Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jan 1968, p. 4

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UllPil3atriP Examiner Published by Canadian Nawapapan Limited Willa Publisher McPharaon 16 Bayitald Street Barrie Ontario William Taller General Manager Managing Editor wwvnsoar JAN It ma no agomill TeucH 6F 535 anYeopY can see IM Miarune enouau FORme Jan E832 aev YET IM REALLY JUST SWINEER Canada average as arrays heron Jobless Insurance Bates Rise Sharply ly DON OmfiN 07mm The average Ca nadian worker ilces an increase eittpereentinhlstaxiorun employmem benefits That will be the eiieet of Bill 0197 An Act to amend the Unemploy ment lnsttrance Act latest oliicial statistic Ra that the average weekly wages and salaries in the varioua prov inces vary from VII in PEl to Silt in the in Smith llhe worker turning that m4 tional average wage must at present contribute use each week for unemployment insur ance half deducted fromhis Ply picket and the other hall in the term oi fringe benefit paid by his employerwhich is taken into consideration when settling wage rates The new bill will boost that weekly con tribution or the average worker by per cent to $14560 per your or $230 per weeit Anyone earning less than too week will pay slightly lower contribution than at present all those earning between 570 and $105 will pay more Those earn ing between tips and $150 per weekwho do not now contrib ute to the planwill be required to make weekly contribution at tile rate of $30 SHOW TNGENUTFY Liberal and Conservative gov emmentsat Ottawa have alike shown ioxy Ingenuity in dress ing up their levies under sugar coatlnc names intended to remove the taste oi taxation But no nutter what they call them now how they are calm levyoixixpercentoiallretr nuca colladad by Ottawa Similarly the proposed new rate of unemployment town adapt is estimated to 000 yearequiv alent to another additional lev yoiilvepercenLOldagepon ion taxea last rear collected 51280000000 mm or or ta per cent additional levy by Ottawa leak at this another nay These three levies together total the equivalent oi 99 per cent oi the total yield at the personal income tax last year in other words it those hidden taxes were brought out into the open andoalled tax and charged as direct tax on earrtingaio stead oi being disguised under name or hidden in Lhe cost oi the goods you buythen your income tax would be doubled Remember the Slm000000 medical care bill Finance Min istar llltehell Sharp xaya he wlu have to raise totes by epilect ing the equivalent oi t2 extra percentage points on the income tax to cover Ottawas share provincial governments would also have to collect new taxes to the same total One billion dol lars ts equivalent to iurther ziporcent increase in personal income tax But at course it would be railed spine other name Its breathtaking compari son tot up those tour iixures for weliareprograms in one years it is more than the total federal government expenditure oi $2 ootatvsw on everything in 1951 the iirAtKorean war year Believe it or not the total is more than everynieitel of Otto latedor collected these levieSTwnepentllug through railthe are taxeswhich all Canadians must pay to Ottawa with no power to opt out The Canada Pension Plan inst year collected $649173000 over and above the amount required to meet the cost of operation and disbursements But it is not an actuarial sound and iuliyv in years to comes to be supported by years trom lbfi7 to tats inclug sive which was 30201300351 it seems there is no end to the amount oi taxes which Ottawa believes it can pyramid onto the taxpayers back Does nobody ever complaint And to think we in Ottawa budget or lust iour weliure programs ior just one year more than it spent on ev VLnIrntsTOEDrron nx aware at The WI mam public service contribu tions to the cause of safety in 1367 Thank yonl Your truly Rankin President Ontarh Satety League gt Toronto SIEDlCARE Dear Editor it is obvious that opposition to medicare is arrayed some provincial government and via need not expect total acceptance in the foreseeable iuture Some ieet dragging is understandable irom both the aiilueot and have not areas llakingthe citixena oi nonoar tleipatlng province payrtowarda the iederal share In questionable But Canadians as whole are paying for choice niedlcalcover age including iree dnlgs and gen erous Income tax exempta inr auto workers when they buy new car This also applies to some other industries and oer vices ltlshtg prices are Ihc ro suit oi creeping wage and More benciit parity Now let us have health service parity acootvllag to one estimate med care should cost $885 million the first year which is an increase oi $80 million over what is now paid by existing payment picna is much extra taxation really nocdedl ii the ie at government makes employer contributions to group medical lnsumhca tax ahle allowance for Income tax which is likely because done what hospital insur auc introducedit willpro nora one Ottawa could divut ta than to the havenot arm Employer paid llie lomnoe might also be made taxable allowance to below medm be cause It has because an min build new that the Canada Peov Lion Plan provided pension tor widows and dependent children without mean text Your truly John Gilbert Hanover Ontario Says NDP Should Support Republic vanoouvnn cc James Renwick oi Toronto national New Democratic Party presi dent says the ND would sup port Canadaa conversion to republic ii the party believed it would help aole the country problems dont believe theres that much attention paid to the Crown now in Canada ltir ltenwlck told Vancouver City College students linnduy But there is substantial number oi Cauadianx who believe the moo larchy is symbol oi unity lie was commenting on weekend vote by the Quebec wing oi the Liberal party in tavor of abolishing the more archf and making Canada re publ with president BIBLE THOUGHT And It Shall come to put that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be raved Acts 221 God has no iavorites Ho is no respecter of persons No sin is too great no sinner so vile bittwha ll dill dive coalsplxocnce Woman Power lit Manpower Centre mom 1C The mniroia the Canada HUM eroenmiolhhtnieriorbritiah