Wmnyiw ropaltldmr wont retentioan Ian Advertising movie In tithe Deerim toms In Watergate winuvomv rm noun hoover that he had to linto WI John Dru who motor on WWW rnivhrtrihnoibonudeeecn Innperttipo mimooim most ior themtemto allot not In protan Ibo poo ropem re to Minis armaturebimbo will other AME urn has been entrant to Mien mm cloa to him this nitrides iourco rinse in Inolber development the to Dequ hLIioton Post mete wince The some DeIrio April today It ylWentloouunalhstbomtdoot Nixon told by member oi be rude someone III bin ITIII bill that year the tor clue lodettlon not be now is ner Ittorneymerlt John liii goor to help the prertdent rhcll Ind Benn My rere eiesr the little time suit or Invde In both 1W those that here bemirthed the ol hematite petty bcedoinr unite it tho presidency to the ten Ind MW coveno end thI man Nixon Ill Nixon told The Posts Mll better Ind HI rltrllen Ii ITW Give me lamblint some denies in etha Ieetend develop Mitchell Ioroer eotnpain die menu rector tor Nixon testied tut Andes Chinot lorniu mt More moo In to hhite liaise qutIiitreltrr otiitstitl theruir tlh told tied sooty thIi he bid on hi trporiers Iltemrtir thbt he rnlvunest In WItergstee III hid beard dwlon oi wine ehsrrcierloed II plot piIIn trppuuttos to the tort yarn wrong story in the mute pm dstproved them III Itoios yin be no Sourcot hhlo rill Dene Ins pared to denim Io Idm named to tonne Nixon uni trItlno corem oi Tinternle pilot the no them Thetimesrtoodbytlolory entropy those present It not water Mllntbrns Wuh Iot ere humor oi the Dem Inzton bureau quotel some on crnttc heedgurttrr In trying Alto term Ride pisnced not Itlelo enst inIy Indy Desi presidenle WML otter deteran lnvootlrItlnni eondrettd the lnltlIt lnrnstlxI Ire over becIuse be In lIrien lion into the cue Itddr rru outot IIror rlth Nixon orerhis IoIIowed by Nixons Itsternuit bondiin oi the writer IIoII that no While liotno Itdes were reIdy wilhdrIIo iron the Iniotved Nlliltl IIId April rna Chnman Caught lllter Rampage ill Abductions lwo Killings mom Chill AF murder lidnntvlox Irtned rob ptinmubisbeenrnuredhyberyrnd ywlthother polkw It the end at Nannie letooy chmW rowan or III one two ropes Ind two met Ihootinnr Iurhoritles In The motI bone with the Hmong oi IeyeIrold wornIo South lithe Tahoe lthy sod ended Sunday when police Ihot Ind wotioded John honyitd 31 at our Francine on the motions oihierced credited with errands Io thoirmtnd louenrd res bootedvior to test Itlon olntorder in the shoot oi two elderly women IhoIe es were lottod to tel roonn In IlIrIposs to utter northeost ot borer LINKED 10 RAPE in San Irenclsco police sold Bunynrd us Vultlvely mod with series it It tIdei on women in the posh blob run Im to recent months lncioxiiu the multiple doloth eronese violent 9Authorities rm this account It the Ibgpttw ropes nub Mlons II Soreh late TIhoo shout I00 miles north oi here nun kidnapped Ind worm nidoy and later termed po liceman III tied with too bor tIees to their rnr but relented them about miter Iwa On Snundsy Sin lrudsco world Norm Girrett at police issued bulletin tor the ne IiIr anon Imlldvdtl berped with error ol Mind Ioitdrinh truth driver Cambodion Opponents llgree 0n Coalition State Ctiuncil PIINOII PM Merl President Inn hol rcarhel agreement today with his duel poiltchl rivals on new cooll tton tI eerncil to shred um wiir etlort lIie poitknl crisis was re solved or the milttuy Iiltntlon worsened wtih bulging Cum munlst lorren min ztho Illburbs oi Pinion Perlh Elovnn ctvliInI were wounded when 30 shells tore tito lho residential IrcI oi Tok hrniu the second nldat In row the written suburb tame un der cInnon lino