AllandaleyPostOifice Io Reopen Next Week SEE PAGE TWO Clio idiotic Examiner WEATHER Snooflurriu expected toniat Cloudy with light snow Sunday Warming trend MW 20 Hiflt as May Details on Page EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 7266319 Classiï¬ed Advertising mom All Other Departments T266531 104th Year No It llrrle Ontario Canada Ssturdsy Jlnulry 1966 Not More Then 10 Per Copy II Page TRADE MINISTER T0 QUIT CABINET wdm Winters Highly Critical pronson some TRADE MINISTER Winters ansucrs reporters questions in his Ottawa office Friday after announcing he will not run for the Liberal leader ship and that he will resign his cabinet post about March 31 He will continue to sit as private member of Pnrllo mcnt until the next general election GP Wirephoto Heavy Rain Gales Hit British Columbia Coast ny Tun CANADIAN races The broad face of Canada took it on the other cheek from the Mather today as conditions improved on the East Coast British Columbia the new scene of weather problems as galcs and heavy rain hit the coast and parts of the interior had up to 24 inches of snow Mllder weather moved into Alberta Saskatchewan Ontario and Quebec but Manitoba re maincd clear and cold Although sunny weather was forecast today in much of the Marilimes eastern Nova Scotia and eastern Prince Edward Island still had cloud and snowflurrics Newfoundland which has taken beating in the last week was still cloudy with snowflurries and cold winds The TransCsnada Highway in the Fraser Canyon east of Van cnuvervwas closed by snowslides Friday night and the road was not expected to be reopened unlit Wind until sometime todayl The on miia stretch affected was be twccn Hope and Lylton LOSING BATTLE Highway crews tried to kcep clear on alternate route be tween Hope and Princeton on the southern transpmvinoial highway but 14 inches of snow was expected in the arca by daybreak The northern transprovlncial highway from Princeltupert to Terrace was closed Friday night as inches of snow fell Some drivers had to abandon their vehicles Winds gusth to 50 miles an hour around Vancouver Island but were expected to drop today rNo serious damage was reportedes result of th storm The everwelcome Chinook warm drying wind from lhe west was giving parts of Alber ta break from winter Mild mo raptmote titans newsrooms knnsky weather ln ccntral and southern parts of the province was expected to rnlse temperatures today to 35 at Calgary and 30 at Edmonton and the effects last ing until Sunday were expected to reach as for north as Grande Prairie in the Peace River country Saskatchewan was windy and mild weather in the south but colder weatherwith snowflurries in the north REMAINS FRIGID The temperature was ex pected to reach only about zero today in Manitoba and heavy driiting was expected from winds up to so miles an hour Most of Ontario was milder overnight with temperatures well above zero except on the eastern edge of the province However snow was expectd to hit Windsor in the west taday and spread eastward across the lower lakes Heart Patients Said Improving By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Doctors attending the worlds two arrviving heart transplant recipients today indicated quali fied approvalof their patients progress although California steelworker Mike Kasperalt was still onthe critical list lJr Christiana Barnard said fade in Cape Town South Afrca that retired dentist Phlli Blaiberg has complained of tirean and routine tests on him were being relaxed to allow him more rest We have been watching what we call the vital signspliire bloodpressure and pulse rate every 15 minutes he said not these cheekswill be relaxed for Similsr tests on theiirst heart transplant MenikhllisJstb relaxed after tnocodnilained oftiredncss in Panasonic Ontoriio ironouro or on will not reimburse n5tlofnole holders who lost money in the collapse of Prudential Finance Corp Ltd says Ontarioscom merclal affairs minister is recognized principle that securities legislation cannot guarantee an investor against loss ltowntree said Fri day in dashing again hope of creditors who have been see at least partial reimbursement from the government It would be quite improlifl vido reimbursement out of public funds Prudential Finance collapsed Take New Look At Medicare OTTAWA CPI With many provinces digging in their heels against the federal medical care insurance program the fcdcral government is going to take an other look at the programs starting date Prime Minister Pearson said Friday the cabinet will discuss the starting date of the national medical care program now set for ncxt July The review will be made in the light of messages from the provinces Mr Pearson told reporters after his rclurn from Florida vacation However he gave no indica tion that the government intend ed to change its position on the prosrum The effective starting date of the program is written into the legislation approved by Parlia ment llinny provinces have sug gesled postponement in the plan claimed it will rove too expenslv them at is Under thelegislsiti3n pr lnces canget federal underwrit ing of about half the cost of 3b proved provincial medical care plans Mr Pearson said he had wonderful rest during his twoweek stint in Florida even com WEATHER Arrears LEGS WASHINGTON AP Miniskirtsand cold weather lead to just one thing the Federal Housing Administra tion says fat legs Chilly knees would not seem to be in FHAs normal juris diction but the US govern ment agency has an employee health division that worries abï¬ut all those government II The legs of young women respond quite rapidly to expo sure to cold temperatures health division memo say The bodily response quick buildup of successive layers of fatty molecules under theskin areas of the thighs knees calves and am idea of female legs Once leg thats left out in the cold gets that chubby look it can be made trim again bysécxtrsoxdinsrycxer class that roost women find dilï¬cultt maintain LOSS though he had spent lot at timekeepinguowith his home work Trude hlihistcr Winters had telephoned about his intention to resign from the cabinet in March Mr Pearson said The prime minister said he had known before the telephone call oi Mr Vintcrs intention to leave The trade minister announced Friday that he plnns to leave the cabinet and not contest the next federul election say LSD Trip Blinds Students WASHINGTON AP The case of six Pennsylvania Col lege students permanently blinded by staring at the sun impinged15D trip is spur ring federal search in the United States for other such in cidenls Shortly after The