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registry or alllmssilwhlan nails lr MOVERS aria vaulsto and liens III or mm mm woolrt lter lama rlsuo suumo lllttl Ml ltd NIH lapel loner tIlmTpio um All lime PLATERINO Pulllllltl sod repairs nuns teed lost more satss isle RIDIND SCHOOL lilt us Directoryor and Services Products PLUMBING Ill Ill more ll MIM AIM Hill HAND Iir Jed New sour II III IMIMI am no son Inu ween II nuns Ill SHARPEHINO SERVICE Mu IlIIIDlIO mu lip on ms Im the ML snare enemas REIDS SMATLENGINES Asthorlaod Sorrlsa Dealer BRIGGS AND MmV TECUMSEH AND OILO ANNE ST 726ml ILWT IN SNOWPLOWINO snowmen oursm para los his He sum Islet It 1n Inter niona Is IREB REMOVAL II II MI loll RM bills ME Varnish hi1 VIII lltlv RIM Ill AM snore REPAIRS LICIMII he the Glow him KIA IIILI III TIMI sous Rpm momma TILINO DII Till Milkmen Ui IW rue PM IIIINM Ill MUM ms nssr RESULT rnlr marinas WANT Ins not NIT labor Group Praises Jeers northern AWA OP It It MM WW RIMILLI must ersng stint hslei to cabinet that toothed on operatorneat mln tmunnr ea ahdanstionsl herd t7 In 61pm mcrnorsndum the semittonanerohcr congress log to Introduce policies to sovs memployment which tho Llc to was created Ia er hr IsrtllrutstlouaryJ progr Tho hrlei sstilrtaed tho Instrument errehdonn on tltd unemlomtert tusur theaters paying tnnoront uncro tioitd mirth suitor The government got some so served praise ipr resisting prleo Id wags controls reducing ms or those In lower Ineoms els and steeping tho general rinrlplo ot guaranteed au ual Income llut the hrlei said vital na unai ooiolcs and programs hissing or Inadentlhle As nation no are drsgglng trot sncn we go Irons with to month year to your All mueeptshly lsrnmrm rs oi on Io loo pier on hot on Is ma lt RED COMIDTIILNI Amsiorthzrnsotthopresrn ion was that thsro Is little rye tor solution to unemploy Iu uIthout an allout govern euthmrnlrg ieh In vstod rordws Soho 31600 upseouilihoeomepsrt oi Vssscowerr htniness hi is turning settlers hi it lllvtllzd Goorgll intos lwltnraryr ole out In An PM the sevemrnest tor iIll chutnd rm Ila ma no IsIIIa min more must up asootnrrnsm In Iv IIIeIIt corrqu rt in Inn All Immediate luoahopth la eorretis hrllday the III Clhlt dim mating under NW year mean holiest ginstha haste gs pens on month hrs Dropouts the ow made to stimtuotovthc sodomy and crests iooe the increased consumer pup power would result III rise to demands tor goods and srnlees flhe hrtel also attached blli now before PsItiaIrIent thst Willi pennl tho Unemploye menl lunuanee Dominion to cut oil heuetlts trom persons who quit their tabs for no good sensors are tired the reuse or who rotors irbs ottered Iron ihsro be rhinos by minority elatruslsts ths hrlet said hit we cannot eon done the nhuss oi the provisions oi that ram set tor reasons oi polilitol evadeoey at the ex who esonot tlnd lob sin lypeeauu not enough iohs III REOONSIDIIRATION URORD the government was ursod to reconsider Its approach to solv ting the shelling problem llhllo prais the govern meaz tor salon wags and price controls the hrtei mod Igslnst otiirlsl and unoliielal lialtmtoll supporting their con trols whip yardI earth are he hgaremevtd trom voice the lit roauwsy which is sup ported by site rounds The Dense ot some 500000 citizens PHONE Illlit It said such ptslernesls can lead to learn the MINI mi be around Ihs errors In that ptlees and was mutt be puma up In antteusallon it such government moves The hrlei also mend PM tlootst trade policies parties Iar these It said Its heir umsrruoialtd by the Unit States hilt new hetero Congrels Wild limit Wits Into the U5 MdtoIIsh Its supporters It Canada would be exempt trons provisions oi the hill the said llhero is no one sloth why in the world which Is exempt under its harsh troll lions Alsh prmed III the brie all tisntenanrr ol the Canada U5 Minuet to WM 3M disu toot disiionsitsatlon oi Roll Out An increase in the federal llsrdson Tenors on the suit Iar in use oi Barrisa orv lsserararni has earmarked 51 million tor lamente or program oi temporary enspIny ment and artistileslsr youth LI special Inirrslrn Ilth the Well llll Secretary sl Ethic llngis fauiher taiha III slim nId areas mend hr mums IIssLutmN Ottawa hurrah 0i lhs Examiner Carrsdllnsnmyouth xated ltn so era us or the to do tuning the winter school holiday months up being uttered wide rungs oi activities hi this Iedrai government In the Summer of No longer srs high school and university students totally depen dent on their own tnitlsttvs III tinting ions to keep them mp led and to provide either modest smwnts ei pocket money or less modest Itde to help them eon tissue their education Through the department at the secretary oi state and othsr departments groert vsrlety oi Activities some which pay and some which dont are being sponsored this coming auanmel Csnsdas new um hrr oi State Hurt Faulkner points out that ths government will spend toil million on soul tldtparisnontsi programs or both employment and worthwhile comm ty activities over the next lets months This healthy sum Is designed to provide artlvlty Iur moo young peopls to community ser rrrinisrunn wage to is an hour