despite vaes ol Iir oirlkoo by United inlet end Cambodian planes In tho lcapitol to to Tom announced It uter merit nod been reached on tor motion oi tourmn rtate Nuncll surprising lenders oi non omnrminht opposition zrotrps Ind the president move Ionz urrtxt by the its Inn Not this morning Io copied convromlsn solution that will suspend the oneparty notional usuriny to give the council tree bond The three opposition chieis who will sit with ton Not on the well are in Tom populsr sink illetnlr loretzr LIme prime minister lill onetime close Iriond oi the president who new trends the opposition ltopihtlenn early not been their party oeiLruI who who head oi Iinto irom Itll to rm when too Not created the presi denty The new council group the men who were retarded re sponslbts tor engineering overthrow held oi Itnlo Prim horodom thnoutt who is Gonorlrnlnl and II present In exile in Poking Canadians Remain Undisturhed Es Gouvin Criticized ByCong SAIGON CPI with com troterry continuing over the April domino oi two peace observer heilcwtent Canndion oiiiclols here teem imdlnitrbed by the Viet Coops Itlti rlrm oi Anibassedor bit Courts Garvin Connors senior rep reinntnllve on the Internallonnl Commission ol Control Inn on IOiSt In South Ie him was blotted by Viet Cong spokesman during the weekend lor recent ItItementI concerning the betlcopter ln cident Viol Out 001 Dunn Built Theo told now conference the the South Vietnamese Ind governments hate used rerrrttnbio rotor ocsl dent to slander both the Viet Cone pod tho North vletniro Pit And no north we report It lIr Goutln hti ronlrlb uted his share to this notion by the Ind Saion Intern moms Theo chIrzedr Gruulrt vlsltln 106 Item bases during the weelcnd was unhvoilsblc tor comment llut intrtnr otuvtu settler political Ilvirer Iernon turner Ioki Wail Given the loci toot Consdo to Invited hero by all parties to the peace Igreeotent corn ments AW head ot delezm 154 in Touch or nintrcnou Iconsrd Johnston motes tostirtinuto Idluitnuiit on Ior rII Ludouccrs Editor bonnet In Eustrr pnrty held nt ENERGY TAX DIVIDES PCS NIIUIITO CF Severed Progressive Cmiomllrr inun bul oi the Ontario ktistnture hm toned raid Ihoulder in the Itivn otetnrneolr proposed urcopacent them In Ind Toronto oiIo nyl will to in loll belorI he pays IL in not going to pay In to teen my tits worm Iold Bob Alnrteli to In oiilre mrtnam And hither oi sin lost not take my more tries he told At least in per ml at my Inlnry on In the government In some tort of tunes what really males the mod to Provincial Trenstirtr John Whiter nitrationtoy the III Ind their not people rhonrid Irenr Iwenlerr Ind It in the doll in cut torts hir lhiib Ibo Introduced he the tin bill In tho Irrislohrro ttrdncsdny said Inter ho Indd lire il rIreIuI thottrhl durinx tho veclend Ind bore me thin to lay Ibout Tirade when the Conservative tennis no He did nnt hittlroie Ihtthcr he would withdruw the In do men irsalmnn Corn tentative member or Fort Itll IlIm nidd Saturday he will rubr Sees Reduction Of Energy Tax TORONTO CF spokes man inr the Ontario Municipal Electric Association tOIIEAI said Sunday Ontario residents can expect the provinclnt Ior crnmcnt to e5ihcr reduce or re vise its proposed scywpercent tncrry Inn SOME REFUSE SLPIONI Coriicrvnliro hochbencbero hnvn mired Itrnor opposition to the new tax odd number or members have said they will not support the Initiation when It IonicI to vote IIr tiroloy who II nlso chair bl Itniter Ilrolcy president mu oi District at the onion said my Emitting no in In ilmiv hi Willhm corntwnotion oi the energy tax wonti complete wilhdruwal oi Ontario Treasurer John White told on