Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1973, p. 4

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mpapusortvpany Limited l6 Irylield Street Barrie Ontario lARobIrwallrherOealeveiMsMgar jun Walls ldllor Emeritus Hanlhu Managing Editor no IAmiAY alarm as am nor all VICity Has An Obligation Ea 55 Far murmur terse trio ornam Oamero Bel pla ere whether tdey To Construct Changerooms When is Barrie going to build drawer and ohaogeroona iaciliitu tor more In lolved la the citys muslamming roil bail iasthati and DJSCDTII leagues are beginning to wonder have been iorgotico It bursirede oi thousands at dollars commit itlsem New tenniscourtahsye been built now lilstlareiheotythdsoniething tor the hundreds oi ball player in 1th lor Barrie our dubs abeedwllhlt Malachite bemlylmm llcdenaluovamnart nurse at the WW Oderio Im 15 lohoetmloummwibdlnwlnd oils end have to teI WP can be Liustifaably an new arena tor kerts wiryeannot tow lborae and be spun at Queens and Shear parks tor shower rooms We wonder this nil be theyear the Misti Paris and Recreation Oomnaaaron WIII mainly ask councillor the funds to eorntruct these sorely needed ladiitiea no not toa ow as item an action organizatiodstnd at one that deals In words only ltisnowtnthethrocroiahousing study done in the form oi questionnaire delivered tohomeeln the city illustudywilbeanim nontpiera to work tor both tin con and Darrin It will represent the first rdnrttile in rminchlm die ere are MIMIC or city the Tire oi Barrie should nol tuner have to be blown toritr Isiah league ball lgymyer to Isidro provincial es Having the city tool the bill ior rooms should be done as mtterglclhgm munily pride Housing Study Impbrtanl inllie inerilably stirred up cur lroveray WgLAINTlIIEAIID cmuse rays onrprov rial dsiaiorr are souawkr tram some local politlv time getting etscbred out oi their tltill empires but the last nulority at them realise Its In the belt intricate Hot lltcir probedone oi houdng and nothing aI areas titudes In the oily Residents who are ottered question hm hairs should take the time to mmplcte them II for no other reason than it is time we got honest answers about our etttludes to Ontario Housing and whom or most tlvlnir the government should be involved in suds things as land banks Results will be Iorwardcd to the pro virtual task torce on housing DOWN MEMORY taut IKATINO RINK DESTROYED Barrie Examiner IIIMl IO Iliad Bar lte visited by one oi most spectacular irr ea in years when lirmmoth Ilink hia Iioric irarno structure in Agricultural our on mzadhgiyhamcr 01 am Mb II at omittian Ilumors abound but last year two out time were discov eredin time low structure Alarm was tturned in by William Promint who lives nearby but towns volunteer titomen twere lovable to rave rtnlr as strong wind blew irom northwest Boring embers oar rted quartoreniio to Barrie Trailing and mulls luel yards Manager Sid Shetrloclr raid he checked building thor ougttly prior to leaving about it pm and tall tlve stove tires were in order Sutld itng rm owned by West Simooe Joint Sloth Agricultural Outlet In which latr Roard Is tar slurohol er biggest losa was by Bar is Oiltaons Band live vat guatylo Instruments and music library Ilierhte Dymeni star doicnoeman oi Bar lrie Colts had distinction ol ecoring Iarl tart in old brailding In hockey match vs thrie at town lraguo Public opinion ieems to be that new modern lnllldtng trhouid be erected OTHER EDI OUETNS STATUS IN CANADA Chatham Daily News recent oilort by the Prime Minister gin turthor erode the prerogatives oi the ilrovvn will he oorulnlcd in tiicront ways by the cltuens oi this country Ilhe loyalists led LJOIIII lolcnbaker Mill put the most at tel motives on the rgovommenta attempts to remove the pat vlicge oi signing some diplomatic docu gmenld out ot royal hands and to lranticr tilde tests to tho GovcnrorGcnorai True he is the representative oi the Queen in this con however as Her Majestys represents vea pointed out to ill tru doau most at these accrediting docu ments intended tor heads at other states should be signed by another head ot state This they indicated Lt moat elementary courtesy maria CIINIIDIIS STORY soon at possible The Mammoth now purer Into Barrie hie io Atlcr 23 years business liownrd Fe sold his lewerly than to Reeves Barrie Outing Club on Clapporton St has had recordieason In wlnnln tro hies Sid Albert Simon Itev Dr viii Dichsrreti Dob Italoonuon Sully and HilliardMeredith ilarry Armstrong