tradition Ansehdmentei Iederal puh lie sertks laws to Allow iuller bargaining rights ier govern ment employees guaranteed annual in roles dootlearsnchems and slerps to reduce costs It pre Ie otion drugs Oontrol ol urbanisnd costs And hlth mortgage roots II hut rnro ro smu lion dolissprsiilto building and titoartmeut stow development lVl lirotol is the vies employment Another 100w will not he paid hut will be able to psriIrI ate In travel and lan guage tr ng progrsmn the main obiectlvs ol Sum mer is to mate tor students temper sununer employment 1nnd its that hill owl persons so trIg hlr Isullner lstss This will be seeomp shed thrth direct em Inymenl In Iederal progrsrhs enrhurap lna sud helping tho private use tor said by providing activities menu in communities The largest st these pro arm 0p0llllnltm For outh IIIth II rovldr more funds more aetl ties and increased esroinss as well as looser dun Aden oi protests than wss the ease last year The budget ior OIY will he I39th said this In eypeeted to provide ioh opportunities tor sysst young pruple rnsxlmum esmlngs permitted will be about too week tor putsecondary studentsund rm tor secondary students Agsin this yesr the tleipants will he eonaldered seliomployrd and so will not be eligith for unemployment tissue In henellts once their protest on sruusau consnoss lhs rriterls the assessing whe thee peeled la worthy oi sup port is ether it Is oi corn munlty heneiit how much It In return youth lts tesslhlltty and the needs at tho psrtlel snts hlr Faulkner says portlr emph Asia will he placed on protests that provide community service slid soeisi heueiits Young peo pie who have protrsslonsi exper iso nml interests will he invlt to sit on local reIImslltees which will serve us nno morn source oi adviser in tho review and selection at proletr Iln the past on hosn under lira tor sponsoring sum her at swayout proieets that have brought rrltlrirm trons sums oi tho more siald menth rrs oi socier uhe root not sup derstond uhyihrlr tor dolier should support lialrhrslnttl sos mun nvse Ricth program In hummer IIIII designed to mate Ios mm sewn at Monty Pmsgool and ns Summer Youth Activities To Total $854 Million Editors Hole The Irdrinl uhemes it Is alrsr tho ghverm trump ars espcetcd but merit hlsfhnious in Silumlllbinlos MW are as me and there is to ho lnmn ed liaison and cooperation with provincial authorities and letter at members rt pnllihmosi Itth proposing prosem the min people must submit sde ledl plan and lndlesls they have eomsnunlty su as well as cellular what ey hops to seldom how they expect to men their ohieeltres and the alumni needed in cover snisrlea and sdrpisutruhvs warm PARLEZ VOUSI The language training program still he in its tnurth your toe ppst second students and Is being exports to stutslcvstoiim million It Is exported to Involve 500 students an Increass ui 000 over last year Chums last sis weeks and students can improve their French or English ttllll the gnu eminent plotting up the tab tor hoard room and tuition Stud ents must Illtlt ours trans portation to and trout the places at study HOSTEL PROGRAM The government is making and other 9L million nvailohlo um drr its hostels program designed to help local eIIlIrns groups up erato lodging and talurrrrrtion eentres struts Csnadn It is ex eted that about it hostel will operating the budget $100000 higher hrndltnp Examiner Photo ehlh stiempts will he leads to up gruds the level oi Innan by In rresslng hostel stall irons too In him With the lnr er budget salaries win he rule to level at other summer programs 330 weekly Irons an average oi I70 GROUP TRAVEL hirJnulknrrsdepartmcnl Ia mshintt 300006 avsllshls to on pond liI travel and enchants pro min tor 0500 students this sum muPreIe1sneanIIliM impugn Wm IO OW sress llrs grogrnphirails isolat ed and the handieupped OhlseI tivs is to help yours Weld preelato tlIs distsslty oi the country and get to know the traditions and way of llle oi other Consdlsns OTREM INVOLVED lint the prnursms tor Stunni er 71 dont step at tho Secretary oi Stats department Tho lutrlte Service Commission will make at least 4000 nuremrlented iohs available to university returned lty reliego and CEGEP students In Irdersi departments Th sl labs are designed to reileti and mairs use oi the students ara demle trotting and are aimed at providing useiul experience In tho siudtnta chosen streets In addition puhiie rrrvlcn em ployment will he available to students In clerical and manual work and all told there still he I21Itt000 set aside to employ 00 students than It was last year hilt about the suns number oi sdrrIlsslons CdlonelSanderssndhlshoys IIAImIs TIS EAYFIELD 5T oaturdas The Drpnrtmcnt nl Notional ATASTY TUESDAY TREAT SN SIMPM SPECIAL pa ot delicious KentuckyFrled Chicken and QoldenBrown French Fries armnassuums make tlingerloklngood EARRIE rs rssn noun OPEN ilaun in pins on Sunday IIII Tuts urs IAIII it In to It Inliillglll iol was had it AI He couldnt allortl to advertise Whenhusiness was good he sairl He didnt need to advertise In It Inn us we sant remember his Oh Dorrie Examiner use or over some sIMcorcounrvIrsIorurs DAYS WEEK assts this aired