to if prod Ila Pl tmmnl in Irma poolr blitz Bani am mm hollllha uduumionlM Mould mame moi media in SE 2533 And Cash Prizes Awarded OI Dental Poster Contest thoMad Hi are Wi nmwnasdum Mr It 1o Egg Err yam Sunny Gm Parry is sumdnlei hokioobtllwnrdio Mmlnnterohlrodmd Holmium limit our outrun NAVY LnIAbGUI WE coin Iasdhlvdtoliu Nari dl ll Budget To Consider Request For VIncreased Funds mm mm rumor monitor it rm 51ml My Ma mm mmmm mail Allhi Munwttirtho mint lirointho tor isomer Facilities Ill Eattview llrged By City Club Players mom may it many immwmm turmiuthhauotodmtlnomt DB iii If or kind mortatoo lottomimunrmimltm oi Wmmllooiu Moiims mm or othiadroihdiitturmudtm tho Parka Wino in tho other lutnlrrmooi memm loom mural now or new IUDGTTI ll aw kwI Esiwj The no ulli tiikitstty oi lmrportztlm ammonium toldmil tot vuuvrsnouru sEtiEtt usr madditiomt WM work romnnttro In the mount ol mouse the oral corridor minutiae on rely mulled mural mtg uoo rmly to diorrrrdno wort tor miller whildy Close to that doiiclotxy oi the citys wotr Imotrot but witMound brood omit the byiou mum tho woutm that witlmoi the ally in moi mu morally min are miirhio to the city me Will into is more toholppay tor iIrtointoodird trortmout plant whim horrtoa prmrrnosi program Mattie choose to airline trd that upon nle oi our mm more room behirrdtnoroistinn of 325 ilARRtE DtNtlitiE tour DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC CUSTOM DENTURES outuirusouo RELINES on dirt mundlllnnat moneyhurt mum denture provtdod Output wamuiy II to Idlurlniruii on all drnrorto at the My board in NAM um int boon Il louiiod to tho Parametrith ml the no based on Ioni tarot tunoiotlm polioiu wru to is xs cots dim havnx ditilouilco with lam it at now the prowl iiimdunl melon won re llmnord or rede be planed by bdiomt nation to holp imam oilaitoi lo the use at thl My third mmrddiowatl at for at WWW Mitr ai We Minoan Hood 7263600 the lost rommrmtuion 44 DUNLOP ST BARRIE ONT OFULL AND PARTIAL DENTURES ON ohm tor tonruituilonr clitoraler ut the Deotorirl Society oi Ontario AI Itmdltod mention our tour tor denim ml with tho our in Ithtdilll uranium or rut onNrUIo Ior 5001th ES E31373 iii outrun nouns Monday to Friday it to Mt Saturday ti and l05gt DUNLOP ST PHONE Till 736412 tIOPPOSITE QUEENS HOTEL ostitlaobootd Dadoll In ironcolo tulltloi endow Cliy Pllltii Arnhulom OPP BOMBARDIER ONTARIO LTD rot Ortiuhoolr and at 0rd Pimdrlo mwmamiy mitm aurvivod by not Egalitarian oimatlm Ina drum or thin um twin ol Came mm Sound by Iislaa Josie torn loom tritium oi rum to and NIII Muriel tIrDermld oi Militia try it ddlirrn mt mo mat id I21 her humid Milo an ruin nod by Colin button now Itll outdoor Palm Jon tiahixt Ortiz oaorn I11 PM niimi PM Wlm and Gears IMwultoimorcttmy Ill John Merriam ioirn Dim lt dietitian or tr will ho It tornm Otmtierp to town tttil CANADIAN ARTIST OUTLET Ihl APPOINTMENT trunnion uouuti lit it Mum amoral Mo mm ot minim We limited in PINWI to Announce Wrimoot oi Carmen lino III to tho Wilton oi Pull lie lotion Adverdlsm motor In thI positiontlr tiobiin witi gallon DOUBIEYOIJR MONEY BACK GUARANTIE MI hroadlodm unrondlllnnnily dourontm to land doohia tho IIuratn nth It you ton rov rtlolomo nnnloihaiemtnr It In lllt during Mr Ioomi Inmoot lot Otlor ZFORI OFFERII MI hoodlonm wroudiltouolly qvntanimto olva Ioyd oi brondlnom with Ivory Iq yd porrhottd oudur out uniqvo In Oliuf that moot You got two touurl yordr tor ovr prltv oI iIqydltomnllowotdi75 Got Irrimnto with no obli GIANT Jolyuyluu polypropyiinn wool trylltl lam nylon polynlm quailill Ilr All Inrludlti to ydi Iot our priu at to yd lMIIlION DOIIAII IIOICE Poll You plvrim rhuot romd houtdoorrvhilnt WI Alto RAVI nitttlnlttlttl AVAIIAIIIAIIDWJOW MI IIOADIOOPA It ASSORIMEIII OF VARIOUS QUAIIIIES Iroro 95 trill out Ot Iamnor uoroo bvoodlnomi at or iavlnpr Prim up to 51599 to Yd Iwe Io one point ll low at St Iq yd Urn your Charm or out my hodoul tumtNotonytnorluru doyd rotor 90 220 Buyvioui onto 72614 Opon daily IMO It to pan Saturday tooo In pm In twomibio tor Ill molten roioitnl to ronmuriy public rela lloil ond udvtrtlsiru id SlitDon Immuthu to Ontario lit Rollin tuna heat lnudmi lo the main oi mmohllu onl retold orodurt lino 1961 Int kind Mnthatdlru tOntarloi limited in hillvh 1065 trout lotutlttltt mt STIMAIU Willi N0 rOIIIOAIION lASYIUDOLT IEIMS N0 CAAAYINO CNAIOIS OK It Io NYLOUIOHOWNCAII Ottm AIINOW little motor uuxouonr natural lamina um held It Entity rum Iiuna no hall tum Drama 64 WAREHOUSE TO SERVE Still tioolr Lawn and lion Drillual Dil Palaliau onion titalt Phool mom