Turetsrtrtarruaonmwnen noonmm Ioourrrtwrynrmrttous REgBtvaENERAL allltat lsWrottg emetmuw on Llled Umnmumonm WIIIleIle IllSIl ILLMMIIIIIIIMIWIWI 3t reward that mum PA ltInItIII Mrmtn nun WIN mwmt rm PAGEI Wide Province Overly Abrupt With DeVelopment Freeze One Ilrmot mmfnrlrlu wlth mounts to My development along 30 VIM dolroptgawznlht godmsmetmouldoothmbeonm pmtm Impenda II yo Why Ilmod toward control It do In Inn Eric thltter ml vrllod tor Development Illo oh plaza awnhnvuylttlelndterlm WM on than meotaod roller oncomntrrolzl EIde Indlcatlom the ofnoe dot not loo mt me II It mum to lower Ironny upon dwolopnreot AIthIt theta btrrdcnon II Mum 50d tlrrre Itrtp development In rural eras V09 otchll must hm been ml II rm umrugtmyooo and 21 ntertyfo ried ohm the romplncd 115 it mouth came to Um mtIl tll the room In lWW in Stthr development or commord tooth on Protratnl mum drloaod nude woman It the mm place mg mm stmt In the IIle own It I1 rtnce about It WW PM the W103 mod IrIIh rrtmI Ittnlttrr Steer then the at In opened not 11 mm my right In Its no one bmwl out no fmlnrm WWI lonrbutmomcthodolgottlnalu palm mwuuwtwwui work the rovlnne lowered tho mm MM ooh too Hulnu now that on dt ddrlIIIe In Vesnra ottlctzls say the common rm mun out no devot mot to the north or the tIIy tot not run om Arrocll III nInInI rmhltth tow Uo on approved by most Vol ImIe llrne the mo modlI ml informed but tllll Iwaltlnr torroval by the PWV In In mIlIIuA rm hormone you Im on at the more 11 my to lg 1W lhrdmlopmenl kcruIccmr to loddlIdblflIan v2 he trIllpdorfdlhdy ahuonmowayotteuovtontlt yummkmm th WWW mm QueenIPzrk does not lllte that part III TAKING OUR IMAGINATION mfg WW d1 month the otlldrl plan IIII III ImtId It lrldt hrII In mIll In 573 ylx Iva Augzxxxv E3 pe wlthoul mm the Iowmhlp an yrodneoe tougher llno on what tar my DOWN MEMORY LANE Int Aryan Ayros 1n Dru hterol Im 50 YIAM AOO IN TOWN Mbrndnemeh 17 1923 Slmcoe uryf Hr rcntly the government lrlt rom OrlIQueenIPIrlrtellln ntthatVII Hgan Impose ltI drtoloptmnt trerze ne ottlolal ylan wlll not dealt ultlt wwmmuumamagmmom umIurnm Gourmet Ind ore rozlonol government not too Amptotord Toronto Ic Coumll not road budget It lllllv mount will be It Wellington Hotel All my NO one told loom lhln car lIryI but Allattdttle In IIrtt mlr Irtlrrrounlor hocltcy mItolt mon lothodlst brat St AndrewI 21 Colder next week Ior Ionsultallon on Domlnlort Income Tax roturns Dalton Hoelrlng oI genie lI Itar Icrdro tor Toronto Ar ottatrtn ln ltnIOf hockey tlIII Ioaeon lllI on MIA by lle Emnu Buster Oark wed olIy emblod rowtrto club to heat than loutetendlngilu not for Pmbytmtans II were Ken cKenle Ind Er momma trouhtowtr Prudent Med VIN lt Olulr Other mode on Itodug In go oh Ilellrdfht utoclII Intrth whh unnvtlleoro or Vhlte Ind goalto Eud Fisher Crown telt once Attorney Cotter et Berrleuuvlrooortd Im Ilyund Molly uuduuttl All Worn lotto It rhot QUEENS Prnr FeatherBedding Still Problem Iy DON OIIEAHN nIrrnI lIrlt