AROUND SIM croe COUNTY ANGUS as Has some The luneral or Mrs Sarah Jane Lena Toronto who was the lorrner Sath Jane Sergeant at Margaret St Angus wu held Jan to Iron Miles Meral Parlors Toronto to Angus Unit ed Church and interment at Angus Cemetery Mrs Leggc was in her med year Lt and Mrs Torn Leith lan doo spent recent weekend with the iatters grandparents Mr and Airs Iluat Mr and lira Douglas Blake Burlington and the lattera mother Mrs Eva Cooper Toronto were with Mr and Mrs Russell Adams Mn Elation Ellis Nilngwood was with her daughter Mrs Darlene Ellis Mr and Mrs Victor McMaster visited bindy with their aunt Mrs llarry Corner at Aurora Mr and Mrs ltoy Sleeper spent the weekend with the farmers brother and sislcrdnlaw Mr and Mrs Glen Sleeper ihnton Mr and Mrs William Irwin and lamiiy were with Mr and Mrs Oscar Linton Lindsay Miss Alma Andrews is visiting her grandmother Mrs Andrews in Nova Scolia Mrs Allred Willis who had been patient In Royal Vic toria Hospitaiharrls Is conval using at the horn ol Mr and Mrs Ross Brownly Mrs Eric Carson has retumed home from Barrio hospital much improved in health ltlrs Lillian Bush lormeriy of Angus ta In Barrio hospital COOKSTOWN By M155 MeMASTER Miss Marlon Fiidoy on com pletion oi her course at Kempt ville College at Christmas lelt last week tor Calgary Alta whore she hopes to procure job In home economics number of our town loik are hospitalised ltlr and ltlrs Taylor Toronto were weekend guests at Mr and Mrs Mel Dohcrty Mr and Mrs Jack Finley Utterson spent Smday with the Ieitera mother and sister Mrs McMasier andMIss Irene Ale bert Franks Toronto was with Mr and Mrs George Faris The February meeting of Wu mens institute will be Thursday Feb at pm at the home of Miss itene McMastor Each member is asked tovbring her baby picture Mr and Mrs George Butt spent Saturday evening In Tor onto with their two daughters It being the occasion at their 25th wedding anniversary Those who spent the past week end at their homes were Bob and Donald McLean with Mr and Mrs Bruce McLean and Mrs Elizabeth Mcuan Miss Mary Shelswcil oi Waterloo University with Mr and Mrs Lorna Sheis well lllr and Mrs Art Kidd and Jack Couse visited In Scarbore with Mr and Mrs Keith Cause Mn and Mrs Norman Baker were guests at Mr and Mrs Murpbvaoronto Rev and Mrs Milroy vialted the farmers father ltltlroy Gait Due to adverse weather con ditions attendance was small lor with in Don other room win nlag banner sand or the largest nmgbar oi parents pm eot The speaker Mr Goong 65 John Wits an pdsoaa storage In the home no man tloned many cannon varieties nt plants whose roots and leaves are poisonous and gave pointers oniirrtaldlnemergeocy lathe busines ï¬riod conducted by president ra Bruce Melean delegation was named to attend the next meeting of Eon noun oil in regard to procuring an allqu room and kindergar ten was voted toward the maintenance at the toï¬n library and no is being sent to the Coo lederatlon at Homes and Schools In aid of the Indian Centennial Protect whoseiunds are still be ing left open lira ks Currie was named to look lhlu educa tional bus tour tor the children The annual Pun Fair is schedul ed tor April Pine Crest Chapter DES were hostesses or the weekly cucbre on Thursday Jan at the Mas onic llall when there were I7 tables of players Mr and Mrs Donald Carter and sons Bowmanvillc spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Roy Carter Georgian BAY Agricultural Fairs Association held the an nual meeting at County Court House Barrie Those attending trom Cookatown were Willrld NEW FLOS By MRS WANIESI NEW Flea WJ met Itlirs Belcourta with small attend ance due to sickness and weath er conditions Mrs ilm Konney read paper on Education prepared by Mrs George Smith Mrs lohn Mlnmngs conducted contest won by Mrs Eeicourt Members are reminded ol the cooking school at htinesing Feb It pm Mr and Mrs Waller ilaII have sold their larm to Mr and Mrs Frank Lloyd and have purchased house on 0akleyPark Square Barrie Mr and Mrs Alex Finlay held euchra party lor Alienwood L0l at their hom