Rana Phi Sorority is sponsoring chit This instill has been made the nseaalm ot the os rriiwhsll rel and by Radian his as it wahsble it list been nssonto lIdotisitsbed The rmriey Iiorn this rattle will to Royal VictoriI Iiov pltst std to rehabilitation oi patients The drswwlll Isle pins on they it It MS with Cameron making the draw and awaits the doostloa on betisit pl RVII Tickets will be available It the Bayllehi hlsll on April Xi and The handles Consrrsuriily Cen trawilihstliescttlnplorsso inn LliliDiRsi Should Give Thought To Opposite View Deal Ann Landrrsr have read many anticlgsreile letters In your columnand your cans tie comments happen to know youve never rmolccd which lm sure dermis in your unsym pathetic silitudc Only an invet ersio and addicted smoker ran understand what Its like to try to quit and not be able to am such person and id Ippra state it it youd let me hava my say because speak the mile lions lsrnokcd lor it years Up until lost year it was two pools Mei Now am down to post wheeu rmrgh stiller Irons em playseisin and isslhma lily nose and throat are constantly lrrl Iatsd its like having had told oil the time dont walls iiitiit oi stairs iittiniit hoping at least twice to rulsh nsy brcallr and rest Three doctors have told Isis must give up cigarettes runt do it llJlDVi lm killing myselt with those damned things but still horn on am sick in the trend What else could itth To the unlortunels people who live with nicotine addicts lrl like in any this Dont nag Dont preach Dont give us lit einture And dont htsavc Ann Londons column under our noses We lsnow rheI rightand we know what we are dolor in ourselves lusl into us He lilnd Talk to us nicely Smile at us Try to understand Really un duslandllnotrd Dear llnolsrd Heres your lot Ptcr And good one it Is Instr trying to understand Nselly urn derstand llgutss what you are saying ls this it person wants In ldll himscll hs shosild have the right to do it without inter torsnor irom those who toys him You use the problem trons our point ol view How about outlay at it through the eyes at the people who love your Will syots try to understandt Really understand NW PROBLEM Dons Ann Lauserst itw til at cents or lor 0100 months ago our threeesrsold salt IIsv me go to work while stockings its was lucinsted with my legs and wanted to touch explained that they wore part oi rny urllorm since then hes been intrigued with my white stockings lie tells me should wear them all the time to its my legs warm its the to see whether or not hIVI theirs hi touching my Iahlss Lest wee taught him trying as pnlr tried not in show how upset was simply said Stockings are not toys and you shouldnt play with my clothes is it sstbia that the child is develop tip stocking iotlshi its is very bright and extremely verbal await your reply Ptsaty Worried lsear Plenty Your white absdsinps have caught the boys loony This Is not unusual nur Is it abnormal the casein not to unwittingly telegraph yoirr con corn or yosi could insets prob inns where none eslsts HAPPY HAILTlhIE Drur Assn Llisdeili llorss an ich ior Mixed Up Grandma whose grandchildren are about to tho their birthdays changed because their mother is ex hauaied lrnm putting on two birthday parties plus Chrisb inns dinner Ill within thres wcs period or sons hltthds is also in December Ctlltitllill was al ways busy time lor me and It was hard to do justice in the boys special event but year hit on hrltht idean Illall Time Party on June ill when its boy was sis and hill us had pnrty to celebrate the oc ssslors It worked out hesutilully tlIllPi Whit Drnr What llmtthl what it end plan to keep doing it In hrhall oi hllsed Up Grandma thank go tor sensible solution to pity problem Nappy itali diat liIer inst itssum itsy Tlmms secrrlsry and llelrn Corbett president iEs unions Photo Mrs lean Peacock Elected President Mrs Jenn Peacock uss eleet ed president oi Rusloess Girls curling section oi the Dents erection vOo bifocal Kdilllnl WWI 01 It ti hiss Geortls lrvlas mm ldrsst hits it hmylls secro portrnsllf Cornitry Club It is gsnsssl Ma National Secretaries Week PromotesTheProgression the nd Innssei Somtnrisn Cultist chisheibldtsemdscms Nada bus will April masonpm ndm bu been set slide Is Seosv tns DIy miller Association internation al the worlds lending sem tsrui usodIUoo tbs wee has Is its shuns Baler Semino itl Meals Better Rushers on arms OlaIa will seek activities MANIA CONTRIBUTION llrs Willougnrp hopes Ill sec retsch Ill share to the spirit at ths im Secsellilts Week