BM Thu Euroer In tony time IlmI lather III tm nI moth Mud out by contrmldnel ktltn the second II the IIIIII ol the Iterator eardrumII IrrnIr Condo mv near Ilr mould 0M and mm It wh not grmmtly ronltud rebel one ot the mort drttluotvo Now It ottonbly utll he even more lmoottuu tn the horn For rrodmlon or mrdlttnIoIl mm II zrowlnI tutor Ulon It me An Mao tlt hII ellmllleld the need rI good my rroeettdry lotto lery dtterllm lIIlI rIIultod In lhelermlnttlon ol thelr NII II dIrotI madden Ilth Ute HIIt loll comment yolltlort whlttt usually had resulted In mmoe It Ioert talk on Will HATED Sound tho We Dtlmt Amelrdlon It now roter IoIlIIod by the llrtthh motto lorm II tho older Ind moo tundra mA the lure Brltlrh Irmy Iontlngeot IrtUIllll ltII bzen my Irwle It hndlnr 53 Mdhlu whh tho VIlleon IhIt tr mt wtl 25 And own he ttorI lmrt out do Am MM tdtxnnolht road to WNU new tango Harrington tor day on irovontmout butl gentlemen llt Grand 0pm House Inter onwry to wlhlerholldty tnrlortdI ooh Paramount movte Over The hunt or an In you tr or or no we hr Irpcnt tlmo obeorvln Congrcra crhtth Betty Compton nnd Tom lloort mlur to ddt moron wun um eovrtn nrtn no ond eerery Canton tor was tuned moonstdtuoutynntotnmr It may meted umomnpmumum Hmo In on born med lIyBOIHIDWMAN hurt cm onto to our elmlt by the utter dlrrtmllarlty between man tor all Next IttrIrllon lhrrlle In WW HM Who mom tollle Wm Ill In lltll Itll on us mom or govmtmcm my the emu In me one arm 1d mm month on to In mom labor to together and mm It who My ll ll It Quebec to nrrern Amhrrtl mhmcm torn trout lw dlul suomItIIynunotym no commerm WI ml tomato outer lrll try mln Ottawa ln boll wlll be next Irlg Wm mu WI mm lrndte lrId the Ir ltlon thIt 11 In Soclolly thou men It couru we hrre hnd to WWI mmmmfm Mum MMIWW lugfanfotleIm tlmI lnv of Pro Iwton tallor hrs comp wilt III Intruder the do NW NW Idtl ednblllltod WU Bore modem In thoroughly Brttlelt abrch IorlIdch OII am In mm but fa wmurunnnmn ham mu of He UUOUId Not LIIe GAINW mm Co on hockey league three Brrrlooornmunlty Arsoclatort wlllllkcly war Im my would carton 0th III Stu lnrlrnd he ordered tIttIto It Itmdtmdlhlltw Ettttutdmhlt horror UWWWU All to It 11 ran no on rose wort Iwerr ot me In no my III MIDI ore hat on It the loMtyl mm mm Into not Item to NM on the mun OI the turtle not out roomy In mm lton one AtNowDrcIm mtte Nouttmtrtmt to one mum um on duolle to mot Ilmlll mlnzonltu llrtllllo Ntrtmt and Inthot nrdrrI unwllllnrl no but 10 IInd thoylo theatre Prtsclllr Dean or two nt tn llodle Brenner wan rlor II MAI ohm the Itrllte on terror lllIIrnIIlI be IurhontIIIIe Illd IMF 1mm Ild Ill turnrd to llrllln wrthotrl por IUItIchIUIIhIII II SIMIIIIIGUTINIIUIIWIIAIIA nIEIIINII roud th II hurl mm mm mm PI II was my untIl Wollo minute been Ilvtn tnmnd llthm Ihnl henrtdedloltdu medal frondtoomody wtlh In on Com Blrclotoclwh Arnall wordlroclor mle New York llte Amerlcan no lo chrontcnlly er sdclal Ipcoted too much of ctr Ichoolr