Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Mar 1973, p. 4

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Irritated iiirtt Fubllehed CInIdiIn time no lulu rrumltvvmuvmdomm Robb common mm it Write ldller lmerllul mwnv raw Planning OnALorgersoa1e lienrltewlhneplng ldlter em no nu May Be Just ArbundCorner limit on Verpre have their own bore der llqulr ltirnoirir eoncbutttieadirwio Six rerhicnJ the townehlp who live in the Brindle hood am here illioto ed rarinsiroomenienceetorebe oon Igucted It St Vincent Street pad 1th ethrtr in tour IrI ncrrlry Indum openhotiiiii lti pro Iir dryr oi the week tiiy council hId rrlrdy rpproved the here one month IRO The petition wre rent to Barrio Firm mu 3on this week and the board recommended it be lorwarded tothI Ont run itunidpetltorrd noon the law authorizing the rim to rent to that turrpprovri The matter il now in the bends oi the niy development committee which hre hccn wired to mate rny turther decision on the miller ll rhourt not The rtore meets the requirementr oi city toning bylrwr rnd qthrrremrietltwu Drrlder when planning board rejected the request tor the rim rertdcntr in the air irom the Barrie ride at the city lhnv ru prehlmrblylprlttiontd wit it lowod orlhe neblpthitootrimttvrdevc oprnentwtiloere in mldlebrurry crn lien rude Mthout bevtnr wot35 whit Meet the ettect on pecole on Monumwouocuuuuooly viothcr elde oi the the may be ll IimllIr WW Melted when V0011ch up with chopping plrm and melt There were rimmI irom within the city It that time and rush to open up ltrytleld street to conunorciel develop mend There we no coordination oi phoning Within it it it VEO eve pmen reere on the towntrip lt lelt the strip oi com mental development ever not good plan lhe trot dx recidentr pt neirtiborinr ambit object to rim is not the wnnnnu mlriirisrue and the mere mrior one ot the lam commcrdtl de veioprnentr outside the rliy llmltr point up it the need or plrnntnz on larder eerie than within the boundrrirr ot one municiprlliy DOWN MEMORY LANE WAR DAYS 55 YEARS A00 Brarte Krrmlncrllrrch Mill heard at Trade asked tedrrrl government to manufacture port It lloinnd March to re ltcvo iuri rhortrgcr Barrie Colic late ignitqu enrolment wra 110 boyII ill rln hoe benlr mum er elect odehrtrmrn Libra Board above icphonr reclcct chelm1rn Board oi lealth Darrin Colin junior hoclr club boot Midland lid in Ontario inyoi Body oi Capt Petting died in Engirnd lrn ill will be brought home tor interment ItlternoUnionCcmelc rte Iiter Ivar mite liftidrenerJd tn Oliti plryoti tBuiinhrd crhrenzmedliltdrcneheoverel year ago when war began Barrie may well be SLOJOM lo provincial chant push pin Jun hockey lttie tr beet cont town nae hid in marry yearn recordin to Oliver Cameron club womtwry lior to tr lrrn do Dirty lloore on dcicnco Tex White and Scotty Sutherland centre Dalton Dot ltleelcinp leti wing lto thabcl Doghtdie right wing Artlo Clarice nprrcs tirrence Tonyt Dymcnt and llor llorenlrirl iro cred rite ior new Rrrrio collegiate in apperton St SM drierlcd rricpryere it will likely be cnnotrctotr onlJrIdio bcnide tIlr odlrniorcrn grounds with old Mammoth Rink bclnr moved to corner of Footer Northern Advance wccidy new rper roid mller Thompeon Crer to it ryrnl at ton Tlvo Brrrte boyr urede irom wound Iuitcrid overrerr reccnll Lt Torn Armrtronp Ind Opt Willard ch ette William Peareon Ion oi Rev lenrron oi Ooltler St iteihodlrt Olturdr in muelrpropert dorm etlorrdoi iiclltOlTMXOti iow 2th to build ooticglole in Arrtcuiiurrl coir Itrmrml Inn column 51 ihrrlmllcrolrhoretltte mum Iownrho ilku or irom me time lnrtrieuglldlrvrey eitrcdrreied Iet preien tnlnr Ind Itowed down no otno