CONTRACT BRIDGE I1 JAY DECKER North outer Ruhr lid with II no ononrtt arm nor All out warm on OH AI AH sown AQJI OK OKII mm mm an Ed Int IO 16 IRT IV 80 Pa INT Owning moton morn Bout qumnrthM Inmnwtrdednmbun WMkwmyud matrondemttondntnxtho play It an own mom Anytutinahutmunat north Iprrttctanbethorhelootrpnrt nu nhtte the tendon on the Memmthzmu IooNuthonIhHIanttmv Routw this docmt mun III the tldenden mu hm Odr inntnu they too un rome Itma blkr doavtlve tonne Ind tn Ont n1 Intrtnd dorlnrv or the hutnr hll dodllon on INoMIIHIuIBn Hut Kmlnnl HUN DWI wtth rt ht Ind AK oI rlrh the West toot the queen with mood lPdlt Ind th warm IM Eur shed In ltb lob Hid Rnplnn no the IlI nude with tho Hut Ind return rd In rhh South tould It Inert rnroly hm plAwI low And nude thm notrurw no suns SAY JEAN DIXON TLmAT APRIL II Arte Mud IMHO ere the pullout toteno ham to It beyond the toll ol wrlmodlnte rmton UM Ion nl noduottn ttIoe Tllrlo Avril II timtg Inmn httnr mun ditherud ontntoor Itlr extu round nt trttr But thorn no rudt tlnnr the last word loony mlnt thiny IIJm mt EN cotton with Ionrnoy IrI nomtomed pincer but rultt tunnbttnn In totutze on tIIxIny tram him Inc ItJuly mt Pmonnltty rtulr unrnn ntInnII tnovitabtoba Iuro onr pe Hm LI rtnccn Ind Iutr long In otherr he ttnty Au Any mm you lotto tncorrntm Elma orcttrmtut RI norm not ride mu In IIIle In IM yon hm hu lm iht ulan ttl ml to let mold tutor urtng tho mortIIntty to ronIrthtnr youu hrmwrn tlhrI that MCI IIII Tlhll seemed killed yutordu doesnt today Aootbrr days nltlnctdun WHO may he Mice7h Dot Nev Itlt DmltnnII lllel hrtol Into noodoem my Mom Idlon You my find youre mrmntttod yourutl ollttout llIInkinl Aldllrlll IN WI XIII Rntrnoe mntr chm your hudxrt Int watt dry helm nuan chanzu httmhtte are tor tho mod ot thou you ore Clorlcorl It III II Your tttxh Ildo ot prrwnrt portuntty conllnur ulth tome IlOQlhle Ihldr chum oreryv thin Annulnl In II Pth III Re brlol 1nd to ll polnt Tlh Into romunt thrt mote you dont know Inn hm uyr ot thlukln ou unt Lomprehend Ham Iteh iIMmh IAII Ymrdnyn trend conttnul ntth LITIXRI tndnr oI tInnnr Ludt hut Ivoltt hetnl itpnaot Kinda TELEVISION IIIUFFALOIRARRIE uncut noctrus IUFIAII TORONTO BUFFALO TORONTO tl HAMILTON II PMRROROUGTI MORNING VIEWING moV rm IIocu HO 7th rm rmob MA lA runt Ptm mt In doaan Hm IIII Tilliifnlmm ItIumrnteto In In mm My Im4M outw on 1qu ra Doltm humanrm Hum mm on trtl HITOI rm TIOIIIV IM MI AN ttu ARM IHI rinlur roan WHmolrn moo IPAII Donnva RARRII CARI MONDAY TO FRUIAV Antrr II ltnrt PInmh loom IIIII II It IHMI Hollll It lIIII OI In Itll Artur rttm lnHrlmno If HM my Mum um me our IIst Nun Mull mm In HIKILI llll MONDAY APRIL 23 AFTERNOON now NITNI HOW woo tlJIyle NW III tva HUI III RWMI Wm VIII IIE Alton ASlln IV TWIN Ithmnm 180 mm Dlll tH Mann 2mm mun to arm won one wrlrfrum Mom In IZAII M1 cnIImI rrroonu won mot IIommmt an Ade Iron no IMch TM Wald Tum lthdlttl Tmltl MONDAY AP out Him In mm nunII LITAFwd Wt room It tIerh or mower It urnmorn um nIIItII TWIN Wu lMn ll HMPAIIII and Wm IMMNM th LIT11m or hummus 5W thld ITEM Null Hm figGot lmlrl ltlltIkHewl Wllmo Spull ml LIV MILII my FJIII TM INN RADIOHIVV Walla WI llPllt Elm tIlhdklol mo IOnwirog too neon HIM tDutr nu Yra 1va IISPIUH RHIMI 2tllvtmd World Knuth unnum HIlrlllt lomt thttvwnod toulrn Inottlrr Ilvltonltu II Ilmn and Mutln oGlmIm