Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1968, p. 13

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For the lovcd uric rune Winter Brings Whité SnowClassifieds Bring Gréen cosh 7282414 Check Your Attic Stateroom Garagel Somebody Will Pay For Your Discards Call Want AdVisor 7282414 ml urinal animus ANNOUNCEMENTS IANNOUN SPECIAL NOTICE Engagemruu Marriages and Des Birth Apouircemalls maximum rCards ul llianks holds mason lAnuAllv no ANNOUNCEMENTS CEMENTS CASH Rims 00 word additional words per word In Mmism no rersei Verse per could line extra Corning 1mm BIRTHS nucx Cronin nod sin seem on it cami liordrp Are hooy Innoum the birth their son Christopher crown on ilednrn day norm was it the Rout Vlmrls limlul home it it oui unoer Kelly in oaopy Mul oldi ulthre nnonncr the birth or her brother Kryln Herbert the ills om born on JIllulrv II loss szsx Lrn at to Royal lrinlll llosplul proud parents or both on Roddy Ind iiinor Milly tilnil to or Tilhll nonderini doctor PUG llr ma Iln Robert Pom oi 21 Thomson street Ilhrrle 1191 to mnoume the birth loo alumni npoeri Clinic on lun day January 11 196 It the Roill victom llobollll DEATHS minim Gordon Hubert col it oh nonle=i iluroni on Ytdnesdly lamm 2t Gordon Izllrick belmrd loorid or Doria web Ind our suite or Lunch or Wlnnl IIl Dllnric At home mum wum or Montmi LVerrl iMn Illirl OI Thronta Ind Glmel Cookville Prultvcused by 111th Allr E3111 HI tlil Jtntlttl Puri rral Hunt is Bradiurd 5L Barrie thence In St Pauls AMILIII courts tor mice on Saluldnv It 530 pin Intrmienl stn Lino some new lnnissu nmnlo schtr will held on Friday cvcnlnx It oclock Auspim iiinmi Lodxz slrdnd rn cash will rcntlln op nt ins rhurch tron 150 pm nlii tune it senloo emu Ru KII Geoer slid pcnlv it sure on wedmdy no 24th 1960 Russell Graeme Wad huslund nl MSW IItuzIIJml ud our lather of Tom Sllyent Rslnli Anne Cori CAtherinr III At home And brother VI Ilcithl or oricoondxe Restlrl It the Jen nct ruml home 162 rdlord 5t pinlo lor penile on Saturdzy It 10 MIL Illttnmllt 5L Ilmfl motely strand HAMILTON Nor At the uovnl Victoria llo Itll Dorrie on Web dry Janum 21 last No Pratcr iprrd wllt or yliiisrn Illnlll oeor sister or ilcrbcrt Wuh oo nc and implies o1 Tor on IlcsLliig at the sermon in mi Homo lsi Brudford street Burl tor ilnID on Friday 11 on interment DIX Union ceme cry PWCIIEIL Ilrrlhl Ellmbtlh it me hlafllnglla Nunlnl IIonw Bmd Tom Wednesday lliiusrv 24111 1M Ruhr Elisabeth nNflIMi In her win year beloved In it late mule Pouchu De muthizr ul Dmcllia ill IIolmlrii or BITTIE Clfiitvrlnc Mrs Frlukal Isobel IMH II Vlnccntl both Toronto Norma Mrs lellngcl or George Tar onloPhy11la fluMml Mid Jack Rllllc Resting Rt the Jennett Mosul Bomb 15 Midland 51 Mb Mtnl Sinngi or 5ch on IV lull ritlenucnt Bump Union Carter IN MEMORIAMS max In loving memory of dnr mother Cathulm Ellubcth Tusk who passed Away Jinnoiy 19m also dear father William Joseph Tusk who pmcd IWIY renniny 29 lost Nothing ran our take away flic loye hurt holds dc Pond memories linger every day Nrmnmpmme keen them near A1wsys remembered and sadly mlsed by son Geom nnd daugh terlpia Laura TRAllK in twin memory or our our mother Catherine Trash who parsed lwxv IIiIIlln is 1065 also or lather William Joseph 191 woo leIt sisFebruary 28 Tim all hell the pmienheoitrd leenmmiy soak the mind less pore an it oznnot rill the lonrlns before vno mull savlhe Elllil ll lcssrned niourh thc onlle illuv hide tears memories keep the wound still anon Duolle the passing or the yarn SIrIIv mlsied by mini Dave Illa molly AM Amide Noreen and tamlly