Imtoy tr In trouble educollon lr IIltr to tumtsh tho cure Instantly and wlth lIy ltrsoorch or out much cost In money or re arm111m dd ltopu rprlnyitn port lrom In lngrnln Idealism bu thoy Ire alto rotted raw turkey at Harvard to Lu tux drlllrcrntcly llmet llterrd uorlloru orurrtrntrons VIEWS HIGH HOPES FOR SCHOOLS by those who wont to weld Involved In ottectlvo tlcol Ind oconomtc oltrnrir hen Chrln hrr Jrncktnnd lrlr urocnttr Center tor llduoallonrl lol nrtot ho IIullrd tor Itelr lng to deate those Irerrrlve expecta tlonI whlch have too olton led to UN mrl dlsappolntmcnt OUR ECONOMY Some Other Vievrs Heard OnDeveIoprnent Of North lly msr ILAIIIIIIIY FlnIorlIl AHIIII AIIlyIl lhemIII NIwI Amlu tYllAWAA cottle ed II om turned Ity tldl work lrwllrllnn Iorne pIoolo Ire hItlnr re murmur mu thourtrtr oellmetl rurh ThreeYear Ocean Voydge Bivctls Space Exploration IONDON 01 What the MM mom came bult Item the moon In Do rrrrdxr It mood 13m Irplootlm nt ImI ln tr dIrIdI Almost Ioryouen at that Um was nmtlter tome ol WW my Inhtdt Iddod mud to IIUIWWMI Ind Pooled bone tho thrreyrar ocean II dldtl Wm OI lb Ilrllldlt IIIIIP GldIlulw whlclt Ilerud Doc kl 1m won on lurid In IdtlIyImm II many ThI OmlhorerI Itpedrttm Iu Ilmllnr lrt marry Inyr In the Aoollo mlullrl For one We the duo oceans wm Uta Mammy Inulrnud at other Iorce Tow two Mum lroIn Ill lrdllnl It II AIM to reellu that to the poo PI of the tlltll the Item were warmly myItIrtouI wlth only try umhrny clue to Iurwt what lIy ho truth II III htllered that no torrn It We could Iurvhe helm 5000 lret hut rmlotdl lound out In trutum hrd hrtn wuht at IrtomIdM thlIr below Ibrt dtpth Inlll OMAN By 1311 mon Brlttth AIM ttItI ltlt thIt the Menu be ewlortd 1110 hoytl tonI Irtd Iqul wltll Iterm power but drlttxt try loll Alter III but two It Iur 17 tm Add born retortrd to rule Inner tor Matador Iud rm thlrtI Prod holes Wyttlle 11mm It Unlrcmlt ol Illlnmh war on to hollthe rrpcdl tlon wItlt term at Ilve rut IIIIIII and navalqu It mm lhoy IoIIed the globe mnlth Iyttemollo Iurvey ottho 0mm Ind coyerlnr stood nnqul mllet Moo tIlIc mmdrmllh were nude It not station the Nut IIIlI III to llldl mm the 1th The nrrotrrt depth rrcoultd In 1000 Ice In the western loultto twm AdmlrIIy Add ltnrl AMI IIlnndI Thlr Itlll II the II the ooonnr In low twtut musy Ihlp tourul hutch surly trout leudowlntlownu rrrloo Born ol Inter mud turd III were dredged galhe totem more WW Err l1 IAtlttltm over molt Io Melon kill Mowth by Idnyle Ix MUM Nearly AM new melee um hummer Ilm were trulderrtel bene ts loo lltl lteeold tutu born the drum WI loud to not the WM drum WWI FOUND OIL 11m um mIItll Inter tlllc ttlIodIIldl lulu how dluotrml more Imr mud thnzt Tho Ina uttlermnt It the on won the dltooyrry ol the MIL meet Iholmnow the ICON of tho luluIII 00d War and tho matador lltldr ol oll rInd ntlurnl III In thI North no ltullznyer Irrwdttlon mode one dummy whlch edit to to KIWI Ila dodzed lrom the Prettl 0cm Iloor otlm tontelncd