his ia Agrt Ind era at rand not ll REQUEST TO COUNCIL Interim CoOrdinator For Seniors Cntre purse or the Basin lions day bulldsy city mdll reg uiIr biaaimhly meeting rill be It Tuesday rather than tmigji Conch will consider currest miners well In three to rum hora til atandtag consult lees The report lactate rem mutation that Israeli sat in put Ind recruits raininlca tripodMid Arntlilgc Is in train coordinator turtle Scar In Guseus Recreation Centre This rccoaarouldattao train the Iinaael committee lottord nting srIhibe arsilmm uI liming eomaiiire last with Owed Iail ILio be IsIId in will screw between the E117 three Indntries ia the lily lieu Avenue are and the cm in rnarim nilwa cyst is those minutes lzIlIllIll grk the this at the cdiobe mm inqu The loch commites Itil to approve the an nus iur ii at tile eliy marina The rccotrmeadliion also in dude request tor trad to build Immoral wIshraoia tac titties Ind mat harbour lights in increased luirly lcrtrr claw rite liARRiE manta srosrnav Iran um Warld Premiere Set For Barrie hatrte met pram all bars the dislinrstna at being present is is ggga is this Univmiyotlomm lnlMJilsyneml wall Gov mGrraauis award tits paelt cry suitable iur musical setting Almaty this mm the orches in has calmle its tint too It the Marlins providers Ind In re plvthtiel dials including it Jahar wlotarldimd Since the orchar WW1 the um provinces It i97t it he now given pm imam in Canada tram to ads rump APPEARANCE Tutsiah men marks the orchestra third angsgrmen in Barrie unocc the lime oi the Barrie Collegian Band Awnd who mrdmutuithoiuur rvcri atrium thade slanoiourmoetmssbdasu In to drill said modular WWW MARIO EDWARD air crock nid the sunsin the rule scum at timncial mutiorertrarsnricuurIcptorrnimarrstopartirlputrin ttvllh at the trim ii it nasal tinrte collegiate hand Tth has world bI cumulus with tbs Including IrII and will It the deniiver in blItIll liaIlI barns tor th heuriit at Inseam Stewart Chairs rhrw Wad warm Arcs cnnsid in the improve to discuss littlt wanna program Barrio Day Periormers Sought mmuomma binnium whldi be brought world rcrog is 1310 in lyric lraII WP to Rule The rlrmciai abltgabnlui tbr include band uni urinn trips bir Brush prabcd the cod tinsxd and Antarctic support lie next contort mics will begin In Mobs with Forudollris the Canadian NI tiaraai boars assemble limith ounb oi tickctl are Ivrlhhl tar Missys coir curt They may berrssmd by pinning norm or punctured as the bolt attire hacsday night Arnrmion is It tor students so $5 is Iiitlts IIIrI its KIMIJIJI mailinisopmbmpiier mandmaooanllmiitngiac mbilthmmitbrernccue monorail their 50559 CHARLOTTE MONKEY DAVID JOHNSON ADMIRE HOMES NEWEST RESIDENT 5th Anniversary Soon For Grove Park Home iiy COLIN WILIGIIT Examiner Stall Writer Thu 6va Parli llama int the Aged will rnirhraie ltI Cilia In alvcrsary liin but from Ippoaranccs it is not runlly IivI ears old but In ycarl ynung Since the home was opened in 19th it has wcicomcd some 158 residents who have had the rill oi the homes Idilal cammmity his and modrm rom torts David Johnsci IdrniniSlrnlur said its pitiloeawy has llIyed the lame since the dam opcncd to provide inritlitl years or cnlor ciiilens The homc has devoted itaeil to this end during tho iiia years he said We have made concerlcd eiiori to provida the rcsldrrts with true home on viroomcnl thir ultimate goal Is to mail zranlrr contact with the cum munity and to dlipci thoughts that the harm Is In entity unio ltscli This goal is rtlicdcd by ci torts ta broach iita harnul any pact an the community in conlundiun with the Homes tor the Agcti branch oi the min Barri lstry at community and social services Groto Park is consid ering the possibility at day care service um lien care prenaia tor austere Were hoping in Island thn latices hero to scalars who am living within the uxnrnuniiy said air Johnson 1tim rould be iamilirs in the city who him all senior living It home who might till to lpcad two or Ihrra days week It Grave Park The senior would be welcoms at the borne lid tor modcnt ice would be pruitdcd with mAAL The companionship and the actiWJu altered at the hellhel home Is Ilsa looking at thI possibility oi similar ma liurtl whole