to ear on rule The up the ill by nar ur tlato re rerun my Receives Shield that Channel IIND resinous ltl MUSEUM earrtaorandtratdu dlelmmm dia playerthtrmvemnlym wmvbtnhbmbeenlnulpu hiloaltm htaaeitod he Ask $65700 Budget thriller banner at totem tar and won reim $55 32 than no to the chatty Beet tmprovormot Aundulon no each to the air dltltldbrm er nlltowllomenle mils EN pron northern either at dilated and and 1000 limoi Arrltum the lrrmtru Union Holstein Citation it Would ot Gen he creek lIrm Wtebrldir var manned with ttntter ltscder Shield at the arena ntullnt oi the itntatath Frle tin eroetal on it Tarball rat la the blybnai Inner that ttohteln breeder tan win llattny the promote in on hehall rt the em ltd Alston one Wu ol the Ilolul lllnlrr ran ltr laronard alerted hlr purr hat ilolataln htrd in use wit lite tour two brtd bolirrr one call Tittle were Wt thle Item Dnlrtrl lnrr Infra ll lltOonntii llldnnd ht ll Waller Virtth ltln bltlha prurenl hetlll dtl lld term there inundation 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liltlalelrvrl with the lainliy Tin mlerio deter Winner reportlonla hall at eech aeu Other nrrederrbavo my unit with animate pure Irv laonard and tree tredli to It Stewert Ilrora om vale it it Wrtrht ltldhurrt and Demo Jrrmw llaarloh tor tetrtootnu rnlmah that ta bu roll to them one ol there Can he treuk Iliack llulr lover lltrt print winner at in CNll lot 11 Stewart and her son internationei all In ely war the lirrl pria Amtrtron ry Show ban Oblo Ite II To uatlly ea matter breed er llqr leooard her bred in herd eventing thplatrationr per year total to my pool tour and ate Star is tour The very end rowr have 33 an On Farms are itrrd el wrtltnr to ad tellerup rerelltion enli mrt relation to lntorrtt materad road tinny Conatltullorr till oh hindmurder lodkallarrleutdrlmed tn Illdburetebotdtomrruo monument 333 it IJ Jtlnjust thithhhnm ment ailorlny the turner td he blr terminal or run at it Indpaynoralalntoe tax at that thne be buya more Inmlnaud Whirl the but neontba The dolepaler also roroiv ed to ask the tedaral miniatan el animators internal men he and item the mediate er anon peerlbta to brim ton ward there Wit ClA demandr will lndleie plain nomlal capital uret ala tua in dairy broodtnl horde and alloulnl lurnere to pay their wire aaiarp tor lama vvorh Detonator wanted this were to be an Illnwabte term expense We met with the ltderal cabinet ndnlrteta year are and pointed Mile ptllalle in the let bottled ltr Hill they let up comrnltiro ol rlvil aarvantr and lerr organ ltnllorr deliver Now one year Ir paired Ita time to tile our income tax return and allll nnlhlna bu been We explained end repealed otir hmul there own midMM be edded Weve tried to be nice and to mom this in madtable dentition Now We lime to Keri elrpplnl on lore and lleklnl Ihlne Fathom The on meeting atro parr lna Idt rlt provincial irrrn or ltyrmtellotto veupb eontnndlnp there it eoud tax lllln deedilale ATTENDANCE CHECKED lCPl Alientlaoea at oral lnndmr mater tourlrl altreeilonr the ehrnrirn ol the Mldtbarn Palace le rovernrnenl maroon Weddel hnva to book parhlnl limb in advance and only to vehicle at time will be ponnltted to rk rum beetle the palace Pro up to too buroe hare al mentr ail met the lit ent master Miller to hurt into the area tor the