the weeheod CFIIB rnv dio program ktI Dismiss It PrInro oi Wales school En tnped Friday night that public omlntr Photo renction to the energy Inn on ceeded my most parlmirtie predictions lint Itr While on tho Ionic Six Killed In Los Angeles summons 05 ANGELIS OP SLI persons were killed end Ill oth ers woiiodzd In elIht lorntions in to horrortilled minute In Erly block nean and here Euler SinnIIy polio odlcer told the shootings wound to burn been phoned sequence Iomethinl he Ibotlxht out or II Iny rote in hind ol order oi priorities onler shot and wounded IVllIiIrn IIIy Bonner to In unempioprd rervlre Itntion Il tendnnt during shootout that iplinwcd chose by sherlllI ticIndies Bonner In hospital with gun Ihot woundr In the ten was booked iot lntcrtlgoiion oI mur der Iii condition today rm re ported II Inllsinctory The monitor rpm Sunday Ilierooon cloned In Bonners home There worms visitor in the house wIsrhot Ind tilled nod two teenagers were wounded Then the gunman ran out ot the house and undo quick to Ihal Illlil to two KITS Itntlunr two liquor rims and two other hootn Itt within one more sner Included In hie April In prov brill budget BY Prioritigs in to log the tour Tuesday morning godmother in In my billowing meeting ot the Con WILLIMI RAY IIONNIIB wounded on he went Police Ioid WI believe he know Ill hr mt oi the oocpie be titled slicriiis Ucut Erotica Elliot said oi the gunman Polite are this account mile nreo IerIng dead and 0th still or Bonocro Search For Missing Prisoners COIVANSVILLE Que tCI Provincial police potrnt cIrI cruised roads Ind highways near wooded me early today nlter twoday search or two men believed to be hiding In the woods wss coiled oil The men believed to be esco perI Irom the mrdltuunccurtty penitentiary here dashed Into tho woods Friday nipht otter struggle with In elderly couple hicanwhiie In Level near hiootreoi three prlscocrr ey coped Sunday night irom tho mediumsecurity teelcrc n4 to Assistont director Pierre Dos tlo noted the creepers II Iicuo Filed 25 rerva hto Tm tenco to murder told an llamageControl Called Oil By QueheoPolice neou 25 serving on Ihyear Ienience tor nutn theits Ind John Blackburn 21 serving two years for parole Idolatlons In Cowortsvitle to prisoners hnvc esroped custody or tolled to return irom Ieovcs since April IJ Itvo have since been mined in tho penitcotln to miles soulhcsst ol hlonlre Provincial police sold Suridoy believe the two rrien who it to the woods were still hid Inz In the eightsquareth erro Tho scorch expected to resume today ran Itter two IInhultlr1iltlgzlttl with Air and mt IienrylIldny night during In infusion oi the NW tamo retmonsnp Tilting Water Oil Newfoundland HALIFAX CPI Adoiuige control tenor lrom United Stiles Coast rituard ruttcr lauded the mutton Councilor contniner ship AnthemsIor early tothy ntlcr tho rhip re ported she not letting wiltr Io tItdAtIanllammilosenstvlSA Johns Niki An Ilbua rem cetdrs worm here said til British crew rhernberl shortened the vessel Simdoy him not besides die damage control learn Irom the nutter true only the rep tlili tour Ind one other crew rnrrn ber rotmillet aboard the Canadian Pnctiic Steam ships eI registered In Lon don wos botntd lront Liverpmi to dorm my The centre told the drip nut boonlttttng water broogh riittnehdlimeter hole II we toranew port oi the cosine coo no hid opporeotiy ridi IIded the reswe ipohesmotl Hid hiltt Ittrutpts would be mode to when her outmt patch tho hole rent while rioting lily homo Mu hilly ruucus re was shot rind intIIIy wounded by man wielding him on non oi Vanished Under Ihot Ind wounan two teen nnd In Increase In the whole tho new tax