Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jan 1968, p. 3

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DON PASQUAllE comic opera in three acts by Gaciano Doniwtli was presenicdlust night by the Canadian Opera Company in Central Collegiate Don Pasquale Stars UIn Extellent Form Ry MURIEL LEEPER Don Pa Donizeltis bright comic opera was an in troduction to opera ior mnliy of the young people in last nights audience at Central Collegiate Auditorium it was good choice for the Canadian Opera Touring Company The cast is small and the chorus of valets and cham berninids can be eliminated without affecting the story or musical outline The stars ot the production LAW AND coon ounces Auditorium The event was sponsoredby the Barrie ColA lcgiaic Band Association licre Ernest Atkinson member of the cast who pixlrnys hls were in superb form They aulcd convicingly and all four seemcd in good voice Maurice Brown in the title role immediately cs iablishcd rapport with the audience and this communica tion was never lost throughout the evening Cornelis Opthof as Dr hlala tests was perfect foil for Pas quale He entered in the spirit of his role and made it believable Sheila Piercey as the young widow Norina waslike quick silver in her change from the Another Milestone Reached LaSt Week By SGT RALPH BERRY Ilarrio Police Department Barrie reached another mile stone on Wednesday Januuary $7 1968 guess you didnt know that did you it was fairly clear and good deal milder but otherwise it looked like any other will Wednesday Morning and oliernoon pass ed and we entered the five to Fix rush hour We held our breath crossed our fingecs and sighed with relief when the calls failed to come iix to twelve was uncventtful as was the midnight shift Believe it or not from Quit hrs i7 untilll753hrs Jan to bout 3Lhuursl we did not re ceive one accident call Well have to watch ourselves or our insurance premiums will things down extra high snow banks made it difficult to see Driver have been sln taking it little easier Good for near QUALlTlES Its amazing how the best lending Selimn Leonard Willis 25 ton of Mr and fit ictor Willis oi in Ar ugh Bond Barrie to attend fog think Aircraft rumentTaehufcian Course at Bom Borden Ontario 01 minder the nation tar though and till qualities appear in times of emergency how people will re spond quite favoimably when the going gcts tough Its that waywhcn the weather is try ing its hardest Most people are Just littitI more careful little more alertunlural enough suppose Now dont go out and spoil things this weekend will you The streets are somewhat clearer now but they are not all that good yet Watch the children around the snow banks Keep an eye out for cars backing from drive ways ahd be extra cautious when entering through streets And fll wager that even with care you cant give us an other day like Wednesday Jan 17 Prove me wrong and lll Escort The car will be assem bled from Britishmade parts in Belgium to give it direct access to the Common Market Elmvale School sillulliloucoonsg ext military training centre where more than too trades and career courses are taught heifndics bedroom of basic navigational instru ments pl fllte Cam ndiap Form Pliny sidercli to give the finest inter io Geiger Torel the stage dir the name etits Angha car to the namesake Ernesto takes time out to cooler with conductor John Fcnwick before the cur lain goes up on the first out iExamlner Photot demure shy young bride to tho domineering and demanding wile licr solo at the beginning of Scene when she declares that she knows the value of glance and smile the Cava line was one of the brightest moments of the opera The role of the nephew Erncslt to was sung by Ernest Atkinson ills icnnr voice is always fault less as to pitch but he would he more pleasing if he would use leg force and let his voice float more freely it is hard to pick star from four such able singers hiaurlee Brown would no doubt be con pretotion last night This might change through the tour be cause Miss Picrcey ran close second However it would be best if she too gave less volume on the lorte pnssages in the scc and scene Although the entire stage pro duction voices sets and cast umcs were excellent the whole effect was less than it should it have been The disappointment was because of lack oi coor dination between orchestra and soloists lecl that this can al most entirely be blamed on lack of rehearsals with the orches tra Unfortunately ear sals are cxpensi Union fees for musicians in rehearsal are little enough tor each musician but the sum total becomes con siderable John fenwick was quite correct for the most part in his various tonal effects and tempo changes but generally the orchestra was too loud lor the singers and at times made