commissysurs RARIlllE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY TOUR I5DOCTOR DOOLITILE uiEglintnn Theatre Wednesday January 31 Leave Barrie am Matinee show Orchestra Seals TOTAL COST $5 mficryrphoneJiiss YfimEl 721k ET ham 7208561 ST VINCENT DE PAUL STORE HOURS Wednesday 33Colller su Basement at Jerrysll MONDAY January 29 LIBRARY HA exoe Lion oI dv seminar by wile anytuinmrm mammalan 100 15¢ per line print on request REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Cholkan CO LTD M15 REALTOR ll COLLIER ST M1 NO NEED TY PAY HOMO DOIIN NO NEED 10 HAVE TWO MORTGAGES To own brand new home with nice View oi the My tor $6300 damn to one easy mortgage this can be yours bedrooms living room dining room ltilehcxi and root verandnh Inver lot with plenty trees Electric heal mod at mcost Phone Ed or Milrilyn Jennings mm ME 110 SCHOOLS Do you care for your childrens solely Then you should enquire about this bcdroom hungitlw in lhe sntcsl arca of Barrio Willi low down payment Nicely landscaped and finally down to earth price Phone Edgar Garner 710M TIRED OF PAYING Why not mm betroom bungalow with hcatcd garagifi This home is situated in Angus close to highvmy For under inlormation call Bruce Ellis 4496666 FASTER Pulling CHOLKAN for sale sign on your property makes it still aslcr Phone Ed or Marilyn Jennings moon YOU NEED IT WEVE GOT IT $1000 Dollan to Your Pleasure Phone Will Lowrance moors mwumcs BAKER GltlllY GIBSON iiiililoN NEWMAN AlmA slvur GARNER luGGleoN DlRRACOLO iuutv SWle ED JENNINGS GARNER PETERS WILES LTD Realtor VLA $16000 Solid brick home on acre lot south of Barrie Needs redecorat ing but with the construc tion andvorkmanship of resml 7111105 1160161 moss 72a 0755 1237503 72cm 7160561 Tums 1230801 1287605 the past Photo MLS Realtor OSE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES RENTAIS l5 OWEN 51 7257579 ONLY LEFT MORTGAGE Beautilully planned bedroom homes 19 baths separate liv ing room and dining room These homes carry or $120 mantlin including principal in tcresi and taxes and have mortgage NI price only $10000 Call this office liiJw Ior an appointment to inspect FOUR BEDROOMS MIA MORTGAGE Largo our bedroom home with Lshaped living and dining room large lamin size kitchen lull piece ceramic tile balh plus piece washroom Mort gage carries ior $128 monthly urludingzihlcr pl Ir LBA ES Rehl Eslaio Emilia REAL ESTATE CARSON WORSLIZY STREET WHONE 7236181 BRADFORD 51 Here is All excellent stony home or the larnlly for only 81000 down featuring large kitchen dining room with built in china cabbict tiling room natural woodwork Whom 2nd floor has bedrocrns price 917000 Call Russell Carson 736401 alter 500 pm 736161 user PROPERTY FOR SALE Large residential lot with mm miles outside Rarrle ou Sunnjdalo Rd Call Russell Carson MI Itlcr pm 756161 NORTH END bedrooms Here is an excellent storey home or masonsblc price Call Russell Carson 7266101 alter 530 p111 7336161 ovahwoxilta THE Minis BAY mom with $0000 down cmilortable older storey horrie lust blocks mm downtown Call Synoptth rim pm mm Norm Synnott TIRES Russ Carson 736161 Bill ilamilttm 7285895 Rupeit llchntb Elmvsle 7301122 diaries Hepworth mom SHELSWELL and WILLSON ZIILS REAL NATE MORTGAGE BROKER 119 Dunlap St East 72mm or 7751423 ANXIOUS OWNER PLUS EMPTY HOME EQUALS OPPORTUNITY Stop scorching tor that one in million home his owner wants action and the price Is right lor him to get lL lmnacu late three bedroom two slcrey brick home Call llirs Atkinson 7209796 REQUIRE EXTRA SALES PERSONNEL EXPERIENCE PREFERRED Nm ESSENTIAL SEPARATE