uIIhw mu tau AM DII LPon ttKlugrton Clltnl Iu Ian at our Um mm hm Athl nge Mott mm tNM 6m grin Ill rim IOoctwl to to Hm Dludm IWMII M1 llrtll lSartmll IINv MINOR IIMrm humor nu 4mm World Ionrm Io mm It mm 14mm Haw Ilvl son not too InIum To 7mm mm arming atY tow RPM llll Hemm rm LANle rt oeoe Wad IIImm mm Kltrtrll RIL ll EVENING rood Ml IIII Allirum Itmuu um tNrmll nun HO IMvlt nut HM Im am Mon rm Itlu at Mt Ilouom mo MITTm II III LIN IDHII DI PPll AM Oh tloerlnMlnnllt Ill MITMM AIM Ilrmldo III TJIHMII Allv Il Ml FIII III HJLHILIHM WIIIMI 59ml Irll unoer ilmvtllrn Alunnln Innlgnt Luau tKIItIn woo wont IIrntm mm In on Mldwomm IIth Douro Hoyle loan murmur nunvmm at or AL llalmv Orlttln ransom It hM tl Inm II towInt hot Home III With mu May GOOD outrun Baldnoss Canned =E Ss2g if if it Dan Dr mumI tthut on be done prevent that RIthtn leelt hm outwnmumonum moral Inventqu at In With one but And tho arm were born thrort Evan wtih medallon on beretII min to recover Imn udt are other you hm hm nmnl herd rotor but thtl your dnruttr hu hrd mo donmm ho Inc Jun nondvred wry thtn Ll honour And on un do In nmrnt Inothtr HeroMM Ity run It thlr drum to rot mo vtrulont term or tlbttrltod In tho Homes And Iorond nun re LIge rather than non nttndn that we Imlrdy enough wordy poNALn nucy Egri EaI TE $52 35 ES if mm mediation who our nttndtvo Ptrrt town II Mid be he Irrrnlnod ntrelhrr IN II run run Inlnrttnn It wood ttlto ballot to melt ARV you without knowing ntxthrr It would bo ruitnbte tor our rortkutrr mt Bottrr ihvnyorudortorttkrntooknt new wrlrrlk III Inlrrutlr hottun thy1 lm undor WRIT IR NOAH nlri dllterrnt em luVEtt ROUGE 3PM would out that thin room In turbutruu ot the Sn ow In nutomrtlutly ptn to guenry Rttorln Webectnt Ill be plIM ntth riots trouble pasta in tho tint as nItIes tron on II Ito hm durtnr uhtch it tall man than my Mont plays or thlr norm trorblr Iroutd certInt hnvo Iomo tnIuttnlton to on whether palm or other nhotrw lion lntrrlat with proper Mme ol the atoms TALL ANIMAL Tho If to the truest urn InmI OFFICE HOURS rhulthamrtnroarontregrelaverhnvtngInmrdr nurtnonhlp with tItIn DAILVCROSSVIORD LDIIIIII Intro ILHett IIWhrrr momnr irtlhhr LRroln Hut lang 10 II enrlltn IRA artmm Lily ItolIttrne torture 11 191 drvice mm 1t nun now ILIotdoIrI Rhintrnt Elton undte II Venmtl IL Rxptnto ll noun Ahrutrtn Iurlrt hrtnraniAnrNtr 33 II RuItrIrn ro Ilttnnt rim dam or Mr PM lm New Ant II for all 0th RIO IIl tyrdx errrtrr city Rnnr hotl wdr um It DAILY CRYPTOQUOIEItrrol Row to work III II LONOPRLLDW one letter IIIan rtrndl tor Inothrr In ttIII um II tor the munihxlgorthe trtln On othr SIRXIOVIEIIEISI ran Innronotewd rndry thuodotrttcrurndttterrnt CRYPTOOUOOE SO IESK RKOL PITR VPRDRLIITIR VFRORLRTFR UIVR lKRRLOZPDDH lVPPTDR lrtnrdryr cantonqu WEAR YOUR LEARNING Lt YOUR WATCH IN PRIVATE POCKET AND DO NOT PULL IT OUT AND STRIKE IT IIERELY TO SHOW YOU HAVE ONELORD CHESTERFIELD CHESTERFIELD totltutulohuwtr Illl MR AB ERNATHY UKVR LDEOFWO ED IRKPTPZU RITE 22 SAWYER BARNEY GOOGLE our THE povs UTTERLILOV WELLIIOUR mm ABOIIITHMTBIRME HIGHTEMPERIuRE PRO MINUTE OF tSRAEL MISIS THAT SHE RE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY WITHOUT All will IS KILLTD OR ROOIDID WHYOVEN INFMYDMIr InnunwuumI WT WERE IOST Wm Ml to IDDUMOtlrt 7o FltD MEIR my AAlIlIIO II Atoms HAS ANITNNAE 74453 MA Baby