gosh tlordarly prominent at tinnial ieIe Central Crusaders won rota hockey league title with goalie lack Walsh Dan VrnAtter Iisnk Bogard Lt Lorne and low Adams starring Dyrrto Sud Tonlltneon and lied lilnner were best players tor St Vincents Ioscrr In final lions Club oi Collier St Unitcd MIMI pfOiOlIAM lltredpltyieii ltrat NIclred erootiatory rtsnin 9a Curtis and George Flicks Fee tar butter with Walter Saryeant Albert an ant llotnco unit and tar Brother Anioineita Comer To Town comedy featuring Dc Iiarold Smith hill Orton and Ncl MacDonald Norman Clarke war plans accompanist lViahart Campbell Barrie OllI tone headed iorpn Telegram all as iiavortte male ringerIon Canadian ra dio Wes llcltrdght oi CPliIi another tor mor Barrieitc was third among announc lil TORS VIEWS Others will endorse the in tended or otheerre oi the PngoIIlnist er It Is however essential to the majority or the people this country that the ma ntained as symbol at petition to the more worth tenets oi uniam and Soclaiirm The Queen is also the llgurthead licor ing the Commonwealth together and certain extent her presence acts as bulwark against the encroachment of politics as prrotlced in royaliytcss na tions euoh as ance and the United Stab ea Demrum costs very little and maintains The continued the amenitieroinstions and the courtch mllvr scum grassroots and stone on way Ontario now bustier row gluul wmlalaoperall rmbl Al milling people Another million would be Idded WWWN per baildoren lnore aratn ih early ringer oi tlrtntisr at the provincial or municipal eve Some mrnnlunltiea Inside Ibd renounce orrlnumt rlyrtad III Daddy Growing pains Irwbled so go 52 mungth lbarctnpthruralbtanrain smear old willde timid dotelm room mak Ing ltr Gardiner chairman oi the Idrtroewndi to real MDHGIIM IIr Gardiner ruled the roost until tilt with an Iroohaad ster that are bill the moon nu unlg ainnarisamuammwmmmlbw low Winnipegs Nwib Annaleeend will do Bid b0 are te dtratea thaIthe rig alrp was taken Ilr Gardlna am dont believe Toronto could haveatlaloed the prosperity It has II It hadnt been torn awry the numleipeliiy pl Illlie principalities Innpag iotioeed Torontos lead lit INT with Illotter ad ministration but year ago an unattended was set aprTha no new to rairsomrpreh aura tram Toronto city with dam Includln new Iiayor Dar vId me or Toroguo to fail would expect number nl Metro Toronto municipalities to be further reduced to per haps tour and Phi pretty near admitting they should go the whole tea in amalgamate the bundle Gardiner also All Dtirnnnhr turn that Arthur liern partial mentary aaalglanl in the legisla lure lo Theuurer John White with rclpooaibilily tar Merlin out new nuudstpat pints In the Toronto area and lo the sort oi it says see no need too rev grral with Illmllt rtructuring btctro Into one big monolith The element has plan tor rel ng up printmonolith onaomnd largest city In Ontario with aoonoo rounding territory But II II IiiO oitcrlng Hamilton and Wen tworth County twotier aya lenlmtre likely in be re repttdoi the some type all the other new regions Under thta method the top or regional council our air auch Mllnlllhttvddb topmcnl capital burr owing and police rcrvtcrr and acts as the rcglonnl planning board The In diitduai muntrtyalitlcr usually coneolldationr old once deli with local mrtlcrr The regions eel an annual basic slant at it per capita raboul per cent higher than pour THINK YOUVE ourltroortr mmuraarwxzsuev runraairarmnrsuzsurv mil LUliiiTlI1LJlX inc worn root ma only oi the crown be respectod and Demand Sparks Growth In The soviet Union Ily IOIIN ll IIAllBIION Frrllgs Allatrs Analyst Thomson News lrrrlre growth In meat at the hostel shown by one hold at state to another WW WW tsympmpmmmmmm urrmumaam First White Woman on Canctdicrn Prairies ll IOII IlOllIIAN Louie ltleie grandmother lAnne blarle Lalimodiere was the tint whitewoynan to settle their son Anne Marie ntort calortul the more larnoar Louis Riel was dtrn history but her husband agents at lira Northwest Com pany leaer about his trip Ila waa Inlerce led and war one oi thr beaten by NorthweIIerr along women It Cana on the ralrler Artoihrr girl trorn rlIairarrtved about the earnel Ildlllil butts helleyw Io hav home agar alcr Idlhgtollnpd lalllltevr ioltr Arlna liarla was shy girl brought in small village near lror ltIvIcrcr QUCIRY Somehow she met Jean liaptlsle la Inwdtele vdln was tarnoua late hunter We had glonerto uebec actinges earlier or liraldnlyn