them inaudible The overtures too lacked the sparkle that is nlwoys associated vilth Donizetti Perhaps the praise for such an excellent production should go budget 53610 of which provincial goicrmlcni would pay 3120000 has been proposed for Sincoe County health services during 1968 county council was informed at its session yesterday The County of Sirncoes share of the budget would be $115000 and the city oi Barrie would be asltcd for $26001 if this is at proved change in grant structure Allan James hfehfcekan 20 soldier stationed at Base aroden is in critical condition with fractured skull at Royal Victoria Hospital otter being struck by car at hiulcastcr and Dunlap Sis at pm yesterday hlchfeekan was crossing Dun lop Street at hiulcastcr when struck by car travelling cast on Dunlop St The driver of the car was Deni ver Tyson 20 of 93 Rose St Barrie fliciiicekaa was to be transfcr red to Sunnybrook Hospital Tor onto last night but hospital of ficials decided the move was too dangerous lie was operated on at midnight fur and Mrs Albert lilchiee lien 90 Burton SL Hamilton pnrents oi the youth and sister Sheila from lroquois are wnit ing at the hospital No charm have been laid in connection with the accident Several less serious accidents were also reported collision occurred in city laneway between liiaplc Avenue and Bayiield Street on the north side of Dunlop yisierday when car driven by Lloyd chslcy fitclntosh at of on Queen St skidded in the heavy snow and collided with parked car own ed by Seaboard Finance Com WHY RED CROSS In New Thrity two candidates have registered for the Red Cross leader pairol course which starts tonight at 830 pm at the Bar rie YMYWCA pool Seven more openings are avail able ior fete ies in the train program it ch is under the Joint sponsorship of the Simcoc County Community Reueation Service and the Barrie Recrea tion Committee Candidates are all strong swim mers over 15 years of age Or ganizers describe the chances at success as very slim unless the candidate possesses senior Red Cross award bronze medallion juniorYiifCA tile saver or five star YMCA award The Leader Patrol award is now prerequisite for the water safety instructors course Late applicants may apply to Gary Stoocr director ofrecre aiion for the city of Barrie or to Peter Cnvill recreation din color for Simcoe County or may come to the pooL Organizers re quest that applicants bring bath ing suit towel clipboard note renewdreadl ThETWISeElaTfl more opera No Gold feet For Thili Thiei One thiet didnt get cold feet after he made his getaway ZellersOo Ltd reported that someone stole so pairs of socks from store counter yesterdc Thetbeit took place sometime Ole afternoon The value of the socks stolen was$105 Two thclis from parkedcars were also reported tocity pol use last night Maurice Ellson 105 Sin ane Ave said his car had been ran sacked betweenozos and 1255 lion and small firstaid kit and malt card receipts had been ialren Hereward Martin too Van couverSt reported that keys and booklet were taken from car last night Awarded Plaque Thailmer Gold Plaque inf nine years withouza traffic sc cident has been awarded to War milnster Rublic School at Elm Vfl The presentation was made to Robert thch principal at Warminster by Sgt Patter sonond Prov Const Grenier tratfic safety officer Etmvnlc Detachment the Ontario Pro vinciol Police The Gold Plaque was the third of Its kind whichhan been re oelvediby this schoolyend con gremlatlonrm uttered bribe Elmvnle safely Hilbert lo the lecture roomatthe troductlongand aterial in and lecture material to he covered will take place untllfo pm flwu lectur commencing at pm Saturday will cover tea ch techniques and strokes lol one coon Emory Miller Reel Estateis pleased to announce the eppoinh ment of John Cole 21 Duv fdsnn 5t Barri to their sales ruff John is experienced in the Real Estate profession having been locally employed for come no Mr Cole member of the Barrie and District Real Eltnte Board Inc on Incuufutly completed ma Enhto Salem modality Morse and is looking fmlriltoufuufllg any Real mfiwubim mm Cniivhteluu II the unlock on Duh 8L on poplin assembled for the menu mom has altered national health grants and the county health unit will become district health unit proposed dung in reposition of the board from seven to nine membern also is being considered The board rents ofiim at six key centres in the county Be sides Barrie these are at liiid land Orillia Alliston Coiling wood and Bradiord and rents total 520670 for the year Struck By Car Condition Poor Damage to tho Seaboard veb lclc was estimated at $0 with 50 damage to the car driven by hlclnlosh Another mishap was reported at the intersection oi Essa Road and innisiil Street yesterday at 753 arn when car driven by Elton