Juicy oii noon slain Published by his Nmpspm Limited 16 Baylield Shut Barrie Ontario William Tell General Manager McPherson Managing Editor SATURDAYNJANUAIY fl lfll PAGE Walls Publisher Conference Leisure Is Important Fifty community groups have been in vited by Mayor Robert Bentley to cone ference on recreation and leisure time The conference will be held in April and Ontario Education Minister William Davis may be one of the speakers Mr Davis has evinced an interest in leisure time planning Wtih the work week getting shorter and people living longer the question of use of leisure time is of growing import ance In the days when Canada we nation of healers ofwood and drawers of water leisure was not problem People then worked from dawn to dusk and if they had time on they were quite contented to sit bythe fireside and loll around But today the 40hour week is standard and in some instances is even shorter In NewYolk city ï¬iectricians are paid overtime after 25 pure Fur thermore with most pensi plans cail ing for retirement at the elderly must find satisfactoryimeans of using leisure to the best adventage rile Barrie conference which will be held under the auspices of the Parks and Recreation Commission will take these factors into consideration and deal with use of leisure forgeveryone from the very young to the very old It is not too difficult to plan recreation for the young They can swim and play games to work off excess energy But what of DOWNMEMORYLANE INV censorith roan ron mm Barrie Examiner Jan 23 1953 Town Council approved plans for Barrie to deiebrate centennial year and made grant $3000 to Chamber of Commerce to getxbhlnga rolling Mayor James Hart announced Old Home Week would bevheidin midsummer Official open ing of addition and new auditorium King Edward public school in Aihndnle by Dr Brown MA registrar 0n tario Dept of Educationwlio was in troduced by Dr Bruce Johnston Jack Gable school board chairman wei comed guests Gerald Smith is prin cipal Perhaps with better type of one ucation we are giving our children and with better schools when the time comes they will be abletowarkbcttcr together than the adultsiof today Dr Brown declared At Town Council Alderman Frank Johnson demanded that police clamp down on speéding re ferring especially to Blake Innisfii Bradford ï¬ts and Burton Ave Warden Wilbur Reed Reeve of OriiiiaTown ship told simcoe County Council that benefits of money spentenllealth Unit were now being realized Earries most famous baseball battery held re union whcn catcher Gummy Scott met gitli his pitcher Archie Burton now of udhury Archie was in twin to watch his two sons play for Windsor spitfires sgainst Barrie Flyers James Parker Barrio heavyweight pro boxer knocked outOscar Pharo in fourth round of feature boat at Miami Beach Auditorium Monarch Refrigeration moved into lead town ladies bowling Joyce Kerney scoring 832 triple idem Barrie Citizens Band which now has40 musicians iinder direction Joe Mollellile Belgianpatented system bf il driving being usedsin construe ition of ddition atEarrleWorks CGE ge rai manager John Mitchlnson stat rryHart skippedBarrie rink ufluuwwwmfl aim We To Bande the young who have reached the age where they no longer visit the local baseball diamond or skating rink What of the middlenged who cant run 100 yards any longer without risking heart attack or the elderly whose mobility has been cut down with the passing years Leisure of course does not mean games alone or checkers or chess it could embrace variety of hobbies from woodworking to stampcollecting It does not mean frantic search for something to do although some people mayhceome frantic when they cannot turn to some form ofrelaxation whether ithe work or play or just plain listening to band concert It is worth noting that only150 of the 2000 senior citizens of Barrie those ovcr 85 are members of the iocalseninr citizens What do the others do Do home and put in their time listening to the radio or watching television The ups commission would be interested in learningthe answers sports cultural puanlld including painting and other hobbies all have their place in the use of leisure time We hope this conference will find some of the answers and devise means to make Barrie more attractive place for those who live here and for thorawho come on visitors of Howard Burbldge Robert Peacock andWaiter Craigto first prize at Thorn tonbonspiei GordonJ Needhani appointedresident partner in account lng rinn ornerhert name co Mr Needham was born in Washago but has spent most of his life in Barrie He played sonsaphone bass horn in colleg lateband and starred in hockey with Lions juveniles Junior Colts and Barrie Flyers before going to Toronto to study accounting Capt John Henry How ard former training officer forGrey 5c slrncoe Foresters in Barrie awarded Air Medal for services with 118 Army dur ing operations in Korea last year Presidcnt Harry Armstrong announced that first ourlingwiil take place tonight at newbuildingein falrgronndsroff Essa Roads Building was completedrtwo months ago but withoutartiflcial lee plant and mildweather has hindered Hilliard rodlth in making ice It is hoped to ise enough funds to install ice plant for next season Wilbur Harriselected president ladies ï¬ction Barrie Golf and Count Pertinent Paragraphs Money stiii tall inflation it takeswa sizeahla wad of it to say something impor Mrs still work or do they sit LETTERS To THE EDITOR MEDICARE Dear Sir Your Editorial Docision on Medicare can yet be ovanilcd iDec 19 i961 should obi so no challenged Subsequent events would lndl cola that unless therel mass molest of the people there Will lurlher delays medicare ubrking reality How ever the reasons for further de lay are clearly not as your paper chooses to prmt them quote Pquc advbcy