iImilies would lilrw ta nut use ri tbs iaeiiiiirs can ubiis the iarniiy vustlons ltr Jainism laid thI hum could lair care oi lrvcral acn inrs introducing them to the ills within the hcms Ind pro vide them with vacation With their peers while the asaan Ic tlva iamlty Inlays luv vacation Eoih at these programs mid well be in operation In the near nature vitamin upon the ill pcuse laid llr Johnson AWL iioltt thcse innovations the home is condoning its rela tiousblp with thuityl twn sea the citizen clubs and hopes to trtnxilacn it evcn iurthcr when the new scatJr ciiiuns centre hectares reliity this runner CRAFT PROGRAM Helping in direct the daytto day Icilvitics at the residuals oi the home is tilts Jnyra Pub don who was malty hircd as the homes activities and mite director tics moon organises th creitl program trips to nelgb boring cities and stirs and helps to general new inicrcstl nmnng the residents The old interests however are not to be iurgeltcn his Johnson than st BARRiE AIR CADETS SPENT EASTER SUNDAY FLYING GLIDER PLANE AT BASE BORDEN Interest In Aviation Soars As Local Cadets Go Gliding stmdsrya slower may thI dampened tew Iplriil but group at to barrio Ilr redetl lying glider It OPE Borden worn ccrwlclrhr oblivious to the weather The cadets members at the Royal Canadian Air Cadet Wcre mg languid visit harden nrcr the trend in are oi the obiectives oi ihs Royal Canadian Air Cadets is is stimulate In Interest in avlstion Barrie conanandint oi lilli Captain llill that said rcccl group at cadets is taken lying every year He said they IrI chotcu wording to merit Captain Alex Ruhiinlchi piilr or in rharga oi mi Bordens gliding centre look rIrh cadet lndlviduIiiy tor livc ur minute spin lathe Schwrlccr The glider is attached by 3500 toot coil to winch when the wind is right and ihcra arr up other planes in the area the winch winch In the roll thn tbr piece is being pulled Ii til mph it tales bII It sharp Inso into the Ily and at Iboul ll leer the lot releases the Col ii the plot can llnd thermal llr pocket ha can glide tor lotus but thy luck at run Sun day rucant these were low Ind iar bciwcca From the time tbs pilot rrlessv es the call the glider begins to sinwtvdesccad IROIIC natal watch the altitude continually Iar autholbeisreIthomnheI iendi when its reachel an Illi lude mint Fire at the it lilrrio cadets had truer than in glider belore and were little appra bcrstrr Ibout the venture They island the mica talrrcii little unanrvlng but said titer they had lot at but watching thine tram their vantage point In the ski Capt Duti said arms oi the cadets become so lnerestcd in iiylnr alter their mind trip that thrifty to attain icing what better there is wraith at in iormatloa nd rspcrtilr linen the homes residents Rim Ire rallroadmra gar deners builders Iizctricians II most every trIde slid proiIssion represented within the rune work at th home be said We bciievI that it properly Impla titrated it is rcrourca which could prove invaluable to liar rtcl youngsr residents The home which now has total at as residrnts who must be over the Igo at 60 to be Idlt milled WI bruit in 1964b undrr the sponsorship at The march oi Christ There is no imanrlnl ransac tJan with the Church oi Christ on Grove Street but the runng gatianai about serves the home on voluntary basis The hama ls rrrvrd by board ct raven men who Ira members at Tile Church oi Chrlsc across the province In addition there are about 20 ohantrerl who are assisted in their ritnrts by the May Court Chub oi Burris which has rup portrd the work at the home grrat many pruple dont rc IiIra that It is the rcstdcnts themsclrsr who are carrying thI cost at the mortgage laid lir Johnson last year the hunt look in mm in rsccnuc but the pram varre $157M The Iccumuialcd losses tor the hump over the past live years now totals approximately no on Irrurding to its Jnianaaan llnlh the province and the city at Barric ball been generous to tha hams lsld Mr John aon the city rat truair lew ln to service it inr tree Ind the provinc uanlsd usaver woo la spite at the losses Mr Johnson lays the board is opti mistic Ibuut the homes ability to continua Its role within the community With thc help at bcnucsls