on in CInIdI iouve cori hloro than til treipnt om oi irth pu tce trornliernpenteit Boy in been eht port by Scott tlroe oi Barrie to outsi points Barrie in Co boron eliow up 10 discount tlrrrie erica llorlcey Club held crrrdvrl in Itd Rod Croce Art Srigtoy eertouoiy lnlurcd when rtruclt by yrrvi engine rt Altendrle one station Ce iirrrniy oi Darcie now rcrvin More with Cen Mricomeon ro elpnod Red Cross treasurer ruocecded Atom Mrclnllan mrnrrcr Bank oi ovISeotir orurrrurrors virus WOMEN AT SEA thrlnllan Science Monitor Admiral Zumwaitr recent announce merit thnl Navy women mry got rcr duty rend tint rpooiri ruporriiion or no none on on Navy chips to Devoy Joncn lotto or where it hrionrfte lvtth our yorvcte about to become loiuntccr we need all the pcople we on lSuiirm ivrrrcnruve rur news ilv ilAllOLD lllilllliiAON ti lorelrn Editor illtroorpett lor rccurd perre tn itietnrm rnrenrr in he dwindllnr II the Ihrdow trilr rte the ulrlnri Cuwdiun rtcn icr inched Nrtctu cute or rt oi the pom priororder in lllylormllo miller cr prrrrcll dtlulot con rhzmo evlttly TM lcclr More miter rnr rn Iltli mutton In tir in tiut ltrremr rlevr illlid the rlrndrllnue oidlocvrti that the thrill nt UN in linulni on tlcri would enuiro trl violet Aluirr Minith Orriidlm withd try one month it trvmrcnlod rcyecliann ot the place Iioriu rn mwwoll rTIehurd in vivid parlour tcrlurn lulu quAnA nnmr item the mention him that mm iii nrm crrretlre oh olciriiy octet 1170134 tiliirirurv ltr otmrtcr term it her at vioLrtiovw are vlmnt get me term oi cob develop The lrct that iAtttnr ththct Crnadr would rln nuytlrtny ivy Huh nitrirnwrl in open to meat that Ounrrurr troorl Irrend out in the tormrr hettie Ime or north Vietnam Ipporrr to have come hcortnl on the tow cute ot vicinith ii the here vnlremevtvtr in ten discardrd dimer withdmw hevCommunlrt eountrler dont romo other WeItan cow lint ii nrld it would room In will he invited to trim their nrupmnl that they nonutrnr rotor Ind Ituo ct littiyiltiiOVO it or not women RE lo and perveoiiy crprhle ot run ning lit Ihlpl like time to grow up Ind Admit it Ar tor women It era why theyve been It In tor reom trying to plow through the deep chrnnele oi birr rercnl ment rnd etc they hrvehrd to meet rt every turn manna VINO HIS Noamfl Prospects For Peace Appear To Be Dwindling litde unhwliy which oi Candle tied Cree world rirlnr mien were noil uliowed ti tint Mme villi hmmrirt prtion cumin ltitctroil endrcportvthrt an armed im made clear lteiIril triul iteidiehcln it the tun lhrmtlrheher extendrd the munlrtr in cm northern out oi Barth Vietnam may indicate thrt perm hi that my be wore oi mpito than pcr mrnenl tranquility American ofllcinln muiniuln lhri i1 the err only tho motor pom orrn direction the peace in other wmir it In matter at privuie lrnrrrinln and not till wither oi tlto middle cotton and rmriior oorrntrloo that court MWDS deer April no tonth orenrrchty vinyri mu Anthem at Vt or other pert at wuwatrli tr mainly tn the to vrrr AUDIENCE BIBLE THOUGHT ride the in dorm urn war omehouiliiritrymiri Ado her rrnod woccl moon AM WNW with the role it tr rain in tritium Ietd even Drew Ilrtt tI ilrd end he it he inducible role it will drew rim to you 1mm mrrldoc hrr Prund in tiiounrrrviurlive lro your brute yr rlnnerrl Ind ttrrt into which urn coo yIrily your heIrtv ye druhtI pd rtttrntly browned wtthivir minted Jentrrtil luriiy no Itierilou pill to the rmmtr ot Cretrdr indie and hide in Mid mic Priced the mummy we iitci with the or Iliti ilod mm In retro will time the up while nInI ca the line ol eommuv either tween Arr nn Active rel milleng nonmme victim mrior to heron rt ditiotlit Reel tnlrbellonol