blumbla city will aooo be to tbebandaoiwnmanpoaer iheeeotreanewnunagerix AliceRnnaaliJJheflntlman tohddauchanappolntmentia 30 and believed to be the thirdincaoada Otherr are at Oakville Out and the North west Territoriu hire Ennnalla who has worked in Venom int the last low yearx admit site be pioneer letting about her new post and am going to that way for while But dont lust want t0 move in and things it will be case at getv ting acquainted with my Ital beiore we make any changea or startling new plans The suit the willhaad has good breakdown oi ii men and women lira hunnalla who iormeriy lived in Edmonton Joined Can ada Manpower as to employ ment oliicer and become ten ior counsellor during her tenure in Vancouver British Paper Hikes Price LONDON CPt The mass circulation Daily Mirror an nounced today onepenny tn crcase in its price eiiectivl Wednesday The move was another in an expected series at such in crcasca niiccting Britains na tional press The htirror will cost Iiio pence Price oi The Guardian rose to Sixpence from this ion 14 Most national dailies have been sell ing for iourpcnce The Time HEL syn IMPER We start changing yr erythlnglor our grandiothcrs s5otislntbe treesenseev mall th iirsjeso ears at taxequiValertt to an extra Conieder cannons STORY yreallltylngiogelihe bestofMattHelm yinthebest MattHelm GENERATION GAP On IS GOld Pruspeciors stMuniuMgttwerl1fl¢ nfrovaasaga Beach ratvtifidyers to Warden George Patterson subject ers Welcome News To Barrie The decisionofihe hoard nigovern nor of the Georgian College of Applied Arts and Tech ogy to locate its main campus in Barrie is most welcome an nounccment to the community The news was not entirely unexpected but it is satisfyin to learn that an independent Toronin ased community planning team had carried out location study in depth during the past few weeks and had come to the conclusion that Barrie is the log ical site for the campus Apart from its great value to Barrie it self the college will be boon to the ultra Georgia Ba re on Students Will be able to commute from all the main centres oi opulation in the disV trict and those cannot attend will be privileged to take extension courses Only few short years ago number of Barrie industries had stressed the iaca that no facilities ior technical training were available in the cit Students who wished to acquire to knowledge had to attend specialized institutions in Torontoand in other large metropoll centres The decision by the Ontario govern ment to establish colleges otapplied ails and technology came as most welcome announcement and Barrie set about mediataiy to bring about the establish ment of such an institution here cellent brief backed by the test experts was prepared ntl submitted to 30 YEARS AGO IN lOWN Bame ExamiherJan 31 193 cc County Council heard application corporation as police agy Ward Reeve of For llichcoll appointedeummiitee to study County Council was in pros erous mood again and restored mem 10 which was ui BET tive toyoung peopleto go now lhebonrdt Civic otticialsalso oiiered their closest ctroperation in selecting suitable site and in helping in other ways toeslablish college Barrie as the major business and in dustrial centre of the district has many advantages to offer too Situated at the junction of highways 400 26 and 27 it is readily accessible to the Georgian Bay region and is very close to the geogra phic centre of the region as the consul tants emphasized The college will be vonderiul asset to thecommunity Apart from turning out technicians or industry and bu twillgiverihe youthoflhe Georg tan Bay area opporturuties to obtain highereducailoniwltich uqt ltrve been denied in many of ihrnric hills that college ishere will be great inlcle education Econpmically oicourse the college will have atremendous impact ouBar rie The board envisions student en rolment of 1000 within two yearsand 3000 or more within 15 It is expected that campus sitewill be urchasedih the spring to allow for su stantial de velopment of the callegeinfthe fall Meanwh ethetempora college head quarters he Barrie oppingllaza will car and will offer extension =Had Colorful Lite in non aowtuan Althoughythe histoiY oi British Columbia does not begin until myaats alter Eastern Canada the West Coast province has more than made up last time in its wealth oi colorful stories and characters The gold prosp tors who really got thingsgoi in British Columbia about were responsible or many is cinating yarns One oi them was Cameron ii Columbia il IEEI with his uic Un tuuaicly the child only in days later and tr Cameron October wsz She asked not to be buried at Barkersyillo which owing to the gold rush was thentha largest community In North America west oi Chicagoand th of San Francisco By iound gold at Williams Creek so Cameron decided to takehia wiies body to Victoriavior inter ment ii ever it was Jamal ICflrlhtlo this tlma cameron nndhi partner iRobert Stevenson had miles to beaver Lake where Cameron bought horse to haul the toboggan along the Irozeo Douglas route to New Westmin ster Thoustrango eatLego nr rived at Victorla on March it where thahody was thawed flmblm and buried aiter tu ncrnl se vt meron returned to his gold and was worth $300000 ar He car end oi the wifes body exhumed and placed in leadlinedbox oi alcohol se co was be However his des familyxwas suspicious and claimed that the coilin was tilled with gold nota body the grave was dug up the and the accusation was iourthri Came then ost all his money in muting venture in um before Cameronwas able NW scma and turned to leave his base at llichiielti wherea funeral service was held Thehody was placed on boggan and necessary sup phes including golddustand the Cariboo in1888l lilaluck had gone There was no more gold andho died soon after ring at Camerontotvn the oihls mine laced on courseS in addition to regular day classes ls0Durhdss gave 13000 troops to ound pita at Quebec totnope Canad 51gt that all cut Canada So he had his ofall TeMATTHEthlllfllusfli Plane 7233440 ran Fumes iNFORMATION fIIIE ENTERfIMPERIiAlV LORING CONTEST mnenrolt Aron cpNTINsNrALINN nu FREETHEARE rassssl iiiiiiiiiasiii Elli

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