Wayne Caldwell 19 RM Barrie collided with car driv en by Wallace lienls lulu Thornton The car driven by Harris was northbound on Esp Road mak log but turn on to Innlsiil Strcct whcn it was struck in the rear by the car driven by Cold welli colllsnn on Lakcshore ltoad at 430 pm yesterday resulted in property damage oi $150 Drivers involved were Paul Kunce 59 RR Barrie and Pat Ruth Brown as 16 Centre St No interim were re ported nt the time of the accl dent airs Brown was south bound on Lekeshore Road and lir Kunce was northbound when the colliiion occurred yril act 32 Jeffery St Pcne tanguishcne relumed to find the left front door oi his car bashed yesterday after parking it on Beylicld St The vehicle that caused the damage left the scene of the accidan 32 Registered Course lowed by inpool training from Mo to 1030 pm On Sunday training will again resume in the pool with Upu of rescue and review This will be followed by artii al respiration lecture and dinner From to pm practice and review sessions will beheld in the pool The course will be wrapped up next weekend with lecture on patrolling pool areas and beach es and waterironts After lunch another twolthour pool session will be held lollowed by lectures on boating and water safety Final screening will he held from In to pm in the pool lollowe in the afternoon by another practice session and fiu el examinations from to pm Results will heltnown iollowing the course but awards will be sent later through the mail Instructors will be Kevin Gam mon Al Blondel Gwen Harman Joanne hicCurdy An identical course is current ly being taught to is people in Drill Simcou County Community reatiooeservice Rec tSlnoItedPicnics on tumor you or out so collar minimum It is heing run by the Ask $561000 Budget For Health Services Clinic are at the Barrie Leg ion and Si Georges Anglican Church in Barrie Stayocr leg ion Ailisiee Womens institute hall Angus Legion and Pen tanlr lesion mung $120 report given council mee tloned the likelihood of tile Barrie office being relocaied and commented Whether the board accepts the responsibiiiiy of building new edifice or renting space large enough to accnnmodate much minigod health unit or health district the board must be prepared to erupt this expansion and be ready for it financially Rental for the Barrie otiice was listed at $9000 An itun of mono per year for it years was listed to make new provi sion for Barrie Second highest rental is at Orillia which was listed at St oso while Allision and Coiling uood oiiices at $2700 Midland $1500 and Bradford silo Maint enance for some offices listed $660 for Coilingwood and Allis ton $60 for Orillia and $120 for Bradford The report said This coun ty health unit will become district health unit and the grant structure will be entirely different than has been in once for approximately 20 years There will no longer be available the national health grunts which were enjoyed by this board for many vears in its many forms The program as it related to this form of grantinaid will under the new grant structure be continued and the personnel involved in these programs will be kept This board over the years enjoyed much aid in the form of rent and maintenance of some of our offices assistance in the maintenance or shift and salaries related there to in carrying out specific tasks Those then will have to be ab sorbed in Ms years budget to keep the minimum ctlicicncy The baseline requirements re lating to staff are to be main tnlned and the various ancil lary staff requirements are in oorporsted in the salary portion of the budget Besides there also is added ancillary staff namely 10 reg istered nursing assistants for full time service in the sec ondary school program he department of education is ex pected to pay 50 per ccr of the latter cost at thc local level 1hls whole field of endeavor is one of many expansion ser vices which theprovincial de par ent of health is encourag tberrcport said aunts employees Back To Work Four employees oi Hunts Bak erien on Hayfield St returned to work today iorthe first time since trucking strike forced the store to close Dec 31 Sinclair president of Canadian Food Products Sales Lid announced agreement with Tenmsters local 9m bargaining agents or the 45 truck drivers servicing Hunts and Womans Bakery Stores in Barrie Tome to and the Niagara Pennlnsula areas Mrs Thelma Boyd manager of the Barrie store said today that the lack of supplies forced the closing of the Barrie store the day before New Years Two fulltlme and two partLime em ployees were oflccted in Barrie Approximately one Hunts and Womans Bakery Stores counters were cloud in barrio Toronto Dakvllie Bur hogton Hamilton Catharines Nia MEAT MARKET 150 COLLIER srg not Sidelork Sitilt Bacon sliced 7285339 