April Showers Bring May Flowersant Ads Bring EIrtrcr Cosh 7282414 your rorxs EVERYWHERE mo THIS PAGE r02 VALUES IN IHE HOME orrIcr Moon THE FARM DIAL 7mm FORtHE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT 1IIEALBTATI rnorrm ror SALE IMMQRE MAI 89 DAYFIELD 5T BARRIE 7263 Plroto Mutttplo LLIttnK SrrrIcn Mutual Iiortmrr Imt1 Murmur HIE mvwmwmnuunmu anJhpI mummmmmuu moonmbuhmJ minimum mm mumnun IonIndunnnpum mutant rumtut IrMmrooIJhurxlhlrtrIt mummmnumumnnmg nun Ill mm mm Mr Elm mm ourre we comm mm In men Wm mu HIM IAth In TIM IXCLUIIVI MINT MOM IV IUPFITT CONIVIUGIOII com vol II our rtrrtson REALTOR owner on routurro mm muons AND monuno OPEN UNTIL PJL It GEO DAVIE Rn home mummnnounmm mo bl Bord Innumotmmmnnmmmmnmh trntohrrtmonnbmdoomtntlnnxmnudxomlndtn mmmmmmmnmhm VPkaUtndsemubeNmtmEtrnam1MNom ROUND POOR BUNGAIDW Lo MAID elm to his III Ibedroomot Huron Ind thin room Brubm WWI rod lot 73 It Iro Gm Ashs $3900 Doll Erma Lougrud 1W ormm MN wusVlEWNnmOvrrloclmthodtymdhu detox to Ind quIILy bulk button brick homo htnrbto Ilrelt In ttrtnn room upmto dolor morn but dun rttdrnx to brtcooy harbor not pleur to strut bore the run TtItl SCAM norm Denlrru NO WI mrnnwmcmnummmnm Iso noon ungllnw IRA ntudhed gangs And All basement Inlntdro from Thornton Catt Bob htnrdt mm mm ltt No ml gl An RCHOLKANCOLTD REALTOR UlrlllllItO Colller 5t Rnnto 7234401 Dlrul Toronto line 3646615 GGENEML msunnrtcn II ROOMS It and or Rose Street Lorre mu srmtdttoched old Mull Imtod rtose to hospital Ind mum Rootto Easily con IArlod to money rooting mm to tum nutty homo Could low Ilom tomorrow to 000 to morathlo prunhmr Lem smut room BEDROOM BRICK BUNGAIDIV but Artur two dont take Iu wrong Tho Inotbnun it has bun untried on the outside mtl today to no home Complete General Insurance Service FIRE Auro CASUALTY LIABILITY tum PIRIIIM loo omnr Dtrmolo Em Mthlmt Inn berm on low Poll MIDI but living room martial gnrogo quot tmnttmnttteuib It hobnttcLueo mm UNIT MODEL AND RNAIL Rch drmn mrl ptmocoblmonlhorhore homo otc Root buy below 3159000 Fd Green moot NGUS Imlttlo lumiohtd Ind It It om lot bedroom late bath cam tool shod meant motto 111900 mm mm RAIN ltd 1cm er ll IG RAY POINT luluth do IEP rattan pork hntroonu ND 51mph ton rlmtrrc heat ntoy your mutton on on Ltko $57001 Dorothy Fitz melrn toom AKElIIONT HOME ITS slotEV room It acre lot beat oornr extra largo ttvlnz room 132 DOW5 $5157 Bill ttnvLo 39201 gunning moral ORNEII OFFICE BUILDING ootntni one Ibede Irrx nod nine morale otiiooo WM whom Omn mm or room unIII am Fttulmmlru norm VI Mtlll mam ll Punt mom Mornmt lmm rumour mm Id Mod than too ACRE mot stream In In moo Santa huh harm bedroom home prom ballroom twtnr room Mormon Stunner Elva MILD Wt or TIAI201 STARTER HOME my bed room tivtnx molten with htusdlnotn WWII rm oar store not rpm beater In PM all close to Ron no and Lek humor only II IIer hum Mm 3119 Doro Lo Dom awnI HORSEEHOE VALLEY 30 one vacant trod choice to