it tuu be made belore the April day that bar tour operatore will Er Ea 8t hgi it E5 35 ER 55 3r in EE is gig til gt HUNG tnvnne LIrt Randal Aldetnnlann and errenaruartclanrtrornslrneoe Mandbeyundmtmled to to excellent nrnn redial by ltenryhmavonrahnlrtheon mtandrhrlrmadrreetllerr hm Tm ii Eg in Es POLITICAL SCENE 0n limiter evenlnr the Allis tin Town Plinth Board hosted lie artaetlrty at the tort rerrlylortbn eol Marathi pthlle op lorr with COOKSTOWN ey erase Aluthle IUUINI EVENING Nona eel Thurrtleor err oteobre thtalrlCoohxtrun est1 ml by the lornenr lnatltuta and Interim Sod roam thvlllbelrtanerrt boomeratntboltmitadand the latter hell the ltrri mum to llnkh Ml Itd hm Lennon vLo lied Dorar creemerr ii Willi Ilmnt are bolted to nltmd Millwr tonal My 213th II tlo pm in the torn hull It medial with the mate in heath Stildrtiy THY erratum When not PlloNE maul entice SlltllttDAl NIGHT of the PINECREST DANCE HALL Coupler Only For table daearratlene Phone Tillilltt dilly merrier lemony the limit lirll and out re at gr arLE an 32 ha at green 92535 sugar County Council mrdtbm been sent nollma coollrmn Warden lam Welra doctrine to ml the render meet tibial mall Molly Fob to instead the rotanty correctl lnrr talil meet tor tun dope nerd month on Tuerdoy thumb in md on Warlneadry blurb it at Collin Street Untold limb hail the notices trnm It Wutam clerk rteb The permanent oi the meet to brethren the ileum committee la dill midylnu tell NIIMLTIIINTMIMN we more tlonn which will be method at the limit rerelorta Ailhtthits Littles HILL PLAYERS Auditione lot Spring Day will be held Sunday Feb at non pm Maple Grove than Auditorium EEEE Meeting Changed Membrande Disoussed By Madiib 52 53E Ea BE to El Sir if 325 YE 88 we 75 Egg ae2 iii 3525 he 33 If E3 DISTRICT BRIEFS hLATlEDATII NUNCIL month tomhip hid tantra btrirei ELECTED PillSIDE GRANT ATIIIDVFD otltwntliuothtrl MUTINY ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FEATURE AT Till ANll ltd LAST COMPLETE SlIIlW It IlllX llllllt PlTNK nu mdt Will nldlll aeruuottv AND runner JOIIII KIRK THE WAR WAGON ill all two out It hit wwwwtwnwmtwmmmcuom E3V $33 at El Ens 35 iii $35335 and Mourns Mother We nd dry lot him He Prophet rm Mann HI tithe pill be lntdlnu tbur marl renement NORTH Illllm tblalll 4LT eotrretl villi boll It bent mutter meetlnl mm Tl at tho rmmlrul but me uhen them ulil be dneusslcn thud the OIllLLlA Still Wm Donor has been rlrrtrd new pmldmtoltbntrrlillndnatber oi Ounrnmn rtxmdlm Jerk NgIIIIUIIIXEKdlID nevth bebd mini tilnronnpprot in Wiltrtehodxh mil to the Simon rend lrdr to be hold at huntnil on Tixllotlay and lrtday llerrh and TONIGNT SAT ONLY CIIILDUENB llATINEE WINNE DOUGLAS 52 la at it Ir It 535 rid 55 do end EEI rt lit WEE El it we Jr at gr it 2r to as r3 Ea an 325 30 it of it Eg Slayner Resident not nitMW onto to Mllllllllllt lllVINIllltE AVtvtaly pl Where Food vaaroutsrnvtc 716 ill 56ml Yltllllil MlllllMllll litlllllINS lkrmdlemn the ol llrr William torrreal Lamb el matter llrr Prophet the we the widow ol Jamar Prophet died at ttrmotord Nursing Name on tttb lid the ol av norm hit drum tn Anon twat ml at Athurtery n1 Milo oi Orlllln Ste minimal no rtxht neat ermdalhlron ab native NOW PLAYING PM It PM httTlIdtllTlllllldlllSllm on Whmmmmmam wmrtmternaquunmmmsam anmvu haemumwwmmm limitMM