tiny corrgtanyri to ave rum le ilrptllto paddled it will In southern ltantlohr by going up the St luwrence Wdull the Great taken not their mils wintry well at Tllllildtl Blylwir ilrrt baby waa horn on tan lens Eventually she married tattle Illel Senior and lean Doptlstr Intimodierr de seller share oi the apolighr In late he was engaged to rarry special delpatrirer irons lied liver to Lord Selkirk who was in Montreal Letlmotliere hands the Louisville tpiuliey on anpwahoea Rod arrived an liaruh to It was romuilnbla hut in tha bitter cold and storms oi wilder It is underalelsiabla that Jean in late rrsI ht lite to stay and en the hrtgtu lights erva hits but lord Selkirk sent him bittIt to ilotl litter in April lie want If trny glue York To rune In ten es tor the remainder otleIeWIour ncy Jean barllair leek advantage itllylllulity to visit arms at the public titers in lost and the way tord dclislrtt loirna some at the deapatrhea he car ried when he rnidcrl the North waryl port at Fort William later lot Year OillEIl IIAIICII II EVEN litedolinqu oi your names der April was granted to Jesuits Illsulinnirmgny beeIma mentor oi Canada tutParliament oi Canada asked imperial parilumcnl to unite Drillrh North American colonies tllsltrrr Nrell boundary itiCl Will established liloQuebec poised general Mutation law trillPrince ituperl so was Incorporated IltlCunndienr taught at Nona reballs tltyr Norrie Evtmlurr ll Daylictrl Street Iiarr Ontario Telephone Tioml Second Clara liru llcglatrullun Ilurber but More portage guaranteed llrliy Sundays and statutory Ilolldays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier the weekly Wit terr Iy Single copies tic Dy mall Barrie lbs yrartyr Stmcoa County llllt yearly balance at Canada into yearly All other rnunlrtcr mo eltt Motor throw oil lamp yarr Notional Adverttarng Oltltell ii Queen St West Toronto All 1110 NO Cdlllrlll 5L Montreal ltrntbcr ol the Canadian Trial and Audit Ilureau at Circula tionr The Canadian Press Ir exclua lvrly entitch to the use tor to pub lcrtion at all news dispatch In this piper credited to It or The Assoc atrd Press or lighter and also the nrwa publish evl therein the Iiarrte Dtanunel claims Coryrtghl In all original advrr lla ng and adllnrlel material ole alrd by its elnployaer and r0 produced in tin newsprper Copyright Registration Numv bet Mill register it the tenant developments In larlWrai trade bars have concentrated or agreements be tween large private corpor Ilana in the West In an ply do Not atria Industries vrl tech nelngieal expertiseend In some very tar Instances like the Pill car pant near Kiev Ie nWestern gooda In the The Imprraaion baa grown that Boyle Industry is laggln tar behind the Watt and the Sn vict economy as whole hrr not shown the mostly oi earlier years But llosrow rur riaed the West last month en ti ra terrell sleet pductlon II urea lor the lust Ima which owe iluula ii the worlds naalor steelmaker in ma tor the second year In Industry production record was higher than the United dialer conrldrraht higher than the hoomtna eat Herman and Jim he snese barle slrci Industries Thelld still has greater produttlnlt capacity In wmeboc mills catering to the limit at its consumer products at mini mum In the Utah rm and home epoltrneev there is greater eiilrient Ilut rleeI lrnpottr have cut heavily lnte donutitr steel tie mind In the United iilrtoi rim lid and unsettled rovnotniv rondrtttma among ntanlilrrl rrarra have helped IIIiI liruriv the who on alert output Slnrllrr bovlel Ilgurev on Oil and gas produttioll though not yet released with such detail In steel output are known to melor American and European gar and pipeline companies who are closer Iy Involved In nego Wilth row the Soviet primary stect tlrtlons in lioreow on huge Sl reriarr gas pipeline Joint ven ll main learnt tor the groin to Soviet that the parallel gro ilr billoytrt capital goods demsnd chiefly In the armed torcrr large IpI tor the worldwide litan lleetr and tire malerupara construction pro rams earlWrit deals on such er rare hays also push up soviet atreI pro ductlon In the Idrntlcsl way It bu IlOlII so when the US auto Industry Is in etdck growth mwlbovlct noon the urea processed iooda building materials structural and IlIny rteclv sugar beet output are still much less rerlre than the recentlyrelease alert data till growth In all these vital to duririet airo lndirrte growing acceptance by the Politburo that the consumers needs mun inn