Inio rules could mean another mod oi retail turnorItI to rrenses in the Toronto IreI dur inl this next year licinil hydro rnles lumped In em oi elrht per cent ear Iter this yearloitering In In rreIro in wholesale rota er Ilroiey list In crillrll ot the trenrurerI moutiru thII hydro cornmlnstons revert to lndirtduIl rnetertne oi nub Inent In IIIII oi the proposed to MMIM resident ioreonserrs the IN oi his hydo thereby towering his own Instr Their Noses the ill ilK llrmy Hunting lllllLeader Tho yotttho told polite the min returned to the house Ind gmm no In beard tanner rte Britin Army to blunting one oi min came out Irlln tlrnnnustwlnlod menlntrelud PM Pit In oiler lhdlwultdltlltpllbll motel oh it their con any urted In ntlittsnt ioi mi Iii 51 lower to keep lighting Ind Iii WW it lb thon vanished under the noses mm shotgun to kill Alicne Wolls l1 nndcritlceliy wound the girth Ibyeorold sitter mm there the mun drove to soother station II he taoliy shot Raleigh thuicbl iimier son who had been clotworker with Bonner It the station Seven lire Killed In El Paso Blast El PASO Tcn AP nsturnl gas explosion early Easter muddy tilted seven per Ions nnd levelled much ol group nt npnrtmcrit buildings poor the downtown section I1sz persons were men to hospital Iiter the low tsunbilng blast turned revro oi the brick veneer Iporlments In the Ir Ithod block Into pile ol con trols and brick itvn Icci deep Iirerrtcn said many at the vid Iimr were mild in or near their beds Witnesses said the builders appeared to hootI upward then drop back Ind iiniien They collapsed rather than could In Item the outside wells one liromnn told Firemen blunted the explosion on leaking naturII Ins saying the look oteuned whcrc street to airs had been made They told gas wry spewlng through the Itreet Is Ior II ioo ieei Irom the npirtrricnts hostile 1714 you drive Inywhere cm the Aodoymer oi security toners Bil tho elusive Druid OConnell believed to bo lho herd oi he violent Provtsloonl III oi tits guerrilla Irish Ite publicon Anny wits reported by sources close In tho Provi slomiI to have slipped ILIDSI go border to his hideout In OOonncii addressed crowd oi Ibout 2500 repubilconr It Tillman ccrrulcry In Bcliests CIihoiic Falls Road Sundry during antiBritish demonsIrI lions by the province Cnihollo orin to moth tho Iborllve Itll Easter uprising oyniost British rule In Dublin About no yards irorrr where he spoke won on army post but no attempt wns mode to arrest him durinz the rally The two wins ot the 1M the Provisionois end the Marxist oriented Oliiclols held scpnrole marches to lhe cemeteries IIony oi thepartictponis wore lItA paramilitary uniiorms Ind Oliicials Fear Gas Eruptions May Beach Bay WIISBUIIG Michigan APII Stole otitcirts Ire eit presto concern thtt series oi nos eruptions Ilothtd this hitchmn community will mm nearby Grnod Trnvurse tiny on Lotto hitchin Ind entire entan live lime to underwaterliie The Iris zeysern have been piszuiny the urea colliednro dIy Al bi Iomi llIIIIl In nod nrourid Wlillrmbur have bccn evacuatedl sherliio dtW tics sold Sunday The geyser scorn to Iccpirogzinz said Sidney Dyer dot wtth the hitch loan dep merit oI nIuroI to tourists lilo nu scouts to bo Iciiuwniz the bottoms oi the rrcctu that ow Irom hero to the boy Eliduiur tint the mirrors were nearing the hay wot strengthened Saturday ntidtt with discovery oi CV largo crater on lrrrn only two miles root the bay The new geyser shout tour loot wide end notch or eight leer deep Is mils dork IlsSses durioo tho core many britlrh trohps Ind police throughout Northern Irelond were on ItIndby him to trouble but no motor Incidents were reported