OFFICES REGULAR RATE OF COILHJSSION PLUS MONTHLY AND YEARLY BONUS CALL SHHSIVELL on WILLSON pica Drona Hunter Taxbun Deed Atlilnwn Noro mixer Gladys Sinclair 7151950 Reiih lleMutlr er 205201 in Milton 713m FRANK NELLES Pholo it Realtor 7S HATFIELD 7261405 OWNER ANXJOUS TO SELL and you should have look lit this 3bedroom bungalow with on income trotn the warm basement apartment that will help your mortgage payments This home is close to Public School and Collegiilte as well as bus route Double paved drive Call today Your alter may do 150 FEET 0F HIGHWAY FHONTAGE an the soulllcm edge ill cily 4bedroom home with baths Recreation room and an economical hot water heating syslem Suiliahle for VLA Full asking price $19500 EVENTNGS CALL 7100061 Frank Wainwright FrBIlIi Ncllis 7266690 Cec Mills lliike Magus 7206682 Iom Foster ROGERS C7 CONNELL Philip Realtor DUNLOP STREET EAST At the FM Points AT Mle POINT YEARROUND DWELLING WITH WATER FRONTAGE 510000 Auractive tbedrooln bungalow with nor garagc Al though lane exists between the house and the lake there is private Ieiiccd wide walk to privately owned dock 200 water rights go with the deed Here is the opportuniw to combine bases for summer and winter activities In our very handy location lust outside Barrie City limits Call us TODAY Ior Iull parllClIIfllS EVENINGS CALL Council 7209765 Rogers 7233532 Stan Hammond 7264743 Phone 736568 Fred Eplett mills Mrs Noriue Roger 7234502 CAMPBELL PHOTO hiLS REALTOR 52 HIGH ST 7250211 RES itll7389 LEFROY AREA HOME Tth fairly new little bungalow has cement block ioundation large living room kitchen bedroom and laundry mom piece bath Call our oiiice tor more IIIIOmIB tioii 100 ACRE FARM its in to Barrie excellent clay loam all Rollo ing goodbrick home with uewoil furnace and two bathroom Large born 00 60 plus Lshpped addition 26 50 Charlie Read 72512817 Hugh Plowman Don Campbell 7260243 Doug Campbell Fred Taylor 4284105 Rnii Allan Paul Penman 771mm Smith Campbell HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY 911 Hayfield Street PHOTO MLS REALTORS 7266453 Mortgage Fluids Available Free Customer Parking INTERESTED 1N amorous AND COMFORTABLE FAMILY LIVING nice bedroom with walkrin vestibule attached garag Iepced yard large shaped living and dining room built in kit chen Home in excellent cond on only year old good 63405 moitgage 016000 Owner moving mus be sold0all today without delay Lorne Hay oSsA MARGARET 11th mil lion aomrasoNot 1m FORBES rum Mamamuu mums HAY Amara gt 15 DUFF EMORY MILLER Iikllersoil Swain Kennels Miller Harvey Weber MargVWukefidd LesLovegrove JohuColg Robert Flawelling Rita15capdrelt geterj Mautou ercyFord Gordoanpoucer Emory Miller TIN $1090 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR sALE LELTH SNOW VALLEY DWI HOME room nuideru brick home panlol stone Ironl centre hall plan baths electric heat lymadlotm 50 acres with last running stream APARTMENT SITE Large silo overlooldng buy in cast end adiaoent to bus shop ping undrclioola BEDROOM COTTAGE On 150 120 lot in excellrnt condition nlocly trecd lol 01 Wasaga Beach Asking 61000 Contact Earl Bobcoclr Barrie 7135005 KEITH LTD REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Enbmdr Barrio 7185095 Colbcurne Slroud 4364387 lchellp Eimvale mu ii lllachod Barrio 1204750 Show Slroud 4300116 VDOtI ON 4812128 Spencer Thornton 4530211 Iltulmlmms Chliill 45046711 Ed Green Barrie mm 131 Egllptou Ave East Tironlo 12 STOUlT AGENCIES LTD Realtors ELIlIVALE PHONE 8W NEAR ORILLIIt on No 11 Huy Int ll It by 250 it with mp dent three bedroom bungalow cement