tnintemcnt in tin In th lt inclined to ttetnrrrrre pr that ille No my be who torrid lremily ile eocporrII time It now prisoner oi wrr in Germm icnd irom the bemddly in rilie Irle hit lirrrie during Feb 2o cello mom miter lurlher art than the head oi the hey to red Irourd the tor IOOr latter point where Vcrprr trial The cold tooth oi with IICWZVTJZJLT Wrsf sir JohniFrcgnklin Visited cry 1825 An err hlrlorlIn dmribed llrrrle the JIcIni dirtrici in the teiiowiny mm the Town at lJIrrle II de lirbtlully Illurted on the plrrrrnt Indcommandlnr Ilvpcr which flank the rhorcr oi Romeo telt Dry It lie northwrrterly ex wanl lhI north mid tbourh revv cut your elrpted before the ttdeot retllcmcru Ill diverted irom the hirhney referred to in the more inlInd poriionr ol the luvrlhip About the time oi the corn monrcmcnt oi the AnytoAmerh flit VIP tho IltI oi Derrle tlyun county bettord north by on wrrt by Sure Ile truth by int lnnirill und cart by Oro lhlr iovttehlp eontIlne Iuper iiciai IrII ol enno Irrrr cl which Irwrdln to the room rclunt oi Hill Irrewere ocwpied it Icret improved under crop Thir cd more no or iupierr rcprcIentlnI popula titn oi Ion DAlililE FRO llll The hlrlory ol lhtI town end lrln by the erlrbllrturerrt here oi elorchbure or depot lhrou the tcwnrhlp oi tnnlrll About by punrotor upper we lerr oi llI Nliilwlllll litter errcute to the peotr oi the up innrhudrmliliili n3 Lake ilurc Genet now more II tbl Ptn contort et modem undo Inxihmw ibutiorrnorly mm my bythr nrrmoltbe minim ititiihtif ll villillidllil rum to rwe reve on routine Ind garden and decide cmlrw Moll hicll Willi Ml 11 Flurry In my error crowned try rymrnclrlrrl it With prerrln 1m Mymamwmm Iverrreenruidrdomcdbymrny mrircdrrrnc lnlhehir Hm ol the tlnrrt drum in North lory et Veto It tilt Id my rm hm 931 my mum Mud me out euiorrurltr cnlIrIertlcrn boon 53 nggm em iimil oi the buy the there drry There lI no rccordollhe Sum amt Iiltliliu into comorrrtively lucetiorr oi reltkrl within the lcvrlrru wiihntiofitvidm burdcrr oi Vceorr tor revere iurt went It the term re thin with tolerable uniformity yerrr alter the AurioAmerlrIn rcrve on which thlr noreboiue at Iiort dtrtrnce irom the we wrr ct iIiA However the ycrr Itoot Ilherercrvebclnr bcwtdcd ter edge Aionp thir level rule drrned brineth iorertr on the can end well by llrrcry herruboilr reverberrtrd to the rod tirftietd Streetr rcepcclive ethic oi pioneer tile when and woe owned byDIvtd rlurdy rrcmen in IuIrrrted conquer oi the loreri in the irrl year nInwd chain oi Ielticmtr come up Irrund the Prncienzulrhene Rood the noran oi lhorI locrilnr on the Vetprr ride at that truly dryho in John Liwrencr on lot ihomrr Ind John llrlr lot it John lrrtridre lot llr John lener exceolrln in the ltoyIl Now lot It iuhn ind Errmirl Drown liether Ind Ionl lotr it met It Peter White int Odi Chrricrchtnhr rt It John Gilruy lot 29 Thle lot lormcd the northern limit at more Icitle mcnlr during till lrJi the vi lowln yeIr wiirterrrd lhI inux oi oi tr rcltlcre who extruded the tire oi rlvlltrrllon illiiiei to QUEENS PliliK Economic Prospects Head For Mishmash ii DON OEAliN Queenr iIrlr IerIIt ill The EIIrnlan it our Ontario economic IlluI lion over the next revorri monlht docrnt tunv into one ol the meet convoluted rnirh rneehet then tellil ilon wIIIr the hellel lhrl lite lr Iood murt eerily wart For all ole utddrn we hrve been rtrucir with itrrnie Ind urred new rrrler ot Inlrnrtoicr lrnllin the wry tr the retort lltlli evmriton oi the tilt Rh 11th rheuld he in our Idvrn ior the Uii devrlurtlon mount that ltr roodr Ire rhcnncr Ihrord Ind thrrriore Ire more rIlrrble our dollar iI tied lonely in the Us dollrr