29c Ill 45 lb loco Roscllole Tomoioluice 2967 Connedbrumsiiclis It 93 pic Top Quality Guaranteedlloei fnlolllgouljllotll lSirIoin dRooild Sleek ill newshoundr CITYNLWS HIE HARRIS EXAMINER FRIDAY JANUARY Shotgun Fells Fleeing Youth shotgun blast droppd fleeing youth early this morn ing and persuaded his two cone panious to stop following sus peeled breakin at general store at liartindale 11 miles north of Barrie The youth was not seriously lniured Lorne Sheffield fermion of the Copeland hillls Supply Store at hfartindale heard noise at the store til in an he saw three youths fleeing He fired at the figures hitting to yearold Wayne Arthur Boon oi Waverley in the right leg and back with load of hird shot Souths emporium lto bert lfclbouroe Fountain la and his brother James 20 both of Waverley stopped when Booth was llrIShctiield and his teen age son Brian took the three into the store but they hld than at gunpoint until Efra vale OPP arrived ten minutes later When Constable 114 Clelland arrivfld the woundcd youth was taken to Dr Paicbell lrl Elmvaie and treated for superficial wounds The two Fountain brothers were to be remanded in ma islrates court today on charges of breaking and entrrin ll theft The same charges face the Booth youth OPP report that the three forced upon thc front door of the premises and had taken some good outside the store They were fleeing on tool when apprehended Rule Man Drove Carelessly In Spite Oi Tale For Court zisycarcld men learned in Magistrates court at Barrie Thursday that sending the On terio Provincial Police on wild goose chase doesnt pay Nicholas Harold hlecpherson of Base Borden was found guil ty of careless driving after OPP Constable Paul Thompson told how he had started the police on false hitandnln case by reporting that his car had bccn damaged at the Townhouse iter taurant at Angus After questioning lilaepber sou admitted that he skidded on the bridge in Angus and the rear end of his car crashed into the side of the bridge Later he told the officer be half man ufactured the story about bit nndrun driver hiacpherson said he had left the scene of the accident the bridge and driven to the restaurant where he asked Chinese cook to telephone police and report the accident Consl Thompson testified that hiacphorson when asked what caused the accident said If had thought that the roads were slippery wouldnt have accelerated on the tradts and gone into ski Macpherson conducting his own defence yesterday said he knew the roads were slippery and denied his earlier statement die blamed children throwing eggs at bk windshield for the crash They splattered my wind shield and couldnt see very well so all could downs brake he said But Const Thompson testi fied that when the Marpherson gara Falls and Brampton All were scheduled to reopen today The strike commenced Dec aa1be mutually satisfactory greement betweendhe company and the union has readied in the sigling of threeyearcon tract and the recall of over um nonsirlklng bakery and store personnel SINGLE VISION 313 may will no train and Cole EIFOCALS cosroam WU vehicle was examined at the time of the accident no c1515 were seen on the windshield He must have seen the eggs The Angus police were dissing the kids throwing them at the polioe station instead of looking after my accident flintphonon replied Why didnt you mention the edgs before when the investllnti log officer asked you what caus ed the acoidentf asked cm Attorney Thompson If you were within the speed limit and not gldlly of careless driving why were you afraid to report your accident at the bridge instead of masr ing up cockandimll story asked the Crown attorney lie was found guilty and fined $30 and costs Kicks In Window litter Quartet Youth Fined $35 youth who kicked in the plate glass window of balmy barber shop told Magistrate 11 Foster Tuesday he did so because of aquarrel with his girlfriend IAWiS Douglas Flood Id oi cookstuwn admitted smashing at window in Herold Shepherds Flood sold hebnd returned from his girlfriends home and they had quarelled When he passed the barber shop window he gave it kick You cant go around venting your anger on other peoples pro perty just because you had not with your gifl said the magistrate fined $36 Flood said he could not pay but he was going to start worksoon hope you realize dont have to give you timoto pay ffyou can go around smashing windowr you had better have employment to make restibbv lion said the moisten PRECISION GROUND LENSES 65 srvtesSHArfssjANn colors vocationssnout amounts or nastiest rooms unrnxon TOPS IBUY DIRECT neon ion moonamnv also SAVE IDONTSWLE FOB LEE llfAN NATIONAL BRANDS IDROICEENFRAhiIES 0R REPhAGED WBILE YOU WAIT monumentsammo normon slam

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