tram home rcsidans and iron lltng residrnis in Barrie we coui well male signicant reduc tion in tho mortgage picture lac laid Should lh mortgage be liq uldatcd briuru its doycar year term through the gcacroslty oi btszueats It would prove dirt rd benedt to the austdcnis oi the home and hclp us to Iccp rests down he laid Regardlcss oi prublcrns liis goes an at the bums Reccntly the residuals liaricd Irrics oi iamlLy conicrenccs acssicns Which bring the tall deals closer and which help them dcslgu Ind shape their environ meal At the true meeting the rcsia dcns dccidd the procedue the home would ass to animate acw residents WELCOIIING COMMITTEE There will bc welcoming cumrrutiec to anti new residents It the door and mate lhcm incl at hnana he said in addition the realms have Indicated dcsire to haul more pets in the home and the newest Icarilaiiluit is canary named rhirpic Thu bird named inr iu rau cauo shelter has promiaceii rasiilaa in one at the homes oungre theyre also looking into tbs naming the iiilcc wings oi the home and contributing sugges tions to rapidity the homes cp rratlan svcn smoulhcr he said From all Ippcttturices Grove Park llomc For this Agcd isnt grills oldrr at all in get Lind better ACCIDENT AT itllOlJD An arcldcnt on ltlghwny 11 It Strand at 1113 am Saturday roused an estimated $500 damage to ehirici driven by Joseph John Radiord oi Toronto and George Cohern oi Tomato MINOR INJURIES Two pcrspns suilcrcd minor lu Iurics in In acctdcat on High IadbatlIndglatIIerIwa rd anniauram Strectbouse Dampurr Iin as roads sup crirrtessdmt and to mah the an my IrrIagcmrnts to hire road immaa IIFROY SEWER inalilil council plans to meet with the tonship ragtneer in scal the possibility oi prurid lng mer in the lairay Ind Rcilr curt tarnish Inlmvlndll winter aaprili proledI And ROTARY SPEAKER Doug steam at Titian tnrn reshag wJl speak in an Barrie Rotay Orb mushy It 11 dining lmdaooo my on topic oi Mimi resort an ginemnt mutantm The timid Kirstin Clair le bold Balm Ssaramrriest vi lmvaaw Arum ill Jam ll Pears go in lucui lrnice wart ELECTION The Bill Optimist Cub will elect its rmtlva or imam dialed regular meeting tonight at IT the 5mm id Likeyicw Restaurant SPEAKER limiliarmrlloilierriniiu lsbrdilhsliathaOpthnldlone HimA tor ptbli waiting II certiyhilntGwvlllrrMy LION SPEAKER Gary that II Angus Ind lairaa DeVrIee lit at Barrtr will rents the tlnrrla Lian Cilia in th DLki public Writs Mil In St Otlilsriccs on May tolpnnad Lat lrtbltlrtltil Amoury Iddmv RadiumIII mdllusbnsetadubdmsiil ITEM aroma vrlInI wristwatch ilasbil iramthalimtyatamtiynrotln DnnsliStmsmthIarM PLHE HOLLY Joe Ptlil Ii Csral Ber rte tuld poker in ilII In taken Sums molt and mu out and in Lbl beer yard shortly slur linear data tan was ulna LVN BROKEN Bob Dragia ui Codriagto laid pollcr Sunday trout III was hmlra TREATED RELEASED Julia Joseph tax it at RIL iI Ibnrslng and alrld Marshall l5 Crrslvrd Collar Im trraird and released imra tiny Il VicirriI limpitai iollawan aushap Sattndty Iili1prnnn Collier Strrd near city hall The Bar rehiclc was in calllann wath car driven by lilargu liarniitna oi Suaniriaia Road In which Tip It Marshall was passengrr Damage was tilt DAMAGE IL Prtcr iiclcbcn ti Tomato and Walirr Reid oi Strand arm drivI rrs pi ran insaired in In Id be dcni Saturday It Nu pm Ii 25 Payilrid St Darlings ru 05 VICTORIA BRADFORD Icahn Tnlulll II All liarria Ind iirtan Pmcr ni Krmpcttisit DnvI arre driver at cm which hsd sow damage in enillsinn Saturday at pm It the earnnr ui Victoria and tiradtnrd cirrus ThcrI were no Inturtrs FIRE CALIJ Battle File Drpittnknt InsL Ierrd culls StandTy It in and lihl pm at Dalton Int It the corner at Siert Ind ltemprntctt Dem The rare midrib iirrs oiusrsi no NEAR ORR LAKE Dalmgc was estimated at mi allowing an arcidcrd an lligii any 31 ncnr Orr late It use pm Sntmday The drivers in raised wcrl crnlcs Desiardiny ni Pcnstnnguinheul and Maud Lyiwyn oi bilssimnga RavOPAMLIlitIgttl with whiz the HM MRO lliti RAY POINT ROAD mtslnp Sunday at 05 pm on Big hey Point Rood italic til Township did 950 WA to cars driven by sits at RR Thornton Ind Grrg llcRInnnn oi Painswick ONE CAR chu Grravcs at betray was the driver at In which had slid