77h iï¬arric Examine t°tlt£iltil3itl William Teller General Manager McPhIraon Managing Editor SATURDAY JANUARY 136 PAGE Walls Publisher prmwmlenwo i5 die in Housing Situation Demands Early Action By Government Despite rising costs Barrie exper jienced record building year in 1967 and the prospects for 1968 are optimistic according to Alderman Fred Smith who kept in close touch with construction as chairman of city public works ldst year aid smith added one word of caution however He said the 1983 value of per mits may bevconsiderably less than the 511000000 total achieved last year he eause of the everincreasing costs of Viabor materials and financing Aid Smith made no mention of hous lng vital area in the construction field It may well be that housing starts in Barrie will drop sharply belowthe aver age of recent years and this could be Idue to number of reasons not the least of which would be interest chargES The federal government raised inter est rates and also put damper on bor drawing as means of fighting inflation The effect of this policy will be felt much more this year than last As Down MEMORY Liiiir 15 YEARS AGO INSIMCOE COUNTY Barrie Northern Advance Jan 13 3893 Town Council had oyster feed at Crossinnds restaurant Cold wea ther has for time being driven street comerloafers from usual haunts Jr Hallett new principal Central pub lic school moved family here from Lind say Rev McLeod of St an idrews Presbyterian Church surprised by congregation with gift of new parlor suite formense on Worsley st Sev Orlllia men have been quietly pur using properties in Barrie ï¬enders installed aspreslden Sons of England Allandale village council yeappointedmd Whitebreed clerktrea surer at $100 per annum Coldest lweether at Mldhurst since leaf was so helouen 11 Vespra Agricultural gt Society chose chose Williamorok pres fluent and George Sheath secretary independent Order Foresters held on ivalat Churchill rink Sons of lemperance at stroud steadi1y increas y1ngmembershlp Johnston Black getting timber preparedfor grain house She plans tn build at Craigvale Shan 4y Bay Patrons of Industry now has 25 members Bradford high school William Mulook MP later sirWiillem addressed large iiudience in Bradford town hall on trade huestlon Bradford organized joint rick ice company and formed ladies keyteain What next RT Banting Cookstown elected president uhty Municipal Officers Assocn arA Creswlckevretumed by ecclamctionin Barrie almnglth Reeve if MBothwell and 1st Deputy Robert Neme lor hidDeputy Samuel Csidw Swell defeated Joseph Pinion by close Jib licenceifeeswill not be gt at Boones Anglican what hedidyeatcrdsyi almopmeddnrdtvine The cornerstone of Mom is ï¬qbtmnentmed Wm 3W3 flaw mm result the government may achieve its objectiveto discourage private borrow ing but at the same time will aggravate the tightening housing situation Event ually the government must find the means to encourage construction and bring homeownership within the means of people who live in substandard dwellings or rent because they cannot buy Svubsidizatlon may have to continued on larger scale than at present And some effort may he necessary to bring people to accept row housing and other forms of multiple dwellings Certainly there will be some home construction in Barrie in ladsperhaps more than we can reasonably expect But if the housing problem chronic in recent years is to be licked the govern ment must do more than wishful think ing There has been talk of subsidizing interest rates Why not make start by eliminating onerous sales taxespn building materials to iallcne year for setting fire to Butter fields foundry Thomas Sldsworth purchased Dominion Bakery iv George Peacock Stroud has gone to attend Sal vation Army Training School Toronto RevJ Whlte of st ThomasCburch Shanty Huygeppointed rector of st Vincent and orchdeacon of Leeward Islands British West Indies Speclal credit due young manor Barrie and Allendele wood cutting and relief bri gade for efforts on hehalfof poor Allandale citizens demanded that gov ernment build wharf there instead of onLake aimcoe Council of Canadian Order ofChosen Friends organized at Angus Increased interest in agricul ture evidenced by growing numberof Farmersi Institutes Andrew Hay BGI mathematics master electedpr herring and Whitefish biting again Cookstow cheese factory undergoing additionhnd getting new machinery George Crawford Oro took 10 hogs ta Orillia market weighing were spring