to enphsslslng the vital contnhis too they roots as oi the monument leans hiislness industry WNW government and the proisuioos lyhssllottolooktomrdto New icdsilrgues and develop merit In freeing her from rep etttlse retains start This ensb led her to exercise has riseslat and orgsnlssllonsl Abilities to lundlon Is smalle Isslstsnl and administrator on the man aganesst team One Mimi tn shunts on her lessma possibilities ls ills ob leotlnss oi the CPS certicate The Certltled Prelesrloosi See retsi1 Program sponsored by the Nsllooal Scoretsries Asset islion linternsllesiali ls deslxn rd toe liansaemcnts tugtit iland the Scrcelsry The CPS examination is given Install the that lrldsy and Saturday in This cssrnlasilnn prepared by sccrrlhtlu lor secrrslrles ls ad timetnmulltlbthpUnlied mid Ital sitter Irena our oil The nndms Missy malais mm unalgsrn II It cents In welds is so at It lair Matilda prettiest criterion In srsluallog and Ibeilng per semi tor emotive secretarial Wilton les hints than ltd YR suntan ststss and bonds Tbs Cam Lass isrslonln English has been uttered Ior sense you and it 01d Fillings Help Children vIORONN OP The illhtl ls Itching Is teeth lo the mouths oi needv its cold talus bridres and slim dliiaa re moved trees outlast by It Toronto dentists is poised all to the Ladies Aunlilsry oi the sodomy oi Dentistry Tile surllisry sells the gold and silvergo lar wholesrr the market will pay silver me With gold prices now tat In ounce ths ladies an mung Tbs IuIiLlsry pa tor dess lIl posts on militia llrrouxb the dental college here llosnl Sinai Iisspltsi Ind EILO Student lleallh Orgsnisslion Univer sity oi Thronlol Tbs latlcr organisation operslcs clinic where dental students in their grsdustlng year psovli low nsisrisiertci by tisd Institute tor in Mrs Daria Herrll ideas sum tars Jess McDowell admiri rvssvcnrri this deb Runs Ipeelsl strata sod no 111 tonveoermsssvener hllst Judi Drills lbs Wilcox boo Md nonveaer sad airs Bold Coupllnd cocooveoer Ths shindig was held at the home oi lira Ccorrle Irvine Springbome Road Wine and dim were served later lurcweli presentation nus roads to Mrs Claire Friend oi OtthIy Avenue who will be leaving the city to take up ress lesacI lrs Caiasry Alberta in vitae Sees Changes In Fainin Lite TORONTO its Toronto smalin predicts thatmsr ried auspice oi the tutors wlll Mire licence to nine oldie dren to euro oi brasse wlves Dr Dullle pro lessor ol environment studies at York University said the day is coining when parents will he sesirlisted to two childrenone Iroru thetr Ilrst missing and one lrorn subsequent mar rlsge utsrrlsra as us have have It is on the way out he said adding that fidelity among tans cresatogty insured Dr Consort tsld rnsrrllge licence ll no deterrent to lnlldel ity as the new identity do nissds modem and openness Bin be harsher indicted that the age nl tbs new smallt will evolvepossibly by nest gestationiota In an ot prrusnisus Those people still be sousrer than Victorians be said sad will oppose dnsgs smells drlang Ind sins oI all kind lie said this new generation will IAVDP marriage stability Midst killing lIw Ind order Ind corpsrsl punishment IVY 5m EDITING ANNIVEREARY Cnarniulailous to Mr and Mrs lssoe Sperrs who sets hrsted lttclr Ith weddilsl In nsverssry April Mr Sheers also celebrated his IIth birth dsyihlt past nrrh Those Il tending wers hlr and hiss Reg Wilson is aud babe iirsdiorsi Mr an hiss Gordon Sports and lsmily Osirvllis hisond hiss Darcy and Ism lly neurobsrnugh Mrs Cams dill Alllslon Mr arid hiss RIecil iipcerl llsrrlnlJ Ilil and il van peers tea hit and Mrs ll lennett also several grand children parld some greatgrandchildren RANCH on Saturday May Bullet itiiith Central United hutch Women hsda and solidlypasted wedrasiaunlismotlorde votlons uudy business and use rain The dental Action unit met It Shanty Nsnslng liosne where they their snraiing yvissisird by Mrs Helen Olsercr Ind her committee Mrs hisrlon Fists opened the meeting sad introduced tbs somber to the residents sirI Dorothy Partridge sold the Scripttu lesson Ind hiss Jenn Dawson led in prayer hiss Sally Bishop Mrs hisrgmt Reynolds and Miss Olive Rob prison IJo sentribuled to this program sod Mrs hisiv ilouid gave two readings tisrry Slusor sangtwo solar Mrs Kly Kirk led in sing my with hiss Lillian heuvti Ii ths organ The residents ol the boats entered into the singng homily Ind enle it very hands and wives is becoming in masts Mrs Dorothy llsnwn siipsrin leodcat thanked the group lor rustling WOREIAI UNIT The