don lur Int dram or pm 71 5500qu Bturm moon or moot ANGUS Inmate harm done In MM quid stmt 1W thetom apartments no em airy oarIly motto ott Minx now plurrbtnr Asking SIAM doom WITHIN $5000 Anne Sonora III 9211 LARGE ms with am In toot buttdm excellent Ior as outh vlanL dirtrtbutlm stor age or small Immtectudnz Irmoodm to mutton uvre ntotlnble CarArnI bntustrtr III thoooo Ptttltp Pramk tht or IMOZOI 40 MIN TD METRO R100 rzt ttvhar rpm custom built home Moon more my age Asking to to loot now How not IomntoteLv IinlrlIro down hayment 0mm 21m Jamlo Candie OR AIJ tum mm Tom mulmmtll Entvrt MALIM JAAAMIA CmIII HAIR hrllinzll nqu mm Jun Iomwl mutt IIMIOI REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE CAMPBELL mm amn homo do to mom um um Low Won man may Wm mmmbvuhdmxmmtdlunhimm hdllkbqlmdinhodrmkxhdlttxmllnl Wuhnhormtrrnhmhrnhflbtdrmlmlw mmmmhmuJarpnxhnobmrmm Inidntumnhrqulpmmdm Mung Wmounmmrun run DIN III Illdnl lot ITI handy but km Mt trend ntlnto road MUM NM Hutu qut rp prwot Ior My Name AbmxlAhpotlonbobhytumorrettmnmtnmrmom oruyltnmthAhmmvbrldhmutwrttmm Mumttvkumgtttt mnmmnn tirzdruemhotrnterott 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YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS REALTOR IO ROSS STREET APPRAISAL 71515 LOIMI Ionmun JAV DEEAlIlIELWI IDDUOI XIITINT OOAD MEIURNJIHHI MARY IO MI 93 ILL2 gapJ REAL STATE RROKIR 75 MAPLE AVENUE BARle 705 72MB Illllllllt Real Estate Ltd APPRAISALS HEAD OFFICE RARRIE RAYPIELD ST 34097 FRONT so otlILLIA room no noun mourn LINE morn orrrt zvm nvnrnno um suuom II ro PM HMSTRAIL 333 HRHIILIPLY HINT II HIMMAM FILM Ill MIMILIOR ITO57 MINIO Dlvll ITOIN VII TIPAI OI Arbour 1155 Illl VIN IND Tall IIMI hr OIWlldI mm MI Mum mutt AWOudomhMr NW Ml Siftth IINIVJ NORMAN 72873293 HOURSWEEKDAYS SAT R5 STEPHEN DAVIE DAMN BILL MCCREARY TILIAOI NORMAN minnowmm ROGER SHELSWEU 035665 REAL ESTATE 7282642 Isabel Moor MIMI Glad IIth picken INVBTIILM mmrrmru 30 OWEN ST 72667l3 2L llulttwmr mm chv mon nuIIII IL CORBY anltnr Anprntrrr Ounlup SL TAMIL WI nrrnnrr Ind buy trt IIIII 1nd mnrtnm TAX REFORM AND YOU Property other thrn your mIdrnrs is rubjtrt tn Cruita GnInr Tu at January 1m nlontlnn to hourrho rnd ulna nil nrumttrr IIEIIIY STREET New batman brch hunrntow nnz Mound tndtte Live Lttcttm with tooth at our boards lull bamnl with walk out on grand Iml lust Norm Ind bothroom tlrttthrd Ibunsrus GM to west end who IN THE COUNTRY ltd II Iuvrty homerurtt tm tcd tn slsl am Sharimu rozmo Iiroplim large tmng mm 22 It It li bmnttoom srrxurto morn room tztz some on In all 50 ACRES 0n pond road Choice hIIIlIIizz Iocnron IO ACRES llama Ind pad hrIrIr armrn mung and pond Fomr at my men 21 Ilohet Marshal TZHBOI Ron Trer mass Greta erlorr mtt tF Dewsnap ITuItnX Srmng Itrntlng TURFTI Itmtte PROPERTVFOR SALE TS RAYIIELO ST um PHONE 7281405 Ni ORE M15 Rum Res 72 87 DUNIDP 51 IV OPPOSITE ARENA noon RI Thick TIMI mm son at realtor INDUSTRIAL whtIIERCtAL TORONTO