pigs Pertinent Paragraphs wagon arent equipped with safety belts The reason persons evaluation of on himby othersis that be oppreises himself on the basis of Whlltvhaplm to doiomerrcw and othersjudge him by having to goto Barrie for steamer trips 22800 lbs Eight lts pity that seats ou the water himself ismucb higher than that placed MAYORS PROMISE Dear Ediior vein for Mr Bentley and his promise in change our count cil around and giie Barrie new start Mayor Bentley kept his rm mise and iriedlo constitute whole new setup in council By some way which do not understand this was all changed back as before How can something like iliir happen in Barrie Dont they count the election roles at City Hall anymore Campbell llCKLNG 0N MAYOR Dear Sir have question why is Just about everyone picking on our new mayor Are people really this prejudiced or are 1hey just ignorant The good cililcns of this fair city iotod him in by legal election but some people but dont seem io be able in face he faci The thing dial is wrong is that they are not used to hav ing someone new have nothing against exvmayor Lea Me but new face seems in make some people want to help do something for Burris and believe me Bar rie is in bad need of hen Take the city councu for iii sinnce They opposed just about everything Mayor Bentley pro posed lir Bentley said some thing about may compact and that be war going to bring it out into the open Well hope he does and that he people at fault get what they deserve Mayor Bentley said that he was going to fix up the bay arid make Barrie look little boiler when walk down the street feel no warmth in the people or the buildings feeling that cannot be accepted and sea ibis same feeling on everyone elsel fare too also find Ban rio very boring and uncoloriul There is very linle to do in night own on the weekends Arid then people wonder why young people get info trouble am 10 years of age and have lived in Barrie forihe whole 19 if you compare Barrie lets say with Oriilla there is arch great difference Orilliaa people are warm they accept you and the own is always busi ling around doing something es pedaliy lasi year which was Centennial You can alwaysba assured of wonderful time up there myself believe that Mayor Bentley will make Barrie much more pleasant and colorful place in which to live If have been loo uiiical with anyone lm sor ry but that way feel Thank you You truly BRENDA HOBBS Henry Street Barrie QUEBEC OPINIONS This is selection of edi orials on current toplcr repainted from the Frenchlanguage prcu of Cllflfll Montreal Le Emirill our opinion the February icdorhi provincial conference should serve primarily for more prccisesiaiing of the position of each periy involved it should be above all an occu sion for frank discussion in which 1he parties commit themselves more lhon they have done up to now We even think that English Canada should be the main pcrfcrmcr listiould not be forgotten that the last outs tinn posed by Premier Daniel Johnson at Toronto was What does Englst Canada went Ami this question re mains in abeyance If it is true ihai the English Canadians now have boiler understanding of ihc problem him they are surely in posi tion to present to us at least the beginning of solution They are in position to launch the discussion on sea rious basis This is what we are looking forward to abovn everything else from the mccilng that Mr Pearson has cnllcd ii the dialogue gets off to good start if it is oriented towards ii propositions our hopes will be realized To tell the truth our hopes are greet We are very ole mistic Tho resctlons that have been reaching us for several months from many sectors of English Canada political mcii Journalists pr fcssorsare generally cncour ailing The wall of misunder standing has not yet disaplt peered in every case but he can feel it retreating as lime goes by We are finding and 1900 to settle snuih of the border For long time now we have been dcploring the exu dus of talent or the brain drain 1n the Uniled Slates But we are considering only one aspect of the situation and thus coding in paint the pic ture blocker than it really is Due 10 lmmlgreiion in good yours and bad years we attract and keep good proportion of Lnlenls of all kinds from around the world In he areas of science and engineering for example the influx of talent to this country from overseas compensates l3er forremlgralion lo the MA CANADAS STORY Spectacular Deals Made For