damage Saturday at law pan after it want all thI root on Sicicruad an betwrrn Concession Ind Catcrssioa at innlsill Township TAPE DECK in lnresi at can Saul ioid pallcr today It 111st am that mmmum CIIIIIRW mmcmwumUnt inimiublemiraisuyuls Warmth lioiribclolgloi$iustgcneg Itme grcwup the Wativ oi pcoiccuuini It pm on the Iutri at Holy wt in tpm be rll specs on the mm at the Bible in reit tim with cows Sinshs services will he held ar it Am Ind pm All are IAIN CoolerWealherOnIheWay Diminishing Chance Oi Rain Cooler drier sir pushing intn lhI Barrie Iren irnrn northwes tern Ontario should cause slight drop in area temperatures and should rcduco the possibil try at rain law tonight It with bigb nresdal at between hi Ind 60 Cloudy and cooler tonight and Thursday with light winds and alight rhnata oi rain Law to night 15 high Tuesday 55 to All Iyaopais Colder drier air ls pushing into Lae prasz irorn the northwest inlay In North ern Ontario gcncraliy cloudy conditions with tow showers or showtimles in the in north wall predominate am the llcxl couple at days Southern 0n trip will have rrdniurc oi run and cloud today and Tuesdly weak disltnhmce mowing larsia the inner lakes ses the threat at abusers an to the Windsor Iron tor today In colder Iiv cuatlnure to invade the prcnacc still lower tern peraturas arr melted or Tuesday bistro Toronto simuy cloudy grim todry and Tuesday in rods to lcrs tonight as high 55 Wmdsur halo Clair Lets way ii south oi Con In the mg mm my pm since It Inception EXPENSIVE PROPOSITION Running the home is lit ex pensive proposition unit during the past live yclrs it has been borne almost entirely by the rest ideals The rcsldcnll are charged modest $9 day to stay in the home but in cases thre rest dcnt ls unable in mi the pro nciai yuicrnmcnt su sldizcs his praslon to cover the cost in these cases the home turns back can month to these nub nldlled resldcnts iur pocket money The hommsl Wufthmlimesll arahls may partici Its in twowch rinnrncr who at CPR in Mm Wliiirg Trenton In which flying and 05 mm ii is buyear mortgugn Ind last year the residents paid to It Wran Wt ial oi arrow our rut dawn thI It the iiarric Armanry Ivcry mortgage by only $1100 Ono Barrie ruch are succcsw itti in attaining lchuiarship last yrar and Capt Dull slid be than at least tan more re dtts will bc Iwardcd scholar ship this your The scholarship enables its cndcts to train to privata pilot ltaudards Ii3 during the rumor Those who do not win lciaoi my Township ll ti pm Sundoy 0d Grorgc bicArtiiur oi Southamp ton and Ilullya Viastr oi Downs view passengcr In vehicle driven by John Ellison oi Downs vIew suiirrrd cuts and bruis Is in the mishap Damage was crtimulrd at sass iii isms wul luau no 72634227 pom mar sisr rosin racraarv can rat with STEIN REAL ESTATE Ltd ill Dunlap III Il iutny Matty lianny Tiles day lilgh today so low tonight til high Tuesday 55 button itnrnliian Potccbor Lela ilarun Nilglrl bats Ontario sunburn Georg Inn Ray ilnliburton wt dainty periods today and Turt dny tilde today 661w tonight J5 hide Inlay hi North Bali Sirloin Alga northern Georgian Bay Tun Igumi bloody clotaly with showers today Sartre may pe nods Tlarsdny llidi today low tonight so bii Modsy his Cochranr Title River Ger3 Iidian limtiy clots with showers nr scaniiurrics today and Tuesday lltgh tothy It luw tonight is NUT Tucsdsy ill lipase Rim western James Rev Cindy with occasionali snowutricr taiay and Trey dny winds norriywrelcriy it in bi High lottery ill low tonight tun hldi Tuesday 30 Ottawa Montreal umn with sunny period today amt Tuesday lilgh tail 63 law luaight to high Tit ay lid iitgil Ltiw lllgln Today Tnnlght Tunas Windsor ill to Strata at All 55 St Thomas to 55 tuition to its Kitchtncr 55 Wlugham 13 it Owen bound 53 lluskcks is 81 Hamilton so 511 Toronto AA 55 Tumor TH Kingston to Ila Pctcrborough Petitwuwa North Bil Sudbury EIritaI tlmmins Kapuslrgslag 55 Atari Chapieau hhitc Rivar Ccrnldton hindrance 532 IL to may 443 mu 35 asaasassssgsssssasaass The weather presented daily as public service by platelwsvid DOWNTOWN BARRIE COR COLLIERI 726 CLAPPERTON 5T5 3971 TO MEET ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS vrrzrr arm FEB==GZVYRI7 Lin