postpone merit of the plan growastmng it would be color to asnlme that the ovaage person is utter ly connised by the statements and wuntcraieiemenls of our so called leaders is in turn be created state of 51 dont know what to think so wont think at all This public slate of mind is oi course indseb WP 19 aurance corporations politicians press combine needed to per petrate their hoax onlihe Canoe dian people Editorials ouchas youri have played Major portin this has Your use of the housing crisis rediberring lsonsexsmple of this Aiuriher examplsand mich more important one is your use of the chairman of lange pappl corpore tion as an audiori on what is good for tbe Cans iaii people While at diosame time you at such people us Also Mac but in these days or in making day crop or politicians will these representing the old line parties it should be abundantly clear however that the two mentioned will at least go down in history They are among the law who up not busily engaged in selling out the Canadian peo ple and our national heritage The recent Doses sinisilon should point up the dangers of ldollring big business as no Ere nrnincr would have us do Dosco should have at lesiire taught us that big business in lerest in public welfare is only in relation to its own prolltabll ity Heinz lod down the garden path into the kbadom of man egement worship by editorial when is dangerous business it loads saithlately to the Fascist llloe politlcorniiilary power all INVIIELETlEBS TOTHEEDITOR irlilnllons to its belle to the edlforf column anihe edlt llorial page What possible lellcrl should be restricted to 3011 to in words and they should be signedjwnlere nsay nae penname if they do alrc Even whels space travel has been esfl tabiishcd many of us couldnt get olntof this worldalive as biastingoff would scare us to oath Peoplewho can afford to gembie dont cuberiwuey eléctedhiiesT loisize ups man fairly well add his mothers appraisal of him tnthatlof his motherinldw and divlde two The best rule to follow with reference later April We This paramount question was the of attention asMPs hicklcd back to larllament our 01 and the second nndlan blood While Whol wasrtbe lance that has lakes over our good neighbour lo the bogus it was never intended that way but public apathy has allowed ltto happen Eon Bobbcilio Patterson Road Barrie room organisms liir Editor It has come in my mind as lm sure it has to many others lhatlhe runner in which our young convicted criminals are being handled These young man of l7 it 19 or 20 yearal feel do not belong in cell If young mo of in years of age were convicted ol crime and sentenced to jail or an instituilon the first thing be wduld fool is resentment not for his crime but lor the institution He would be allowed very little freedom and no responsibility Now this young man has criminal record which will lollt Have Found Abuse Of Student Aid By DON OHEAIIN NEON Unlverslly ll fairs officials here get In diih er when reports circulated ihai there were some abenenlgaosln the student aid program First one the ollldnll Donald Bethune director of the program and ihe man who would be closest toll more or less continued the reports lie saidhe suspected boom inaldlhlsyearwaepartlydne to students llllgllil figures about finances on eppllca lions and thereby boosting their loans and grants But the next day Mr Bethune was stopped one The deputy minister of univer sity affairs Stewart low him for the rest of his llle 1991 if WWW he is tangllta trade isnt this little obsolelel on some yohng wero in be placed in the armed forces theriirst thing he would learn is sell disciplinerrespectfandrles possibility These fir oilenders donl belong in cell theybe long whereihey can learn thybse things Now young man can be taught useful trade which he would be able to use the rest of his llleif he were lost in the form or return to civil REL slapped downthe director as being new on the ob there was nbsol ely dance of any skullle Mr Slowarllwasvverymuc on the defensive in fact ll wmddseemhisnosewasrmnoof essarily out of joint However he wasnt belilg su persehsitive because he hep posed to fallout olbed ihal morning University sludcnis loday as we all know are lullol fire and boiler and fewyears ago they 35 0mm scorched the governmentovu but Of Race Despite 1396 sncooison pickedPaul stit ii lowing retiring nonpolitical nonpolitician as his su emin whlchshonld years ago flle doesnt need to Vice press conference on student aid supportwe were more gullible then about student Ilanmla than we are today The university people hen had to backtrack They slmpll lied the application and hear lsrred administration to the mile vanities themselves MARK WAG LEI1 The incident loft lie mark Now the atiiind For sood ness lake lets Lay out ol In more of those ï¬ghts Nobody of course really doubts Mr Bethune was right hem the start there has been Tth cried lhat mo ment wasarrying too much into their all rs helm smotmg old It wanted lull details onln airing of pareols aadsuch me Tho cry got of otpublio leader to lay his hands on The present situation build not havelaslcdinuch longer ave walled for some abuse of student aid pro grams Though Just how much probably nobody knows lo the early days there were stories that students were set Millions iwblch are intercsl grant its stock market Oiheta and going on valved Brittho money comes oninf the governmaat petsnd its cwnmon fading that edit tie llo shouldnt Iiand in the way MgBHlRBIQVflnlllflll moneyproviding you arent caught If its not whitell atvlearl ofï¬cihlswill museums up the aid controls and hoping theyeao do it withou geiuol led LI too excited cabinet iorliesilanug misoclal mea doubt is not oacrlbing base electoralmotives to himbc decided in be the forth throw his hat jhtojthe ring for the Liber