Territory By BOB BOWMAN Some ml gh spectacular deals have been made for Cana dlau territory in rail King James gave his Nova Sound New Brunswick and large part of Quebec In 1811 the Earl ofSelkirk re ceived 116000 square miles of an annual rental of in shillings Then on Jan 13 1849 the for seven shilling year The contract was for lo years but actually lasted until 1866 when Vancouver island was hailed with the mainland and became grcat more goodwill than in the pasteven than in the Finally Mr Pearson has promised that he will slske all his prisiige on reaching of solution satisfying to both sides This promise is valu able because in this area the retiring prime mlnisier re tains great deal of prcsljga Vincent Price Jan Muelrcal La Presae What persuaded greater number of Canadians than usual to emigrate lbs United States during theniirst nine months of l967 Factors which explain lhis trend include iiie fear of galloping inflation the atiraciion of better climate better lob opportunities and higher standard of livingend for the most part these fac tors ore not new gt Thréequarlérs or céniury ago Quebec suffered great deal more from the tendency to emigrate than the whole of Canada suffers today Vlt is estimaledlhal more than half million Quebecers left their province between 1860 15 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second do matter Post Officebep meui Ottawa and for pay ment of postage in cash Daily Sundays and Sialulory Holiday excepled Subscription rates daily carrie 50c weekly yearly Singleioopiea By mail Barrie $2600 yearly Ontario $1100 year molor throwoff 515 year Mail outA 0atar 314 year Out Cauadsi3tidn poi ions lorelgn sizyea National Advertis VgOfiioe 25 University Avenue Toron 640 CalhcartS Mon irc 5M 1200 West Fender St Vancouver Member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association Brest and Audit Bureau landslides ciuaively entitled to the use very recent past in 1557 Ellis Emir Exclaim by $15 year USA and the Canadian the colony of British Columbia The reason the Hudsons Bay Company got sue good deal was because an needed base in ihai part of the Pacific to counteract the American po sitions further south The US had just acquired California from Mexico COULDNT AFFORD BASE Britain was in the throes of Ilie hungry forties owing to the irish famine and other causes and could not afford to build base on Vancouver Island The Hudsons Bay Company agreed to do so ii return for exclusive trade privileges it also under took io bring in settlers Victoria had been founded six years before when the Ameri cans had forced the Hudsons Bay Company to leave its base at Fort Vancouver in Oregon James Douglas chose the site and said that it was so lovely that it must have been dropped from heaven Almost as impnr poetry iuior William Alexen der what is now Newloundlnnd doncd Navy island above Niag If it is impossible to stop the constant ll of emigrants of Canadian ori to the US would it ml at least be pnss ble to slow it down little Ccriain government uulborii tics and rcscarchcrs have been occupied with this prob lcm for several years without coming up with real solu tion Thu first sicp would doubtlch be to compile sin listlcs on his exodus sub lcci on which we have loo lit tle accurate information The second would he an allout fight against inflation great factor in lbe erosion of in comes large and small in Cain add at the present timeC rifle FelleuuiJan5 OTHER JAN 18 EVENTS insUpper Canada legisla lure set price of bread lmFire destroyed largo port of Saint John NB urn Frills lastFirst sud turned at Hali fax for Nova Scnlje railway isosqioaep Howe begaii land in the Red River area for daily attacks on Confederation in Halifax newspaper fanPrivy Council in Britain Hudsons DayCflmperuleesecl agreed that Su reine Cpurl of Vancouver island from Britain Canada should final court of appeal HESAvalanche at Ocean Sails BC swept seven houses min ihe sea and killed seven people my INVITE LETTERS TO nu terror The Examiner invites con tributions to lie Letters to the editor column on ihe ed itorfel page When possible letters should be rcslrlclcd In no in no yards and they should be signed Writers may use pen name if they delt Illc was lassW Mackenzie aban £235 LETTERS To THE EDITOR Lu REPORT DoItYourseii In HomeBuilding By PATRlCK NICHOLSON OTTAWA it begins lo look as if lhrm decades of financial bad management by Olfawa have undone three and half centuries