Visitors on the weekend with Mr and Mrs Steve Rawn in cluded Mr and Mrs Jim Geddes Aurora and Mr and Mrslnhn Wilson and Sharon Schnmbcrg Mrs llarry Train was rccent visitor with her sister and bro ltervlnlaw Mr and Mrs Al Jackson of Arnprlor and with Mrs Russel ltlcElwaIn and Miss Hopkins Barrie srpnuts January meeting at Paulettes ACW was held at tho homo oi Mrs Joseph Pratt lbere wars to members and one visitor prc sent and Mrs Pratt chaired the meeting and devolionsrwere by Mrs Haldanhy and Mrs Fellows Roll was answered with articles for mothers bags All departments gave good re ports Plans were made to some lunch at sale in Moran and or rummage sale in April The study book was prepared and discussed by Mrs ll llold unit and Mrs llaldcnby The Feb it meeting will he held in the January Home and School meeting Jan to in the school church basement and therroil be answered with nonvplastle HTO GOOD HEALTH Pep Pills Bui ii VForvll LeiDown sy reason slower Mn Dear Dr Molnar My hus hand does heavy work and to keep from getting tired hetairv green and white capsule which he says is diet pill and Could these pills harm his health in any wayllltrs There ere lots at green and wirlle pills but from what you say about this one It sounds like one olthe amphetamines and that doesnt please me The amphetamines or pep pills are used as dieiplllsi because they suppress the appe tile and give person also en ergy normally healthy persdn has reservaenergy which its can call upon when he needsit But fpepypiils cause the per son to use up this reserve and the time mayeome when heres noreserve lett Then Collapse gt Al in pounds yourvhusband doesntvneed diet pills Neither does he need anything in tie press his Vappsti Quitelhe re Wm gt would hope that he will reel gnlze the riakbelore he runs mtovseriousharrn HeWeii may attacks of nerves nnd jitters heartpaipitatlon One of the dangers in depend hopeyou warmth helm he get no real trouble are not safe Dear Dr Maine Is it taste that woman in pregnancy carryinga dead child cannot be aborted Lean woman 47 years old and never heard at ivcrbutrl havebad may four youngsters and teal know something contend that the child could he aborted by medi cation orcaesarean section are undoubtedly arealot at things youihavenitvheard at in tlyears lmn lair bit older than that butlm still learn somethingalmost daily especial Iy trom the letters receive If theietus baby in lorrn live stage diesneture ultiman iy taken care of thesituation usually bye miscarriage The iesstampering in this sitr station the better+aodlhesaler for the mother Carrying the fetus will not harm her in closed in the amniotic sac germs sang in so there is eaeralsesrllhqdn do ï¬nal5 dklarent school at on on and any Hlday John Sheldon and ï¬lm hencb Cecilio Fair delta bawbeusietlflseptuudlt toy im Arctie missions air and Mrs Michael Sheridan have moved to their new home oatmme or are in Sheridan home Congratulations to Mr and Mrs John Kali who celebrated their txrd wedding anniversary The honored couple spent the day with Mr and Mrs Elvin Keii Palnsuick All their lamily were present except one son Dalton of Red Deer Alta WilSilGil BEACH By HELEN GILLES SEEKING NAME group of snowmobile en thusiasts met at the Beach 11 ccntiy to term an association They elected an executive hul are considering suitable names preferably sometiug relating to the area Suggestions are being sought and may be given to any executive member pres Ken Richardson Wasaga Beach vice prcs Sid Martin Wasaga Beach secretary Pearl Copeland Bah rte tress Ctlll Richardson We saga Beach Club headquarters are The Hit eltlng Part River Rd Wa saga Beach There are no acres available tor the use at the machines wiencr roast was held last Saturday night and the so or more present had line outing ELECIION TLME With the possibility of led cral election to the not too dis tant future the parties are cali dng meetings thrwxhout the My J1 Stmiduai Township are Aawcia met to elect their executive Bruce Owen Barrie acted as chairman Elected were PM Mk Odette New laweli vice