during Easter weekend the rcnietory OConnell looting grim Ind tense Inid Todriy the reprint Issue In the tour one at conict be tween Irelsndr right to tree dem and Minds dctrrrnlon tion to teep us to Iiibiugntioo British withdrIwIl coo be secured by the Irish people north and south It house not abroad India to unison to Icrievo It mil in resolution to tho potty mum hired Ishhz the to be rshirrd or tthdawn He Ilse raid the tax on debt Ind but would be tmiIIr to rest dentI oi Northern Ontario bo rouin ct colder violet Ind hither luel commotion Ilr hIiiII said he no quite Iwnrn the merry in no not popular but he IIId ho ho tievei the Eubllc In not run that six It or provinces hire Iiiruirr tar Brliit Columbia Snslatrho wIii Quebec titre Scott and Neutoitdiand nit tor eorrty ior domestic use Ilsnitobe he Iivnpcrlteot tax on Ill energy except domestic heating hi Vinic visited 5L Thorns lot out where lion htnitiil rrtnllto member ior Birth told him to we tirIvI Inn coming hcre Mr White replied he cant ilnd my place to hide Ind he ndiied there my or may not be rebellton within bII party on tho rnergy tax Party proposition III rporhrd last Wednesday when John Smith member ior linmiltod Mountain voted anoint the In bill when It come up Ior reading in the legislation WILL REFUSE BACKING hlnuricI Iinmillotr In llrntrew North Ill Satur diy be bid been by hundreds oi peoolI hr his riding protestln the brand hn nddcd be or return to wit it Dr llArry Pnrreit 0m Iervolive umber ior Oxiud grind he will vote Indian the momentum unmmrurmc 3355w7335l41572 uT Inver REMIWAN g3 Intiin tth not lup port the hr in the boom John Rhodes Consenolive member or Soult Ste hinrte told he will spcoit In opposition to the hilt lie told Northern Ontario residents would entry the Ixunt oi the tax Power Boycott Set For Niagara ST CAIILIIIINES tCPt Nlogorn Peninsuio residents have III May as the dole for power boycott Is demon stration Irrinst the proposed Ontario sevenpercent energy in Shirley Gntcs oi Nlognrl PIiis sold the how to per mddvmllnldlntl to cut their moth power Iwitch It pm tor to mlnutcl spokesmen tor Ortlnoto llydro uid such boycott could be donxerous onrl worried the homeowners could be reopen riotst tor our donors to equip moor CAPSULE News Belgian To Show Drawings In Canado orrnwn tiPiA inverting exhibit oi duhlms and druiimo by Booian rrttl dorm theor whl be rirtuhted m1 onodn ice one your the Notionil Cutlery oi heath manned today Devlin Marries In Surprise Ceremony llEiFASI lRMrrIchwlehe Devin the mod llsrrboynnt mm In lr its was trimled In surviso emoton todayf The wedding to to the hxthcm Wand tours oi she lives the brldcmeom ts httthoel hchlisttey Communist Blockade Broken Through PHNOhI IDii Ii hmmtuvlst blockade mmuzlhlm tog itnct Ind rnimti on iotlrc bdeozuomd 2an copithl This note oil tuners mid bio irottmt nrrtvcd here on PlanITo not in New Workertgmi 5T CATIIAIIIN Ont miGown Irom lath we It will odd 200me wortnrs to the tom It to pinsrt hero bciwe hlny mi early tempo exported onto no on all work lento hm to 1600 Baltimore Reporter WASIIINGNN Alirl Bod smitten to re to moon neworotiisetodny hbbld Steers Soprano om gt Yugoslav Parliame IlEmiLhDE MlPectich Tito Into today the Wilhelm loses llppoal timoro rmttr laced with tail train iiryl decoders nbouu tor herring beiore lhI United nt lo BoChrigved the dense neon twig reprcsunhthes to SW worhets Mom on varimwnlnndm we Idem when wk our Ilvhl tiles that we are enamored WWmwm if Greek IInIiGovt Arum tAIlAnti floated lulu now they wooed esteem serum wideWWII eloser to the boy than noy on ore discovered ouspgpers Seized wore chitin on the government to