SURSCRIBERS 449t7t0 WALIEI Aunt IAIIL llIttlI nun mrul Iron otl mm In Iwm mm on bad ml In DIM umwr lolld hr Irq loom end nlmm rm htan Ind nm WWII on mhtrt tlcor WIN 1m mm Want lllVlI WW NI Itd wulu mm mm mm A11 nus orrorrunmrs SOMETHING EXCITINGI Your opportuuty to art III on the mmd floor at Iontl pm motor brutrrsr ntttrb wtll It won trrtustretyt 51960 will start you In ter hmtmstull or Mdmonn ho wanted irom War ham No clttnz WRITE TO SUNSHINE NUT CO LTD 616 ttomewood Ave PETERROROUGII Ont In all HIIIDRIIIINO hultml loo ut mm Atbtm Iw tum mumtron Mo moan nouns RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd 5th Itth Parts and Service Northlander Trnvelur General Glendale Cash or Term uu to to YMI It Hwy Burton Arr mrhoe TF or In lnt tor an bind mo mt Motown tom tetophom 15th III MIL min or tor ouroo AI II WM IT III VILLA Imte Yrtonbnul norm Arr TRAVEL TRAILERS ItoUIl TIA II toot or only Amid qulltrrr hm mm In ammo IST 2ND 3RD MORTGAGES INESON 728429 Pzrlsortnuznn snnvrcn ItwFTF gens 33 OWEN ST mZIIT MDRTGIGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo ILLS Realtor renal wm mm com uunon ltwa mlun ttrntlnt nuer IIHJII IIHIII MIMI TORPE LIMITED REAL ESTATE BROKER Ill INNISFIL ST BARRIE 72hth our Draper morn Jerry Coughltrt morn Larry tnrney mom Don Wnllrro norms Pnu Nrrt mun Vrmnn Ayrer LIMITED REAL ESTATE In worm or room 7280674 loNI huth It II It Own hrtnoom Ind it gm It mum um enutmrot III tot WIIGIV MIG TIMI bed IIII um room ntumw untou who now ARRANGED Second Mortgages on Prime Properties 10347n AND OPEN We hm hummus ottrnts who will buy mortgages Ind notrr Call it JENNINGS mm It CNOLKAN AND CO LTD REALTOR IO Colller Stu MORTGAGES We Inoctallze In dtitlcutt mortrerrr Prrtlous Credit No Problcm GEORGIAN FINANCIAL SERVICES Phone lZHIII TF First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Exuttng Morlmer Purcth tor Cash FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES ttO DUNLOP ST SUITE 20 7267130 oltico tlnurIB Lm Oy Ippvtntmrnl timber Ontario Mortzm Brokers AssthtIon wmmnw blob III on In mt mm to men mount not TIT Mull EXAMINER IIBNDAY MIT ll ImII REAL ESTATE DO YOU NEED MONEY $2000 350000 tsr 2nd or 3rd Mortgo 65 Cut Your Imnrnts In Hot COKSOLIDATE ALL YOUR OAKS IAI OFF AN EXISTING MORTGAGE LDIIRINE MORTGAGES IN PURCNASE Ott IMPROVE PROPERTY ANY RORTIIWLIILE PURPOSE Farms Cummrdil Rostdrnltzt DUANE PATFIELD MORTGAO IS Loom Wollmlrty mine rem run at away on row molt Is no 7267 CREDIT Isttw970 To mmtidato debt 0r mongoln coming due Any nonhumtn cam Morrcnor In armor 51 mm on 726031 IF YOU NEED FIRST MORTGAGE ORDERED 95 Loans amt Conrtdcrrro Srrvlco RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL he only Cornmtton undu tho Loon InI Trust Corporn tinn Art hnvn HEAD OFF ICE ltI BARBIE OPEN Ftl to 730 Sal to 130 We Also Gunnan extting ttrst mortrrrrr Contra DOUG CHERRY Run IZOTIOO RC 7234396 mono PO BOX HI ID DUNIDP 51 EAST RARRIE 7367200 Htmber