Associated Press learned Friday of the Pennsylvania case federal health officials announced statebystata survey to discover whether other persons have lost their sight while under the influ ence of the powerful hallucino genic drug Federal officials had known of the case since lastNovember but spokesman said no study Castro To Swap Prisoners For Slain Guerrilla Leader HAVANA CPI Cuban Pre mier Fidel Castro sa he will free too ringleader political prisoners if Bolivia hands over the remains of the slain guerril la leader Ernesto Che Gue vara But he apparently wont make swaprfoc French writer Regis Debra Debray is serving myesr term in Bolivian prison on charges of helping Casttoit guerrilla band led by Guevara Bolivian President Rene Bar rientos has suggested Eoliyia might consider exchanging Illm for Huber Mates a1orrner revolt lutionary who broke with Castro and has been prisoner in Cuba an exchange Friday night in ewohour speech lnwhich be de scribed the United States as truly universal enemy whose at Rélmbwrséiltheholdersj Mr Rownlrecsremarks were made ata news conference at which heueleased the last in pages of Itopage report writ ten by Howard govern mentappolntcd investigator into the collapse of Prudential Fl nnnce Mr Howard ls chief legal in vestigation officer of the On tarlo Securities Commission announce couiu Mr Rowntres said the rest of the report was withheld because it could be prejudicial to soy fu ture court action in connection in Novunbs tone wlth losses these int utlmsled it 0000000 Many nttloe invertan were eld £st people who not put their life uvlnnvfnle the company in knowing hisbmtmrt rr Robert Bishop SrRossier Fidior and Cecil Carrothers were knowingly responsible for an olfenconnder the Securities Act or tha Criminal Code Mr Csrrothers is lawyer with the London Ont firm In which Premier Hobart be longed fdecelvedb lntn accepng prospectus from the company In June 1963 prospectnstbat em shied the firm to continue 093 etion for another all years Mr Rowntree IaldMr tiliedhhiy as Juniorsat an lillr if were mliy lucky Sunny leadership candidate was undertaken earlier because of policy questions involving federal and state jurisdictions The six collegestulisntl named western Pennsylvania college suffered total and per manent blindness last spring while staring at the sun in an LSanduced trance Health ofï¬cials said it was the first instance they lrnew of in which total blinan resulted but they noted another case last May ingwhich four sudenls at the University of California at Santa Barbara permanently lost their reading vision under nearly identical circumstances titude threatens the entire world and whose policy re minds as today of the policy of Hitler the acts of barbarism of nazlsm VOTE DENUNCIATIONV The speech among Castros most strongly antiAmerican pronouncements cl ed the nineday Havana cultural con grass of more than ion leftist in 0l Unbalanced Budget OTTAWA CPI Trade Min ister Robert Winters announced Friday that he is heading out of politics He strongly suggested he hus bccn uncomfortable In the Liberal coblneL He will quit his portfolio about March 31 and remain as MP for the Torontoarea riding of York West only until the next general election Time its back to the busincss world He will not shoot for the party leadership although he has thought about iL It is not his kind of campaign and hcshrinitsirrxn it Mr Winters said He did not eat egorically rule his candidacy out under any circumstance but he doubted there would be any draft movements at the partys April 46 leadership convention lmleotlng on his two years as trade minister since returninfl to political life in lste 1965 the S7yearold Nova Scotls native said it has not always been way to hold his views in cabi no NEED FISCAL INTEGRITY While he would not name or activelysupllort his choice to succeed retiringPrime Minister Pearson Mr Winters said it should be someone pledged to fiscal integrity deplore the fact we have ncvcr boon able to balance the budch during the period of my tenure in Ottawa he told rc porters He said he would have done so if he had been llnllnce minis ter himself an apparent slap at Finance Minister Sharp would certainly have made that my goal and am confident that it could have been done he said The federal deficit in 10666 was $422000000 and the 1961 deficit Is expected to be 5735 ooonoo DOESNT UKEJIETHOD Mr Winters said he was brought up in an environment mostly business where the job seeks the man Politics were different have rather some strong views on the method by which the party chooses its leader shlp candidate Im bound to say shrink from becoming an volved in campaign of this na ture where four or five people from the same governmsntorel required to debate policies while bound by cabinet solidarity think that it unposusorns strains on party and govern ment that dont care to be party to gt lm not suggesting this is wrong lm suggesting my in compatibility with the system marsh Liberals Give lilacEaélien Oiation HALIFAX cc Some came not to praise AllanMac Eachenlbut to try to bury him However the itryearold federal health minister declined to lie down and instead declared his candidacy for the leadership of the Liberal party Nova Scotia Liberals Friday night gave nntive son Mae Eachen testimonial dinner and an ovation But just hours hetero the din nerat which Mr MacEachcn declared his candidacy the now spread here thatPrime Minister Pearson had stated that universal medical care in surance scheduled to come into effect July will be reviewed by the cabinet in light of provin cial attitudes on the problem Many provinces oppose imple tellectuals from 79 countries mentation of medicare year At the same time Eric Klee ans former Quebec minister oi revenueand besidewent on television hero to say Canada cannot afford universal medl caro at this time other leadership candidates and expected candidates or rived here to take part today in the annual meeting of the Nova Scotla Liberal Association Each will speak five to in min utes Among arrivals was Ihaas port Mrms ter Hellyer de clared candidate who has said It isinconsistent for the govern meat to urge fkcal restraint on the one hand and encourage substantial expenditures for medicare on the other Also on hand was Finance Minister Sharp who is under this stoodto beopposed to imple mentatlonof medicare this year andwho playedra part in Its original oneyear deferment He said he wflldeclare next week whether he candidate Mr clinch rreactinnï¬oprovloclel views and that he does not be lieve it indicates any posan ment of medicar