lumoI ol mommr them at mot WWII and tedc tntportom the ortyln nI those nodule lr not yet lully molarAIM Mt WINCH lute Imt lryhtl lor molly yrm to Ilnd my ot Illln Icahn Urcmrpottihly by Ilrume vnothtnt cloutr mov Inr olmr the retired Another tllrcorery hrourht mom lrrurtedlrlo rotmt WIT Inmte ot yrhooohtu rock VII urbln In mutton Icnlllror wow OWN llrl rwnr II and tomorme by John Hur rhom It the atollen orI Ir Lr no hrvlny IIImed on trod Htme rIIIlertl lo llul Irmn low yrrrr Itlry turd lourtd hure rhotnhelo deoorllr on utrlstmI IIIAM ltrttrht tmlr honIIlIn ntthe hltryt Int Horny tounded one pom mouty to Into the KMlltlu path lo the MN yovornnunl rrwu thIn turned the Irtlre roll at the ltlllenrn Iroedlllorr to dual the rerourm ot thI Fur Nort Up to now enLturl II or vaIOIIIIIOtI hm been our mod ot the totem now other vtm Iro Iomto The Solmcr ml or Cell IdI lI out wlllt rmrt whlth would noon to run counter to the provllllb vlm ol the CI nullIn moment It WI CIA nromwlm on re room devrlwrmot II excer KW tlhr innll Extoltor lt llIyllrtd ldml llurrlo Ontorto IIlrohune 1mm Second Clan Hell ltrdrtrutlun llu tlxr ttM IIllIln pottrrr urrInteod DIIlyt EtquyI Ind statutory lln ldIvI cruIntId Subtcrlollon rntrI dIIly by clrtlrr etc wortly All your ly slnrtI cooleI tlr lly llllll nIrrlI om yeulyx Slmrol County met my mum DI CnnIdI moo yeIrIyr All nlIltlt ruuutrttr hlltllr yearly ttotrr throw on root yIIr NItlonIl Adverttnny tlltlmr re down it Wort Toronto IMI lllly GItltIItl llonlrul Ilorntror II the CIrtIdIIn Prut Ind Audlt llurIIu ol Ctrrulw tlom rltI CInIdlIu PrrII lI ercIuI Itrly entlllod lo the III tor to puh lIItlon III new dlrlecht In thlI our rrrdltrdto It or the Arror Merl lrrIl nr lletllol Ind Ilrn thI lml um ouhlltlt etl lIlllllll the aura lrtmlrttr olIlml foryrlrht lrr Ill orlnlml Idm III II III IdltorlIl mItrrlIl Ire IlId by III employIII Ind orodurrd In lhlt mwrplm Corrltht HrrlrtrItlon Hum Id her Ill mum I1 Illc More Illtrttlon Iltould be pIId to onrorvrtlon Ind more Illectlvn two It prIIInlly devel rolottroel Ill wrll II to the rooer It mAlWIII now rotor and In unto Nortlwrn dovrloyrnrnt Inthu mm In the Dotted Etnlu rul IcrId We court order turret the mom pormll 1M or corutruclou ototInr mum mum Inn oIl oloollne Thu It time thou WM IrltrmtI who on VItlouI roundt ml the North AlIIltIrt oll IIlIl In 0th Ihmr cmdlen llne along the ltIoltertrlI Volley The court lll not rnIIlnyna nrltI out lot coll ot trem thrr pollllcrl or In one hulynettt 1t nlntrcd tho AIII Ittlll plpellnl than on loul lhu InIno tlrne the decttlon II vlrlory lot there who on tho Ilm on Mllronmtntr Irwrtdt ll Im Itltoontet ot the tlttrrnrlo lllver route more Ume to pro technlcullly on plum and build up thelr Irgumzntt II the lrnoIAlrtltrn plrellne II MIN north Aluhrt ol wlll move down CInadII wIIt rout In Itrrdy ferodr font on hold llrll oh Cohort InI Ind othIrI II roll dont tilt the rtrl otpudrnkw dlmterr Irrl ell ll that oil router Ill the wry In