blockbuildiug 38 it by 40 It with steel roof Suitable tor shouroom or small Industry Priccd for quick sale RESTAURANT with bedroom apartment Sealing or 50 large volume located in busy Georgian my town Asking $15000 with goodtcrms BEDROOMHOME LN TIIE COUNTRY living room and large modern kitchen with dln lng area piece hath Vi acre of land located on county road close to store and church Ask iiig 510000 with good terms EVENING mm MERV GOULD61 001m rouar 4w liossnl Broker Phone noqu 03 Dunlop SEE Isl and 2nd mortgagps arranged on low monthly payments Ws buyyour lament lot and 2nd mortgages MABEL MARSHALL more MARGUERITE amour 1232255 cum ziirrAilA 7235117 JANE YouNG 7234717 LAURANS KERR Allirton mom 1th GUBEELS music courrs AND CO OWEN ST 7204485 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photogrlflsfiealtor EVENINGS coupon lu cums 121172153 SANDY cotmsmms migrants cums 1mm lvonis in Auandeie close to public pd reprate schools on bus route snip Irtlal down payment required when 7266610 mu 530pm PROPERTY WANTED sld palm HOUSE wanted in consume em rultsble or pro lemon1 mines TcIEphupc mom mymurianwhur Aos PHONE 7mm Irelsl ol Blrrl Box AIS Banla Imlri Mortga LOBIIS Anywhere ON ALLEOMLS EARTHS AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 190 or VALUAIIONS It You Neg Mone to contend debt Payott mom or mortgage cumin Improvement IREAL ESTATE INSURANCE MOVING Dont forget to hotter your INSURANCE and it you and um coverage at any kind sec STEVENSONS ll DUNLOP ST 7251301 RENTALS HOUSES FOR RENT mushroom to nourish houier mum mmm nous tor rent put ifln odor form cll BRIT klIIIe Writ Bax minor APARTMENTS TO RENT $49 FURNISHED APT osgggwmbyhnlue dwxitpr me no om bedrl room We suit rdult Poona m1 mandamusan mourns uuee iwm urt lsi lllofilldilfiihd ml or Tome ion38 loom nutth be in show or February rummage Two summons ImenL located cut rod Avrilole lmmcdintely stow reffllrralor m9 Ind http fary tcllltiu supplied Whh to rent flout1 molt liter vlmlr ensmu one ind two bed room homelento Am Ind le rirenior mwlicd Avxlllblls Id nmy lat Telephone WM zuclmvn poutpent to rent bile tony and bedrooms mlor Av vllxmu and ulllltlel Included Pill round plea Teluphono 784661 luiwlsmrn mrtmept rod mi rerunin loutcd Consist1M o1 Itll 1ble mo besdxoomihfilkilicnnlfid mom moii immediately Teiophone Mil vNPuulellnu nnted apartment bedrooms ilvtm room and lilt rnrli piece oih Front Ind back enlnuce lIImdry room to line inrni Plrklng mace with hul er nodno or mm or apply 31 naylleld st Apt APARTMENTS WANTED URGENTLY REQUIRED small lumlaticd nomuiept required or businm eounle in hospital un call 7260501 evenlnrr ROOM AND BOARD nook ANu 110AM bile tghr lien men nrio up ieki ilrllt lsund dime rul nu Illlku st Vincent street lepliono mains WAR mnuouolo room with bomumlzola lnmedleteiy Telo phone nitms sites pm noon Arm uoliitn gentleman pm erred In centrally Iocntltl homo pack lunches Ind piso llrllt lluu dry arising in dflvmfltTeleplmm lor lurthor ROOMS T0 PLEASANT rout room to rent Mind floor minutes will from ownlown dulel person no doom tics sail monthly 72mm pullNrauixp rooin ror rent oen hilly Incled For mrthtl mm tron salmonemszu 11171nt room in rent to new home in business glripirlrlnil arid rnoklnr lullqu Telephone no H301 other ii pup uiuonT Bedroom or youll glntler men nrsr rfiiséxk nzAr moat stop an Ava ppy Illnufist or Tclcphtmc mam ruumsufin housekeeping room for rclil rcI xentor Ind stove sill plied centsluv incited Telephone 77114954 Pent ARTS FOR SALE WORK BOOTS 0LEARIIG 25 OFF HYDROBOCIS Rawhide uppers with deep treuded