ilovrlttcr nor can only ar some that Itoyttt plants have nine more rvmpetral than to stroll tries not only be mm the irriuvlon ol the new rrwionlirr oi protervor dermal but because oi thr tissues at all the Incoming capitalist technology BIBLE THOUGHT llvrnbla yellelm la the sight at lira lord and he shall til you as James lil bit atria lull mail it all to llim letttmcilon will to court will tyou up Just lie looting II at your Eighteen end direct to trim MW li yours lpvtnu been II nonregional are Iur till head when re oral police sores is let ranging up to spec rapIIr tor thinlypopulated avers lIrt oi the lesson tor higher grurlr Is In table thr myrtloooigrocnbclt lrr areas between urbib corrupts rallies vdiioh mill normally be overrun by taapeying tndtetry MAY AID kUlITIlER The province also provides ittlzltzortytvsaar OUR ECONOMY Islamth and rubaidlrr rootheeat because at Its smut RAISE lIOlllI The one errtltda plan baton municipal authorities limit ill Pitt or are through melt at Orrlo lbrm and Nilrititimerland ilae it has evoked clam in outwm ward is due tor olrr Plans havanhcdrnmmadl while trr three badMack tonePeel and Nation on their boundaries and tops lot Ilarnl mu Woolworth Woosandaan modulari nun Niagarrrrglonan was to bllled population at 000 altott oi the 160000 minimum mill rmmasnasnulmT resent lye alternative people and an nun at rur Windsor city and Erica Crumv lb eelI Iillufimluve Kola more Idlrbltrl cereals nest Oranl loathing on Waterloo and Weltiwortb stool commisrloa liltder way other couruy areas that be llned up rcriwtettwu not necessarily wttn any tlcnrtrl to drummed bould er udr ddlcres to on Iluron and Georgian instep allow to tbe eotlb Grey and Slrneoe pointy rtrrtrbtag iron take Shnooe Geoqu Dry have ma IbOltItll viable glnriai en es lo liars lrut It will be only Imsp liondon rily net laser iinroo Ind reitrsrottnlru will be in subdued warms up Wishliltlsml More Canadian Ownership Appears To Be Goal 0i Govt liy vnnntr volitional Financial Altslra Aralyrl Tierstron News Service OTTAWA Per bettrr or tel worse the Trudeau government spears lobe launched one do rate policy oi encouraging more Canadian ownership oi platinum and discouraging tor rlgn ownership The new Foreign Investment ilevlew Act will be more than review mechanlrrn to es ae the extent oi Iorelgn centre at btulneraca is the public Ar Trade liinirler Gillerple reyr the process is to be accompa nied byperltlvr rlepr to sup intuit fro EDITOR TIEEII IOll Illltllidltd Dear sir visitor to Darrla list weekend use smiled trace the interest rntt enthutlurn the piny rrs perrnlg and residents oi Darcie Ihowrd In the areal little lecwces amvwetha Iopaventol the scam ior ihrm Ind tho rlty oi tirrrle war the boctoy tourna ntcnl in tires last WY be lieve tho was an experience the biotic and their parents will novcr tomb the challenging echriehse at young boys competing rgainrt ltoya irorrt tillterent telutrlea must give them great anltsiac lion and worlhtulnrea Even though our ELM did not no Inmevnlh big at tr give blgciteer tor Forum and another tor the Ioravarrlteertng parrots lhln Ion her tor ealun it art the development oi anadlarr business The lrlple approach ta rnora r3 ltcrtod than that advocat Walter Gordon In the days the lemon adrnlnirlration it does Involve ronaidcrabtr amount at Intervention Inlha market place It will tor stance require that ma oi directors at all Ieder corporatcd companies nrua Canadian clllrrna Therair he still brrrirr agrlnrt takeovers oi Canadian itrrne by foreigners or the Iabilthntrnl oi new burinerarl by iorrlgncrr aplie an an bualnelrer but rigtt investors realism to control rtrrtlng irotn arratrhlor buylnl Into existing time are put notice that must contour to lrin ruler Whether the uruitcmelil needs or trite probe depends nrtnrrtea in Cans either on the perronr appotned to Foreign Investment Itevlew Agency thats to be sit Ilcmberr oi that board mad at good derl oi huuntra rrtiae as liar tact It the em trip it It in elicit will have power to say yes no to most takeovers oi dtan owned tlrma by either elgncrr or other Canadiert already owned by lorelgnersn NEOUIIIIll IA That rellr let not only at tonsideruble degree ustnrse competence and lurnl on the part at narnrlrra the agency Since that port corn lenceia IMO only In pgrrwaulvho actively engaged In urtnara it may be hard to ilndpeop who are unbiased have recently been an angeld

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