Ind tlwrciore rte rlrorliouid miter rt Irtnr inlntweeheu hetnrn econouw hcrven For the polerAIIl dlrcoiutt In world Iurrlretr Ihottt work out It romowhrre between live per rent and to pet nt And it rrnt tell at that Idvrntrre then we Ihortd prohme try not die to relltnr It Ill lint thou iii rolriI into tho double erection ot the world Copyrlrht llerielvetlnn Nvm Irrimt the luv me the tilt her tulttt rertrier ti mind the world wtrmw unicornerr Ant Lord only inour ntrItI Ilrctch In rlorr proximity to end brrlitul ehcct ot wrtcr whore luvelincrr embelllrhcr the rurroundlny lrndrcunc II corn in the bororn ol nrturd the corn rncrclri tnrllluilnnr oi lhir line town Ire locrtcli in Icnrrri thturer oi Itlrrcttvrncu thlt portion oi Drrrte will mean irioruhty with the tincrt and more modern tom oi the prov tan with birth Iirect Iitunlopl helnyi7 menu the mart Import lnl urinenr Ivrnucr Inywhm nitride the lrrro ellter ltoundlnr the northwert In rie ol Kcrnpcnlcil lley lttc rur lrce becomer depreruri lo do yrcn elcrely approaching rwInv rising eyuln to In It trrclive level hclore the trier lng oi ltrrrle into Alirndnlc It the tnnlrlll lownline lhlr prrt nt town it devoted chiefly to pet vnlr rerldcticcr lhourh ow mrnutuiurier Mid ronIldeb Iliic rtrctch oi Ulltttdupitcl lend are noilcerble the Townahip oi VeIprI lot which Barrie bolero llI incor poration termed peril it the moot rnidlrnd townrhlp oi the tthe tidrrr who come here rent the lily oi Outnle retire to tilt and too on hie rerldcnco in tor horn on tho Iorernrncnt rcecrre which hid been countered by the rulhorlllce rile min In lunctlone er Itcrchoure to the IIttIlIctton oi ltr ovum or it lend then owned by him Iood rilorv oi the present town her mom dcllncd Aicrrndcr Writ er owned roverl hunlred error on which he rerlded route limo prior to Air Mrrrr Idvent up on the recur llr hecrmr rubre nuently very prominent in the conduct oi municipal eilalrr in the tounrhlo prev our to th er cotton oi ilulrte It vlllrre tCorttaued leldIyl vhnwmvwamm lltyr Rrrrtr Exuhlhur ll uayllrtrl turret llrrriI Ontario Telephone vzoeeov Second Clara iiirtt Regirirullun tho they MA Return porirge currentsed Daily burdryr Ind Statutory tlnlidnyr excepted Subscription rulrt drliy by meter the weekly who you Iy Sinil copier tie Dy melt Ernie um ycrrlyt lmcoI thwmiy Iztrwl yerrly ueilnrr et CInIdl error yerriyr All other cuunirree Ilvtv yerrtv liolor throw oil moo yerriy Nutltnlrl Adverllrrny Ottlccei It Queen nl lIerl Toronto in Mt lilo Ito CIl cart 5L lluniml Member at lhI Cunarliun lircvr Ind Andie liuveeu oi Clrculr Hour The Cenrdlrn ircrr Ir Ireluo lvelr entitled to th ure tor ro pub IcIlion ot Iii nowr dltprtchv II In thII paper credited to tier the Anne rtrd True or lteutcr Ind IlIo the local ncwr publlrh ed therein the Dude Errmlnrr clrtmr yrlrhl in Ill ortrtrrl adven tliiirl Ind ItiilWili tnrlcrlrl Ire Ited by cmployere Itlti It produced In thlv newrprper etc to til In on tide ltlte one item lmt in tin worldwide itll oi tIrIlt pro vrry rtronz ride tirht on truth between the tilt Iud Crnrdr hell with he Uh ilII to be rem it LIey do chrncer Ire we will tore any dlrrllvrnlrrer we linve lohcrilcvt ihruuyh levrlurv toil hut even more lmnorlrntly thrn lhIt to ur to the mill pror port The Uti turbulence ot tran lr meet or at wtlh CInIdI rI ltr birrut cudorncr Prer dent Nixon Dr rlrrudy lrwlicntod he lntrndr Ire lhIl impotence corrected end her been luInI whet tr dirty word to tie tIrlli pvotcclionl One thin thte would morn would be but our Crnndlrn mode Iutonvobttrr would will enrich Imelirl production he It met dlrru lrlll it Illo however rcuirt meIrl thrl certnin of our proiurtr