Chemigum soles Reg 5195 NOW NLY LACK AN doors All lealher solos Reg $1193 Mm oust NOW glimpse ARTS FOR SALE ARTS FOR SALE EATONS WMNleAMgtSuuo BY ELECTROHOME COLOUR TV SPECIAL kids BS mum Indies oi viewing surface Walnut lioisii mod cabinet COLOUR TV 21 INCH MODEL 101117 IOOLFAR BLACK WHITE TV 23 INCH Transformer powered rapid on direct vision screen preset line timing SAVE 00 STEREO Garrard 0000 record changer 80 DUNLOP NORTHWAY RUO CO LTD The house at 1119 broadloom DOMESTIC AND MORTED LBREOIADIDOM trillion sizes and rim Oolller St Phone 72251311 callsm oltA om whetls bondld mm turnhallllm churnflllggga ego repex when burndc inath stores Arnco PnoTosrAT insulin condition All cool ll Elliolog grotézasuémrm 5030 Asllnz lire ulo Tclcoiiono iToissrfmiiilfiiR BABY CARRIAGE for all luluknit who 550 to min 7153 COOK STOVE Soul confirm ti coll or wood mlublp or horseorlr tilting porildltlolal Jim 110 plots 773407 alter v1 PLEASURE 3mm or very calculator so Talephano mm FRONT END Illllirmunt correct Wifiifflfiaomrl own om urio moans CENTERan or Dale 130 Re mentor nnletla dreaef kllicmcldonlgloedbed Afamplefill tables ephone mm alter pin Human SCALEinr sale 1500 mound emclty hill who use Toleohonecuohtm mills PIANO urmGuT Willis in run 3min autoch riot sun 22 rtil cooey slum Ihot to Johnson outboard 06111 COTTAGE lot ul use Must be removed Lined with olumhlnl Tagghonu 0391001 liter pm on Loom alumnus trillion new 011 actor run rod1850 or Author putlwlm mu wltbwlliit réifll nonmnowm Couple 33500 mop Mr mlnhllls xi beds complain ramng stoves 1153 Hamlin Blm TM In glove tan leatherdeep tread Goodrich sol Reg $1350 NOW NLY $1912 HI Regular $1705 NOW emulate esst City Shoes 1111 duracorksoles mer nllsil 135 TENTS rill can no plrflrulul tlophooe Tra taut 110 moon1d estwonrrir Toicpllono mum it or mold NsutAT no in timeerred French Provincial styling genuine hardwood cabinet perma decp finish solid state high powered chassis balanced six speaker sys tem way snatching or mote speakers automatic colour control and demagnetiuug WE um $799 ea SPECIAL $599 ea SPECIAL $26995 ea SPECIAL $398 SAVE $71 ABOVE ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE EAlmalNS 7286700 CHILDRENS SH 860 Rubll II norm soon Ltd Cdliier stmt sllel you HALE 10 12 pk whit cardboard ixmole Vt to Rent ilousn tor sue eta Availaqu It IlanlI as oustlieu allies um NEWSPA PER PAGE MATS Size in ll me ll uhickcn room ellicsalriw°icsnellr 316 twitter Isnt 75h PI no Aooiy ARTICLES FOR RENT film mm or Ilcnt Prn Heated Apply 156 shiniva hold or Cell mm FRUITS VEGETABLES spits CDRTLANDE lilacs Dellr Ioul Pr delivery In Dani on bushel or more 7135310 01 Suniprd ARTICLES WANTED USED Tar THUG Winkd lob condition pious alien rmzwuop worms All bird1 wood is or 48 inch lenrtns rteso write Box Asa noth mamlner or telephcnu Toronto 4152019174 cAsll Nit uldI shioncd ltems clocks rim chili sliver bdoh temps Anlloue Co mum mum hind tun stoves Ap oilum Dimel Antique Roth Second Hand shop 55114670 DOGS PETS sr BERNARD pupa or me herb land weeks old Telephom or CHIHUAHUA Dogs or nie ion linked mastered year old with FIB 5150 Tom Also anal pup male mum Telephom FARMERS MRKT 1mm mica Dead or crippled attic and horses Small animals removed free For fast service PHONE BARRJE 7W Collect or aslr tor NICKS DEADSTOCK 94130 NO CHARGE it boursaday day week 11R Wad Ontario gt license N0 M0 Nick Montague sea Gimme lor pnlo with undi er wiu trade up to 2060 er per hour Telephpuc mush TRY Emma WANT Abs esmeu arc Ready OnYout qu lmma

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