dutlnItlon hy IloellnI throtlllt Cntwdl the ml 01 lrttItor Itollnu and IM potlu tlon would be Illmlnrtrd More no not rlocltlon would Ipeel thI dovrlmrorlt ol Illd ItlYIdlI pnrtItlnn ot CIrndltrt oll Int 0er nurlhern mottrm An early Ilert on tonrlructlen ol lhe recalled llIIttrtzlo VII loy rorrllur wlth oll rod Ill lpcllncr IlIAItWHy uMl poul rnllwry tout to Mod THE LIGHT your Earth Out OI Style Its Getting Falter Hy HAII HOYLI NEW YORK tAII thlnp oolunutlot mlaltt never my II he dtdnt open tdr rnIll You my not or the man you root to be but low thlnyn drnroclrln mlltlt than how It thorn Ithottt 220 III unhtn the HM mt Elm mt my otrr thoyear ynrlnd IMIUMLIIU It In In Itmrd nutter do you lorrw mt to ur cam 11 It It amend oar tt IeItI Art mm more tor connect match It mt thul at month All PM IIHI In It ullh the 41m ltlwtl get thlnnrrr II II Itlllrtj lottery llr wrktrt lI lrtctrurod by the otllltlott od olmt ltle oh dt turru thr eu erzy Iront umtltht lute mot lIr on by tho led at Iotrlo 730M tom ot Ioemlo dost rozh your or we when Ihrnurth Ipoco ltd the nnmtl lt tulnpznullwty Imnll lhnl Ilru the man In tho nlrwt vmlrrwtly urultlut he more my chat to tltn rrrlIII ttlhthhtlo lltrollzh lhI certtttrlII notehker Pet food or til you drummed dmyour Idtrrtltctnott lltmy tot upon your man mt 1a mdll look Into your mer Brue ltlonoothumr IlroIIdlte trenlmont It rth Acturlly III III would to so there to meet KIlhItlnIlIluthIr 0am turt hecome rnrlttd lo KIlherlne Iowther It llIllr Ind he IlIo medal thIt ltI would not return IlltI WollI hId dlrttnrulrlud hlrn tell btlrtdlcr In rm when he led the IltIclt on the power All Frendr tottrerr It loult BIBLE THOUGHT lard IrIrIt III In my ll John IlIe tIurht hlI dlrrlo In And he IIId unlI thIIn llltrn ye my In Our lIthrr which art to demo llIllowrd to thy hunt Thy Ilnldorl Iornr lhy wlll he dour II In hurrn Ill In IIrth the or by dry our dIlly hrud And lerrln uI our IIIII tor III III torrlre Ivtryrnr lhIl II Indrllltd to or And tut or not tote temntruonr huI drllrt rr III lrom Irll lulu tlrlt Il IhouId be rlcor lo Iho thumh by now Hm rent dell Id paper work Ind planned prorrem Ihould le why to down to earth In enrncrt my Ir llle whore rtzzuuaommwrztwaormzmzmwr IT HAPPENED Ill CllllllDll Photommmmr IUIUIIDIIIOTIOIWIIAI OHM madam ltd IAIl MALI OI ONT WWIIUAWI OUTIMAAWIWII IIIMl tommume armoryan I739 Ptll tilled WoUI to to or rIIItd hmto the tank It mIlor enrr not turn hlm tho coulth Quolrco trmtltlzn Arnhem III to loud Inotbor Irrrly IxIlnIt HonlrIII IIto IrmIdI lhIt leh Ill III that hit Ito IT on llte In rolled lrtrn III In to Hug ll MIIIIIL PEP II EVEN tIrISoclety tor Pretrntlon ol Cruelty to Anlmrh er lltoOlnyouol lndlIhr VIncouvn lIlInd nrrI Iwrrdld US old modal lll IPll wII outrth tiIorrI Strphrn II mldrrtt llllSIr Wlllrtd IHAUlulr 5t Lourdnl nountod hlI rIllremrnt rIrM hllnlrlrr Dlrten better opened new Nellonrl lrry ot CIan It DU tutOld Ira penrlonl month were mndI ItIllIllI Inc tnrlord to