which nccd rotoctlon Inch Ir lrult tArto inI except tor letterIi mlntrtec tiene ltlielan todrto ilvtl recmed lndtllcreni to lhirl mltrtlllnril tel tho out they need until dump re which mlllrrry do were eh erected To the northoi ill there it loin to DOJt rattler Whether erIn Ind the Euro porn computer rln get their econoinio fume down to lrlr Till Oilii POINTS Deer Etc tvttir rerpert to Mr Ihtorirl lth it own only iiith linterior II Iciultorr tor the Fire Potote Problem Llore Clappcnon Erect be tween Collier Ind Diibi rum tlllr Ihort ouebtorh root on into II mIiI voter which it built In underwent with Iron Entruiee to ext rorn thli err Street by ur under Winner iue live luinia Ir now orr iolnir not notiiriru III II cdlnthemlillrryhirloryotilri me hymn Cop tier ch tare twenty CANADAS story Dy ROI iiOWhlAN The old Idtle Ibout limb corner in like lamb but oln out like lion did not held mi on the prairier in tool on Much the lid our lady to tidy oil It Brioche were Louh lticl tin or Irlnp tor trI Northerii lithe ion not the end oith north the Oh ct oi baehtchcwrn wII eroerlertctnl rcirn ol terror On March Lend auto or ilrrch it rather rourmrnd wrrned NI prrirhionerr not to lollow lllci to revolt or they cool be deprived oi tw recre mentt iiict wre iurtolu At tlret he ibrcrtenctl to return to lion tItI but wu prrruodcd lo then he demrnded that Frlher Andre Ipprove hlr prowl ItnnIl Iovcrrxnenl Ind rriicd him police Ipy when be In lurod Riel then went into one oi bin and melted thrt the Sriril oi hr on on Church ot home On hlrrch to he renounced the White ialth and armored that he woud he the price at new eclkion htrhtlrvy betrn the lollowri dry wt Duct inlte when arbrir Dtxviorli Ithluni IrnerIl ot the provirlortll Iovernmrnt It police tom irom mum ton There were er priltl Allti it volurlecrl led by rupevtnlend our enl antler while llu mont hell it mm on horeee lrI rlore Driruont brother ot tir brloi role towardr the polleI tromtlro whit police to re it returns viiinroirtirtr tlreet with up Irt block much non woigmurgnim The iroitiemct Ittottier with lI llrnln ii erme oii iiglet udder tI meted erect where tht Ml til it ill rat at until to humail tank pubic ricer not Merlin with ttirrrie obtrlnr wrifir rudur uluiIlltoitI er rdd chrrrct toiheccre the tin Sincerely ii Reign 0i lihorror In Sasiralchevvan win while blrnlret Civilrr and In interpreter went lorrlcd to meet him One ol the little tried to Ith the rillI rented by the interpreter and there wrr etrurie durlnr which root was red it not irom who tired it but rorirr milieu tht bl war tr ordered ill Dunno Ind another little were tilled Ind toulr lticl who er preterit ordered blr men to my turn the 1ch live their way out ol Ind Iet brcir to Fort Crrltce but tort in men tilled Ind em other it wounded The liletlI toil lttyle killed Ind lhm worm itle victor over the pollen enrourrrrd lndtInI to on the weepth Ind III eelv Rebellion wee hi lull lerr omen hlAliCll EVENIlt illiCha lrln IIllod irom Farrier on it lh voyoru lo Cen lettChamptrtn er Ior inted II tho lint Iovcroor Inaria liteGovernor ltrldlmrnd firilliillltitittihd eitailzhmcni rryr re lllilorv iteunrwictr tottll iierhuent berm hlrtorlc mirth irom ncdevlclen to Quebec tillElection riot It Dinette lMonIdI loved threel cent Itlrmr Hirer poll izel between Conrdr end lib qemmixnirmmvmomwm tection Ind In incidental but rtwrxrvnuorr Flrnlwwouul tronrrronrsmmmurrwvi rdrnowuussonrrr mvmnnvrrrirvii WWWOME RiOTRA lEO til iigliAITEAVANSiMR ltiidtbi mm 1r rrrcruru titltiliDii rev ii IlIILWWFM fmfCoddMId WWW WM MANWIW inning Why The ice comm comm itll Otlll

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