ptes Bernard Johnson New io Iell seetress Mel Elwood Gordon RR Stayoer There will he gathering at the Liberal supporters in Errtbany ll Barrie Friday Jan at put Barium will Include election oi ollicers dele gates to the Liberal convention will be selected bullet supper will be served with dancing to follow Cali Mn Elwood Goth don tor lnlormation Friends and neighbors gath ered at the Donald home len ll to honor Miss Anita Adrlsens sen with shower nights and good wishes Hostessas were Mrs hilly Gottlnoet and Mrs bailey Donald During the evening Mrs Pat Dickey gave demonstra tion at the making of mod flowers There were signals pmenl Anita ls being married to Jerry Vaiilaneourt Jan 77 at It am In St Patricks church Stayner Probe due station CKVR for their profile which showed what regional library could accom plish or the people in wide area It is hoped that some of the elected representatives who voted against such service in Simcoe were catching the pro gram They might reconsider it given the opportunity another vote Mr and Mrs Ed Lnngavln are vacationing in Florida Mr and Mrs Clarence Wheeler local lGA xtorckccpcrs have Ieltlor holiday In Florida Clair and hetw Robertson Jack and lean Corbett with Don and Eve liars left by plane lot Hoiiywmd Fla CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER You have the following hand no vision can +A16 Your partner bids One Spade you respond No No trump and partner bids Three Spades What would you bid now Your partner bids Ono Spade you respond No No trump and partner bids Three Hearts What would you bid now Your panther bids Ono Spade you respond No No trump and partner bids Three Diamonds What would you bid now Your partner bids One Dia mond you espond One Heart and partner ida Three Notrump What would you bid now Four spades Partner is air vlously not keen about nntrump and there Is no good reason to override him by lnslsting an no trump He Is almost sure to have six card spade suit which makes the AD adequate support and hats also likely to have singleton tor void In one of the side suits which mliitaies against notrump play It is true that our H44 dis tribution with atleast one stop per In each side suit strongly suggests notrump play but we cant turn deal ear to parts ners indicated prelcrence for suit play With good support or and play also we sholdd yield to that prelerence in clubs The possibility the boos really trjiaia us wblgytlhsatheynlygiï¬tuic hangrng in Accounting at slam suddenly looms on the horiron and the best way ot an nouncing this development Is by bidding tour clubs This does not mean you have lust lound club suit previously overlooked It merely implies heart lit and possible slam ll partner has the right hand Thus partner may have any one of the lollowtng hands and go to slam It you make the encouraging bid or our clubs promo vAans who am tarrqm tost stz Q3 10 62 AQT 5M5 Three notrump This hand It better adapted to notrump play titan suit play considering partners rchld and the best way of expressing this view is by Insistlng on notrump Six notrump in theory your partner must have so high csrd points to rebld three no trump since your heart rc sponsarrnlghtrbave beenghased on only points Partner can not count on more than that exs cent at his own peril Since you have It points that partner knew nothing about when he leaped to three no trump you are entitled to raise him to six on the assumption that there is combined holding of at least at points one more than the magic number needed We slam It becomes home lame we trespeeiiuiiy suggest you start looking or new part no our ï¬ï¬‚flll ï¬ï¬‚flfllfl as JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK GRANDMA otpsrms SECRET AGENT X9 youuure wmt you FAMILY HAT DOESNT APPLY TO MEWS SACK THERES momma iT JUST HAPPENED WHILE WAS LOOKING FOR SOMETHINé OMLDNT FINP GRANDMA YOUR HALL CLOSE ISNTA BIG MESSLIKE IT USUALLY IS BLE TO PLAY CARDS TONIGHT ms is No no DREAM ALREAWTME MWIS truanucuowmuerootr nowwwwwm hNESAErAtnwogssoorm own suorotolouvomtwok new so HEAR woo uxearwonsrra roa Wilma