Conndl Dpnstt tnrurnnce Corporation TI on mu mum on or me Morlllio ernrrn mam pronoun mount Comm lllA out III not rent rrtl um My Rut iltm IIIIIM Myll MORTGAGES WANTED RENTAIS APARTMENTS TO RENT For People Who Care It you an tooklnr tor rumlort qutct rcctudrd location HOLGATE COURT uonorrr AND BAYVIEW now RENIING AND unnnoon ery large ruItrI OLarzo balcnnlu Cotor Idiomatic rrptlnnrtn Osaunn brtlI tEqqupnt gm room oCnble TV anrking OCIty bus urvlre 7280682 TI Irovmo ALLOWANCE WELLINGTON COURT In VrtlInrton Iiert Now Available Ind bodroom trunnion Indooroutdorr Ptrlrtnl wtth rtectrtc plugIII Saunn itec Room stuve retrigcrntor and utttttiu lucturtHL RENTAL OFFICE OPEN WEEKDAYS NOON to PM SAT AND SUN 10 ALL T0 PAL tor inlarmntton ptIrIrIa morn Im tom tow Imt Itm MAI mm All our lot town to Mt Ruf t3l GREAT NORTHERN CORP SAME DAY APPROVALS IMMEDIATE 2nd row tzl and 3d Hadron burn Arnhem on Ill Nome lm Ind nornrmnIA moms IF YOU NEED SIDNEY Pny olt utsLnx nmrrgu Home Imornnmrnu iron rdttco FUNDING 3n RAY 5T TORONTO LIAISON RENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT MISSISSAUGA COURT NOW RENTING JOHNSON 5T BLAKE ST HWY 11 Beside Dominion Store SttiCOE PLAZA INo hcdrnorh outlet 0m tun hllcony ODotorrd Inpttroceo Itth tree retrtrerrlnr lsurm them In 1an Dulrtnor porno nlth um pinyin Otndnor prrhtn OSII rtch minutes ntk to puhtt OSnunn beach Ind yrcht club POI FURTHER INFORMATION 7263383 mom PARK LANE TOWERS turd bedroom ephrtmzotrw nttnhle now Most madam luxury bonding itvo otovatoro Cabin TV parking III IIttIttIrI Inctnd rd Nothing distance to down ton Phone Tutom It PM ROOM murmur downtoer taulnn suit hullI11 Ildv rm mun Ihl Immenltl mopy moon FURNISHED nvanLoquIoo rm mm um no room bodyom our III9mm Moon name In wont vltltttIII mm Vulvrwllnl patron utm rrhto WI tltdr IIII moon MAINS pm An rAIttuttI town on Inan Inerth In mid rcrvtwt butlle on wrlltuoron tweet Wu rim to lloroh our mm tron IMtudu mm mm moan May tormm 1mm Au met two IM mm mm run mMI All Leon Gmlcl rowwt room no camberv LtmI mum mud In nnnnooIIII apartment rm om IIIman tlm urrtmtor helm hem mom nvtvm memo our lw mum wen wooded noun Iron Tetrnom em non mgr room mm Inltmrvt Im no um um mnwn Awttn Let tamd rrrtr vu um Shani bltomonl NIMIII oer mourn ntm won cnwlo wItn ltd puemo No rm Avlllhbtv May III Tellmm ATV2N4 rm MODIIH unan tantrum Aurnhtt tor 1m Iol Mutts em or mom thorium g7 APARTMENTS WANTED1 TWO IIDRWM thrMuI borne leoulm hr mpolllll mate who cm not on mottty rm DO IIHMI attu Mn AI Tnousss we run rIvl ROOM new tor ml at but on mutton um shun on AM Ilthble May In run norm Tolll mm mot 1h Am wow IMIIJmI hm AL mm gum sum III Icttoot Ivmnonmm or men It only tut monthly Totoobm to MI IIIW POUR hodroom wrnmm norm room won mum It In mm Plum tlmm NINTH Au Mr TRIII NOW MIMI Mflwnt um um um moors Totem IIDIOOM ml nun Round III In mom Ilt IIDIOOM Mun mm moo ROOMRBOARD mm um Immotmlmovmmwd HILL Ind Trtooltoou hunt wry In r14