of progress by sea dianr and we Will soon be ack right where the first settlers started In an era of doityour self humebuiiding As Ottawa Report recently de scribed the average worker in British Columbialie province with our highest incomesearns some year But even that king among our workers falls short of be magic income of $6352 the minimum earnings whiriijaccording lo the rules would qualify him for the gov ernmcni guaranteed mortgage of 515692 on LhealiCsneds av erage home now costing $15560 This is the gloomy piclurc today The average Canadian writer cannot afford to buy home to house his family even through mortgage sponsored by the icdcral gmernmcnt This undrrlincs the total hank riipicy of the Leslcr Pearson ulicr GordonTom Kent im practical dreamworld of the welfare state That program has made us the worlds most highly paid and foolishly am pcred buiikrupis replcle iii rcd flag grccn soldiers costly VlP visitors freedom Io homo sexualiso vocational training with pay even for the agcdbut nary ii home to call oucs own and government that cannot sell its bonds WHERES CHEAP HOME Our govemmerits inexcusable failurcrtbrimpasn arsubstanilsir luridbciiermcni tax has made millionaires out of the develop as of conveniently situated moose pastures and paupers home The government has em played highly paid scicniisls technicians and sclfvsiylcd ports lo study and analyse Cen sdo and Canadians from len guago to lampreys but has failed to devise shelter which any but lhe lop earners can of ford to buy Today it costs 31297 per square foot Io build the average homo in Canada That cost ranges from even higher figures out of honest workers buying Era in our cliier to less in rural communities learn from offiA ciais st Ceuiral Mortgage and Housing Corpnraiiuri ihai in barrio it is ilui in Toronto aim uiouwa mo in Que0 bcc City 31347 and in Edmonton 313 OS but in faraway Britain which our government discounts as backward decadent and ex pendsble new building male rlal has been dcvclqicd which might even be the salvailou for Canadian felhers LAYlTYOUHSELP RRICK British ingenuity and know how has perfected plastic hrick which is bolh strong and fireproof How many Canadian children were roasted in death over Christmas This brick is so simple to lay ihai an inexpo rlenced amateur can lay it at the rate of about 10 per minute So here is the perfect material for the dollyourself bdmebuild er The bricks are hollow wiih an air pocket providing insulation can bcbuilt of two wells of those bricks and the space bo iweon filled with insulating owl complete dollyourself kit including electric wiring and full plumbing costs the equivalent of $4000 for two bedroom bungalow of 860 square feet Laying the bricks is loss Ur than two days work Todays ical Canadian cost of bu in similar home is $10l The cost of the lot ofc curse is additional 1968 will see new homes built from those plusilc bricks being livean in Briia be suitable for our climate wonder why our governth has not been able to develop something sinulai or Cana dians Hus our government had these bricks tested in its coslly rcscnrch lab liar our govern ment even heard of this ion Lionel new material for cheap simple to build and durable homes Whos asleep at the switch ray EXAMINER WANT Abs Phone 7mm DANCING TONIGHT to the celebrated BOB HUNTERS ORCHESTRA in our Winter Chalet ICELAND WINTER PARK mile North of Dalston on Hwy 93 gtA venous PLAVERS rumor STARTS conrmuous snowiiio ALi any SUND for greater warmth house ould llicy research labs Has our gnvcm tent there were no mosquitoes The original name for the fort Vancouver island was in honor of ihe consort of mg William TV but this was renconwcr oiiiis changed to Victoria when she on the throne succeeded William Public Authorities Become Scapegoals TORONTO ACP Publicali thorlties are becoming the scapegoat fcrthe inability of many parents to cope with fem 11y pmbieinsToroato psychia Dr Joshua Bmdey said allowih York nopr among happenthat he Libido the womehs auxiliary oi blew Mouuigsluaijiosplial Yorkville is coffeehouse district in Toronto frequented by hippies cuts will be palinlug childrebi on the professionals lliecaoadian Press is ear for republication hi all news dispatdicsinihf cred mmanmmdmd you my Prusor Bauer and also eels puflhbad nin THOUGHT so due ammonia1 neliher death our life not Ha said as Me diiidcsre centres are esteblished palï¬ it cunico camera to Heris island of lUST and BRUTALITY