Woheln unit members hesrd hlgtitlphts at trip to tire llon Land on itsesday evening given by Edna Theodore Sis isvi color slides to show the land where Jesus lived and van tour places pl which lle dis oribed In the Bible where Jesus was born where he taught Ind misdstsred and what they are resily like today Mrs Margaret Dswsoo led to theme and Mrs Norms Marcel lus sans Walled Today where Jesus Walked deutnrrs prnrldrd IST SOCIETY hlondsy to Friday it In Irtd lit DUNLOP ST JCDUS UILDCIITI rira ammonium worsens Avast Ls on Central UCW Units Meet BARRIE DENTURE CLINIC DIRECT in THE rustic cusron neurones OREPAIRS AND RELINES Old days unconditional moseyhart guIsInlee on Ill Issr Oneyear warranty as to adjustments on all new drislurtr OPULL AND PARTIAL DENTURES No charge Ior consullIlionI Itlrinhess oi the Dentsnlst Society at Ontario As accredited members our aharaea Ior services alarm with the ethical lee Irhedale established by Tilt nRNTUR OFFICE lIOURSl ssturlay tl mm is no OPPOSITE QUEENS HOTEL cost sass Ior other at colt Dining the bsdlness session members were reminded oi the now generIl nsestins to beheld in Central Chileb April It It tipnn when tier its lsy win address the meeting the bats sale and III will ha in the church Wednesday alters noon hlIy The bsnddne Unit worst to Grove Park lionis on Thursday and spent the time visiting tba residents tbsre Tells 0i Work With Indians Memism oi the Evening Aus llisry at at Andrews Presby terian Church met in the lounge tor the April meeting wills aood attendance at oswobers end tour visitors An Easter tberne not used Ior ths meditation and the group en ivyed solo was You There sung by Jaich Robertson short business meeting lolv towed and plans were nude tor lutura events lira Mason ut Guthrie sper ler tor the evrnlssg gave WT interesting tails on her work wt Indians in Illulsllan island dus lng two winters hiss hisson taught the women Ind gtrls sew tau bend warts and bukrtry beauth art work which had almost become extinct in these areas Mrs Meson said her work slid experiencet wrrs most rtv wsrdlat PHONE 705 7164711 rillhadveihltsodhlm ledstsmlmhasnb Agpllennls rIisprr re Ior the testsvilecllveim modernity variety institution stir retirees designed to tub midis Nowadays it is coursed that the Mary Is try person is the other atonlsratiis halo Nonmiilslnspnrtnnttosee lheAprtl rncettog oi Grace United Church women was held It the home at hiss Patti Ep lett The meeting no opened wiihapoembnscdeoatbtnesa pmsrb read by VleePruldrnl in Richard Tumult The Eas tcr devotimsl was conducted by hiss limes Voice Mrs iirura lilppcl lntruduo ed the speaker tin Vinnie resent Irstvsl hr Burst lrms UIIndn Mrs Vlrsnis told pl her ex periences hi the time the hats president pl Uganda decided rst all persons holding Asian or Orti lIh passports rnust leva ths matey within three months sod only allowed to less small Mint ol their belongings with than These people were Mod go wherever they could rnsssy west to Britain And Almost 3000 uses to lauds LANOUMTI NO PROBLEM They had no language prob Woman Tells Oi Experiences That led To Leaving Homeland It tbuiPIontIIsgnlsrassI Reed HEADDRESS to hit prulamimai dsnloproeol The Mutant aserelsrlu As Nationwa its Gs promos psrticlpelss again in the pro mn not ony at the semi Isl protesslas but also at lbs subunits lens as English In taught in Ugandan schools Ind lusnd Claudius lood not too llerst lionsver rltirsata was hard to ad El to Is la near equator have it no contact with Ugde since leav log and relatives and trim lasts bees scsttercd all over the writ Mrs Vinnie expressodgrali ioroooi since their arrival business postIoa ot the meet lisg was cesiductcd by Mrs For erolt it was decided to have Thicnt Table at each mean meeting when ssybandiworl cult resting baking or sandy will be stirred torsaia as passes at raising toads Tbs hostess was thanked tor the use other house ansuumungviuseseis home at Mrs Pstsr Varwsy OPPETILS Themedpopulnrsldmrlls in hrldestbisseasonlsthe mwithtbehcllshiriccm pin landlin and chapel Young brides like high tines stand up collars ed sleeves The holds wears medieval plsee ol petals tier gown wbdlcettousoelet over with nine AIathlIythIiralIisl uumuimiuuos mlCAlv ABTI IUILDLNG ill WGNN UT EUlTI It one unwed ol summarilyadminis ptsssmtussslreys sins moors asavius Rain or thinness new all weather costs are ready to poi Shown just letv lrom our collection oi many styles spring colors for fashionable elegance EENWO 913 DUNLOP STREET WEST BARRIE 7285195 ODS